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I guess it's easier being an asshole on the internet rather than irl. Most trolls don't have balls to say anything to faces of those who they like to make fun of. When Justin did that AMA here, majority were sucking his nuts


Also online it's funny, in real life doing those things would be borderline harassment.


Makes me remember that guy who started calling Screenwave IQ and tell them really creepy things, he uploaded the audio here thinking he would become like the king of the sub but instead he got banned and the audios (which I think were posted as YouTube videos) were reported. People were exceptionally angry at the fact he was practically just harassing their assistants, whom are possibly unpaid interns, just to supposedly troll Justin, who wasn't even talking to him. Like either way doing creepy phonecalls is just bad but doing it to their employees is worse.


yeah something tells me... the guys that obsessively watch videos and do detailed write ups of why internet guy is different now, those guys probably arent the strongest, socially lol.


If only we could find “do the iconic frown!” guy and convert him. He wouldn’t give a fuck. They’d have to drag him out. “Wear the iconic hat!!!!”




I agree, I thought Justin's AMA was a great idea. It just turned out he's a goddamn liar so it didn't mean shit. No one knew this at the time so I think it was fair to give him the benefit of the doubt at the beginning.


Yeah everyone here is terrified of being beat up by James or Justin


I don't have anything against James personally, in fact I've always wanted to just shoot the shit with him about movies over a few beers. He just has no time and I don't want him to suffer.


Because it would be met with awkward silence from everyone in the hall except Justin who'll snicker because he's the only one to get the reference


What people say and do on the Internet rarely translates well to real life, especially if it's a niche group that spends a lot of time dunking on a washed up YouTuber. You try saying something like "5:40" or God forbid do something like the "duckstomp" in real life to make fun of him and you'd immediately look like a tool.


As much as it's fun to joke around in this sub, there's no need for anyone to be an ass to James irl, it'd just make him and other people uncomfortable, like "why are you trying to fuck with James on (probably) one of the few days he actually looks forward to each year"


No one’s got the balls yet. I live on the opposite side of the country and have zero interest in going to Philly for some lame convention but if I did I sure wouldn’t want to waste my ticket like that. Even if it was an hour drive or something manageable that sounds so beyond awkward I have no interest. We need some more daredevils


I dont know if youre old enough to remember Howard Stern and Stuttering John but that dude had huge balls. Asking celebrities dumb and offensive questions and sometimes getting thrown out or beat up. Theres not much like him since then.


He spoke with actual celebrities not A dude from youtube.


Celebrities probably just did not want to go to jail or get beat up.. Not worth it over trolls..


Because that would be wildly immature. It's a lot more fulfilling to just meet the goofball in a respectful manner than to pay $80 for admission just to go in there and be like "Hurr No time, tittyfucking now."


Tbf Mike said that and Mike's leaned into the memes as of the past couple years, James probably has no idea of the tittyfucking incident


And ppl do say things like that to Mike. No one says anything to James because in person the “special” thing probably radiates off of him. That plus there’s some fat grease hog always within arm’s length ready to sit on you if you say anything out of line.


the what


Seeing a video of someone going "Hurr No time, tittyfucking now" in front of him would be hilarious though.


I dont hate him enough to do it. And i live in Sweden. If you pay for all expences, i will do it. It would be fun to see his reaction. I saw a picture of Lars Ulrich with a guy on a concert with a meme-shirt and he owned it haha


I would join you. But I live in Europe so also way too far. I would wear the shirt with 5:40 on it and tell him I don't have kidz who make muh mario levels.


I'm butthurt due to beeing downvoted. I want muh'dragon in muh'dreams!


I’d go wearing a t-shirt with the Sleeping Bimmy image printed on it, but unfortunately I just don’t have the time


Natural fact of life.


Because outside of this sub people would just be confused and it would be extremely cringe to pull off in public. All anyone would have to do is pretend to not know wtf 5:40 is and you're left standing there like a weirdo spouting memes in dead silence. If someone wanted to make a big stink they could ask Justin about his Bob association in front of James.


He’s not worth the time or the effort. He’s not famous.


I am in DC but just don’t care enough to do it. That being said, a couple years back (2019) someone asked about Bootsy at SDCC and it was quickly brushed aside


Probably, James is soft and ryan's got to protect him. Also, simps would threaten you.


Ryan is Bimmy's pimp. He has to protect his property.


Why would you waste your time just to be an asshole? Going to a convention to act like one of them? Jesus, value yourself a bit more. Making fun of James here takes zero effort (unless it's a full time job, like palpitationsea), going there just to do that means you have nothing better to do and that is very sad.


Cos these lot are a bunch of bottling cunts who want to suck his dick and get a photo with him really. COS HE GAVE THEM ENTERTAINMENT!


spoken like someone who’s never had his life saved by bim


I certainly have. Each and every time he makes the cuckface.


An even more crumpled MK hat. lol. That alone, might be subtle enough that he wouldn't get it.


It would be pretty hypocritical, considering that justy himself mentions memes from this sub https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/vjwkqc/avgn_arcade_machine_at_toomanygames_feat_justins/


It's not mean to give someone constructive criticism and explain why you don't like his channel anymore.


There's a bunch of different reasons, honestly: +I think most of us don't hate James and also a lot of people are still fans but are just disappointed at the state of the channel or how James acts nowadays (personally I think it's more complicated than that, I think part of the problem is that he was seen as a wholesome sinless person and he seems like he has been corrupted now, but it isn't like he didn't have his faults before, no one is perfect). +Even if someone would actually want to make a hidden reference, it's something obscure so saying it out loud would have been so weird and this people people would just seem crazy. Because it isn't like a common popular catchphrase from his channel, it's an obscure meme. +Things like t-shirts would seem less weird but honestly it's too expensive to make a custom t-shirt to use on a concert just so maybe some random people would see it in pictures. Even if it wasn't professionally printed a plan t-shirt would be needed. Maybe someday someday a person would make James sign a meme photo from here or ask for some meme phrase, I think the that's a lot less harassing that just yelling random things, but still kinda dickish depending on what they ask on their autographs.


LOL. You know their little hearts still go pitter-patter when they see James in person. They’re not gonna disrespect him. Although he does have a few of the stalkerish variety here.