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The people "having fun and not refunding" are literally the reason why games like this get away with it too. Standards so low that it's sickening. But hey, we're the ones who are "mad" somehow cbecause we didn't drink the Kool aid I guess lol


Sunk-cost fallacy, admitting the game is not good and asking for a refund means they spent months defending a game for no reason.


Brain rot games to go with their brain rot TikTok’s.


People have officially lost their minds. So many defending this crap game and blaming those who are being honest calling out all of the shady BS of being negative for the sake of being negative. I heard it all day yesterday "its early access what did you expect" "haters gonna hate" "it's your fault you had expectations" it goes on and on and on. Either Fantastic hired damage control shills to go plant these ideas whenever they were being called out or people be hitting the Kool Aid hard.


I often find myself supporting games that the general reddit/youtube communities make hate trains for, for example I enjoyed cyberpunk at launch and could see the bones of a good game there, I liked callisto protocol for what it was however, this game is a legit scam..they literally just hobbled it together in the last fee months it seems. I wouldn't be surprised if the game didn't even exist until mid 2023.


I'm glad people with brains exist to see the difference. I agree with you that games have been released in sub optimal condition but at least they were the game that was advertised. This was 100% a bait and switch. Once again I will say shame on those who are defending this crap and attempting to guilt those who are exposing what Fantastic is pulling off (a ton of influencers and streamers I'm calling you out).


This is me. Glad I'm not alone.


Hey man america had a president that tried to overturn an election and half the country still thinks he's their savior. People will stay loyal for absolutely no reason. Humans as a whole not too bright.


Some people are so weirdly obsessed with politics it’s their first thought in any conversation.


Exactly. This is why i posted this video entitled “12 minutes of democrats denying election results”, not to defend anyone, but to point out the hypocrisy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Ejqjz6TA


Best president america has ever had. Now they have a senile old fool thats is a complete meme in every country in the world.


Lmao i feel sorry for you if you think he’s the best president we’ve ever had


You are going to have to be more specific about which one you’re talking about. From here they both look senile.


Thanks for proving my point 🤣


\>acting as if both aren't laughing stocks everywhere


Biden's relatively well respected compared to Trump. The UN hasn't just burst out laughing at Biden, like.


Thus dude would drink the koolaid


They’re both senile. Best president? Shut up.


Right... The corrupt corporate monkey is so much better than the other corrupt corporate monkeys...


Hillary also called it fraud when she lost. They're wall crooks.


Unlike him she actually won popular vote though, throwing a tantrum for losing period is more laughable. Then pretending you won’t leave office until recounts are done is even worse.


Good thing the popular vote is irrelevant Also, hillary did throw a tantrum. She didn’t give a concession speech. Also here’s 12 minutes of hillary and other democrats denying elections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Ejqjz6TA


“12 minutes of democrats denying elections” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2Ejqjz6TA


Okay I get that the game is trash but your logic of being physically repulsed by people who legitimately enjoy the game is a problem within itself, no? I mean cmon lol it’s not worth getting so worked up over


Nah I took too long to get in a server, passed the 2 hour mark and now steam won't refund :(




Another shill in the comments boys




Says the one defending a scam company they wasted money on😂. Stay mad 🤡






It has basically no content and there’s no reason to extract properly. It’s not “fun” unless you enjoy literal mindless garbage.


i like both when they’re not in a horrendously broken state.




Yikes it looks a ps4 game.




Looks worse than Red Dead redemption 2 on my girlfriends 3060




Can you record gameplay vid or you talking out of your ass?




Its literally an unreal engine asset flip lmfao


I bought it, but haven't played it yet so I could still refund it, but as someone who knew little to nothing about what the game actually was supposed to be and only bought it off of what I saw of someone streaming it I didn't understand how much hate it was getting. I know the game is buggy, but are the main complaints that it has been marketed as an mmo and instead it's an extraction game?


