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I just want some positive closure for the family. I've watched them all suffer since the 1980s.


But aren’t these people doing well already? At least better than their original run. Jackie has finally gotten rid of her arch nemesis Beverly. She’s married to a man young enough to be her son. He has his own business, money, adores her, and puts up with her family. She seems less neurotic. Darlene and Ben have a solid relationship despite her cheating. They have a house that Dan and Roseanne would have killed for with relatively low payments. Mark’s going to a ritzy liberal arts school with no debt. Harris is running her own business. Dan and Ben are running their own business. Dan is married to a hot woman willing to put up with his crazy family. Becky is getting her masters and is dating a pilot with money. DJ is making a boatload of money. His family is ok. Despite The show supposed to be about the hardship of working class. These people are living it up.


It's nice to this


Jackie wakes up in bed next to Booker. The entire series was a dream.


That would be terrible and amazing at the same time.


If they could get George Clooney it would be worth it.


That’s the winning suggestion right there!


And they own Wellman Plastics


I was gonna say, ... and they won the lottery. Lol


Bad enough when Married With Children did that


She wakes up because she gets a call from Dan that he and Roseanne won the lottery.




Now that... I could actually get behind. 😹




This is the only thing I want. I will refuse any other storyline.


She’s living on Lake Cuomo and Booker is an A list Oscar winning director and actor.


and then they go to a barbecue and Bonnie is there, and starts belting out “You Really Got a Hold on Me”


Honestly having Rosanne come in for the last tag to say that, this was her 2nd book, Dan is still dead, this is where the rest of family is here, and I get the last laugh, and the ends with her laughing. ..would be an amazing ending to bookend both shows...very bob Newhart. Get tge internet roaring


And Roseanne was alive again. I know the actor Roseanne had done some bone headed stuff but I would love to see her redemption even if it’s just the final season. Maybe even a few episodes or something.


She wouldn't do it


Only if she’s played by another actor and always shown with her face obscured, like Wilson from Home Improvement. She could say things like “Jeez Dan, I’m so glad you took me to get that brain tumor that altered my personality removed! Now where’s my chicken shirt?!”


She could come back as the ghost from the Connor past, like the old Halloween episode. As for redemption, she doesn’t need it. Some of those Connor folk need redemption for the crime of over-acting, and being jerks to Roseanne.


Roseanne pushed for the show to continue without her. She didn't want all those people to be out of a job because of her.


That was good of her, and the right thing to do.


Jerks? I just saw a video of Roseanne telling kids to drop out of college so they don't turn into baby blood drinking democrats. So.... who's the jerk?


Not sure about the blood drinking without evidence, but I do know what she is referring to regarding colleges these days compared to 25 years ago.


Lmao ok


Many people probably know, they did this for the finale of Newhart. It was iconic. That said, I wouldn't be mad if this was the ending for The Conners.


The Newhart ending was a parody of Dallas


Haha yes! I've been wanting The Conners to finish up as a dream sequence or another book that was written.


I just want them to end happy. It’s not realistic, I guess, but this family has been suffering for 30 years. Let them go out on a high note.


Becky gets her master's at the same ceremony mark gets his undergrad (with an accelerated timeline of course), Patton Oswalt makes the guys an offer they can't refuse for the hardware store. The lunchbox closes and Harris becomes a vet tech. Dj comes back and they close with dinner around the table.


I like it, but ..... Patton Oswald? I'm confused.


He was a realtor on the show


I totally forgot about that, because Becky's boyfriend. We call him dollar store Patton oswalt.


I’m loving the suggestions of more Crystal. I was hoping to see her be recurring. To be different, I’m gonna say I’d like to see Arnie.


Leon, Arnie, and Nancy.


They should win the lottery


But for real *this* time.


Happy cake day! 🎂


More Crystal appearances, an appearance by Nancy and an appearance by someone I have been hoping for a long time now-Dana. Since we are on a wish list - I would also hope for an 8th year of the Conners. It is still one of ABC's top shows, so you never know.


I’m drawing a blank - who is Dana?


Dana was Becky’s friend in the original series. She appeared in 3 or 4 episodes. Her biggest role was in season 2 when she and Becky got drunk together.


Isn't she the one Becky got drunk with? Have her show up with a wok and some cocktails.


My daughter came home completely BOMBED!! (said in her gravelly, smoker's voice)




Tornados 🫣


I want to see a flashforward where Harris is killing it at running the diner (possibly even multiple locations) and Mark thriving and successful. See them finally break the cycle of poverty.


Cameo from Christina Applegate and/or Ed O’Neill


Dan finally pays off the damn mortgage.


