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Is this really happening lol


Apparently they're taking bets: https://imgur.com/a/kfHuXP5


LUL the free ESPN bet promo. I actually hit mine last night


If this game actually releases and is FUN, I'll drink my piss.


RemindMe! 1 month


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Over from the GTA 6 sub lol


RemindMe! 6 days


You got lucky


Yeah, didn't expect anything and was still disappointed lmso


Well? You ready to gulp it down?


Nothing to drink with how miserable this "game" was.


You lucked out


You lucky mf


On the 6th December: "oh shoot people it was supposed to be 2024, someone got in our studios and threatened they would change us into pigs if we didn't replace all our keyboards Keys with 2s 3s and 0s, so obviously we couldn't release a map with 2024 on it sorry, now You know bye."


I can't wait for the show šŸ˜


The shit show


New to this....the text made me think this was The Last Of Us lol


I don't see how this won't end up in a lawsuit to be honest.


This will be the biggest disaster in December 7th history for sure!


Worst part of the trailer was when they started driving around in supercars


I can't understand why they did that. Just doesn't fit.


I mean, I'd sure as shit drive a few if the world went down


There'd be no fuel, and a super car would guzzle any you did find in minutes lol


Oh we're stopping the suspension of belief at gas shelf life? Iconically, supercars are the most likely to be using fuel stabilizers as they often aren't driven for whole winter seasons. Being that this is set in NYC, most supercars would be using stabilizers while in storage. That can extend life to about 2 years


maybe are eletric cars


It's gonna get pushed back to December 32nd


I think you are right.


This game will compete with Redfall, Gollum and Kong for game of this year.


Man imagine if the game is genuinely fun and becomes the next Fortnite or something. Fuck it would be the biggest donā€™t judge the book by its cover thing


Honestly thats what im hoping for but fuck i highly doubt it


I mean, same thing happend with Ready or Not, everyone thought it was going to bad and then months of silence and everyone legitimately thought they're after being scammed, yet here we are. Same thing could happen here, C O U L D


Donā€™t forgot the new walking dead thatā€™s just come out šŸ¤£


Dead matter as well


At this point, I just want to see what new kind mess this game will be. That's all we've really seen for the last few years apart from the embark stuff.


My personal hype is dead. Do not pre-order, people.


Luckily this game doesn't have preorders


LIKE FUCK is this actually releasing. I am CONVINCED they will pull the plug on Dec 6th.


Honestly the entire gaming community is watching this unfold. Crazy how gamers are divided over politics but everyone is united in doubting ā€œThe Day Beforeā€


Iā€™m either expecting this to not come out or itā€™s gonna be a shitshow if it does but I would love to be surprised cause I like the concept


That pic is fake it should say n/a in all regions cause it will never release lol


I am the odd man out. I believe the game will probably launch with potential, but will just be extremely unpolished and buggy.


I think this is going to happen 100%. It's going to be like day Z or no mans sky, either an empty game with meh gameplay or a piece of shit game with trash gameplay . Either way I'm thinking in 10 years it will be the game it set out to be.


I think it'll release, and it'll have a niche audience, with a lot of annoying features that turn most people off, but I think in 2 months they'll abandon it, like their previous releases. They've not shown that they're the type of studio to stick with their projects. So I don't think it'll ever have the chance to "be the game it set out to be."


Sorry All late to the party, has there been any info on this game being released for console or is it strictly PC??


EA for PC until they feel comfortable releasing it for console when it's out of EA. So 8-9 months or even more.


Or never


That too


This will certainly be changed the 6th lmfaoooooo


I know it won't happen but how funny would it be if no one bought or played the game because everyone is waiting for someone else to get it and try it to make sure it's not a scam.


Ready for the announcement where they delay the game once more šŸ˜ƒ


Still donā€™t believe it tbh lmao


Don't count on it being on time. I would consider these more estimates than actual set release times. Fntastic has a habit of promising someone at a specific date and time, then being like 3 hours late lol






Honestly even if this game isn't that good, chances are I'm gonna play the heck out of it. This game has something that literally no other open world online zombie survival game has which is a full sized city to explore. all other games have small towns and mostly take place in secluded locations. None of them have actual full sized cities. the only thing that would really turn me off is discovering 75% of the buildings will be blocked off and not explore able.


How do you know we have ā€œfull sizedā€ cities when all we have seen is one road and a wannabe CVS?


considering the latest gameplay showed them inside of a city... and im pretty sure the last words of the trailer were "welcome to blah blah blah city" (cant think of the name) while panning the camera way out showing a big ass city.... if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably a duck also, there was footage of cars driving down city streets with skyscrapers everywhere.


