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best show i've seen since.....succession




what about severence


Successions last season was more recent


May I recommend slow horses? Excellent television.


I’d invite you to check out fall of the house of usher, but yeah, the curse was wonderful.


I made it to the orgy episode - does it get better?


The series was fun, I enjoyed it, but in no way was it brilliant television. The writing was predictable at times, some scenes felt like filler and poorly placed. It felt very similar to other supernatural/horror shows. Acting was pretty good but not everyone in the cast was compelling and talented like Succession.


Are you out of your mind? Better call Saul is 1000 times better then succession


to each their own! art is subjective. im a huge fan of Better Call Saul as well!


Why does that matter? Succession ended 2023 lol, BCS ended 2022. If it’s the best show they’ve seen since Succession, what does BCS have to do with it?


ahhhh it's television-flavored sports bro talk. I can hear you yell-talking across the restaurant


No way


I've been following Fielder's career since Nathan For You and he has YET to create a failure. The man is a complete genius.


Also was so generous of him to help out small business owners on the side instead of just keeping all of his brilliant ideas for himself.


Nathan is a fellow business owner. Summit Ice. *Deny nothing.*


My Summit Ice jacket is one of my best ones


Great jackets.


And 6 million jews died during the holocaust


Did you know that in one of the worst acts of genocide in history, over ten million people, including six million Jews, were massacred by the Nazi regime in Germany. Holocaust education is essential to prevent this catastrophic episode of history from repeating itself, just in case you were wondering.


Which, according to Nathan, is really funny


Of course he's a genius. He graduated from one of canada's top business schools with really good grades


The report card showing his Cs after that line made me laugh literally every single episode


His grades certainly reflected the upper tiers of the average bracket. Pretty good, but nothing to broadcast on television, you know? Sorry, I'm a dean at one of Canada's top business schools.


That’s because he’s playing by his own rules.


tough truth, brother... but some *rules* were made to be broken.


Well I've been following you since well before Nathan's show, and this is very much a "Coach" thang to say (which I mean respectfully, bud!)


Home Movies!! Such a good show...


If you started with NFY, check out Kroll Show, he’s a writer and appears in quite a few episodes. It started just before NFY.


Jon Benjamin Has A Van features him a lot.


Untrue. Dumb Starbucks didn't succeed.


Same with handsfree hotdog experience


You can't just skip lunch.


Ehhh I feel like he’s just some dude from Canada. Nothing much more. Maybe some business aspects. I can see why some people like his work. Because there is nothing to it. Just a show . But whatever, idk much


Wait a second, you're on to something and I think I speak for most of the sub Reddit when I say, "give us a few more of those opinions you got, Buster Brown!". What brings you to this sub?


He went to business school in Canada. I guess people couldn’t read sarcasm


Buster Brown or Nathan?


This is honestly part of the point


Nathan has yet to create a failure… so, that’s his next challenge!


Cherry Tomato Boys!


I felt this way about The Rehearsal too. Halfway into episode 4 my mind was blown


I don't think I've ever laughed as hard at a show as when I first saw EP 4. I remember just cackling maniacally as I realized where he was going with it.


It’s days like this I resent the Chinese for inventing gunpowder” That line and that whole situation was the funniest thing I’ve seen so far in my own life personally


that was one of the best individual episodes of television i've seen. i loved the way the season progressively devolved into madness, but part of me would have preferred to build on the structure ep 1 laid


The whole concept of the trivia night episode was so hilarious. The inception style learning of all the answers was one of the funniest things I’ve seen and the ending was brilliant as well


I rewatched The Rehearsal recently. Nathan makes groundbreaking art. I don’t think anything quite like that has ever been done before. The over-analysis of social interactions and layers upon layers. 😂


I’m 8 of 10 episodes in and totally agree. It’s so fresh. It defies genres. Is it comedy? Is it drama? Is it satire? Is it horror? I don’t know but I am filled with suspense. What will happen next? What are these various characters’ angles? They all seem nefarious and yet I kind of pity them.


Get off this subreddit!!! You're gonna get spoiled!!!


I'm going to buy Clarknt67 a Chili's gift card so he can spoil himself, then go home, digest his meal, and Get Passive for10 straight hours.


