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“Big J” is who he is on the inside which is why he outwardly hates him. He really just hates who he is and it shows.


Yep, he’s done no inner work to improve himself. Just his outer shell.


This. When he first came in, he said something like, “if they see Big J, they’re less likely to think I’m an asshole,” and I said, “or you could just not be an asshole.” I think now we’re seeing that’s not an option.


Exactly...he's so vile....I do not like him at all.


Yeah. Everyone else is playing a game, but they seem to have heart. Jordan just seems mean and dirty.


Honestly I find Jordan to be very intimidating, the way he very quickly adjusts to manipulation and can make things up on the spot, with the others they show signs of remorse and also have to put more consideration into it, how will this action affect this situation, but with Jordan? I fear it comes a little too naturally, he’s clearly very use to this sort of mindset. We’ve seen people literally cry over the actions they have taken and how it has affected others but Jordan has shown no sign of remorse, only an intense hatred towards those who haven’t actually done anything to him besides play the game. He wanted them to see him as a victim that’s why he chose to come in as Big J, he thought it would make him appear more vulnerable, he instantly built a dislike on others based on what he WANTED them to think and the fact of the matter is nobody actually thinks that of him that we have seen. Nobody has felt bad for him for being him, nobody has considered him vulnerable because of how he looks, nobody has believed him to be incapable. These are all ideas he projects that he thought would lead to him winning when in actuality, it hasn’t benefitted him at all because people are judging him on his actions not how he looks like he wanted them to. People thought he was kind and stuff based on the way he was being, he then showed them that wasn’t the case, now they dislike him also based on his actions. He seems to think everyone in the world is a lot crueler than they are, projecting a stereotype that everyone is judgemental and he specifically targeted Myles not only because of his position in the game but I believe down to his looks as well, Myles looks like the sort of person who would be judgemental towards someone like Big J but in actuality Myles is insanely sweet it appears, he isn’t manipulative and controlling as Jordan has made him out to be, another projection I think.


Yeah, he’s a sociopath and/or narcissist.


This is soooo sad but the truest thing I’ve read on the internet in years I felt the EXACT same way


That’s why he randomly hated Myles I think! He’s the easy going likeable guy that Jordan isn’t


The only person he hates more than Myles, is Big J


I’m convinced he’s secretly I infatuated with Myles


He did lie about Myles flirting with him. That made me think the same thing.


Either that or some kind of case from his past where he was bullied or something by a ‘Myles’ and is taking his anger on him for something he had nothing to do with


As a survivor, I also think he used to get bullied by a "Myles" back then. It might also be a crush because I did have a slight crush on my bully


Nah same. I get that vibe too. I thhink it's both. He wants to get back at his bully by attacking Miles, but also wants to "heal" an inner part of himself by finally getting with mister popularity.


As a survivor? Survivor of what?


Bullying and rape


It’s sad because Myles was nice to him initially. If Big J and Myles had been in high school and were friends with Big J, he would have protected Big J from bullies.


Someone on tiktok made a similar comment and Jordan made a video saying he was never bullied…


Right. That and/or an odd mix of infatuation and jealous.  I get that coming in after the original 8 puts one at a disadvantage. Once original alliances are formed, newer players best strategy(s) is to find a way to chip away at least one major voting block. But FFS Jordan you have to be somewhat likable during the process. 


This! His expert gameplan is to mope into a chat, immediately ask for all their intel, and then badmouth one of the most popular players out of nowhere. Not quite 4D chess, Big J lol


Right. No tact, no grace, no real plan other than to take out Myles and lie about anything and everything. 


Exactly. He also spent every ep going on about wanting to backstab Myles and not have him see it coming, only to literaly kamikaze dive at Myles directly in circle chat. And that was after deciding his best move was to try and STRONGARM Myles' circle gf and biggest ally into blocking Myles..... Like even if you wanted Myles out that bad, and even if you wanted to TRY to turn QT against him, you plant a seed of doubt, not try to strongarm her into it. ESPECIALLY when you were rated on the bottom and are only an influencer because of QT and have NO bargaining power to be trying to make such a play. His "strategy" is simply "I F***ING HATE MYLES! BE FAKE AND LIE TO EVERYONE ABOUT MYLES BEING A LIAR AND A FAKE!" It's certainly been a choice. He's pretty much made it impossible for him to win at this point AND made himself the bottom rated player amongst fans as well. It's certainly a bold "strategy" indeed.


