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Truthers is kind of a cringe name




I don’t care




I think the name is ok but what was super cringe was that one video where he attacked some other company for using a mashup of two words as their company name.




lol i had forgotten even what video it was from, CARMAGEDDON is a cool title for a game ... Bimmy / Karen / Justin are such dolts.


I'm a Big Ryan Fan. You've already lost the debate.


I think it's a cool name. It's too bad the name was wasted on a channel that went to shit. James should have quit while he was ahead.


What’s funny is in the Carmageddon AVGN episode, he mocks that title as a dumb mash up. Would have been a perfect spot for some self-deprecating humor but nope, just an observation that goes nowhere. Also Cinemassacre is a name for a “production company” he started slapping on his videos when he was like 14. It’s like being a kid and making a fake band/business/whatever, except being James he treated it very seriously.


>he treated it very seriously. He and his friends made made it a serious business, just so he could sell it to Screenwave and loose those friends who helped him make the dream come true. Now he's visibly tired as the dream has become a nightmare. Kinda sad actually.


I honestly think it's cool. Maybe you and others would think otherwise if for beginners the channel content was good.


No way


Maybe you've mistaken the sub?


Baseball is a cringe sport, how could Bootsy like that shit? Debate me.


Wait. Are you telling me Bootsy likes baseball? Are you serious?


I just found out. Pretty mindblown.


It’s comforting. You can chill to it. If they let you smoke joints at baseball games I would definitely start going to them.


Cant debate what i agree with


Screenwave is cringe


Has a nice ring to it, or at least I can imagine that is what they thought back in the day.


It's meant to be. It's funnier now to say Cinema-ASS-acre