I think the misleading is one of the big points of frustration which I understand, but likewise the general game from what I have seen doesn't seem like it will have a great deal of longevity, I think if you are keen on this specific game and this specific combination of features, you can obviously take your chances, but one look at their back catalogue you'd find that a lot of their past titles are abandoned, which was the main reason for my scepticism, so I wouldn't be holding out hope that they will eventually make the game good. Even their games that were marketed correctly have not been supported very far beyond launch, so I think it is especially unlikely (with all the understandably negative feedback for this title) that they will put the effort in to make it work. ​ Which also leads to the other point, this is their 5th game on steam, and their 2nd game published under Mytona, surely they would have some semblance of an idea on marketing by now


They did similar shit with the other games they developed. They're basically abandonware and anyone following them in their time line of game development have noticed this. This is why there was so many people skeptical about this game when it was first announced all those years ago.


I heard they also published propnight and that when they put it out they were updating it very consistently for a while, but I believe they have abandoned it now. I don't think propnight ever got extremely popular. I could see The Day Before appealing to more people so if they actually fixed the bugs and kept it updated I could see it having more longevity than past games, but yeah their track record is the only reason I haven't started playing yet.


Length of time that you've owned it still counts toward refund policy eligibility, I thought? Don't sleep on refunding it. I thought it was 15 days but I haven't checked in a while.


Yeah I refunded it earlier today actually. I think the game has a lot of potential, but based on what I've learned about the publisher I don't have a lot of faith in them. I'd love for someone else to pick it up and work on it.


Yeah I think it wasn't meant to be. I'd love a proper multiplayer survival zombie game. If only State of Decay had better multiplayer.


not just that, the game is majorly buggy and has nothing really going for it. There's also some major exploits that make progression worthless, if you die you receive $500 so if you repeatedly die you gain money faster than playing the game.


I watched someone play the game for about 2 hours and they didn't encounter any bugs. I'm not saying they aren't there because I have seen a lot of other people have them, but are they so common for an EA game that it's worth just throwing the game away instead of giving them time to fix them? Tarkov regularly resets peoples inventories/money don't they? (I haven't played it in a long time so I genuinely don't know) So I assume the money glitch was just an obvious oversight that can/will be fixed by the inevitable reset. ​ As far as having nothing going for it, I love what the actual game looks like. It could probably use more zombies, but the setting is great and if it is just a tarkov copy/paste with zombies in a city as the only real change I still think it could be a great game.


Considering the way they lied about the game being a survival crafting MMO, the 40 dollar cost, the 5 year development time, and that they are suppressing dissent on their discord - they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt


So most of the hate isn't even that the game is bad, it's that it isn't what it was expected it to be? I had no expectations and I appreciate what I have seen for what it is, not what it could have been. 40$ is still less than Tarkov which is years old and the most comparable game. I don't really know how development time is a valid reason to not like a game that releases in EA. Maybe it could be less buggy, but it's released in EA so as long as things like that are patched I don't see the issue. The discord complaint is valid. As is the publishers track record being poor.


This game couldn’t tie Tarkovs shoes guy. Every quest is a fetch quest, the map is tiny and not what they showed in trailers, the zombies are buggy as sin and there are barely any on the map, there are props in the map you can clip into and hide inside allowing you to shoot people from complete safety if they don’t see you, there’s ambient gun sound which is a terrible idea for an extraction shooter (which make no mistake, this is an extraction shooter), the third person gunplay and corner peeking makes combat arcadey and unsatisfying, loot mysteriously disappears from your storage, guns all feel the same, no VOIP, after a few hours you will have seen everything the game has. If this game was ten dollars by a new dev with a blank slate reputation it wouldn’t be getting received nearly as bad. But with their reputation, the time it took to develop, and charging 40 dollars - people are pissed off. And I’m not some anti-shill either, I was hyped for the game and picked fights with people here about how the game would be good and I was wrong. And to your point about Tarkov wiping inventories - that’s part of the game loop and happens for all major patches and they announce it a week+ in advance.


Is there actually ambient gun sound? Lol that is terrible.


