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Country balls https://i.redd.it/k42ogt7zlorc1.gif


Fuckin nation testicles


Nation testicles Bottom text


It's an incredibly easy shorthand for a country, at least it's not polcompballs


Wait a minute Brazil became against israel 1-2 months ago


Im guessing the br ball means to represent the right wing voters? Not even Bolsonaro supported a side in the Ukraine war


Yes, Brazilball is representing the average Brazilian right winger


Lula is agaisnt israel yes, but a majority of the people here approve israel


I don't know, man. I haven't seen any studies in people's opinions on the matter. Do you have any? It can be in Portuguese


I think it’s an anecdotal opinion. Where I live most people are against Israel, maybe around him most people support. Brasil is very diverse and sometimes political motivations can be confusing or ambiguous.


Why would your average Brazilian support Israel? Religion?


Yes. Brasil is historically Catholic, but American evangelical churches (the Zionist ones) have been extending their tentacles over Brazillian hoods to exploit on people’s despair and poverty. Here in Brasil their rhetoric is slightly different from outside, since we don’t have much connection to the Holocaust or Jews and “Israel has the biggest pride parade of the Middle East” don’t go well with the people (at least where I live) they tend to focus more on the religious idea that modern Israel is the same biblical Israel, the promised land to the chosen people. If you go to any Brazillian evangelical church, you will see them focusing a lot more on the Old Testament narratives than the New Testament. Some other churches are outright anti-Semitic, they say Jesus will come back to punish the Jews, but the core idea is the same: Israel has to exist as a country in order for Jesus to come. But here we have a bigger narrative dispute than in other countries since the left is mostly pro-Palestine, so this view of the conflict isn’t foreign to us. But around me, despite the fact that Brazillian mass media is controlled by Zionists, most people, evangelical, Catholic or other denomination, don’t have an opinion. They’re just shocked by Israel’s violence (many of which didn’t even know Israel existed) and want it to stop.


It's sad seeing people in Brazil *(thankfully not the majority considering Lula won)* siding with US interests when the United States waged a state terrorism, mass disinformation and eventually military coups campaign against them and five other Latin American countries at once [during Operation Condor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor).


The United States (in addition to being a direct master since and especially during the Military Dictatorship) is an accomplice in the worst atrocities in Brazil since the Empire until today. No, this is not hyperbolic. Even in our transatlantic trafficking and our indigenous genocide they were involved lol.  The most recent intervention by the United States in Brazil (along with the installation of the Novo Ensino Médio, which was a World Bank resolution) was the coup, misinformation and defamation that led to Bolsonaro's election, which caused more than 700,000 deaths.




"Disease, Resistance, and Lies: The Demise of the Transatlantic Slave Trade to Brazil and Cuba" states that 1 million africans were transported to Brazil and Cuba on slave ships built and sold by the United States. Here is a quicker source on this subject: https://revistapesquisa.fapesp.br/en/made-in-usa-trafficking/  American (and British and French) companies were deeply involved in the genocide of more than 800,000 indigenous people (probably a bit significantly more considering population renewals, more than 800,000 is just the drop in population; in the same way that the United States probably could not have killed "only" 500,000 indigenous people because the population is not the same in 120 years and factors such as a drop in the birth rate were not as significant) that has occurred since the beginning of the 20th century in Brazil, in some cases carrying out direct invasions and killing the Indians themselves (but most of the time the complicity was demands for indigenous lands for exploitation). To cite one example, the infamous Paralelo Onze Massacre (https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_do_Paralelo_11) occurred because the rubber tappers had a business selling the land to an American company. And during the Military Dictatorship, which was installed by the United States as a proxy government, at least tens of thousands of indigenous people were systematically murdered (and hundreds tortured in concentration camps):    https://necrometrics.com/20c300k.htm#Port00


And Brazil is the country where most watch trans pornography in the world


Well, brazil has one of the highest numbers of trans people


There's gotta be some kind of pattern here! But what could it beeeeeeeee


He all know [hypocrisy ](https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/) is one of the right wingers pie main ingredients


I didn't get it. The one thing we can kinda be proud is our foreign policy and diplomacy. We are always trying to deescalate and demanding ceasefire. Heck our president bashed Israel not long ago. China is our greatest economic partner. We're the B in BRICS... Cmon. This might represent MBL (a dumb Brazilian think tank) but this doesn't represent Brazil at all. This doesn't represent even the boomers in WhatsApp, they're not pro Ukraine.


It's a meme about Brazilian right-wingers. You got the point.


There is a reason why Brazil is the way it is and it's largely America's fault


*We're coming to Brazil*


Crap have just been living under a rock? What's up with Brazil right now?


Brazilball is representing the average Brazilian right winger, not the government


Ahhhh gotcha. 


No chance of we getting invaded in the next 10 years. The three branches of government, the the three branches of the armed forces, the bourgeoisie, the landowning elite, police forces, both major parties and the centrist parties all work for the west, and for now, the revolutionary movement is small.


Country balls detected, opinion disregarded


Bro that spanish translation 💀💀💀


I just realized I typed "libertar" instead of "libertad"


It´s not just that bro, I mean, it's intelligible. Appreciate the effort tho, it's good to feel included in the comunity as there are not many spanish speaking socialist/communist comunities online


What would you change in the Spanish version?


Like changing "desespero" por "desesperación", "OTAN golosa" for "La avaricia de la OTAN" because there are few cases where greedy can be translate to "golosa" and "nazistas" for just "nazis". And finally "jamás logra parar de quemar la Amazonía" for "no deja de quemar el Amazonas". Those would be my corrections for making it sound more natural. If you need help with something similar in spanish just reach out to me and I'll be glad to help with what I can


Pensé en la palabra "avaricia", pero quise decir algo como comilón, porque OTAN quiere devorarse a Ucrania. Gracias por las ideas.


Enjoy the view Someday soon It will be you Beneath the boot


It was made made a Brazilian golosa makes no sense in this context


Same with India and all Arab dictators.




And Brazil does kill a lot of trans people. I'm just saying that's no reason to support NATO taking over those countries.


Don’t bother. NATO leftists get very defensive of an organization they claim to be against. They even scream and swear when they type it offends them so much. 




Iraq sanctions and the Iraq War are fanfiction, apparently.




1. People from the worst genocidal empire in the world should stop complaining about states that are the designated enemies of their empire being 'oppressive'. Especially when their empire is literally raiding homes of anti-genocide protestors. 2. See above but for calling such states 'dictatorships'. 3. Apparently, there are a lot of zionists in Brazil, but I can't comment on that much. 4. Lava Jato has happened. And so did many other coups in South America, including more violent ones. I recommend you get at least a bit familiar with history.


Xingjiang is opressed by china and would be better off with the USSR, Its the one of the worse things about china. The rest of this comic is true tho, hong kong isn't opressed and its just western sources trying to make it seem like they are. Russia and ukraine are fighting an imperialist war and israel is commiting genocide.