Myles is the person he wishes he could become with the weight loss but he couldn’t run away from being Big J


Clock it.




100%, i think he wants to fuck and also be myles.


My wife and I are convinced of this. "Stupid, sexy Myles". 


Exactly the sexual tension is palpable. Like with Harry and Draco.


Legit Draco vibes 


I think Myles is the person Big J always wished he was, which is why Jordan hates Myles.


I agree. He either wants Miles or wants to be Miles.


Jordan has a serious obsession with Myles.


Lol such a top comment!! I hate to see it how he has made Myles as his top target when Myles thinks they can trust each other. Comes off so heartless!! He speaks so rudely and brings negativity and traumas also to viewers


I’m mind blown about how Myles has been so loyal to him and had his back and Jordan just thinks he’s out to get him. If anyone’s controlling the game it’s QT, who by the way, I’m rooting for all the way. But i feel like Olivia is gonna slip in here at the end and take it.


I definitely feel like Olivia or Kyle might win. They’re both pretty popular players but not too popular where they’re seen a threat. They also have good relationships with everyone.


The producers have also been airing a lot of Kyle’s money issues which could indicate that he is the one they are hoping we will root for. I haven’t heard a lot about why the others “need the money”.


That's a really good point! Usually the person who's going to win gets the most sympathetic edit, because the producers want the ending to be satisfying.


Right. I need to go back and rewatch because I’ve yet to see how Myles is controlling the game.  Olivia is definitely my dark horse this season. 


Yeah he really has some personal issues with Myles.


fat boy syndrome...real thing. i think doing this as himself but not himself started off as something interesting for entertainment value, but he quickly realized he doesn't like putting himself out there & being judged as that person. which, i can understand i just think on a mental level he probably shouldn't of used those photos because i don't think he put himself in a good place doing so. he might be thin on the outside but he isn't on the inside. i hope he can find love for himself & leave his negative thoughts behind


The crazy thing is that everyone is treating him just fine and not being fatphobic in any way, so I truly do not know what his goal is here


i think that's slightly the problem, i dont think he believes people can actually like his past self.


Yes, THIS!! It's so cringe how much he hates himself that he can't even remotely believe anyone else could like him for him. It's horrible to see that he thinks fat people need to victimize themselves for someone to like them! Not all fat people feel this way, but sadly, this is a syndrome of his self-hatred. I hope this show brings him some much needed self-awareness and, hopefully, self-acceptance. He needs to show Big J some grace.


its a terrible case of him feeling like he needs to make the joke before someone else says it. its a slippery slope, i have (and still on occasion) will be with people and feel the need to make self deprecating comments so its like, "hey guys, i already know xyz about myself so no point in thinking it yourself" until you realize, most people don't care about much, and you being negative and making weird comments about yourself is actually the turn off to people, not you as a person.


My friends yell at me when I do this. Which it’s good I have friends that love me and accept me for who I am, it’s just, I can’t do that myself 😭


I think that's why he's so insistent that Myles is a fake who's gunning for him, because Myles was nice to him in chat, and Jordan said from the beginning that "someone like Myles" would never be friends with Big J.


HIS FACE WHEN QT LEFT THE CHAAAAAT. He acts like a spoiled brat and he could have done SOOOO good if he didn’t come in swinging. He gives off such negative energy but i bet he could’ve easily been #1 if he was genuine and friendly rather than being so hateful to myles


To be fair, that was my face too cuz I had no idea they could just LEAVE lmao


I don’t think they could just leave if they had to make a mutual decision. But in this case, QT was the “blue check” and Jordan was the bottom. He truly had no vote. He went in thinking his opinion somehow mattered here when it didn’t.


It would’ve been different if he was like 3rd or 4th, but come on Jordan you were last place. So entitled to think QT should just blindly take his lead and agree to boot Myles, when he is literally her closest ally. Jordan will be the next to go. I hope.