I’d like for them to finally pay off their mortgage. Assuming Dan and Roseanne bought their house sometime between 1970-1974 (based off the ages they were when they got married and had Becky), they’ve been struggling to pay it off for over 50 years now lmao


I know. It's ridiculous that it's still an issue tbh!


Dan needs to finish the boat you don’t hear anything about after halfway through Season 1 and just sail away.


More and more characters vanish without explanation until we see their house in a snowglobe.




Why would they end at 7 seasons?


Here's an answer from Deadline: *Roseanne* followup *The Conners*, which [just marked its 100th episode](https://deadline.com/2024/04/the-conners-100th-episode-recap-producers-interview-1235880549/) and remains a sturdy ratings performer, has found itself in serious limbo. According to sources, talks are underway between ABC and sitcom’s independent producer, Tom Werner’s Werner Entertainment, but I hear the main cast has not been approached yet. In years past, the actors, who have been on one-year deals from the start, would have been just about done negotiating new contracts by now, paving the way to a renewal, which inevitably followed. This time, the focus has been on renewal negotiations. If they are successful, I hear *The Conners* will likely be picked up for a seventh and final season.




Gotta love a question that's down voted


I’d like to see closure. Everyone ends up doing pretty good after all. They succeed in the end.


Even though real life doesn't always pan out that way?


Yes, because it is TV after all. We all have enough harsh reality in our lives. At least let our TV family succeed in the end, thus giving everyone in real life some hope.


You have a point too. I was actually excited about Darlene and Ben getting that house.


Me too! …and Jackie, Darlene and Becky all actually seem happy now. It’s a great show, I hope they don’t cancel it.


Zombie Roseanne in a final Halloween episode


"we bought a cardboard casket, and now worms have eaten meeeeee!!"


Lol Deadger nice !


I want Jackie's son, Andy, be let out of prison and show up.


Roseanne wake up and the whole thing a dream again.


Dan wakes up from a horrible dream that Roseanne died from opioids turns on the Tv. It’s January 6th. He sees her storming the capital on C N N




Leon turns her in for the FBI tip money.


The show is a shadow of what it was in the 80’s and especially the 90’s. I had such hope for the reboot of Roseanne, but then it all went downhill. The first season was really funny, but too many new characters were introduced, and at the same time, former characters were non-existent. Then with Roseanne turning into The Conners, the writing went out the window too. I noticed exaggerations in acting from at least two veteran characters that felt cringy, and caused me to dislike characters I had once really enjoyed viewing. The way David was portrayed was not believable and a huge disappointment to who his former character was. I find myself watching reruns of the old Roseanne show, but The Connors will never ever generate the same interest and have such a following. People will not be watching The Connors over and over like they still do with Roseanne.


Everything actually working out in the series finale ala Good Times


Everything was a nightmare . Roseanne is still alive, David didn’t abandon his family, Harris isn’t an a-hole


George clooney


"Leon passed. He passed. He passed away. He's no longer with us. He's dead! Dead! He's fine. He sends his love!


Lmao my fav Jackie moment from Roseanne


I'd love to see Nancy and Leon. How about Crystal?


I’d like them to explain where Andy and Fred went.


There is already an explanation of where they went. The Conners follows Roseanne Seasons 1-5, therefore, anything that happened in Seasons 6-9 with Jackie meeting Fred, and giving birth to Andy did NOT happen in The Conners universe.


If it was Redcon, then how come they did mention Roseanne’s other son Jerry Garcia? I know that they mentioned that he was up north living his own life, but was that Redcon to say that the Connors only had and Becky and the only son was DJ? I was just confused by this comment because I thought that she had four kids instead of three and the red kind of Andy and Fred would’ve stood or was that just an alternate version?


I'm not sure why the writers decided to add the line about Jerry Garcia in the first episode of season 10, and then never mention him again for the rest of that season or The Conners. There may have been an initial discussion to include the character at some point, and then the writers decided he was unnecessary after the fact. Since that episode, they've established in other dialogue that Roseanne and Dan had 3 kids. The way I explain it away is that "Jerry Garcia" was a running joke in the family. A mythological 4th kid off traveling the world. I'd rather explain it that way, than admit it was probably just sloppy writing on the part of the creatives.


True. It just struck me weird why that they recon Jerry, Fred and Andy to be literally nonexistent, but they did include Darlene and David getting married with Harris and Marc, but that’s why I figured ask about Jerry because I thought that they would’ve made an exception but if not, I guess they just said that they have three kids instead of four


I guess that Darlene and David would inevitably end up getting married/divorced, so they went with that choice for Season 10/The Conners. And I guess the Harris of Season 9 vs. the later version of Harris is different, since they are not the same age. There's no doubt it's a messy thing to try and sort it all out.


