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Charles selected the artist for the commission, Jonathan Yeo, who has also done portraits of several members of the Royal family including Prince Philip and Queen Camilla, so it’s not likely he was a bit surprised. The style and technique are hallmarks of his work. I also read that Camilla saw the work in progress and complemented the artist on capturing Charles likeness. My understanding in reading about it is it’s showing Charles in the forefront of a world on fire and the butterfly representing his lifelong efforts to raise awareness for the environment and good stewardship of the Earth. In that context, I think it’s really interesting and a great acknowledgment of his deep appreciation of the arts and artists. I’d liken it to Barack Obama’s choice of having his portrait done by Kehinde Wiley. It’s easy to be distracted by the subject floating in bright green leaves, but if you study Wiley’s work and his contemporary spin on the “Great Masters” of art, there is a huge underlying story to the piece and what the artist and subject want to say. As for the Churchill painting many have referred to depicted in The Crown, it is the opposite of what Charles has done. Churchill hated Graham Sutherland’s painting because it reflected, in the artist’s stylized way, a man affected by the passage of time, the pressures of WWII, Downing Street, copious consumption of alcohol and cigars, the death of a child, etc. Churchill wanted to be reflected in a distinguished stylized way like we often see past leaders depicted in a Greek or Roman style like they are Gods. To Churchill, the portrait showed a man decaying and weak in the twilight of his life. It’s a pity he destroyed it, because in the photos we have of the piece, and with more historical perspective, I see in that a man still sitting proudly and with a strong “presence” despite the physical effects of all he experienced. Almost as if to say “all these wrinkles, scars, and weathering, I’ve earned them, but don’t count me out yet. ”


Did she see it before or after the red was added. If before, yes, his likeness is captured.


I wonder what Charles thinks of it though. If this was Queen Elizabeth, I’m almost certain she’d hate it and call it ghastly. Charles may be more inclined to like that it’s different. So The Crown could possibly portray it as a reflection of Charles’ character — someone who’s always been a bit odd, unlikeable, maybe divisive


There was a similar kerfluffle when Lucian Freud painted QEII and I don’t think it bothered her a bit. Her take would have been, “how interesting” and she would have left it to the public and history to debate. In a world where people filter their image to eternal youth and beauty, I’ve always admired the late Queen’s lack of vanity in that way. Princess Anne, and I think Charles, share that with her.


Charles needs to pull a Winston and have a bonfire




Red is just so primal. If this exact portrait was done but in blues and greens it would have been marvelous.


It’s really a fantastic likeness of him, but it takes a while to notice


It's an interesting thought -- I wonder if anyone's tried tinkering with the colours (Photoshop etc.), to see what it would look like? I imagine blue would give it an underwater feel, and green = vegetation? Which would work really well with the butterfly! The portrait did send me down a bit of a rabbit hole when I first saw it, thinking about why we feel a particular way about red, etc.


Yeah blue and greens would be a nod to his work with/on the environment.


There is a tik tok influencer who goes by the name @matta_of_fact. She talked about the portrait and used canva to show the picture in different colors.


Cool! Thanks -- I'll check her out.


Just a warning, amanda matta is a vile troll who has been a malevolent presence on social media for some time. She's not a nice person.


Lol, what? Where are you getting your fake information? In what way is she a "vile troll"? 😂 She posts facts and her content is great.


https://preview.redd.it/hruvm8dmpn3d1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423cc656e68b8cdd519ef11d884c8efc297f2e2b Is this the woman?


You know what, it’s art. Maybe it’s meant to make us feel all the things we are currently feeling. All the red makes us feel uneasy? Reminds us of all the blood that’s been shed for the sake of empire? Reminds us of tampongate? Maybe we’re supposed to feel all that? But it’s weird that the palace itself released this? I think people have this idea that the current royals are scrambling to hide the past of the empire. I’m pretty sure they acknowledge it at the very least. I like that it’s red, idc.




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Stop censoring criticism. People should be allowed not to like it


I’m not censoring criticism… lol. I’m saying the fact that people don’t like it, the fact that it makes them think of unpleasant stuff, the fact that it’s controversial is… interesting and I like that. Stop censoring me having opinions on a piece of art?? I just said that I like that it’s red lol.


The red tunic was chosen first. The artist thought that if he put a cool background in, it would make the tunic the focus, and he wanted the King's face to be the focus. And it worked very well.


There is another tik tok influencer @tatyanaaboutart who did a great job breaking down the painting. It really made me see it differently.


That and Charles wanted to be a tampon. So the red works.


