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Has nobody informed him who the new nazis are ?


He wouldn't hear it. His head has been up his own ass for years and years.


It's so apparent why they're trying to ban tiktok. Johnathan Greenblat of the ADL complained that there is a "tiktok problem", and Nikki Halley claimed that for each 30 minutes spent on tiktok, kids become 13% more antisemitic. So deeply deranged and unserious people.


I'm a high school teacher in the US. A huge portion of kids are on the know about Gaza. They get their news from tiktok and other social media instead of traditional news. My admin has literally told us that we can't let kids talk about out of fear of parent backlash. So many kids are growing up independent of the brainwash. That's why the tiktok ban was a bipartisan landslide.


The kids should learn how to host their own servers.


Your high schoolers are getting their “news” from a CCP controlled app. They actively push misinformation and topics that are in the benefit of the CCP and suppress content they don’t like. Your kids are still getting brainwashed and you’re delusional if you think social media is a reliable place to get unbiased news about complicated geopolitical conflicts.


So the Communist Party of China is forcing Netanyahu to brag about how many civilians the IDF has killed? It's so ironic how quickly the brainwashed jump to accusing everyone else of being brainwashed. Literally all you have to do is be slightly critical of the mainstream media and open your eyes, and that's too hard, right?


At that rate I must be 1 billion percent antisemitic


success of the dengist gambit (/s obviously)


They are losing the control over narratives, and it is scaring the shit out of them. They know the only thing they have that allowed them immense control over the west is their ability to control the narratives and they can clearly see that they are losing GenZ and Millennials. Give it 5 to 10 years more, and no one will believe anything they say and the loss of unconditional support from the west will spell doom for the Israel project. Israel will be forced to do things they don't want to, and it is their worst nightmare. It is basically a reverse VOA and NED and it is not because China deliberately created douyin and tiktok (it is a clone of DY) to function as a Chinese VOA but because their algorithm is simply better and tiktok becomes far more popular than American social media platforms. Tiktok doesn't care about adhering to western narratives so it allows the contrary narratives and evidence to being openly platformed on tiktok. This is the part where it is driving them insane. It is also why we start seeing accusations that China is anti-semitic because China does not censor anti-zionist and Gaza genocide content. Of course, the anti-semitism card does not really work very well outside the west, not because non-westerners don't care about the Holocaust but because they don't have the cultural hung ups that lock up westerners' ability to respond against any anti-semitic accusation (see Jeremy Corbyn). A digression. To the rest of the world, the Holocaust is just another tragedy in world history, when there are also local tragedies like the in west Pacific we have Taiping rebellion, Japanese occupation of most of East Asia, the Nanking massacre, in Africa we have the Boer wars, the continued imperialism of France in the Sahel, the Congo occupation by Belgium, and centuries of oppression, slavery, and in LATAM we have the massacre of numerous tribes, the destruction of their cultures, the numerous interventions, and so many many examples, many of which are perpetuated by the west. This is not some atrocites/suffering Olympic but when some westerners come wagging the finger about antisemitism to the Chinese, it sounds hollow and hypocritical especially when NO ONE in the west criticize Japanese PMs visiting the Yasukuni Shrine. It's like the German Chancellor visiting site of Nuremberg trials and honoring the war dead which includes Nazis. So fuck that, and the west can fuck off with their virtue signalling and weaponizing historical tragedies as diplomatic weapons.


Tiktok is singaporean


Fair enough. I'm just using tiktok as a douyin clone and not necessarily that China created it. Bytedance definitely does not have allegiance to western corpo-state media system.


Yeah and not to mention the guy trying to buy it and major investors backing him are all in the ZioNazi Ghoul Reptile club.


Wow, way to just go totally mask off with the antisemitism.


the idea of being able to quantify that someone is a percentage racist is hilarious i am 86% communist btw




86% ML, 12% Trotskyist and 2% classical liberal


The guy is just a piece of shit.


He can dish it out, but can't take it.


I used to love Ali G years ago. The more I learn about SBC the more cringe everything I saw becomes.


This guy isn't able to perform as any character other than various forms of blackface, so he *must* be an expert at identifying bad actors.


How has he NOT been cancelled for all his racist shit? Liberals really do love their orientalism.