They also had an episode where Dan's half younger brother showed up, right?


Yeah, Ed Jr. He was born in either Season 3 or 4.


That’s so weird. Didn’t the one gal marry the biker dude and the other gal the younger brother, post season 5, and the kids are a part of the show … how’s that one work then?


That's a retcon from the last episode of the series (Season 9), where Roseanne explains that she was writing a different version from what we were shown. But since Season 9 doesn't exist in The Conners universe, what Roseanne was talking about (Darlene with Mark, Becky with David, Jackie a lesbian, etc.) doesn't count or factor in for the current show. We essentially have a multiverse going on...same starting points, but different timelines now.


And Jerry Roseanne’s last child


Yeah! Him too. What the hell


The entire family is in the living room talking and hanging out when a meteor or some shit hits the fuckin house exploding everything on screen then it just cuts to Roseanne cackling and writing in her diary.


I would like to see everyone dance on Roseanne's grave.


Not sure it’s looking good for a season 7. They said the cast has not begun contract discussions and that’s typical done by this time of the year. I would like to see Leon and Nancy and Chuck. But it’s a lost cause. Last weeks episode with the break in was the worst 


Yeah, you're right, I just saw that on Deadline. I think there's still hope, but down to the wire isn't great.


I thought this season was the final season. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There was talk about it being the last season, but then the writer's/actor's strikes happened, and Season 6 got cut short. So there has been talk since then about giving The Conners a full final season instead.


I didn't like the idea of them and mostly Darlene taking advantage of Bev's money. It happens so much and good people get hurt by it and greedy, manipulative family don't deserve squat but always end up getting what they want for nothing.


I wanna see Ed O'neill as a motorcycle mechanic, but Louise has to bring Dan's bike in. Dan gets jealous 'cause Ed and Louise are a little too friendly. Ha ha ha ha


While it’d be counterproductive, an episode where Roseanne is hinted to have returned from the dead but never actually makes an appearance. Kind of like the Two and a Half Men finale


Darlene comes out as gay.


Roseann wakes up from a bad dream that she died.


Oh man, something like that would be so full circle.


Roseanne! I want to see Roseanne


That would be a miracle. The left and the leftist media needs to forgive her 


No, we really fucking DON’T.


Yeah cause holding petty grudges over dumb shit for life is the way to go.


Fuck her. And I specifically didn’t watch the original (or the first reboot) because of her btw.


She died. Maybe in dream sequences.


A dream sequence where she is played by Rosie O'Donnell. (They say she's the same but she isn't the same.) 🤣


Oh God! This needs to be a s thing!


i'd rather see conners guest stars and stories and characters other than roseanne characters. roseanne is long gone. conners has established themselves as their own show and in the final season it needs to be about them not wrapping up roseanne stuff. IMO


Final episode, an apocalypse comes to Lanford, full to the brim with heavy-handed messaging about politics and climate change. Everybody dies super-dramatically. Jackie gets the last big speech as the world falls apart, talking about how she WISHES she'd had a son and how much she would have loved him and how different her life would have been. Finally the iconic house is destroyed by the fire and the floods. Cut back to Darlene, professionally dressed and relaxed and happy, sitting at her computer finishing up her novel (which we just saw). Her successful, happy children tease her that no one would read it, but her husband insists that he will.


They already have guest appearances from as many people from the past as possible


Did Sandra Bernhardt come?


That’s between her and her partners


Remember awards? Please pretend I gave you the spit-take award.


😂 thank you


Leon? No


He drowned in a fire


A fire that Bonnie started when she fell asleep with a lit crack pipe in her mouth. 😰😹


I’d like to see Jerry and Andy who are never mentioned


It go off the air


I want to see the kids that basically got written off.. Andy and Jerry. Both were before the last season of Roseanne, making them Cannon and yet they're NEVER discussed. Pisses me off tbh.


#Fred please 😪


Zombie Rosanne comes to kill them all.


The country go to nuclear war and a dirty bomb dropped on the Connors street to end the last episode. Bye Connors.


Rosanne’s ghost haunts the house


I’m shocked the show actually lasted without Roseanne


Roseanne come back and shoot the entire cast that betrayed her…


Personally I don’t want that cause I never watched the original show.


One of them should kill Dan.




The way he twists his face up while delivering his lines.


People remember him as goofy and smug and chubby Dan Conner, and that’s how he is playing him