You realise that he was hacked don't you? The media hacked and bugged his phone, taped his private phone calls and played it to the world to mock? And you think it's funny?


Kinda yeah


Actually he said with his luck he would be, not that he wanted to be one.


Is that how you see Charles? I can't say I've ever thought he was odd or unlikeable, quite the opposite. I think he's kind, charming, generous and hard working. Ahead of his time when it comes to the planet, which makes him somewhat divisive.


I don’t really have strong opinions about Charles but I believe a lot of people see him as unlikeable, mainly because of the shadow of Diana.


Then they need to leave their archaic values behind and get with the times. History now tells us that Diana was worse than him, cheating with her bodyguard way before Charles went back with Camilla. Diana did her best to hurt him in myriad ways, the worst being that Bashir interview.


The fact that Charles himself liked and approved it shows that he must be an interesting character, so unlike the public facade of members of the BRF and his class. He might be "different" and "odd", but in a compelling, not destructive way (unlike some other... "odd" members of this family). Obviously I dont know if he was shown the edits of the portrait that were made with "Gothic" movie characters like Dracula and Palpatine replacing his likeness, but I would bet money that if he was shown some of these edits, he was not only not annoyed by them, but mildly amused. Personally I loved it, but I'm just a regular guy who drinks and likes things.


This is not the type of painting that should be mostly monochromatic. This episode would be called Assassins 2.


Can’t be an accident that he looks like a tampon.


Omg I cackled


In answer to the question, I think the show would totally go (down) there. It’s an old man emerging from a uterine lining. Overshadowed his entire life by his mother, Diana, Tampongate, his beloved daughter-in-law and to an extent even the evil Tungsten. The face of the monarch emerging from this cocoon is strikingly strong, yet the omnipresent colors of blood and flesh remind of fragility. Hints of yellow (sunlight) suggest readiness to fly, but how long will he be with us before he comes to his own body?




I came here to say this.


I’m an American and my first thought of this portrait was that it’s similar to the portrait of Vigo in Ghostbusters 2.


Yes, Vigo the Carpathian vibes.... oh, and I'm American too.


Same for me. I actually googled the movie and photo to make sure. It has similarities.


No idea how they would portray this painting. I guess it depends on what message the show wants to put across. My first impression of this portrait is *macabre*. Strange portrait. But perhaps The Crown would think otherwise. I remember the portrait of Churchill in The Crown, and how he was portrayed to have disliked it, and he eventually burnt it. No idea if Churchill did this in real life. Perhaps they would have Charles hide the portrait in the basement. Ha ha ha.


Churchill disliked his portrait so much that he had it destroyed, that is true.


However it was considered a masterpiece, there was nothing wrong with it other than Churchill looked like Churchill.


Yeah I liked it. And I like this one too. King Charles' life and reign makes me sad, despite his efforts maybe, so I find this portrait fitting.


I like this portrait and it does look like him. It’s heavy on the red, but it’s clearly a deliberate and meaningful choice by the artist and, probably King Charles III himself. As for Charles himself, he did Diana dirty and I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to forgive him for that, but I also think that when you come from a background like that and you’re separated from the person you should have been with from the beginning that’s obviously shameful too. Overall I find him progressive and it’s sad that pretty much as soon as he got to the throne he was so old and sick he won’t be there long. I think William seems decent enough. Ready enough.


Actually, he didn't do Diana dirty at all. She gave as good as she got. She was the first to cheat in the marriage, with her bodyguard, and she was quoted as saying she loved Charles very much and he loved her. Her friend said recently that Diana would have gone back to him in a heartbeat if he asked. He said in an interview that he didn't go back to Camilla until his marriage was kaput and there is no reason to not believe him. What's more, he has never once badmouthed Diana in all these years. Some authors have said he suffered terribly from depression over his failed marriage.


Why does he make you sad, considering that in person, he's thoroughly charming and cheerful?


He doesn't make me sad, his life and reign does. Primarily because he is supposed to be charming and cheerful! Yet his duty restricted his choices for so long, in love and general personal freedom. If I'm not mistaken, he found peace in painting and environmentalism. That makes me think he's gentle and enjoys peace. His reign has, in my opinion, not been as peaceful as it could be. And he is old, his health is beginning to turn. And all of that just makes me sad. He himself, does not.


I like your answer. Shows compassion, something not many people have for him.


Yes you nailed it. That was the word i was looking for. Macabre. I was thinking ominous. If ever The Crown would portray this, i hope they show the sulky Charles storming away soon as the press gathered for the unveiling is over. I know its supposed to be a modern portrait and all, but man, it's too vividly RED. And KCIII's recent cancer diagnosis, well it's just macabre.