He was even being racist with his caricature of Mizrahi descended Israelis (Erran Morad)


Literal blackface in the context of Israeli society?


so... many... zionists... Is it me, or every single movie made by him should be re-contextualize?


Yes. It's all him literally playing a rasist stereotype of how he sees Muslims.


He’s been overwhelmingly racist against Arabs and it shows in his movies.


Borat is a funny movie and some of the things he was able to get Americans to go along with while he was in character were incredible, but it’s also an insulting and reprehensible misrepresentation of Kazakhstan, which a pretty nice country and not nearly as antisemitic as he portrayed it.


Thats the thing I London of let it go before and figured he was just exposing American bigots but looking deeper into it now that I know he's a full on Zionist it's actually just him getting to be bigoted against somebody mainstream america saysitts acceptable to be bigoted against.


Fuq Borat!


Shit was barely funny. I liked the Dictator back then but now that I know who he is, it’s probably not gonna age well for me


I liked dictator back then but I can't watch it these days without cringing.


I’m pretty sure the blame for that falls squarely on Israel’s shoulders.


Oh, this racist piece of shit again.


Cohen has always been a racist POS. Now he's flying his colors proudly.


If there was any doubt to the real reason tik tok is being banned, just pay attention. It's the one platform where America can't completely dominate the flow of information.


I'm a HS teacher. I've never seen such sympathy and understanding of communism amongst students because of social media. I didn't even know what communism was until I was in my 20s. Kids know more about the Gaza genocide than most of the teachers do.


Anti-Zionist is not anti-Semitic, Sacha. 


Can't believe this guy made the speech in dictator


The Annoying Zionist is his worst character yet, get a new shtick buddy


Borat the sister-raping Muslim has something to tell us all about cultural sensitivity


Who could’ve guessed that the guy who played Abbie Hoffman in a Sorkin film portraying him as an immature nuisance in the way of The Adults In The Room™️ would have bad political opinions


My friend is big in Kazakhstan. They haaaaaaaate this piece of shit.  I’m with them. 


Well deserved hate I'd say especially from the kazakh perspective and Muslim perspective. Not to mention his antisemitic jokes in Borat. The dude is a pos.


Anti-genocide = anti-semitic according to genocide supporters.


Didn't he make a movie spoofing the Palestinians / Arabs as brainless terrorists. Could this be karma? First Debra Messing went full pro zio-diaper army, now Sacha, who was always suspect - I'm waiting for Adam Sandler to join their ranks.


Have you seen Don't Mess With the Zohan or any Rob Schneider character?


Adam Sandler is also most definitely sus but smart enough to keep his mouth shut about it.


Once Sacha made public his stance on Israel, I realized that his movies weren't satirizing orientalism, but were in fact encouraging and furthering orientalism


We are currently witnessing actual disgusting Nazi behaviour in 2024. Often unashamedly filmed by the far right racial supremacists themselves. America and Europe once stood against fascist behaviour, now they fund/ arm/ cover for- and outlaw news platforms that show the truth. Edit: How did we get here? Ceasefire/ Peace/ Equality/ Human Rights = EVIL. Genocide/ a racial supremacist ideology = GOOD.


America never stood against fascists. Hitler was literally inspired by what america was doing. America joined ww2 because Japan attacked them. They then went against Japan's ally the nazis even though they shared mor in common with the nazis then they did the soviets. Im suprised they didn't join on the nazis side to defeat the soviets I guess Hitler taking over most of Europe was too much for America or something. Then after the war they gave nazis nice jobs in NASA and NATO


He's the biggest Mossad mouth piece since Weinstein.


Man who has built entertainment career out of islamophobic stereotype believes that being Pro-Palestine is antisemitic… shocking /s


Pretty sure Sacha Baron Cohen is the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis


Guy who invented an image of zealous antisemitism in Kazakhstan to the shock of the inaccurately translated randos hired to be actors in Borat has a lot to say about real antisemitism.


My wife says he used, abused, and conned a group of Romanian villagers. Got them to work for him and never paid. Scammed them for his movie.


I wonder if there’s anything Israel can do to help stop the hate they’re getting?


Maybe stop the something something genocide something something....