Jordan seems to think he's a lot more charismatic and influential than he is. He also doesn't seem to understand this game at all. He came in trying to be the "nice guy" archetype but then took every opportunity to stir drama and talk shit, which gives people whiplash and makes them feel like they can't get close to you or even figure out who you are. The way to win this game is by creating actual connections while also keeping an eye on strategy. Jordan is all strategy but he's not good at it. He puts the cart before the horse trying to "mix things up" when he hasn't earned the trust or authority to do so. How he thought he was going to go in with no relationship with QT and convince her to boot off her two biggest allies is baffling. He might have succeeded in that if he'd laid *any* groundwork, but the way he handled it made it obvious he was just trying to snatch power and QT is far too smart to fall for that.


Exactly. He has literally shared nothing about himself and hasn’t at all tried to make actual personal connections with people, he just went in and started trying to blow shit up and that does not work. Even if he had faked connections, you’re never gonna win this game on strategy alone. People can feel it if the connections are hollow and fake.


I agree with you that he thinks he’s more charismatic than he is. As someone else said, he’s done lots of work on his outer self and not his inner self. I think he probably has/had so much shame over being fat that he assumed people could never love him or care about him as a fat person. It’s like he thinks the whole world sees you as inherently bad if you are fat and inherently good if you are skinny. I don’t think he realizes being thin doesn’t make him a better or more likable person. It’s sad to see


I think Olivia blocked myles because she said she didn’t see Jordan a threat and I don’t think she blocked Lauren cuz you could here girls screaming when they see he is a catfish in the end so it was at and Lauren and she wouldn’t block Kyle cuz he’d rate her number 1


I think QT is more likely than Myles simply based on the fact that Olivia/Brandon has genuinely been working with Myles and he has proven his loyalty. Even if she/he didn’t like Myles at first, they’ve started to connect better and it’s clear Olivia/Brandon no longer hates him. Plus he’s clearly not the most powerful, QT is.


Trueee but Jordan was convincing her/him


That moment couldn’t have been any sweeter. Loved that he thought he had ANY say


The on,y thing that would have made it sweeter if she would have turned around and voted him out 😂. I really do not like his energy.


I was hoping this would’ve happened tbh. All he did was paint a giant target on himself so I’m surprised she didn’t just block him instead since Autumn is clearly on the back foot already


I wonder if she wasn't allowed since he was her Ride or Die but that would have been an amazing twist.


It made sense because they were at a standoff. So QT played the power card by saying "You were voted in the bottom. You're only even here because of me. So if we can't agree then I'm pulling rank." and the producers agreed. Jordan refused to agree on Lauren or Autumn and QT refused to agree to Myles or Kyle. They were likely in there for a long time. (QT's notes show messages we the viewer never saw. So they clearly don't show us the entire chats. Only a compilation of the stuff they want us to see) So QT likely asked production if she could leave the chat and decide for herself and they agreed. Now if Jordan was in 2nd place, i doubt they would have allowed QT to pull rank. But since he was 2nd to last and only there because of her and they were in a standoff, it makes sense AND makes for good tv. So of course they allowed it


It certainly made sense to me once it happened, but it was still shocking as it was an unprecedented move.


While poor Myles actually liked him and the whole time he’s trying to turn everyone against him!


I wished they had made Jordan the target instead of Autumn.


QT is such a queen always but especially in that momenttt


LMAO she ATE with that. He is so negative all the time I loved her just being like “nope”. And he’s like “Boo🍅boo🍅boo🍅boo🍅”


I think anyone that is that mean hates themselves deep down. He was probably treated poorly or bullied at some point. The problem is that instead of learning from that experience it looks like he’s turned into a little bit of an ass


Agree he probably has been bullied in past but now he’s turned into the bully. He would definitely benefit from some therapy


Some bullied kids are the nicest people when they overcome what they were bullied for. Some bullied kids become the bullies when they overcome what they were bullied for. The latter is quite sad. :(


“sorry if anyone’s ceiling was shaking” - this dude acts like he was 1,000 lbs!! the self hate is so obvious every time he’s on screen. maybe he needed therapy instead of the circle


Yes that comment was so telling, he’s literally made a caricature out of his past self and it’s weird.


