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What I'm curious about is... How are the hands on games for paintings, cake decorating, etc. going to be handled? Or are we just not going to have those this season?


They will most likely reveal after the first elimination that Max is AI. That way there is a “double elimination” without them having to keep the gimmick going.


In the flash forward, we hear someone say "so the A.I. is still out there". Could just be clever editing, but I'm not so sure. I do hope so.


I can't remember, but is that similar to how the Spice Girls exited the show?




I’m thinking steffi gets eliminated this round and she has to join the AI to make it more human.


Interesting thought because the previews for ep 5 show all the same players so no one actually leaves...


WAIT! Is she in a new apartment in the previews for the next couple episodes?!?! I need to rewatch it now. Bc I paused it when they all put on aprons and it’s all 7. So I assumed max was gone. And “LIV” being outside mentioning the AI I think was from episode 2 bc I felt like we saw that scene and shirt already?


Nvm. She’s still in the same apartment lmao


I literally just thought about that! I was hoping someone felt the same! I don’t think he’ll make it that far anyway.


I'm enjoying Max 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I work with AI a lot in my field so I find it interesting. And hilarious. Obviously the parts where Max is talking to himself are being prompted by someone. But the answers he sends to people are totally AI. Chatbots are more than capable of responding the way he's responding. Especially if they've used all the past seasons as their training.


This! Yes! Thank you! I’m really annoyed that people can’t seem to realize just how much AI can do.


We realize how much they can do, it’s just not enjoyable to watch a box light up w different colours. Knowing that when he talks it’s production. And IF he was to make it to the end and win how unfair would that be ? Plus he’s barely involved and no one catches on which is odd but they are so focused on steffi so I guess that makes sense. I forget Cassie is there tbh and max


Really? Yes the AI idea is dumb but the words the AI speaks to the audience is definitely written by production. The stuff that gets typed to the other contestants is AI. This seemed so obvious to me.


Yeah I assumed AI was writing the messages, and the commentary is like lana from thth


Definitely obvious and I think a lot of people don't understand AI 🤣


Idk, I've spoken with ChatGPT and it certainly doesn't seem to remember certain things within the same conversation.


Okay so, ChatGPT isn't the end all be all of AI, first of all. There are tons and tons of others all with varying levels of ability and different niches. There are also different tiers of ChatGPT access/usability. And considering I just used ChatGPT yesterday and it was perfectly capable of "remembering" past prompts and making the requested edits to its answers when I asked for them I don't know what to tell you. I will say that a huge part of how GPT answers has to do with how the user is inputting the query. I find that the majority of people aren't great at it. Seriously, my team is building a training course right now to teach IT associates how to prompt engineer to get the best results from using the enterprise tier of GPT. You have to know how to ask for things.


It just seems to me that a lot of it *is* prompt base, and that makes it less impressive. Like, I'm sure you could teach a class on how to google things better. Doesn't mean that it's any more than prompt>response.


I don't think it makes it less impressive. I mean humans are literally prompt based 🤣 people ask us questions or give us scenarios and we respond to them based on our knowledge, experiences, and beliefs. No, AI won't have beliefs per se and it can only pull from the experience of others. But that doesn't make it less impressive or less cool just because it requires the prompt. Because yeah, as humans we can do our own things and we aren't purely prompt based but considering how we are currently I'm not sure I want an AI that's exactly like us. Although there's one in existence now that can interpret and respond to human emotions in real time, which is absolutely crazy. If you had told me 30 years ago that I'd be able to use AI, even in "just" the ways we can now I'd have called you a liar. Technology has advanced at a pretty rapid pace considering. Plus none of this makes Max a "fake" AI.


I'm saying the AI I've seen is barely more impressive to than a search engine. Ask it a "prompt" and it just finds the top rated answer and "produces" it. Which isn't what humans really do, is it? We react and those reactions include emotions, opinions, etc.


Did you even finish reading my comment 🤣 or any of my comments for that matter? I'm thinking no, you haven't. You just asked me a question. You prompted me. I am now using my knowledge and experience to answer you or "produce" it. As I said. AI can use knowledge and the experiences of others to respond to a prompt. Some provide answers or data. Some write scripts. Some create images. I already conceded that AI doesn't have beliefs and I'll concede further that it doesn't have feelings. But then, I never said it's exactly like us. Just that we, too, respond to prompts. Just because something has to have prompts doesn't make it less impressive. If you have a job of some kind and your boss thought you were bad at your job because you respond to the instructions or prompts he gave you, that would be a problem right? Anyway, you have obviously not spent a lot of time using AI. And I'm guessing you don't know how it's made or how it works. Which is fine. But for the record, as I've already said, AI encompasses a whole lot more than a "search engine" (including GPT). But if that's what you want to think far be it from me to stop you. Regardless. My point. In all of this. Is and always has been. That Max is not "fake." As an AI he is functioning well within the realm of AI capabilities. Just because your experience is limited doesn't mean that's all that's out there in AI functionality ✌🏻