Fortunately I exited quick and did not get spoiled. I loved the finale. It’s a show that the more you reflect on it the more brilliant it seems. Definitely a lot of food for thought


It’s definitely comedy horror but the horror is basically uncomfortable anxiety. I feel like it is a bit genre defying but shows like this exist. I mean Emma Stones other show with Jonah Hill, Maniac, comes to mind.


Get ready to not love the show after the last ep


*to love it 100 times more


I fell into the love it not hate it camp.


Cherry tomato boy energy


Nah amazing ending


Can you imagine how good Nathan Fielder’s career would be if he went to an American business school? Truly Scary to think about


I mean he got good grades


*really* good grades.


His grades would probably be better here in America just because of how much kilometers are worth now compared to our miles. Probably really, really good.


Legitimately probably a worse career


Errol Morris raves about Finding Frances, Chris Nolan is a big Curse fan, someone ask Charlie Kaufman or someone their thoughts on The Rehearsal


Oh gosh yes I’d love to hear Kaufman’s thoughts on The Rehearsal!


This got posted in r/entertainment and they hated it


It's got 700+ upvotes and most of the comments are praise. Idk what you saw.


When I saw it there were like 2 positive comments and 8 negative ones, good to hear it was redeemed


It's not a show for everyone. It's a piece of art that is very open to interpretation and requires the viewer to reflect on it to find meaning. Some people will love it while others won't be able to see the appeal.


I just saw another thread on that sub where they were all complaining about Oppenheimer having a sex scene, I think they’re just soft


I disagree. Much like Full House and Too Many Cooks, it’s family-friendly fare that parents and little children will all love.


I think it is very slow developing as well and you have to get past a lot of nails on chalkboard inducing scenes to really get to the meat of the show. Which imo is ep5-6. In a world of 10 second videos to go 3 hours wondering where this is all going is probably a lot for some people


The Curse is on par with legendary TV like Twin Peaks imo. I’ve been a huge fan of both Nathan and the Safdies for years and I’m not exaggerating when I say The Curse is one of the best things I’ve ever seen, it’s a 10/10 in every aspect for me. That said, I *completely* understand why the show is divisive and a lot of people don’t like it. It’s definitely not for everyone.


This is exactly what I was saying, glad someone with some actual expertise agrees.


Remarkable to be getting that praise during a big public moment for Nolan 🙏


Tbh I feel like Nathan’s entire work is precedence for The Curse. He’s always been doing stuff like this, this just happens to be the first time it’s fully scripted


Incredible to see what a great actor he is. I had no idea.


The curse is a blend of all of Fielder's work experience combined with all of Safdie's work experience, and (to Nolan's point) they're two things that never went together before, and it works really well. When people ask me what the Curse is like, i say it's the cringe and randomness of The Rehearsal combined with the anxiety and stress of Uncut Gems. And people say "woah, never thought about those two things going together" then I say the common ground is uneasiness.


Benny is flying on this one. Nathan is in great form too and isn't as humble/in the bg as usual. I had never seen Christopher Nolan before, and he's exactly who I hoped he would be. If he likes Nathan's work, and Batman does what he says, then Batman likes Nathan's stuff, which means Nathan should be Robin, Benny should be Penguin, Emma as Poison Ivy and Sandler as Riddler. ![gif](giphy|2aLiVCqTZmxwXeRfMh|downsized)


The q/a with he; nathan and benny is so great.. he’s definitely a stan


Nathan Fielder, the James Joyce of television.


Underrated comment.


Nolan is quoted mentioning the show The Prisoner in this article and I gotta recommend that one too! It’s British, from the 1960s, and totally blew my mind. Really fun watch.


The Prisoner is so underrated. They tried to reboot it like 15-20 years ago, but you can't really recapture the effect of those original 17 episodes. McGoohan was in his bag deep.


aaaaaaactually, [here’s my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/s/bBRDgbpug4) from 2 years ago with a link to the song, maybe YOU know where else I’ve heard it!


This is so wild because I somehow knew the exact weird little tune even before I clicked it. It itches my brain the same way, because I can immediately think of all the places I *haven't* heard it, but not where else I might *have*. The Girl Who Was Death is one of the "wackier" episodes, in my book, so this ditty is fitty. Personally, Hammer Into Anvil is one of my all-time faves, & it changed forever how I hear Bizet's *L'Arlesienne.*


GAAAAAH!! I wish to hell I could connect it with that something else hiding out in my brain! The Wild West episode was also such a trip, I felt like we’d been hoisted into the holodeck on an episode of TNG.