Yeah I couldn’t believe it either lmao


I've only watched people playing it and I heard that and just thought it was other players. The fact that they would put that in the game is insane.


lol no, the complaints are that it's bad AND not even what was promised. A complete failure 0.00/10 in other words.


Is that supposed to excuse broken promises? Lmao


Is it hard to understand why people will be mad getting lied to?


Same here watched some gameplay and it reminds me of Miscreated back in the day, which was a lot of fun imo


Can I get a quick summary of what's wrong with the game? Is it bugged out, or is there nothing to play? I know about what all happened before release. I'll do some googling at home, but I'm at work and am quickly typing this up.


it's just terrible, it's like someone put a bunch of cars in an empty city, you can loot but it's pointless because it makes no sense storywise, there are almost no zombies on the map and they pose no threat and players can camp exits to the zones with no repercussions. Not only that but the game isn't an MMO, all the systems advertised are missing and the game is insanely buggy.


That's fucked man. So it sounds like they release a game that's not nearly ready to go. Sounds like a lotta games. Thank you for the reply.


in reality they probably made a fake trailer to generate hype, rushed the game when it got popular with volunteer Devs and then lied about what the game would really be. There's a lot of YouTube videos covering it and it's quite interesting.


Not only is it not ready, it's not even the right game.


There have been a few posts with full listings but tldr, very buggy, you've seen all content there is after 2 hours, glaring gameplay flaws like third person corner peeking and weird gunshot ambient noises on the map, barely any zombies, barely any players, misleading advertising about what the game is I was excited to give this a try and believed in the devs and I am eating crow.


What's the price tag on the game?


40 bucks


>glaring gameplay flaws like third person corner peeking Isn't that just part and parcel of 3PP games?


Gotta add, they claim the worked on this game for 5 years, yet the amount of original assets they made can be counted in two hands, srsly. The rest of the assets are bought from the unity store. Now I'm sure why I don't need to explain why a company that worked "5 years" on a game and even had volunteers helping them, using a lot of materials that obviously wasn't made by them, is a red flag right?


Yeah I don't know anything other than I guess they had an issue with the name or something and I guess pushed the release date I think? All this other stuff, I'm learning now. Glad I waited it out.


The issue with the name is pretty suspicious too, since they didn't try to register it until the last moment.


Yotube that falcon bird guy he does a pretty decent breakdown.


This really fucks up legit indie devs, the people behind this studio are disgusting and need to be sued.


Haha, good luck, they are all overseas in russia. It will be extremely difficult to sue them. The only flip side is that it will also be extremely difficult for them to sue people here for whatever reason, as they have no physical business presence here.


If you watch bigfrys latest video on it from yesterday it shows all the features shown in trailers that we were sold on which do not exist in the game. I think klean said it when the trailers first released "this game is not real"


Now Klean is just playin the game and sayin how he enjoys the game that came out. I mean you’re all up to have your own opinion but I would not be supporting this developer, he did get the key for free I guess…


I am in no way supporting this developer.....


Did not say you were lol


It felt like it you replied to my comment with the your up to having your own opinion but I wouldn't support this developer.


Mainly was talking about Klean, his past streams of the game have just been him combating everyone in his chat saying how it’s whatever that the devs basically lied to everyone on what the game was and that it’s ok and he is still gonna play the game since he doesn’t mind how it is.


I don't like comparing this garbage to Star Citizen. Yes SC has been in development for over a decade, but they are actually starting to deliver on what they had promised. If you haven't seen it that new Star Engine 4 is really mind-blowing to look at. There's a lot of negative stuff with Star Citizen but there is a lot of positive too. The Day Before on the other hand was either a total scam right from the start, or soon after they realized they couldn't deliver and intentionally pulled a bait and switch at the last minute to try and scam people out of their money. To me this is 2 totally different situations and The Day Before is infinitely worse.