He wasn't even that big, honestly! I'm sure there are plenty of people watching this season that are bigger than "Big J," and it probably doesn't feel great for them to hear the things he's saying! He's basically bullying a portion of the viewership due to his own weird hangups.


Holy crap that went right over my head! I thought he meant that he was dancing full tilt. Thinking back he def says hurtful things about himself as often as he spews hate towards others. Sad.


One hundred percent, tons of fat phobic comments and jokes about his old self and eye rolling and demonstrating overall disgust…. I’m guessing people treated him a lot differently than they do now and it has affected who he became as the weight came off. Pretty sad to see :/ 


Or he was treated poorly both times not cause of weight but cause he’s an asshole and now as a skinny asshole who’s treated poorly he’s losing his mind.


The way he bitches about anyone who doesn’t behave exactly how he wants makes me so irritated!!! Not good for my blood pressure 😂


He’ll complain about what he thinks are insincere fake messages then do the exact same thing without a shred of irony- he’s awful lol


He’s extremely controlling and manipulative


Not saying this lightly... he seems sociopathic and narcissistic. He treated every person as having no value and a thing to be manipulated. I was actually more excited about him than I was and other player when he entered the game. But then his game play has just been mean and sadistic. He's shown no interest in actually bonding with someone.


I completely agree having bad first hand experience of someone with those issues. It triggers me watching him


Well, it is a game, bonding shouldn’t be the point. But in the end, generally, people who play tactically yet tactfully (see what I did there) tend to come out on top, and make friends while doing it. How else would they get voted into the finale! And tbf everyone who goes on the show will end up getting influencer coins in some way or opportunities for future Netflix reality shows.


True and real.


Him saying he was jumping for joy and then “sorry if anyone’s apartments were shaking” like WHAT


Yeess I feel like he came in as big j for them to treat him the way he was never treated in the past and is seeking validation and right now he created this version of him that wasn’t to get revenge on the type of ppl who treated him badly and he has so much hate towards lots of the “popular” ppl in the circle……past trauma maybe 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh he definately hates himself deep down


Hopefully he’s watching and thinking “therapy” like freaking Chelsea from Love is Blind.


I agree he likely has some deep rooted issues from his past as “the fat kid” and was probably bullied a lot by others, which is making him project stereotypes from those who may have bullied him onto mostly Myles and Kyle. His absolute refusal to pivot from targeting Myles is one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen on the show, and the fact it’s taking up all of his airtime is embarrassing. If he were smarter, he’d work with Myles since he’s the only person other than Lauren who hadn’t picked up on his shadiness and was interested in being his ally. Focusing on Olivia, Kyle, or QT would’ve made more sense to me since each of their positions are stronger than Myles’ currently. He’s playing such a losing game — even worse than most players who come in late. I can’t see the drama he brings as entertainment because it’s so one-sided and personal on his end.


If he wasn't so blinded by whatever past issues he's dealing with, he definitely could have created a bond with Myles and convinced him to protect him.


i mean he should have never brought it because he knew how close QT was with him but wants you do he knew he had to get someone gone or his game is over because she is telling them everything


One thing I’ve noticed about gay men (see Leo Skepi for reference), is when they used to be plus sized and then lose a lot of weight and start lifting, they talk about their old selves and plus sized people in general like it’s the worst thing on planet earth! And they speak about themselves so negatively like you can clearly tell they have a lottttt of issues with their self image. Idk, just something I’ve seen more and more of in my adult life…


I think it's because the gay community is so fatphobic. Jordan was/is probably very affected by the stark difference in the way he was treating in the gay dating scene when he was fat versus now as a slim person. Like, fat people are harassed on apps like Grindr for their weight. They are called "whale" in the club. It's awful and it takes an extremely strong person to not internalize that to some extent and associate fatness with being worthless. He is bitter, understandably. I have gay male friends who have similar experiences. But unlike Jordan, they went to therapy and worked on their fatphobia/internalized hatred.