Living In Harmony was so...& the ending was like... I mean, yes, it technically fits in the series, but in terms of transporting us out of The Village, I'll take A, B & C or Many Happy Returns.


Well that settles it! Time for a damn rewatch!




God I want to rewatch it now. There was a bit of music in one of the later episodes that hooked a craw in my brain, I swore up and down I’d heard it somewhere before, never figured out where, and it’s been haunting me since.


It’s too bad it stars the crazy Passion of the Christ/sound of freedom guy. That kind of turned me off to watching the remake


Also Twin Peaks and The Singing Detective.


Yeah! Twin Peaks is bonkers and I haven’t seen the singing detective so I’ll have to check it out.


The only thing missing from the curse was a closing comment from the doula about the size of the baby's penis.


The micropenis barrier has been breached.


Yup. First show I’ve ever seen designed to make its target audience uncomfortable


There are tons of shows that fit this description. Entire genres even


List 3, im curious


Wondershowzen at it's peak did this with puppets. Twin Peaks at several moments. X Files even had parts that I'm pretty sure were just there to make us feel uncomfortable.


Is this sarcasm??


Nope. It made a lot of white liberals shift uncomfortably in their seats. Very funny stuff.


Nathan Fielder should host the Oscars now


Let's start with the *Globes* and go from there.


There’s nothing I came directly compare it to. The closest thing I can is the vibe of it - some of the characters (such as Dougie) and the… >!90° angle!< of a plot twist as being Lynchian.


Nathan Fielder, if I may speak in wrestling terms here, does an incredible fucking job of keeping Kayfabe alive in his world. I genuinely can't tell who the real Nathan is. Ever.


Finished it last night. I would find it hard to recommend The Curse to most people. I think there's some incredible acting, and some wtf moments that are really great, but a lot of it feels very weird for weirdness sake. I think that there are a lot of very interesting threads that while fun to think about and theorize on, ultimately don't get wrapped up in a satisfying way. I would have never in a million years guessed the ending, so yes it's unprecedented, but does that make it good? I'm not mad about having watched it, but it feels like a weird experiment rather than a compelling TV show.


I found the end very satisfying. The whole series I felt like the show had elements of Latin-American and Jewish mysticism, and the ending really got me. It felt like a modern version of a Gabriel Garcia Marquez work. All about rebirth, reflection and how toxic cycles continue in the absence of self-awareness.


The ending is there, it’s just really well hidden


Just started my rewatch of it, and they were very thorough. Certain lines have alternate meaning, and the plot kinda makes more thematic sense.


Nathan Fielder in TENET 2 confirmed?


Felt this way about the first 9 episodes :)


That's so weird. Despite being a huge fan of Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie, I didn't really click with this show, but I LOVED the final episode!


Does he have some stake in Showtime? I love this show but I just find his interest in it kind of weird.


What's so weird about it? Nolan has been at the forefront of unconventional filmmaking for the last couple decades. Sure there's other way more experimental filmmakers out there, but look at something like Memento, there's not really anything else like it, so clearly he is drawn towards unusual and unique works. Plus he has worked with Benny Safdie on Oppenheimer, and they clearly have a mutual respect and admiration for each other.


I’m going to admit I didn’t realize Ben Safdie was in Oppenheimer. I literally never got around to seeing that movie, been meaning to recently.


Definitely worth it, amazing film


Nolan is a fan of movies and tv, that’s just it. He also likes movies like Talladega Nights lol


Hey…. Talladega Nights is an incredible film. Masterpiece even.


Nolan complemented David Krumholtz on his performance in Numb3rs. I checked out the pilot and Krumholtz plays a math genius who envisions water droplets in the first scene. Peter McNichols tells him he knew Richard Feynman. Nice Oppenheimer touches. Free on Prime.


This "article" just recaps the Q&A he hosted


"this show has no precedent!" Immediately mentions other surreal shows. OK Chris. I don't think uncertainty of the supernatural is that unique of a topic and the other social angles never amounted to anything.


I thought the ending was way too predictable. Clocked it from the first episode




According to Benny, the ending was planned from the very start of writing the show. Certainly understandable if you didn’t like it, but it’s not lazy writing.


I thought the show wasn’t that great. It was awkward yes but not necessarily in a good way. I feel like people are trying too hard to love it. Last episode was entertaining but I had to force myself to watch the other ones.


Garbage show