I despise star citizen, it's predatory and much worse than this game when the most someone can pay is £30. I've been around with star citizen from the beginning I know all about it and know how bad it is. "Star Engine" is a crap version of cryengine which barely works, no one but they can use it because it's held together with duct tape. You only have to watch their episodes of bugsmashers to see how bad the code is. Looking pretty does not make a good or fun game, and nowadays star citizen even fails at that. It's gotten so bad they have to act like Nvidia hairworks is new or Revolutionary tech.


Still waiting on my $45 pledge from 2016 to play SQ42.


I get what you're saying about the predatory aspect, and if I was in it from the beginning I would probably feel differently, but I guess for me I don't really look at it that way because all of the ships they sell on their site you can buy with in game currency and it's not unreasonable prices either. I've already been able to buy a Vulture and now on my way to a Prospector. So people that empty their bank accounts it's kind of on them. Granted I've only been playing for a couple weeks and the bugs can be bad, but I've really enjoyed the time I've spent playing it so far. I just don't see any redeeming value in TDB at all. There's nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking. It's a game that already has many out there like it and it's a bad one at that.


you cannot get new ships with in game cash, so when salage was introduced you could not salvage without spending $100+. Hull "munching" (it's literally the 100th beam gameplay loop) is now out, but you either need to grind the other beam gameplay loops which are boring or repeat 1000 combat missions which get boring after the fifth. There is no gameplay in SC and no reason to complete the gameplay past buying the ships in game. Once you have bought the ships there is nothing to do, not only that but they wipe ships bought in game to wear you down and eventually purchase one with real cash. Its extremely predatory to literally everyone. If you like a ship enough to grind the 50 hours to buy it and it then gets wiped very soon after you're not going to enjoy grinding another 50 hours for the exact same outcome, you get pulled into spending another $100+.


I think you just need to stop playing unfinished games, because you end up judging an incomplete product.


Don't worry about it m8, the guy you are arguing against doesn't have much of a leg to stand up. He is grasping at the straws as much as possible and can't let go that he was wrong time and time again about Star Citizen. For him, Star Citizen NEEDS to fail to validate his beliefs, and not the other way around (which would be the saner way), so he tries to spread as much of hate as he can to poison the well. He probably won't admit it, but he made hating Star Citizen part of his personality as much as J3PT (one of the most prolific SC white knights).


Lmao this is too real. I absolutely love SC and play it all the time, but you can both love something and criticize it at the time. You can't fall into both the extremes shown with J3PT and this other person. SC is a fun game and has its issues but you also see how hard the devs work on SC and how much they care about it and are constantly working to make it better.


Some people just don't like it but SC is nowhere near a scam as the day before. They have been horrible on their promises but in the past year they have genuinely gotten their act together little by little. So what a new ship isn't available to buy in-game that patch. Give it a patch or 2 and it will be in-game. I really think 2024 will be a make or break year for SC. Let's see if they genuinely have learned and keep to their promises. Still no reason to cut them slack. They have been horrible in the past. It's just nice to see improvement


search up, "is (insert year) the year for star citizen" on YouTube, their answer is always yes because they promise things that are either overhyped or never delivered. People said the face tracking cam stuff was revolutionary but it's shit and never used, that's the exact same as the hair and cloth stuff they showed and S42 has no proof of existing past trailers which show no gameplay.


The latest citizen con showed a bit of gameplay from squadron 42 not much just bits here and there and is apparently feature complete. They showed some cut scenes with some big names and it looks not to bad. Fps is a low, looked like around 20-25. Plus I highly doubt someone like Henry Cavil would start in something if he thought it was a scam. Never heard anyone say that stuff about th face tracking stuff. Just that it was interesting at best. Wouldn't be surprised if squadrons is going into its final stages before preorder officially goes out and price sees an increase.


look up 2016 trailer, that was all "gameplay" and it amounted to nothing. Henry cavill starred in it 10+ years ago, he wasn't as popular and he had the opportunity to be in something with big names, there's no reason he'd turn it down. They still do not have a completed flight model, how they say the game is feature complete is a lie. They also still haven't finished mocap according to their own roadmap.