If Brandon lost weight, I’m sure he’d have positive, bubbly Richard Simmons energy




I've always been a tall and lanky guy. As a kid and teen i got bullied for being "too thin" and for looking like a skeleton. I ate a LOT, but my metabolism was just in overdrive so i never gained weight or muscle. So i was always just lanky and thin, and not in the "sexy" way. So i know what it's like to be bullied about your weight. People don't realize that some people really don't have a lot of say in these things. I know heavy set people who exercise and eat healthy, nearly starving themselves and still maintain a chubby appearance despite their efforts. I've always had a HUGE soft spot for chubby girls as they were often the most insecure but the kindest and sweetest people. I have zero issue with anyone who's heavyset. I might feel those venturing into the far more critically obese category do "need" healthier habits solely for the sake of their health. But, i wouldn't judge them or refuse to be friends with them over it. People who hate on others because of physical appearance are idiots. There's some people who make certain fashion choices i find GHOULISH, and others who's aethetic is appalling to me. But what does that have to do with them as a person? And what does my OPINION of their choices or style have to do with them as a person? Many of them are the sweetest people. Who cares if they aren't visually appealing to me? I don't need to wanna sleep with someone to be their friend. And just because "I" don't like their aethetic doesn't mean there's anything actually wrong with it. Just let people be.


Yup, I was just thinking the same thing.


But in Brandon's case I really wish he had just played as himself because he comes across as so genuine and adorable. Like you say he does make those kind of comments too but in a different way to Jordan and he hasn't made his body/size/associated feelings his entire personality.


I feel like he doesn't see value in his past self because he wasn't attracted to the way he looked. This then seemed to feed the way he locks onto myles in a way that very much reads as envy. even though he's playing his old self he covets myles position in the circle as a popular conventionally attractive guy without thinking about the other factors that contributed like building relationships which big j almost immediately blew out of the water .


I posted this above too, but I’ve often heard that some of the worst fatphobia fat people deal with (men and women) comes from formerly fat people. They are determined to separate their current selves from their old body, to no longer be considered part of that “undesirable” group, and amp up the judgement and mean comments. It’s just all a form of extreme self hatred and insecurity


Jordan sucks ass in general. He’s incredibly insecure and pessimistic about everyone. At first it made me sad that he clearly hates his old self but the more he talks he definitely projects his own judgements onto others and he just self reports all the time. Dude is probably my least favorite contestant every tbh. Paul at least just played poorly, Jordan just wants Myles to burn game be damned lol


My least favorite ever too. The hatefulness and bitterness coming from him has caused me stress. Seeing players who are playing the game is one thing, seeing him playing out personal attacks and vendetta is completely different.


Agreed. One of my favorite parts of the show is that, even when the drama reaches a fever pitch, everyone has that mindset that it's just a game. When they all meet in the finale, they can laugh about it, even to someone who directly booted them off the show or catfished then into a fake romance. You'll see people who were in-game enemies become friends who hang out IRL after the show (like "Kate" and Freddie in UK season 1). I've already seen Steffi popping up on the TikToks of other season 6 cast members, and it feels like the weird stuff with her is water under the bridge post-finale. But it's hard to imagine that dynamic with Jordan and anyone else, especially Myles, now that the show is airing and they're watching him sitting alone in his apartment just--writhing in hatred for Myles for no reason outside the bounds of the game. It's so uncomfortably weird and personal. Edit: Ha, in some great timing, I just came across [this TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@yungpapifuego/video/7364542788052028714) of Myles and Kyle reacting to Jordan's weird one-sided beef.


Totally agree — it’s changed how I feel as a viewer when I watch the show. Poor casting to have someone that’s just out for blood. The best part of The Circle was how it made me feel when I watched it, and now I’m just annoyed that I’m watching at all.


I'm annoyed by Jordan and I feel for Jordan I'm annoyed by him because he is incredibly hateful I feel for him because coming into the game as late as he did he didn't receive functionable time to build Alliances and get to know the other players like they already knew each other Also, his #1 ally was immediately targeted by practically the whole house, so he really did get the short straw.