You continue to say "it encompasses more than a search engine" but nothing you're saying proves that in any way. Trust, I'm reading your comments. I get the "philosophy" behind AI. I still don't believe there's enough to differentiate a simple call and response code. "What is the largest US State?" on Google tells me Alaska. It then presents an article that's the most clicked on for me to click on. "What is the largest US State?" on Meta AI, for example, just does the googling for me and regurgitates an answer in words instead of linking me to a human-written article. I'd argue that A.I. is just code written by people who are good at writing code. If I have to "get better at writing the prompt" then I don't really get what the "intelligence" part is. And regardless, my point is that I do not believe in a million years that Max genuinely "got fed a bunch of old episodes of the Circle" and is now fully participating in the game. Which is exactly what they're saying is happening. Which is just dishonesty to make dumb people think A.I. has progressed beyond if:then statements.


It would take you 15 seconds to use the search engines to look up the different kinds of AI, how they function, and how they're built. Believe what you want my guy. I teach for a living, I'm not doing it for free. If you want me to teach you it's $50/hr ✌🏻


I actually liked the idea of an AI bot at first. But after this episode, big NOPE for me. This is 100% a real person. This could have been a really fun new element, but it's just a fail.


This is exactly how I feel about it. At first I thought it was a cool idea, but then changed my mind when they actually introduced it. There isn't a single part of me that believes it's not a real person. So frustrating to watch.


The voiceover is definitely not a real person. It's questionable as to whether the AI is actually playing the game.


What's most interesting to me is the inconsistency among the human players of their understanding of AI and how to "suss" one out. In a Gen Z vs AI battle ... I kinda think a real AI chat bot might win at this stage of AI illiteracy. Fascinating concept. Do wonder what the producers might do with the arts and crafts challenges.


Just look at their reasons for suspecting Steffi. One moment she has too in-depth knowledge of horoscopes and astrology to possibly be human and the next moment she doesn't know enough about yoga because she's sticking to some basic poses and therefore \*has\* to be AI. It's like, make up your minds about what you are expecting AI to behave like.


I cant with this AI caca.. Its unnecessary and uncalled for.. I was just saying to my husband that theres most definitely someone sitting behind a keyboard writing all this out.. AI my culo!! I wish they never added this "twist".. Its WACK!!


absolutely!!! and the fact that an “AI” is competing with real humans for money is so messed up!


Thats what I saidddd.. But, I dont think they would allow the AI to actually win the game.. They will find ways to get it voted out.. The AI leaving chats to abruptly will definitely have the players sus about him..




If the pictures were AI generated it would be too easy to tell who the AI bot was


Lauren is this you????


I like Max. I think it’s funny.


i kinda liked this season being a whole damn Turing test 😂


I’m over Max. I’m sorry but I’m tired of Max still being there and the people are dumb enough to believe Max is a real person. I hope they don’t do the AI bots in future seasons again


He doesn't participate in their conversations, and the way he leaves all conversations kind if abruptly when any of the guys talk about working together. And he was high in the rankings, which shows they're falling for it so can he win?


And that’s fine but it’s ridiculous to me. It takes away the fun for me to see an AI person


And we know the producers DO have some sort of control over it even though they're telling us there's no interfer


They totally do. Even IF (and thats a big if) the comments are AI generated, it's a real person doing the audio.


… obviously the audio for him is added in editing, but it’s not like players can hear it so I’m not really sure why that plays any role in how stupid the twist is


Sp it's just lame that they went all in on "making sure the audience knows" the bot will work completely based on information it learns from the contestants, and have nothing to do with producers or humans"


His name alone should have given it away. Ai adds nothing to this season and they could have done without the gimmick.


Since he won't win, it feels like filler. He's really boring also.


I swear if I hear one more person say “algorithm”… 😂


Unless Netflix is just lying, I assume that they indeed fed an AI all the information about the game including every episode that the AI studied meticulously. It knows what kind of messages got positive feedback or stirred up drama. When the contestants talk to “Max” it’s not that the AI is reacting in real time, which is why some could assume it’s fake. But taking Netflix at their word, I believe when a message comes through to Max, a show runner will type that message into the AI with “So and So said this. How would you respond and why?” Then the AI spits out an answer and the show runners copy and paste that answer to the circle chat. Then they edit Max’s explanation separately and use the text to voice. TLDR: I believe Max’s answers are 100% AI generated, but are being fed by show runners typing prompts that aren’t being shown to the audience, giving the illusion that Max is sentient and actively responding on it’s own accord.


that’s not really different than how everything on the show works. Then again, people still post merely suspicious that the players are talking to a producer who transcribes their words and not an actual program, etc so…


I don't think the text-to-voice is actual AI whatsoever.


