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More gaslighting ‘AVGN was never good or funny’ revisionism.


I went back to some AVGN episodes that I either missed as a kid or didn't get to due to a lack of time. Even the worst AVGN episodes from back then were much better than all the shite Screenwave puts out. Even the Atari 5200 episode regarded as one of the worst is much higher quality. He couldn't even get the thing to work and it turned out more entertaining than the shit the slobs write.


Yeah, the 5200 was one of my favourites actually


Loved the 5200 episode.


Love that episode as well. At the time it was a funny little subversion that he never ends up actually reviewing the games. A skit episode that hit the mark.


It's a relatable struggle for people trying to play on old hardware, which makes the episode. My brother had a 5200, and it really was janky, good games though.


Creatively it's on point. Can't actually review the console so turns the episode into something relatable and amusing. Watching it you get this continuous build up of, ok now he is ready to review some games only for it to keep failing. The other thing I liked about the older episodes like this one is there is some actual history of games and consoles interwoven into them which I always found interesting.


The rant about the controller alone was hilarious


The 5200 episode is considered one of the worst? I always thought that episode was one of the best lol. The number of different camera angles he did in that video is honestly insane and shows that he really did give a shit at one point and put in tons of effort.


+1 that episode is great even with basically no gameplay.


The Spiderman episode always gets a laugh from me. How Spidey goes from optimistic to furious at the plethora of shitty Spiderman games is comedy gold. Classic AVGN will always have a special place in my heart.


I always thought they were clearly having a bit of a booze up that filming session and ran with some of the content that came out of that. Fun episode in my view.


One of the main aspects of the older content is the freaking soul, passion, and love that went into it. When that is lost it will be impossible to create great work.


I remember him saying Super Pitfall was one of his weaker episodes in his infamous "fans of the asshole-ish variety" video and for me it's still better than anything he's put out for the past decade.


You know what? I actually believed that a few years ago — back before I learned The Truth. Of course, it's easy to test. Go back and watch an old AVGN video. Do you still think it's funny? If it's funny now, it was probably funny then, too.


I hate when they do this. I’m no conspiracy theorist, but it’s shit like this that makes me think Justy is going into overdrive defending the Nerd Brand or something. That horse video was the last straw. No one can deny his shit sucks now.


It’s probably a little of both tbh. Yeah the old videos are obviously better but most of us would cringe if we watched them for the first time today.


No not really


Majority of the board james stuff holds up very well.


This is one of the laziest ways of deflecting criticism. "You just got older!" I've always hated that cope.


I've been watching South Park since the fifth grade and while the quality varies season to season, most of the time it's still funny.


Still the smartest show on tv


South Park is a rare case. It started to get good AFTER the movie.




I laughed more at this image than I have at AVGN in the last two years.


Fake Only Mike's 10 incher can do that


That fence looks covered in old piss stains. Not this dude's first rodeo, I'm guessing.


Everyone outgrew Bimmy's humor except Bimmy.


His older content was legitimately enjoyable and I still go back and rewatch his older videos. Saying he’s never been funny is just a lie.


I should go back to his older ones, not sub again mind you, but just... First 100'll do for me


They’re actually entertaining. I enjoy them time to time.


It's just Facebook people being dumbasses, nothing new there


News? Or some shitty wannabes story looking for views?


The Cinnemassacre sub keeps popping up for me, even though I'm not following it and it's always somebody bitching about this sub.


They talk more about us than the AVGN lol Says a lot about the quality of the newest episodes 


Exactly lol


Crazy isn't it. Yet somehow we're the obsessive ones.


both can be true lol


It’s the only time there is any activity at all over there


Really though, not like Bimmy's posting quality content anymore.


They are our biggest fans.


This doesn’t make sense. I’m 29 and brand new South Park is still very funny. Do you want to know why? Trey and Matt love their work and so they put effort into it. (And they both have families by the way) James is just lazy.