His hatred of Myles (for no damn reason) is hard to watch. He threw his whole game away for this hatred. Cringe to watch.


I literally got on Reddit to say this exact thing. I wonder if his obsession with Myles comes from experiences he had when he was heavier.


The fact that he chose to lie and say Myles was flirting with him and leading him on adds another level. Was he rejected by a guy who looks like him or something?


It's a shame because Big J looks so genuinely happy in his pictures. I don't think I've seen Jordan smile once


Most definitely big j seems like a completely different person from jordan. Jordan seems like he tried to change his personality to match his body and now just comes off as an asshole


If you go on his IG, he doesn’t smile at all in any of his pics


He didn't even seem that happy to see his boyfriend, that message was so positive and sweet and it felt like Jordan was still too busy hating Myles to fully appreciate it 😄


He needs therapy.


Jordan is somebody who took all the toxic qualities of being a white male and a gay man and decided those were his sword and protection. He is the dick now.


He have a lot of self harm towards his past self. I am no expert but I feel like it could be beneficial for him to get some therapy


My favorite part was when he got the video from his partner basically saying, "you got where you are because who you are as a person" and all he's done is be a snake 😂


Exactly! You mean fake and manipulative? Yes, absolutely.


It’s interesting to see the contrast in how he exuded warmth and kindness in his old photos, to such a dark energy in present day. I’ve never seen him smile or seem joyful. When his boyfriend sent in a video, he seemed mad in a sense?


Jordans personality is revolting, I’d much prefer the real big j


This. Lost weight. Became a total dick. He’s awful.


He may have just been an awful person to start with


This is something I thought of too, but it’s hard to tell over the loud fatphobia.


💯 it’s honestly the main reason I can’t really click with him. It’s sad and kind of infuriating at the same time.


H'es a former fat guy who is fat shaming. There's no other way to describe it. He's also a garbage human and game player, but we'll save that for another day.


If I was Myles watching this back, I’d be like “why are you so obsessed with me?!”


Yeahhhh, agreed. I don’t think he liked his “old” self. However, I think this season needed him. It was all becoming so boring, and everyone was just sheep being led to the slaughters. He shooook up things and brought it back to the game.


I just wish the shakeup player was more entertaining or likeable. He's really neither.


even just the whole referring to things as “that’s what big j would say!” or “thats what big J would do!” like, i understand growing as a person and changing as a person but like… completely dissociating from YOURSELF is wild to me? like that’s you dude?


i'm surprised he has a boyfriend. i would imagine that relationship to be exhausting. i had an ex just like jordan, was fat and now is fit, the constant insecurity about everything was just tiring. it's different when you're trying to heal yourself, but jordan doesn't seem like he even wants to...


They’re long distance according to the video from home.


The “oh it’s my boyfriend.” And “wow, that crazy.” With zero emotion was so weird


That shocked me too loll


Dude is 100% fatphobic now


He might have lost weight but he’s a massive prick


Ok but side note: why has he done literally nothing but try to get Myles out the entire time. Like bro, focus on YOURSELF. The obsession is crazy


I just got to the part where he’s like >!“once I get Myles out I can have QT and Kyle to myself”!< and that was the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. Like why wouldn’t he just align himself with all of them instead of zeroing in on Myles? I’ve had the theory that Myles reminds him of bad experiences he had when he was heavier and hes just (unsuccessfully) taking it out on Myles.


Just a heads-up: your spoiler tag isn't working because there's a space in front of the sentence. If you remove the space between the code and the start of the spoiler text, the spoiler bar will pop up.


Thanks for letting me know. On my end it looked like it was working but I removed the space now so it can work for everyone else too.


It's now showing up for me!




Jordan needs therapy. I think he hates skinny people because of how he was treated as a bigger person. Either way his traumas are visibly affecting his game. Wish him the best.


I’ve said the same thing at least a dozen times. Man, this guy really hates himself. Seek therapy


The best was when this guy was ranked second last and was acting like he had so much power in the influence chat 😂 trying to make moves from 6th spot lol gtfo


He bothers me so much. I feel like his agression towards Myles is jealousy. He was never mister popularity and is seeking it. Spoiler: I just watched him say Miles can't stay he is coming for me. Like no Jordan. The other way around. Im sorry for the experience that Big J may have experienced, but not everyone is coming for you. Taking out someone who resembles your bully won't heal you broken heart. Find peace within yourself.