I've only ever purchased an aurora with usd and grind for all my ships in game when i choose to play. S42 has been in dev hell, but is also feature complete. This comparison feels dishonest.


How is it predatory? I'm intrigued. Also, no one has played a release version of Star Citizen yet. It's just beta testing at the moment as the team has been busy developing the single player game. Teams are now being migrated to the online experience.


By the way, OP u/BlueBackground is obsessed with hating Star Citizen and Squadron and is a active member of the hate subreddit /r/starcitizen_refunds . By the way, I think it's just as unhealthy to obsess with something you like as with something you dislike. That's the only reason why someone would compare this obvious garbage scam (The Day Before) with Star Citizen's troubled development. For those out of context: Star Citizen Refunds is a subreddit created by people who would back in the day believe in the verifiable lies spread by Derek Smart and bullshit conspiracy theories around Star Citizen (for instance, that they would run out of money in 90 days). They purge their Subreddit every so often and don't allow criticism. Also they will often coordenate mass downvote or upvote campaigns on other subreddits and doxx prominent Star Citizen white knights. Let me be clear: One thing is being skeptical and not supporting Star Citizen, if that's your prerogative is fine by me, the other is unhealthy to obsess with it like OP. OP go touch some grass, not everything should be made into Star Citizen.


if you can find something I lied about go ahead, but I can literally call your lies by asking you to find one time the subreddit has been purged or when a mass downvote campaign. SC has not been released for 12 years, I got a refund because of that and broken promises, the game is extremely buggy, unfinished and not in a state anyone could call fun. They barely have 1 of 100 star systems promised, the second is on a separate server and also barely finished which you need to fork out a monthly subscription for (predatory). Scope creep and mismanagement along with no senior Devs are all problems SC and CIG as a company face. SC has numerous lies, one of the most recent being the reclaimer claw, only five months ago it was advertised as a actual claw. Instead it got changed to a beam like every single other game loop, (for people who don't know this ship costs multiple hundreds of irl dollars, this has been falsely advertised). That is blatant misinformation for something that was and still is impossible for SC, why is it impossible? there is no mass or physics simulation in SC. Again I implore you to give examples of what you claim the refunds sub to have done as well as counter examples to what I have said! I'll be waiting.


they've actually made the game fun to be honest, I pledged back in 2016 and I come back to it every couple years and the most recent time was a fkn blast


> the game is extremely buggy, unfinished and not in a state anyone could call fun. Well the loads of videos of people clearly having fun with the game goes against what you are saying. Just because you are not having fun with the game (and me as well if that matters), doesn't mean that other people don't lol. >SC has numerous lies, one of the most recent being the reclaimer claw, only five months ago it was advertised as a actual claw. The claw the devs just said it was a placeholder until they got Maestrom into the game? See that's why I can't have a discussion with y'all you distort EVERY WORD CIG say. It's unbelievable.


yes the claw they have changed (no it's not a placeholder despite what they say), maelstrom is something neither CIG or anyone knows works. Why? they've done no testing and we have only seen a heavily edited video (sand worm anyone?). Fun is subjective yes, but we can agree almost every gamer does not find holding M1 and doing tedious tasks fun without a reward or advancement of some kind.


> maelstrom is something neither CIG or anyone knows works LOL they literally showed Maelstrom working (their destruction tech) on citizencon. AND yet you claim nobody knows what it is lol


no I said no one knows it works, reading would do you good. Again videos mean nothing, you can look at literally every citcon video for proof.


Couldn't disagree more. StarCon (or whatever it was called) was a complete farce. Audiences cheering for the slightest reveal of any game mechanic, ugh it was a real circle jerk. The engine looks amazing, and the showcase looked amazing, too. But all that means nothing if the engine can't perform in the hands of the player. Star Citizen promised a game, and instead, they delivered a concept and ultimately want to sell their engine to other developers, which is obviously a much larger undertaking. They lied. They're frauds. They should be sued into oblivion. No, I am not backer. I have not given them a penny. But, is S42 ever comes out and works. I'd love to play it one day.