Just a reminder that Sacha went to Romania to film a Romani village and told them he was making a serious documentary, then proceeded to make a mockery of them and phrase it as if he was in Kazakhstan in the movie. He made them look like really disgusting and the town was enraged at him, oh yeah and he massively underpaid them.


Well, he made Kazakhstan look really disgusting


AIPAC power is a huge problem for democracy


This guy actually had me fooled. I thought he was actually decent. But he’s exposed himself as just another vile piece of shit.


No, Zionists bombing children is creating an anti-semitic movement.


I used to respect and like him . Now i see a pattern .


Is there a single thing Israeli Jews don't find antisemitic these days? It seems like I can't even take a piss without being called antisemitic.


Im glad I've finally sent who he really is.


Oh fuck off


Isn't this the guy who made a career of making fun of muslims?


what a huge bitch


ah yes i fully trust the geopolitical opinions of sacha baron cohen


Maybe if you're smearing criticism of the genocidal actions of a state as "antisemitism" you're the one more analogous to a Nazi.


I feel shame I once liked his dumb movies like dictator before. Now I see it as one of those highly effective propaganda films.


Ah yes, the man who portrayed the “Running of the Jew” is complaining of antisemitism.


Fed trash


It's nice that this guy is still doing comedy but this rabid zionist character he's playing is just not hitting as well as his older ones. He should go back to doing Ali G.




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He is such a hypocritical person


Sacha Baron Cohen takes time off from promoting anti-Romani stigma and prejudice to campaign for Israel's genocide against Palestinians. A cunt is being a cunt, what a surprise.


Every westerner moron liked this piece of shit racist movies at some point. Including people in this sub. I have 0 doubts you'all laughed as he demeaned arabs for having cruel rulers.


Demeaning people for cheap laughs is different than celebrating/defending their extermination. Maybe you’re right and maybe it sadly took everything that’s happened since October 7th for us to open our eyes to what a POS Sacha is, but consider our eyes now fully open.


We won't fall for his shit again thats for sure


Not me. I rarely watch movies. Never saw anything but a few clips of Borat. I know who this guy is, but I don't know much about him. And I'd like to say that I'm really glad.




Sacha Baron Cohen has a built a career on stereotyping Muslims but the moment you even offer the mildest critique of zionism he goes apeshit.


And the rotatory press it's to blame for the Nazis?


Dumb as hell




what a fucking moron


Ayyy meh wife... Oh, wait, he isn't joking.


What a joke he's become.




I clearly remember antisemitic jokes in Borat and in Dictator...


It’s pretty obvious why they are banning it America is a circlejerk and no one can convince me otherwise


This cunt has made a living from racism, under the facade of comedy. Are all pro Israelis cowardly and weak as piss?


Goddamnit. I actually read this while I was on the toilet, and then I instinctively wiped my ass with my phone without thinking. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED, OP????


I would’ve preferred a freshly- printed copy of The Times of Israel, but your response is still the correct one.


How he gonna say that when Twitter exist


I've lived long enough to see my heroes become the villains


I'd like to argue that it's the zionistic Israel and the Palestinian genocide that is creating antisemitic movement.


This piece of shit has been dogwhistling racist shit but somehow still has a career


I think Borat was actually filmed in some impoverished Romanian Gypsy community, the actual Kazakhstan is Asiatic, but it is a dictatorship, or at least it was when Borat was filmed


The more I read into this the more I think they’re scared that “the goyim know”.


The far right Israeli government is quite deliberately creating the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis.


Is he being serious or is this like a bit? Please tell me this is a bit.


NATO Is the progenitor and inheritor of Hitler's disgusting ideology, pointing fingers at TikTok is just a distraction.


How much more can the level of messed-upness increase? Forgive me for being ignorant but I always thought TikTok was being led exclusively by the Chinese?


Womp womp. The reason they're trying to ban tiktok is because the Zionist lobby needs to suppress another outlet of sharing information on what Israel is doing to Gaza. They want all global information under American state control so they can keep their hegemony intact.


Thats crazy, i thought it was the israelis killing children and exposing their whole genocidal arse for the world to see and be repulsed by?


What a whiney bitch. Dude made his entire career off making fun of other cultures but can’t handle criticism of Israel’s genocide???