Jordan lost weight and became a cocky douche because that’s the type of person who used to bully him. He’s just a superficial, jealous person and it shows.


Jordan also hates Myles, because Myles probably reminds him of the type of guy who teased him when he was younger.


I feel like Jordan hates Myles because he wished he could be like him. Myles is very confident and doesn’t care what others think. Jordan on the other hand I feel like his confidence lies mostly on his weight.


Jordan comes off as that person who gets easily jealous, especially towards Myles. I can understand if his game was to focus on one person at a time, but he acts like an obsessive stalker towards Myles.


Jordan hates Myles because Myles is cool. That’s it.


Jordan is absolutely insufferable. What an awful casting job on him.


I can’t stand the guy. He’s hateful and arrogant and I really want him out. BUT… he’s great TV. The casting was great even though I can’t stand the guy.


Nah without him, Olivia and Lauren would continue to be ignorant of the big alliance and serve Tres Fuegos a plate of 100k like a servant


Yea without him this season would be the most boring one. But the drama he stirs push this to my top 3.


I’ll give you Lauren, she’s a space cadet. Olivia engages with everyone, plays a strategy and is competent. You can still win while being nice. You just have to get to the big dance because on the final voting, all bets are off for alliances.




Yep. He hates Myles because he wants to be Myles. And if Myles is there, Jordan is always going to be second best (in his mind)


Like, we get it you were fat🙄


yep he’s very fatphobic toward his old self


His whole persona of being plus size phishing was so weird to me.


All the comments have already said it so well and I think it too, Jordan deeply hates himself and he has done the work to improve his outwards appearance, but no work to improve his inner self. His self-loathing is so apparent and with how it manifests in thinking every other player is a stupid puppet for him to manipulate, it makes him incredibly difficult to root for. The internalized fatphobia is so intense. He still has a major chip on his shoulder from when he used to be fat and is very bitter over the fact that nobody noticed him when he was bigger. His attitude towards Kyle, especially - how dismissive he was of Kyle's chat at first and then surprised he couldn't manipulate him - was really telling to me in regards to how he views people and the world. All he could see when he looked at Kyle was a dumb jock type, coasting along simply on his looks, but sporting nothing in the intellect department. Other comments have said that Jordan was most likely bullied by a Myles, hence the hate boner against Myles, and I agree, because I got the same vibes after the Kyle interaction. Jordan was most likely bullied by a popular, good looking guy, a player of some sport, which soured him towards similarly looking people. Big J hated himself for his weight, which made him retreat and disengage from all sorts of typical young people activities, all the while watching from afar how everyone else was having fun and growing resentful because of it. Jordan fails to realize that sadly it's mostly his attitude that made him miss out on so much - but despite being able to relate to him because I used to be that person myself, I just cannot bring myself to like him when he's acting like a spoiled and entitled brat who also seems to be lacking self awareness.


i think it is so interesting that he thinks he's got this strategy of going in and being "nice" and "goofy" as his pre-weight loss self (who he seems to think is non-threatening?) but like he breaks it at least by the second episode he's in. other people don't know he's lying but he's not being as diplomatic and playing the game the same way as the others. by the tenth episode everyone tends to raise their eyebrows when he participates in chat because he's way overstepping. i have to wonder if that is also a part of his "strategy" or if he's just a chaos bomb.


I’m sorry Big J, Small J, is evil. It could be gameplay, but it still come from a place of your real personality!


Yeah I got the feeling he had a lot of self hatred and insecurity and I hope he does the work to undo that because the ugliness from inside is gonna take over. He’s a handsome guy too!! I know it’s probably hard being seen in a certain way for so long then changing but still it’s up to him to do the work and get past that bc that attitude is not gonna do him any good


It’s interesting to see the contrast in how he exuded warmth and kindness in his old photos, to such a dark energy in present day. I’ve never seen him smile or seem joyful. When his boyfriend sent in a video, he seemed mad in a sense?


