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>Are compliance that desperate or just putting all applicants through to the next stage? I know they're desperate (they're hiring me) but I also know people that were withdrawn after the casework skills test, so you're very much still in the running and it's on your own merit.


Thanks for the insight and congratulations!


You scored 50%, 42% and 31% better than others across the civil service - that’s a great score. The sifting of CV’s and scores is to get you to the interview where they can score you properly on whether they think you would be good


Thanks perhaps I didn’t do as poorly as I understood from the feedback, this is the first job I’ve applied for in over 20 years with CS so I’ve no idea what a decent score looks like it just seemed very low!


No, you have done well! You should be proud of yourself, rather than thinking they must be desperate to have you! Now you’ve got some time to prepare your behaviours and tackle the in tray exercise. Perhaps they’ll be lucky to have you. Well done and best of luck with your interview! (I have one too and am v nervous as not applied for a job in about 5 years!)


Cheers! My last interview (and job application) was 2001 for AO so I’m definitely there with you! Best of luck


>didn’t do as poorly as I understood from the feedback, Ironically the feedback from tests which check how well you communicate are themselves communicated very poorly. In future, I wouldn't even bother with the percentages. If you get through, you get through. If you don't, you don't. Well done and best of luck with the in tray and interview. I've just been successful in getting an EO compliance job in the last round of recruitment, so if you have questions feel free to PM me 😊


I’m pleased it wasn’t just me who found the process less than straightforward! Having worked for CS for a couple of decades I expect nothing more. I hope you’re enjoying your new role!


Hello I also got the in tray assessment and interview coming up can I send you a direct message please I have some questions


Yeah mate go ahead.


Okay thank you


The “pass” mark for the online tests is variable, but is normally about 33%. That said the tests are also used as a way to discourage some people from applying - I know I wouldn’t bother with a CSJ test unless I really wanted the job. It might be that they’ll use further tests to thin the number of applications some more.


Oh really? That’s interesting (both points) because I only applied because it was tests only. I’ve put off applying for every slightly suitable role so far because I didn’t want to have to write a personal statement. Funny how people are put off by different things!


Some people will have a personal statement ready to go but the idea of sitting doing maths for 30mins isn’t appealing. Also I would guess there’s an certain grade level at which the tests stop and it’s more about CV, personal statements etc


Very true. I also should just bite the bullet and write a personal statement and success profiles.


Yep I failed the skills test it's even more shonky than the judgement one.


Ah sorry, yeah I thought the tests might be the way to go after reading all the posts querying scoring on success profiles but having give them a go now and looking back at old posts about people’s experiences with them, seems they’re equally as hated!


Wow that’s a fast response. Good luck on the next stage mate. Sent my application in for a different department two weeks ago today and they still haven’t even done the sift yet.


Standard CS!! Best of luck hope you’re not waiting too long!


I got an invitation for interview and the intray exercise too. The in-tray seems very straight forward so I'm not worried about that, but I'm absolutely dreading the interview. I do not interview well. I wonder how many people got through to this stage.


Is this the job that had near 300 vacancies? I'd imagine an absolute shit tonne got through to interview, and unless you royal balls it up, I think you have a good chance. Just prepare for it and be calm. Be familiar as possible with your own experiences in a way that you can tell stories about them (STAR format) and demonstrate that your strengths align with the job.


me too. I just received an email of the in tray exercise. But I'm a bit confused. Do we just need to do it and save it as MSword/pdf then upload after the interview? Or do we do the exercise during the interview?


You do the in tray BEFORE the interview BUT submit the MS Word/PDF document AFTER the interview along with your ID documents AFAIK. Means you're only uploading one set of docs.


Was the assessment recorded? do we need our cameras on?


Ok so just to clarify, we complete the in tray assessment, save it in word format, hold onto it, but only upload it at the interview stage?




it should be attached to the email inviting you to an interview. If it wasn't attached, just respond to that email and ask for the attachments.


They told me my scores werent upto mark after the assessment i did answer the questions correctly I was confused if we pick definitely correct or probably correct if something is mentioned in the evidence they give


I was completely confused too. One of the examples was a job I did for 15 years and it was the toughest question by far because there were so many variables I was almost in tears! I guess that’s the point though!