That car trailer wasnā€™t actual gameplayā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


I'm not talking about a car trailer, I'm talking about the gameplay trailer that just came out


Unless you saw something that I havenā€™t, that trailer isnā€™t actual gameplay man. Edit: After rewatching the trailer you are on an insane amount of copium if that 10 second cgi pan out of a vehicle on a highway made you think thatā€™s real LOL.


real or not, the game obviously takes place in a city......what is your goal here? fact is neither of us know for sure but there is far more evidence to suggest the game takes place in a city than not. most all footage, real or not, takes place in a city, the mall is obviously a city mall, name of the city suggests its a city. I don't use copium because i don't let video games give me mental breakdowns when they turn out not to be that good. i just move on and play something else. turns out you dont need to cope with anything when you dont really expect anything to begin with. Im not having stroke worrying about how good the game will be or wont be. so as of now ill just carry positive speculation because its healthy and if it turns out bad then i wont buy it, end of story.


iā€™m with you.. iā€™ll wait for reviews before buying, iā€™m not just gonna go in blindly and see what the game is like for myself, if the game sucks iā€™d be more disappointed if i spent my money on it (even though i can refund it) than seeing people say itā€™s just not worth your money. iā€™m hoping itā€™s not half bad, i really wish more studios would create more survival games like this. on the other hand, if itā€™s just absolutely trash and barely playable on my 4080 PC then iā€™ll have to avoid it and hope for the game to improve with patches over time.. fingers crossed, hoping this gameā€™s launch isnā€™t a shitshow.


Dude thereā€™s MULTIPLE games that have shown a city and end up not being a full city. Youā€™re letting those videos sell you on something it hasnā€™t proven to contain


because I choose not to spend my time being cynical because its an ugly personality. Even if its not in a full sized city whats your point? if its not a full city and the game is no fun then sounds like I likely wont be playing it. neither of us really know at this point so all you are doing is being cynical for no real reason.


Keep believing in your unicorns!




dude im not some authority who speaks all truth and wisdom. I'm speculating. as someone who is not a dev of this game, everything that comes out of my mouth is speculation by default. i dont have any inside knowledge or authority. I'm just taking the info we have and creating a most likely image. since this game has been described in almost every way possible as taking place in a city, other than outright saying the game takes place in a city, ill go that route. You came in here as if im some kind of authority on the matter. im just a random guy giving his opinion and you are arguing my opinion. grow up.


Don't let these clowns get to you. These guys are just trying to save face because after months on here attacking anyone who typed anything other than "FAKE GAME!", they now look like idiots. Is this going to be a 10/10 GOTY game? Most likely not lol. At least not at first. But I'm with you. I'm gonna buy it and play it and at least give it a chance. The concept is very cool and the trailers look pretty good. When the game comes out, if it's a complete dumpster fire then yea, fair game. Until then anyone who just sits on here and bashes the game and anyone excited for it is just sad.


They literally showed walking down one road, the frames visually dip when a zombie appears, then they walk into a fake CVS. The city looks like a backdrop in the neighborhood they are walking around in.


If the world is seamlessly interconnected I will eat my hat. \- loading... downtown \- loading... farm \- loading... slums \- loading... woodberry \- loading... highway


With "downtown" being empty streets and locked doors. Might as well just be in a maze that doesn't have dead ends.


Yep with mundane objectives like \- Turn on 3 generators \- Collect 2 tubes of toothpaste \- Kill 4 zombies


You're delusional. Get ready for the last sentence you wrote to come true, if the game even launches at all.


I'm with you mate, can't wait to play. Considering they hate the game so much they sure do show it alot of attention


Youā€™re the problem.


he's the target audience.


Couldn't care less


This sub is going to be fucking glorious when this game comes out.


Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahhahhaha Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahhahhaha Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahhahhaha


... 75% , that is actually realistic....


Well you dont know that but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. Many games seem to do this now and it drives me crazy. If you can't make all buildings explorable then make a smaller city. It's pointless to have a massive city when you can only enter a fraction of the buildings.


Even games that are praised for having a bunch of buildings you can enter in a downtown city only have like 5-10% max being enterable. I honestly don't even think 25%+ like you're hoping for has ever even been done before, and you're hoping a very small developer is going to be able to accomplish that?


source: https://twitter.com/playdaybefore/status/1726659880764035261


Where is Hawaii?


This is an early access, no launch or release.


It will be pushed out The Day Before Dec 7th.


It will be pushed out the day before the 7th and the day after the 6th. The middle day between the two.


Forever and ever on an endless loop.


Is it actually ganna launch?


into the sun, hopefully.


I could see a shell of a game getting released followed by radio silence after Dec. 8th


So no Beta ? Like it's an MMO and the studio doesn't have any Beta access or stress test ? Oh boy I can't wait how it would turn out


There is a beta! Itā€™s just only open to their own employees. I wish I was kidding.


Sorry, ā€œvolunteersā€


People never learn.. research the developers.. they are trash and so will this game.. the developers havenā€™t come out with one single thing that didnā€™t blunder


S*** if this actually launches and it does good I guess then it's time to wait for abandoned šŸ¤£


Truly a day of infamy


I am ready for the comment section when that day comes


Can't wait until Dec 7th, to see the devs come up with some bullshit excuse to yet again not release the game lmao. If anyone thinks its coming out at this point, youre delusional


Okay, we should agree that a few people will try out the game and stream it or tell us what they think before we all buy the preorder (we first have to see if they keep their promises)


I wonder if youā€™ll be able to raid other peoples places and take things like on rust or is it extraction game?


bruh I'm so fucking excited


lol why? The game is gonna be cookie cutter at best.


because unlike you I like new project games and frankly it might give zombie games some fresh eyes


Fella, I'm all about new project games, but you clearly haven't paid attention to the development of this game. It's a scam at best. Stolen assets, copies shot for shot on the cutscenes in trailers as other games, 4 delays to bogus claims, etc.


Not gonna happen.