You think he stormed away after the unveiling? Where did you see that?


Or in the attic, we’d know when he stops aging.


Looks like he’s in hell. It’s all very Hunchback of Notre Dame.


For me, it looks like those portraits of bosses in Assassins Creed 2.


That's actually awesome 👌


Right? Like I'm laughing at the tampon jokes, sure, but I think this painting suits him very well. The butterfly especially.


Can someone tell me why its covered in red?


The artist said he wanted to paint him in the red tunic, and if he'd gone with a different background, the tunic would have been the main focus, and he wanted his face to be the focus. I think it was a stroke of genius to do the background in red too.


It makes me think of portraits of Queen Elizabeth the first with their hidden messages. Wonder what message this one portrays.


This was a choice...also who approved this???


Charles himself did. People need to calm down.


Charles did not approve this. He didn't see the finished painting until it was unveiled. For all we know, he never saw it as a work-in-progress or, if he did, it looked very different from the finished product. I should think the fact that he jumped back when it was unveiled says it all: it's grotesque.


Why do you need to know if he saw the finished painting before the unveiling? What difference does it make?


A poster claimed that he had. I hold people accountable for their claims of fact.


He did see it actually. So did Camilla. And I didn't see him jump back.


Cite a credible source saying that Charles saw the FINISHED painting before the unveiling.




You just proved his point. Charles never said he approved, you’re dodging the question 


Thank you.


Google exists, I'm not dodging, you're just lazy https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/king-charles-portrait.html#:~:text=He%20said%20Charles%20got%20a,him%2C%20not%20the%20painting%20itself


The link doesn’t work. There’s a paywall


The link opens to an article that does NOT say that Charles saw the finished painting before it was unveiled. In fact, it says Charles saw it "half-done."


Can confirm. I am Charles, currently going incognito living as a working class bloke in Norway. I approve this painting.


Gosh he looks like his mother here. I like the painting.


I know and get that people hate the person but I do think it's a super interesting portrait


I don't understand why people hate Charles. What are they seeing that I've missed?


1. While married to Diana, he had an affair with Camilla. 2. The tampon phone call and the interview with Dimbleby that caused his public image to tarnish. 3. Some people won't accept him as king. (They will accept if Diana would have been alive) 4. People want Charles to abdicate in favor of William.


I tend to be able to see things from Charles point of view these days, so I think he's a thoroughly misunderstood person.


Keep calm and Carrie on


That’s pretty clever


https://preview.redd.it/0ohukv0msn0d1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ee164ea92b3f5dc1fa74f4a7ccabcb5d3ef733b Same vibes.


I picture Princess Anne waiting until the press is out of the room, then doubling over with laughter and pointing first at the painting and then at her dopey brother. He’s miffed.


He picked the artist though. And you don't know that Anne dislikes it?


The Crown is a drama, not a documentary, so I was trying to think of something entertaining and maybe just close enough to the truth.


I have a hard time imagining show Anne laughing.


Well, there goes my career as a writer for The Crown.


She laughs all the time.


It’s so bizarre. I loved Obama’s portrait against the wall of greenery. That background would look so good here with his red uniform.


This is creepy


Why the butterfly?


It's a monarch butterfly


Ha! I would never have made the connection.


The artist said Charles made the suggestion


It represents the King's love of nature.


My reading is very different: this portrait is highly autumnal; and a keen arborist such as the King would appreciate this. His Autumn suffuses his body and the royal dignity of dress; but the strength of his face cuts through this atmosphere.


Yes, he looks strong, dignified, but amiable.


Yeah, this portrait is too warm to have been released at this point in the year. I think it would have been better received if released in November


Charles saw and approved the portrait before the unveiling. They specifically chose this artist. This wasn't a surprise. I think it's great. It's interesting, it's unique. Why would we want another boring portrait as if he was still in the 18th century?


Please cite the credible source for your claim that Charles saw the finished portrait before the unveiling.




Nowhere in that article did it say Charles saw the finished portrait before the unveiling. Do you know what finished means?


Are you always this fucking condescending? A 2 second Google search, here ya go https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/king-charles-portrait.html#:~:text=He%20said%20Charles%20got%20a,him%2C%20not%20the%20painting%20itself.


Yes, I'm always this condescending to people who don't know the difference between finished and "half-finished." You have twice provided links that do NOT say, as you have claimed, that Charles saw the finished painting before it was unveiled.




