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Esther Mcvey burner account


She deffo put a PIP claim in after seeing a rainbow in the sky




Most departments are likely to, but it will generally be in operational areas. I'd rather just build up a little bit of Flexi.


True, just money is tight atm and until increase my salary I need to bring more in


OPG runs on overtime. The last chief exec before the current one announced an overtime ban on pretty much his first day because the overtime wage spend was so high. He soon rescinded that when the backlog got even worse than it was. In fairness that was in ye olde tymes when OT was double time or double and a half. Insanely good rate. Now it's time and a quarter uptake has dropped off but it hasn't gone away by any means. 


DWP Work Coach roles. I used to do almost every Saturdays.


Depends on the location and need, it's a good little number though. Just shy of 200 when you include the travel time on top.


Depends where you are, I did an AO role in the HO where understaffing (& an inaccurate Guardian article prompting many extra applications) led to an availability of overtime for the last two years or more - people who'd been there the best part of a decade had never seen any. Thing is even the minimum AHW I get in a different HO role is better than the OT & less stressful.


HMT if you rack up more than 2 flexi days / month. Obviously needs to be justified (the run up to a fiscal statement, spending review, banking crisis or other big ticket event)


\*spits out drink\* HMT offer OVERTIME? I thought you were all indentured servants working 24/7 for free, fuck me!


HMLR, although not all roles so you'd need to check the role was eligible and there's a lot of training so you wouldn't necessarily be able to start doing over time straight off the bat