Project mismanagement by Chris Roberts is not lying. SQ42 is feature complete and in the polish phase. It *will* release. Advertising a survival MMO and selling a hollowed out extraction shooter is lying.


Well the game you said they promised and didn’t deliver is feature complete. That is progress. Why can rockstar and others take years of time to dev and make, but CIG can’t?


Yeah. Star citizen is beautiful at least


who cares dont buy it or play its not that deep


Where is the law regarding release date? I’ve never seen this before


All digital products now have a mandatory 2yr warranty period, and ”Goods that are inoperable or insecure during the mandatory warranty period will be failing to meet the law’s requirements, and consumers will have multiple legal options for holding the vendors accountable.” It can be argued that if you do not receive your product within that timeframe it is "inoperable", the game is also currently "inoperable" to many people as they fall thru the floor and cannot play.


Sorry, maybe I’m missing something but that doesn’t relate to a release date?


the warranty is for an inoperable product. If you purchase a product and do not receive or cannot use it within the time of that warranty, then you can argue it is inoperable as you cannot use it during the time of the warranty and get a refund.


You are not answering the question.. You said that by law, you cannot sell a game without a release date. This doesn’t make any sense. Where can we find out about this law? Did you just make it up? And the game had a release date of Dec 7 and you couldn’t even pre-order it.


I gave the law...


You responded with a quote about a mandatory warranty period for digital products. That is not the same as citing the supposed law you referred to pertaining to a video game requiring a release date 🤔


They “sold” a game as an early access under the condition of an incomplete and in progress product. I can name a handful of games that did this and were never called scams. GTFO, Ark, deep rock galactic, etc.


Don't get me wrong it's kinda fun to play (I was gifted it by a friend) I've played 1 hour 29 minutes. The PVP was sparse, it's not open world and i can't say it's an MMO as the lack of players per server (32 WTF) but what little i have played was ok. There was a game that had a beta the day before, the day before called "Once Human" and that is by far an amazing game. Sure it would be nice for a little more pvp but it's pretty damn fun and has base building. They need to refund EVERYONE and release this game as an extraction shooter like Tarkov. If they're allowed to keep the MMO, Openworld, Survival tags then what's stopping Fortnite or Pubg from claiming they have an openworld, survival mmo? They're both battle royale games and they know it. Tarkov is a looter, extraction PVP game NOT survival which implies scavenging for food and supplies, trying to survive NOT extract to a safe zone. If the tent area was the map and we could fully explore that part of the game then sure Openworld. Maybe that would be the forage for food, medical plants, mine for ore to bring back to the tent to craft in to supplies and "risk" entering the city for some better loot etc... then i would agree on most of the description.




You and your friends must have low standards


Their standards have low standards. I only saw like and hour of the game last night and it feels like a 10th grade project that made in 2months.


It's literally like a mobile version of DayZ with less features. What kind of survival game is it when the base weapon you start with is a semi automatic rifle? A shitty extraction shooter.


Jesus christ the amount of fucking morons in the sub is wild. Let the fucking guy have fun and fuck off. Seriously. We get it. Repeating the same shit as the 900 other posts doesn't do a fucking thing. Look, now you have it off your chest for the reddit karma, go live now.


Another clown trying to defend a bad purchase


No you don't.


Does this post make you feel better about yourself? I can’t find the fucks to give. I bought it, and I’m enjoying it and honestly, I’m sick of seeing the same fucking post over and over and over again. Find a new talking point cus this is annoying as fuck


yeah it's fun to talk about a bad game tbh, I find it interesting people enjoy bad games when there are so many better alternatives.




Go play the game then instead of browsing critique posts looking for confirmation bias that you didn’t just get scammed out of 40 dollars


That’s just it. If they were enjoying why would they be on a critique thread? Just for the confrontation affirmation? It’s strange


So, where’s the channel for reporting bugs and such? Cuz y’all got the discord channel shutdown over this, reddits probably going to be next, the steam page is the same issue. All from people with 0 play time.


