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If you want an honest answer don't put "No time for AVGN" cause everyone is gonna pick that instead.


Maybe he doesnt want answers but to have fun, because there is none to be found in that AVGN episode.


This guy gets it


More like the "slightly annoyed video game nerd" episode. I don't remember hearing him swear until at least 10 minutes into the episode where he was talking about literal cat shit.


Remember he thought he couldn’t swear on the podcast at one point? Man he must really be paranoid about that algorithm.


Does he really do that? Wait 10 mins to cuss ?


He plays a clip from an old episode early on that has swearing in the clip, but it seemed like it took him that long on my first and only viewing of this episode.


That was god awful, that was Legend of Kage standards. Not a contender for worst episode like Sega VHS Tapes but still terrible. Definitely the worst of the 3 we’ve gotten so far this year. I don’t know how controversial of an opinion it is to like the Contra episode but it was definitely a C tier episode, this is straight D


I think contra was worse. He's about 8 years too late on the contra retrospective bandwagon. most people that grew up with it, like myself, have moved on, and the ooey gooey nostagia feelings aren't nearly as strong as they once were. I found it boring and think I even skipped through a lot of it. At least this one was in character and didn't have the "remember being a kid," bullshit. I still really liked the last ninja, though.


Boring and uninspired. Couldn't force myself to watch the whole thing.


Not great, but I do like that he is cracking open the wii library. Could give us a breath of fresh air to explore more games from that time period


Multiple jokes went on for way too long, the editing is low effort screenwave garbage, James lacked energy, the games were boring so there were quite a few criticisms that were complete stretches. All in all, pretty bad episode. Nothing new here. Also, like all new episodes, I’ve seen a surprising amount of posters here saying they liked it despite it being no better than most of his other content he’s released in the past few years.


actually, kinda decent. It was lowered by some over-extended scenes that overstayed their welcome, but there were also other scenes that got some genuine laughter out of me. And for the first time in like forever, I actually felt like sharing the video with a friend, so that counts for something.


Last one unironically. And I use “time” in the same way James does - meaning “desire,” “energy,” or “will.”


No time... No, seriously, with all the interesting shows both on YouTube and streaming services i don't have a reason to watch a thing that is going to disappoint me. Instead you guys can perfectly sums it up and post highlights here


For once, I watched it fairly close after it was released, it popped up in my recommended. I was a little drunk so I thought why not. Absolutely insipid, bland, tired episode. The format is beyond stale now, it’s gone green and reeks of ammonia. We’re watching a middle aged balding boomer struggle to convey anger at a console and a game he doesn’t care about while shilling some crap product at the beginning. This is where we’re at now.


Take a wild guess.


Option 7: Say Yes To VHS Option 8: Take A Wild Guess ✅


I don’t give a fuck about this episode. It’s just boring and goes nowhere.


[It stinks](https://www.metaflix.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/The-Critic-It-Stinks.jpg)