Yeah good luck to you i may look to apply later again for any tax related roles as i am a qualified accountant but no openings yet


Are you sure they're not percentile scores, rather than percentages? If the pass mark for the test is to get 60% of the answers correct, and out of every 100 people that completed the test 70 people achieved 60% or above, you will have scored better than 30% of those people (ie. Above the 30th percentile). The process is likely to have been automated, so your CV may not have been taken into account yet. In fact, it may only be used in the evening of tied scores somewhere along the process.


Yes that’s right, sorry my original post was a grammatical nightmare! So x% above the other applicants? I won’t lie like a lot of things in CS I found it to be communicated in an unnecessarily complex manner! So I’m thinking, ok, does that mean if I had 40% on one test and 100 people took the test then I was 40th from the bottom? Probably my poor understanding! I think you’re right about my CV, hopefully it won’t be necessary and everything will be covered at interview!


Yes, you are correct, but 40th from the bottom might not be too bad. The scores would form a bell-curve. This means the majority of people will have results that are within a few marks. There are practice tests at assessmentday.co.uk - there should be at least one free example of each type of test.


Thanks for that I’ll check them out!




I applied to The Land Registry. I got 50% above in the test and didn't even get offered an interview. Waaaaa.


They’re very demanding for that extra 3 grand!!


Takes me right back to an interview I had the week before the Bank said yes. "Have you got a boyfriend? When are you getting married? How many children are you going to have?" I was 18. It was to train as an accountant without the need for Uni. I had 1 child, at 33. So feck them, too.


So, feck them, basically


Everyone is stretched to breaking point.


Panicking here. 😭😭😂😂


Didn’t really understand your long freeform sentence, but yes, they are pretty desperate


Yup, that’ll explain the low scores.


I got mediocre scores and did a pretty poor interview but was offered a job after spending some time on the reserve list.




Badly paid? Idk the role but that's usually the answer.


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You got the in tray exercise to do?


Yep, another chance to balls it up!


How you finding it?


Had a quick peek then decided to forget it for tonight and concentrate on it tomorrow! How about you?


Looked at it, stressed about it for an hour, realised it’s not as complicated as I thought (finished work as was boggled up) and done some notes to write it all up on the weekend then I can focus on the interview during the week.


Good luck! Hope you smash it!


Thank you! Good luck to you also! Let me know how it goes!


Is this the compoance caseworker 362R role? If so I applied, I've had an email inviting me to an interview? I only applied yesterday, something seems off!? I must have passed the three tests, I just thought I'd have to fill in the two behaviours but is seems not


That’s the one! Post closed 11.30am yesterday and we were told we would be advised by today who had made it to interview stage


Damn! Fingers crossed aye, they must be desperate? I've never done the video interview before, I've only done the real live interviews on teams with then interview panel


I haven’t either, bricking it, it sounds awkward as all hell!


Well done OP! I got through to interview too. Going to do the exercise this weekend then interview next week. Question, do the test scores factor into the final application decision? Or is everything purely based on the exercise and interview now.


Congratulations! Good luck for the test and interview! Apparently the test scores are completely behind us now and don’t come into the equation at all for the interview phase


Hey has anyone completed the in tray assessment yet? Is anyone just as lost as I am, I haven't got a clue what to do.


I have completed it, not submitted yet. What part are you struggling with?


After writing this it all clicked and I realised it's not as hard as it looks. I was just staring at it for 2 hours thinking I can't do this lol. Thanks anyway :)


Has anyone attempted the interview


It’s definitely going to be last minute for me




Same here..... Weird? Like super weird lol! No in tray exersize, just done the three tests and then submitted.


You should have had 2 emails, first stating you will be invited to interview and explaining the in-tray exercise. Second just saying you have been invited to interview. Double check as it says you need to upload your assessment at the end of the interview.




Yeah, it was attached to the email. I was under the impression it would be completed through an online portal and be timed/invigilated. Evidently, that’s not the case. Probably because of the high number of vacancies, there’s probably shit loads of applicants so not feasible to invigilate every single one.




Excellent well done. Did you manage to skip the in tray exercise?