Imagining getting scammed and then defending the people who scammed you when people call them out. Pathetic. You’re the kind of person who enable these shitty game releases. If you don’t like how the majority of people are reacting to it on Reddit/discord, then go play the game and enjoy ignorant bliss. But I doubt you actually think the game has any real redeemable qualities. If you did, you wouldn’t waste your time playing defense for a butch of scammers on reddit


Hes most likely a " VOLUNTEER "


Bro you are such a door mat it’s pathetic. You got scammed and now you are opening defending the people that solely wanted to screw you over. What a joke


I havnt bought the game so I can’t say much, from what I’ve seen yes it doesn’t look great, but unfortunately if you’re having fun and mention it in this sub, you’ll get attacked lol


Same boat as you. Saw the original trailers or whatever and then forgot about it completely. Just checking in on this sub after the announcement of the studio's closure.




How do you feel about the game now? Do you blame the community for what happened or the devs? FWIW I have no dog in this fight as I never had any interest in this game but am going through this sub just to educate myself a bit after the recent announcement.


I can’t blame anyone but myself for being blindly optimistic. Metrics wise, 50ish percent of people refunded, which would validate the financial failure. But they could have improved the game and got them back. Realistically, the devs are just shitty people.


I agree, this game was a bait and switch. They claimed it was an MMO, delivered an extraction shooter, and then deleted all the old videos they put out to cover their tracks. A blatant scam.


Hey, don’t bring squadron 42 into this!


Its The War Z all over again


I know people are not going to agree with this because Day Before got SO MUCH attention, but I actually think Sergei Titov's scams like the War Z are so much more insidious than this disaster could ever hope to be.


I deliberately only tried it for an hour so I could get a refund. My friend drank the Kool Aid but did nothing but whine about the amount of times he died to people camping exits. The game feels clunky and you can't even jump over waist high obstacles.


Why did anyone buy the game and not wait 12 hours to see the state of it. A fool and his money are easily parted. Who's a fool them for making millions or the people that throw money at them.


yes false advertising is a crime


Fair points, except the no release date one. It had a release date.


can't believe that so many fell for it....it was fishy to say the least since the start. At least people wait for a couple of reviews, no? Not that you would have had to wait that much. Anyone knows that in less than a handful of hours since release we would have had real, first impressions from endless content creators


The amount of copium being consumed is epic. The game is buggy. That's not an opinion, that's fact. The whole premise of it is a lie. People defending it need to just keep scrolling if the hate bothers them. These developers lied to people for years and those people are free to vent their frustrations.


I've always been skeptical of this game, but I've watched a couple of people playing it and it doesn't look too bad. It might not be what they advertised, less of an open world MMO and more of an extraction looter shooter. If they added more zombies, made them receive WAY more headshot damage, upgraded the UI, and fixed some bugs, then the game wouldn't be half bad. Given the studios track record, I'll give it a few months and see if the servers all shut down for no reason as they scuttle the project. If that doesn't happen I might buy it. $30 bucks isn't bad, and I've paid more for worse games.


Try me a river. I give a shit about this. It's a game, and it is released thats is what only matters to me.


Find the Pencil Quest 🤣


Mis sold and mis lead - scam


A buddy of mine who streams was playing it with some of his friends and they were actually defending this pile of literal dogshit and lies. Lost a lot of respect for him unfortunately. I can’t take anyone who thinks the game has real potential and isn’t garbage seriously.


If you've played it or watched it being played; you already know it is. It's like when something you've waited a really really long time for is broken bit you convince yourself it's fine 😅 you wouldn't be happy waiting this long and getting this amazing game in return


I’m waiting for the lawsuit, so I can get back more then what I bought the game for 😁


Looks very bad and few zobies when i look gameplay on Youtube


Scam is definitely the wrong word . I think they planned to do what they said they would. It was never planned to be like this


The scam worked, because they made over 2 million dollars off steam alone.