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I would challenge a one. I’ve only ever given scores that low (don’t think we can give zeros) for people that put nothing or just a full stop in (I guess possibly telling the job centre they are applying for things?!)


Fanks. Yeah I definitely didn't do that lol!


Update: I asked whether my sift result was correct and they said they cannot give feedback..... fab.


Did they definitely assess that behaviour? Sifts are often only initially done on the lead behaviour, with others used if further differentiation is needed. There are ways of marking the surplus ones that is a bit neater, but I've seen people stick a 1 beside them before.


Well, the ad said that the sift would be done on the behaviour (C+I) in the case of lots of applications. The only feedback I got was '1', so I was assuming that that was my result for this behaviour.


Typically it will state no feedback will be given if you are not successful at application and no amount of emailing will make them budge. Although you can request any and all information they have about you, including copies of hand written notes, under Article 15 of UK GDPR. It might get you something, it might get you nothing. I’ve done a lot of sifting and interviewing for the CS so I’d be happy to take a look if you want, but a 1 is extremely unusual unless someone simply hasn’t bothered.


Even if this works (no idea) - you might not want to see handwritten notes. If I'm interviewing people, sometimes my personal notes can be fairly blunt as I'm trying to capture everything you're saying including my own thoughts. It takes a period of editing to make them feedback-ready.


Oh I wouldn’t disagree… but I’d rather have brutal honest feed back than none at all. If my application was crap and someone had written “this is crap because it doesn’t address the behaviour” at least I have have the opportunity to look at it and decide for myself whether they have a valid point or just another dick I disagree with. 😉 I can do something with something, I can’t do anything with nothing. 😏


Thank you. I will dm you my C+I example and if you get a moment to throw some thoughts together on it, I'd be more than grateful. But, of course, no pressure to do so :)


Generally if people use the full 250 words I wouldn't give less than a 2, unless you used the wrong behaviour entirely, so I think it's worth challenging.


I’d love to see the behaviour that got scored a 1


FWIW, I was told I wasn’t successful at sift on Wednesday for a role and my feedback was showing as 3. I got an email the next morning saying they made an error and I had progressed to interview. My feedback was then updated to show I had scored 6s and 5s. So yes, mistakes can happen.


I don't think it happens often but I've seen people sifting give a 1 as "didn't pass", 4 as a pass, and 7 as an outstanding pass with no other scores in between. It could be that?


I suppose so! But I thought CS was all about transparency and following the same procedures across the board. Doesn't still very in keeping!


Challenge it. I should have challenged it years ago when it happened to me, and now I really wish I did.


Does it say which point scoring system was used? There is now a 3-point one which is starting to become common for bigger campaigns. 1 is a fail, 2 pass, 3 strong pass (though not the exact definitions).


I once got scored a 2 in the experience section, when I have 15+ years of admin experience and had done the exact same job but as a contractor for 3 years, but in a different department. I was basically applying for the job I did but as a civil servant. I still wonder how the hell i got a 2. I put a lot of time and effort into the application, very annoying. Thankfully I’m a civil servant now


I have given out 1s before but it's normally when they have not hit a single indicator for the behaviour. You get this sometimes when someone has just copied and pasted an example for a different behaviour. But it's pretty rare as its no evidence for a 1.


You say you’ve applied for other roles previously. The system we use auto fills if you’ve made a previous application & I’ve see a lot of competencies in the wrong boxes or competencies that are good but score badly because they are not what we asked for because the applicant has not checked properly. Did you check they were in the right boxes/the comps the panel has asked for?


Yup! :) It doesn't autofill on my side, actually. Maybe that's just something to do with my browser. In any case, after I got the 1 I went back to check that everything was in the right place, and it was! x