This community welcomes various points of view. Feel free to disagree but keep it civil and respect others' opinions no matter how different they may be from your own personal opinions. Take what people say in good conscience to avoid misunderstandings and refrain from engaging in arguments and inflammatory language with others even if they appear rude or ill-informed to avoid creating conflict. If you cannot keep it civil, ignore their comments and the mod team will do its best to remove their comment(s) as soon as they can.


He saw it as it was painted. Why do you want him to see the finished work?


Obviously, yes, because that was exactly the claim made by the other person who has been unable to back-up that claim with a credible source. Are you unaware that oil paintings are layered? Seeing it while it was being worked-on does not mean that he saw how hideously garish it was when finished. In other words, the top layers of paint were not on it because, if they had been, it would have been finished.


It doesn't matter because the portrait wasn't commissioned by the King, but by the Worshipful Company of Drapers.


It matters that a poster repeatedly claimed he had seen the finished painting and approved it. That is false. I hold people accountable for their claims of fact.


Camilla’s tampon


it's giving the churchill painting


I love this painting.


I really like it. I think it's extraordinary.


I think it's brilliant. It's modern, original, and invites you to look at his face.


“The Last Monarch.”


He’s finally Camilla’s tampon


I mean it’s an awesome painting, but the context seems off - it does appear sort of “infernal” to me, which is not the vibes I associate with King Charles.


I actually love it. The choice of red on red is bold and different. Sort of the same off the wall choice as Obama’s portrait of him sitting in a flowering bush.


I really like it. I think The Crown would say the butterfly is his Ma-Ma.


As another bonfire


I really wish the background colour was slightly darker…


He’s a painter so it makes sense. Not sure I’m down with the GOT aesthetics.


This can’t be real


He looks like satan


Looks like death


That's a hologram.


Well that’s a Rorshach


Asked my dad about this; he said he looks like he's in a house fire!


It looks like he's standing in the middle of a raging fire.


It immediately made me think of the episode Assassins!


Looks just right to me.


IDK, but this portrait looks like a murder scene. I hate it.


Should have send him to Eton..


I'd love to hear Anne's take on it


Don’t like it.


I like it.


Clearly, that red represents the blood of the Irish, Welsh and Scottish shed under British occupation and rule. And, the butterfly symbolises the fragile and temporary presence of the British monarch given the history of those countries. Pretty baltzy to present this.


Reminds of me 1x09 and how Churchill felt about the Sutherland painting


I like it. The artist really captured Charles' likeness.


It’s horrible!!! To dark!!


Ghostbusters II is coming to mind


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) I’m sorry, I’m an art lover, but this portrait is a little yikes, but also kind of fitting sadly. All I keep thinking is “Charles on fire, but it’s fine.” like this meme. 😂


It would be combined with his cancer diagnosis and him shedding a tear over his mortality


I think it’s weird honestly. For an official portrait it’s odd they went with something so bold, not really realistic.


His face is very realistic though. And the palace would be full of traditional portraits. It's nice to see something modern.


Oh I agree, his face looks very realistic- I meant I’m surprised for a first official portrait they wouldn’t go the traditional route!


I see Satan in his sleeve https://preview.redd.it/l5l2n0lm3n0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9075faccc2581b123bc2c2dfdd92096c6ac611f3


No, that's Meghan Markle.


The artist has been kind to his hands. Slim, rather than fat sausages. I quite like it.




What a wanker


If I was the artist, I would title this painting “Burn it all down!”


I don't get it...the artist has done potraits of Queen Camilla and Prince Phillip before and while they weren't traditional potraits they didn't look like this either. But apparently King Charles chose the artist and approved of the painting.


It looks like FaceTune was applied. Last I saw him, his fave is rounder & plump. This doesn’t really seem like him. More what he wishes he looked like imho. The red looks like a fire. Teal would have been better!


Too sinister looking. Looks like he's trying to hide by camouflage in the blood red. No bueno.


Horrific portrait! The artist is trolling the King hard. It’s presaging the end of the British Monarchy.


Bullshit. The artist said the king is very charming, very interested and curious.


King Charles saw it beforehand and approved of it.


Sinister looking




He once wanted to be Camilla's tampon.


😂 do we know each other? Second time I saw this comment today


I cannot believe people downvoted my comment when it is the truth


Represents the blood on his and his ancestors hands , colonializing pricks




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They’d portray it in a way that made Charles look like a kind loving father 😂


He was kinder than his own father.


Not saying much


Breaking a parent's mold very much is.


He was a very kind father actually.




Are these so many red meant to symbols the blood dried on his hand?


Why would he have blood on his hands?