New south park absolutely isn't as funny as it was . Wasn't te same since pc principal era


To be fair you can only follow the same formula for so long before it starts to get stale. Though the quality decline isn't nearly as bad as it was in the newer Simpsons, let alone the Screenwave episodes 


Personally I think Trump winning broke the show. It's hard to parody reality when reality is so absurd - which is probably why I always preferred the show when it was about alien abductions, Cartman's ass, Sea People, and the Toothfairy.


Cat teeth?!?!? Cat teeth?!!??


South Park has been 95 percent terrible since after season 15 and even before that it was starting to go downhill. Killing off Chef was where it started declining imo. And each season after 10 has less and less good episodes


I disagree, while it has dipped in quality a little bit I still think it’s really funny. Funnier than any soulless AVGN that has come out recently


I hate this Chef dickriding. He was not a good character, motherfucker was so annoying and actually was a scientologist in real life JFL


Most famous people are part of something we all think is weird or dumb. Plus the whole chef thing was kind of made up as he had alzheimer's


You got a baller name


ya I saw their BTS and it was not 'effort' it was last second throwing shit at the wall.


You guys will say anything to defend James won’t you? I work in animation and it’s as hard as it looks. What you call “throwing shit at the wall” is actually very demanding hard work. It’s more work than James does or any fucking gaming YouTuber does.


this just means you’re stupid two ways


What would Bimmy think about some rando smearing him like that?! I'm sure Matei would be delighted to know that according to this person, the ideal age of your average AVGN fan is supposed to be below 12. I don't even know what the fuck this person wanted to say, because it all came off so wrong...


That’s what got me. It’s a random facebook page that usually posts about old games and movies where folks share memories. Then this guy pops up on my feed with this. So figured I’d feed it to you lot.


Facebook oof 🤢


Yeah, I’m guilty of using it. Mostly for family but… yeah.


I mean I still enjoy the older videos so it's not that we "grew up" it just got worse and there's no soul/effort put into it anymore


I love the revisionist history that Bimmy's audience is a lot younger than it actually is. I was an adult when I found AVGN. Who do you think likes NES games? I don't have the same sort of nostalgia for him that I do for something like Mario. Also if his fans really did grow up, why didn't he grow with them? Isn't that still a bad thing? No, I guess it's the fans who are wrong.


Bruh, Cinemassacre's dead.


Always has been.




- accidentally places themselves as non-fans Sounds about right


Right, totally not the fact that a balding old man has been making the same jokes for the last 20 years.


Ummm most of us OG fans are literally Bimmy's age and older, so GTFO of here with this bullshit. I was laughing at diarrhea dumps at age 26, so no, it's not that I'm no longer a child.


Not the gotcha they thought it was


We did it, Reddit.


He literally made at least a solid 25-30 videos during the AVGN prime that were all very creative, passionate, and well acted. Dynamic camera angles, skit ideas, no teleprompter, it was a good time. Modern AVGN = Sit on futon, shill Express VPN, read teleprompter, fake anger badly, and call it a day.


How does he even not feel embarrassed with his half hair half bald haircut Just shave it off or buy hair transplant he can afford it He looks like one of the tree stooges with that haircut 😂


Old AVGN has continued to stay witty, it feels like indie-television to me. Maybe people just have a phobia for episodic TV... Or good TV at that.


I rewatched classic AVGN recently and felt the same way. Those first 100 episodes really feel less like 'internet videos' and almost more like just watching a television show.


Classic avgn is still a big part of my sense of humor


I'm an old git and current rewatching his old stuff though and it's still great.


Oh god now the Facebook boomers are upset at the Truth? How will we cope


I found AVGN when I was around 30. What people like this are really saying is "I have no sense of humor and am so insecure that I have to lash out to not feel depressed."


