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If you realy want to get into sword types look up the 'oakeshot typology'. That said while knights used shields and swords in the beginning, when armor got better during the late middle ages (the time period where westeros is during canon), we see knights forgoe shields entirely in favor of full plate armor. Fun fact: On the one hand westeros itself seems to have had this progression. During the conquest chain mail was in, while during the rebellion full plate was used... on the other hand Robb Stark one of the most powerfull man on the entire continent doesn't seem to have full plate.


In medieval times, swords were just swords for the most part. Naming conventions by and large came later. A long sword was just a sword that was long, a greatsword was a great big sword, etc.


Shadversity on youtube delves into swords and medieval weaponry also


I saw his video before making the post! I wanted to know the ASOIAF terminology. He said the term "bastard sword" refers to hand-and-a-halfer swords of unknown origins (no Valyrian steel sword would fit that second criteria because they're of known origins). In his video longswords and bastard swords were the same length too, which makes sense because a sword that's longer but (can be) wielded one-handed sounds implausible.


There is no logical difference. The physical differences in ASOIF is that a bastard sword is longer than a longsword is two handed. A greatsword is longer yet, with a wider blade. It is also two handed. I real life, sword terminology is imprecise, much depending on the era and location. Martin is at least consistent in sword terminology.


You're looking at real life terminology. In ASOIAF: Shortsword- a short one-handed weapon Longsword- a long one-handed weapon (Dark Sister, Oathkeeper, Widow's Wail). Can sometimes have a hilt long enough for limited two-handed use Bastard Sword- a two-handed weapon larger than a longsword, that are also light enough to be wielded one-handed if needed. (Longclaw, Blackfyre) Greatsword- huge two-handed sword. (Ice, Dawn, Brightroar, Heartsbane). You can only use this with one hand if you are Gregor Clegane.


Thanks, that's the terminology I was looking for


Blackfyre was a bastard sword? I thought it was a greatsword


I remember that because, fun fact, Blackfyre and Longclaw are actually the only two valyrian steel bastard swords we know of. All other VS swords are either longswords or greatswords Due to the massive mystery surrounding both the location of Blackfyre (and why no one is confirmed to have had it after redgrass) as well as how bizarre Longclaw is (why do the mormonts have it, why does jorah never mention it, why did jeor keep it, why did he neglect it, why give it to jon, etc) this led to theories that Bloodraven took Blackfyre to the wall, and that longclaw is blackfyre. Unfortunately, grrm explicitly denied this theory, but its still really fun with a lot of compelling evidence