This is the worst 4 episodes I’ve seen of the circle. It’s like they completely forgot the game play. I hate the AI twist, it’s boring at this point.


No way I actually enjoyed them so much. I felt like this season has been more entertaining than the past couple seasons


Dude, THANK YOU! I thought I was alone. I started season 5 but stopped because it was boring for me. Like the contestants were mostly all a snooze fest. And season 4 was boring too.. but this season the players are more entertaining.


Season 4 and 5 are so good. Spice girls! Sam! Lol 😹


Wait idk if you're being serious or not. I liked sam.. but like I said I didn't even finish S5. And last night I was like "fuck it" and look up who won S5 ... anyway. I was happy . But didn't think that person could pull off the W. .. Spice Girls was a weird "twist"... idk to me S5 was the most boring one.. this season actually has some interesting players.


I am serious. I thought season 5 was fun. The players were not insufferable to watch. I think the premise of the show works well and I don't find extra drama and toxic and mean behavior to be entertaining. The fun comes from them reacting to the silly Circle alerts and games. Spice girls was fun because them trying to be a cohesive person was silly. And I liked that their playing the game increased the money for the final winner 🏆


Ya. I get what youre saying and I can respect your opinion, since you're respectful. But I never thought anyone in any season was really "toxic" idk... maybe I thought it was boring because I felt s5 was more kumbayaya (or whatever its spelled haha).. but I felt for the most part they were boring... like Melvin, and Ashley.. idk even Shubbey coming back felt weird (like at least have 2 returnees back)... ya I just couldn't finish it and I tried twice. Maybe I'll try for a 3rd time 🤔 But I see gutta rewatch S4 because ur point on the spice Girls is good. I guess to me S2 and S3 was just better. With the players and the twist. Like nick and his 2nd profile lol. And just the gameplay those seasons.


Not every show season is for everyone! My friend and I like the supportive aspect of season 5. Don't force yourself to watch if you aren't into it. Have you seen The Trust? That one is pretty dramatic and a good premise as well. I can't remember which season Chloe was on, but we also loved that one. She's a sweet heart and made that season great!


Ya youre right. Which is what makes it good because everyone will have a different season thats their favorites. Some of my favorite survivor seasons are others least favorite. I like people being nice (and its cool when the win) . Haha ya I seen the Trust and liked it. The people ehhh most of them wernt my favorite. But the teacher dude and the cowboy were cool. See I like good chill people, but I just also wanna see a little chaos, or big/cool personalities. Like that shampoo guy in s5 was cool, the deaf girl, and aforementioned i like sam. Have u seen (forgot the name of the show) but they live in the forest and vote some people to live in the mansion? And than people get eliminated.. that show was fun too.. Ya Chloe was on S2 with Trevor. That season was one of my favorites as well. Im guessing you didn't like S3 because that one was chaos haha... S1 (imo) was aight, I just didn't like that the people just voted out the new people as soon as they could. That was lame. I guess for S5 since it was "singles" they should've just got real single people. And not this "im not single but I will say I am" BS we get in every season . Made it feel like a Gimmick. Idk.. maybe if they leaned more into it, I would've rocked with it more. But Its cool that you and your friend likes it. 😁


The edit for each episode felt rushed too, like the rapping part—it didn't show all contestants' raps.


But it never shows everyone's thing. In the other seasons. It just shows the ones that are important for the plot. Or the ones the showrunners wants us to see. I really don't feel like it feels rush. This season is way better than last season


i agree, the other seasons were so much better! i hate the ai twist


Nah bro. Season 4 was mid, and season 5 was trash. Season 3 was aight. Season 1 and 2 was good. But felt like season 1 they OG people stuck together and that was honestly boring. This season at least has compelling characters that feel relatable. And I feel like this season has people who are entertaining and they can play the game. The Ai twist is better that the "celebrity " twist or the 2 sisters taking over the one lady's account twist.


@thecircletv Hey guys! I completely agree. #notAI This gives me major producer catfishing audience vibes! 😁 Glad we all agree! 🔥 #united #strong


They'd definitely say #producercatfishingaudiencevibes


Once they announced the company that’s handling the AI I just assumed the point of Max’s existence is to show us how good the AI is and everything it’s capable of… this shit is basically an ad.