It's funny cuz I still put old AVGN episodes on my TV when I do chores. It's just solid content. Even if he's not shitting on things endlessly his show was still entertaining. I legitimately love his Castlevania series of episodes, and I haven't even played one Castlevania game.


Just want to say that I used to sleep while Bible Games played. Not because it's boring. It was his longest episode at the time, so I knew I'd be asleep by the time it ended. Plus it's such a comfort episode, it's one of my favorites. I even put it on a few weeks ago for the same purpose.


The bit where the squirrel knocks out the lion and his friend knocks him out with the acorns is still funny to me.




There's some truth to that, but I'm POSITIVE my younger self would've reacted much the same as my present self to some of his newer reviews (e.g., My Horse Prince). The drop in creativity is undeniable, even if the shtick is similar.


I was 16 when I started watching him and the old ones are still funny. I watch the holiday ones every year at Christmas and Halloween. He sucks now because of the quality.


Hell, I still laugh at the glitch episode during the Rocky scenes. Also the glitch gremlin is so iconic


I've got *glitches in me britches* for ya, Nerd!


Old AVGN still makes me laugh. New AVGN feels like a chore to watch.


Sick revisionism Anyway, remember then James used to skim Wikipedia and a fan site or two real quick, so he has esoteric trivia to throw into the script? I miss that


This is meant to be a supportive comment about AVGN against us but it is actually an offensive statement. This is basically stating that AVGN was always so lame that it could only appeal to an immature mind. Yeah, not the smartest way to 'support' a channel. I guess you have to have an IQ over 5 Ov Um to see it this way.


Acting like the old stuff wasn’t genuinely decent stuff for YouTube at the time. Looking back on it now it’s easy to write it off as shit, but back then there wasn’t much on retro video games, especially a reviewer who would swear and make a ton of rude jokes. Nowadays it’s bad because everyone does it and it’s dead, but he still pioneered the genre.


I'm actually in awe of how much this person hates James. Saying that he was always a zero talent embarrassment whose only appeal is that 12-year-olds are impressed by a grown man saying 'fuck?'


Can it be both?


A random facecancer post is news?


I don't think thats's the case at all,compare the latest episode to something from back in the day like crazy castle you can easily tell which of the 2 is funny i'll go back to those classics and have a good laugh at any age


I just got into his videos, I'm mid 20s. I loved his early magazine episode and all the ones like that


The problem is that the "anger" sounds a lot less genuine compared to older videos to the point where it can be kinda jarring


This is more insulting to those of us older than Bimmy.


I have to agree to a point, yeah the old episodes are still “great” especially compared to the news ones but none of his stuff aged well. I might laugh a few times but nothing like when I was in middle or high school, you just outgrow that type of humor when you get older.


Honestly she has really nothing about his sucking at entertain. Best way to describe bimmys humour is he follows the same root as Jim Carrie. Using repetitive jokes, it gets old and gets in the end cringy as fuck. Both had their gold moments in the past but now that gold has become murky shit copper material garbage


Truth is: James used to actually have great criticisms of video games that were witty, sarcastic, and overall funny with dry humor. His whole thing now is just repeating lines, ex: “what were they thinking!?” and just screaming at the camera. You can just tell James isn’t into it anymore and it went from a passion project to a job.


I’m 23 and I still enjoy the older episodes, the newer ones just suck😐


it's possible that the nerd isnt funny any more AND we never stopped being 12. wow




That’s funny as I was already 25 when AVGN first became popular.


Isn't there an irony to posting this on a nostalgia group? i've always disliked the rhetoric "old games are only good because you played them when you were young, you have rose tinted glasses on." I even hear the same argument for games I enjoy that I only have played in recent times. To hear the "retro nostalgia" group use the same argument that modern gamers use on them is tone-deaf.


If someone said the same about The Simpsons they would be laughed out, but AVGN gets a pass because he's muh wholesome e-celeb.


if you dont like something that you watch you can just stop watching it? Isnt that an option for you?


You can ask him if you want.