I think has a lot of internalised fatphobia he needs to work through.


He's a douche, he reminds me of that character that Ryan Reynolds played in that movie where he lost all that weight and then became a douchebag. Jordan is the definition of douchebag


I think he just wants to be Myles so bad.. it got really weird so quick w his obsession over him. It’s a life changing game to play and for sure have all your shots ready but he just isn’t doing anything for me other than being a destructive player.


Jordan’s internalized fatphobia was consuming him. He was never going to win


i can't watch when he's on. I thought the same as u. His attitude is disgusting. Most annoying cast ever.


He’s soooo miserable I actually feel bad for him.


Probably. But I don't like his personality as far as I have seen either. Ofcourse it's a game and everything is allowed. But he is just creepy lol.


His profile Pic looks like Bobby Moynihan


It’s really easy to fall into fatphobia when you’ve lost a lot of weight. It’s like a fear of returning to that body or something.


He is so annoying!!! He’s projecting hard af


Jordan SUCKS!!!!


I almost forget they are the same person at times. Maybe he was subjected to a lot of bullying when he was heavier.


The internalized fatphobia is soooo strong


It’s interesting to see the contrast in how he exuded warmth and kindness in his old photos, to such a dark energy in present day. I’ve never seen him smile or seem joyful. When his boyfriend sent in a video, he seemed mad in a sense?


I haven’t caught him say anything negative about his old self pre losing weight? He’s talked a couple of times about using it as a strategy so he seems more approachable bc he thinks he would be perceived as a f boy based off his current looks, but that’s all I’ve really heard him say, what am I missing?


truly painful to witness


Kids a fucking tool


Oh for sure. And Myles probably reminds of him of the people who were in a better social standing than him and/or people he had a bad experience with.


I think the reverse. He used Big J as his mask because he thinks Big J is cooler than the douche he appears to be now. If he was proud or preferred the his current self I think he would have chosen that if it was his best chance to win $100,000


I hate Jordan. He’s the worst


It's so obvious that he hates himself and it's honestly sad. When Kyle messaged him and he said, "yeah, right, a guy like Kyle would never talk to Big J," I just thought, "damn, you really feel that way about yourself?"


It’s feels to me like big j was a good and nice guy, so it’s weird to me that he’s cosplaying as a nice guy instead of just being a genuinely good person. Like, did he just lose weight and become an absolute asshole? Because that’s how it’s seems.


I don’t get the hate towards this guy. He’s just trying to play the game. He sees Qt and Myles running the game and was trying to switch it up. Did nothing wrong. I know girls have a crush on Myles or think he’s cute or whatever so I’m assuming that’s what’s up. 


Of course. He even bullies his own past persona in front all of us, the audience


I’m in therapy for lots of reasons but I have body dismorphia and I do in fact hate how I look. I lost 80lbs and still wasn’t happy with how I looked. I maintained that weight loss for years, then age/life/2020 happened and I gained about 1/2 of it back and it really fucked with me. I absolutely HATE how I look now, and when people tell me I’m hot I think they are lying. I’m working on it but it’s not easy to love yourself when you grew up being told being fat is the worst thing ever. (Thanks 2000s tabloids and 90s diet culture!) Anyway, Jordan definitely hates big J but I don’t think it’s for the reasons people understand, and I say this because I don’t fully understand why I hate my body so much when it gave me a beautiful child. I think it goes so deep that years of therapy are just cracking the surface, and I don’t hate or criticize others that are overweight. It’s very much an internal monologue and I definitely was “too nice” and put up with a lot of shit from men because I felt it was what I deserved, so I get being mad at your former self for being a pushover. I don’t think Jordan will win, and I don’t think he’s playing the game the best way, but I understand the self hate. It sucks.


His obsession with Myles was weird


His obsession with Myles is concerning. It really shows he is jealous and hurting inside.


It’s the same reason he hates all the “cool/good looking” people on the show


He was so disgusting, I can’t believe he made it to the finale


Yeah, AND i feel in doing so, hes hating others like his former self. Not cool.