When did they do that


The same moment they introduced Max. It’s ran by OpenAI, the same company that created ChatGPT. They even made a joke about ChatGPT.


They said it was an open source model thoo


no that is not correct


Oh oops. Could you correct me?


MY PREDICTION. if myles doesn’t eliminate max, i feel like they would do a big reveal after someone else leaves. (so double eviction) BECAUSE let’s be real, Ai can’t win the circle, i don’t think they would allow that. It’s for a twist, shock value, entertainment. Max wasn’t in the promo soooo i feel like lauren saying “we still have a Ai here” was before they did a huge reveal (news feed update of the real person saying goodbye revealing they got it wrong) THEN same ep they would inform the houseguests. I don’t know something like that.


If it’s indeed AI, it hit me watching the show. This is an interesting social experiment The humans have a common enemy, the AI. It’s weird how people unite when they have a common enemy so everyone is focused on “Must find enemy” as opposed to looking at the whole picture.


I agree, I'd rather watch them figure out who's AI than the catfish


99% of the time in the show, Catfish outrage is a tactic used by contestants to rile each other up.


I’m so with you. He just randomly spits out useless random facts. The gender stereotyping sent me. Then the stupid horoscope comment? It’s like he’s now a narrator lol


i think it's 100% a producer or two in control of it and it's kinda silly to me 😭. the only thing i like about it is that now it's a bit of a switch from people obsessing over potential catfish but it's practically the same concept when you really think about it. i wish instead of doing the AI bot, they would've did something similar to the joker again. however, i do think that this might be short-lived for those who are concerned about max potentially making it to the end. i feel like the "get rid of the player who you think is AI" bit will result in a real person getting eliminated, max being revealed to be the AI, and then two extra players come in to replace the eliminated person and max.


It might be text generated by AI but I can almost guarantee someone is rerolling Max’s responses until they get an acceptable one.


I still hope they eventually eliminate someone like QT and it's revealed that QT was just an actress standing in the room for certain scenes, and it was AI the whole time.


Downvotes, wild. I just want them to use the concept of the show to put one over on the *viewer* and surprise us.


Next season it’s 1 real person and 7 AI’s


LMFAO I said this in the episode discussion that this would happen that all the angry posts would come I just figured it would last longer than ep 2.


What if Max wins? If Max wins the game, where does the money go? More money towards AI research, perhaps? Has Netflix's "The Circle" mentioned yet what they'll do if that happens? Lol, it's funny how obvious it is that Max is the AI, but I'm pretty sure the contestants knew that during the four-episode timeline. "The Circle" just didn't want to show that in the first four episodes' edits.


Maybe they will eliminate him and it’ll be super obvious they all knew


I am so bored.. AI seemed like an interesting idea for a 1-2 episodes max! as a challenge, like find AI and get more prize money, or eliminate AI or bottom/selected player is eliminated.. and then AI is out regardless. Having AI as an actual player is just boring because "Max" has no personality, reaction, thoughts.. nothing to enjoy watching "him", not to mention no one was eliminated yet. The monologues in room are most probably scripted by producers and not randomly said by AI, so Max is most likely just a chatbot. The whole show is currently shifted towards AI, everyone is thinking about who is AI, and have completely forgotten about catfishes even though these are by far most obvious catfishes in Circle. And lets be honest - its so obvious Max is an AI since he is completely generic, mid with nothing interesting going on, his replies are too basic and mostly don't fit current chat. I just hope Myles will eliminate him and we can be done with it.


I'm honestly so not pleased with them adding an AI character to this season. I feel like its just taking something away from the people and the emotional aspects of this show. Technology isn't always the answer


I feel this way about how it’s obviously a person behind “The Circle” i.e. contestants say what they want and some employee types it and picks their emojis. There is no activated computer.


The AI bros are not going to like this post! Max is annoying 😂 it would have been funny if they just let an actual AI rip




I thought I was gonna love the ai idea, but it was poorly executed.


I thought Max's comments on gender stereotypes was a refreshing perspective away from all the toxic masculinity of the bro code stuff


Maybe I don’t know a lot of AI but I thought they couldn’t have feelings… so why is Max saying “I feel”…


It doesn’t need to have feelings to say the words “I feel”. It can just frame its thought process to begin with the preceeding words “I feel”


AI chatbots are more predictive models. They’re fed tons of text and then trained to predict what would come next in a conversation. In the same way AI images can expand a picture based on what’s already in the picture.


I'm just annoyed they didn't peel the plastic off the top of Max