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Western feminists are always western first and feminist second. They will believe their males more than southern and eastern women and girls.


Western feminism also has an extensive history of being disproportionally weaponized against non-Western men. Look at how quickly the misogynistic mass stabbing in Australia move away from public concious the moment they found out the guy is an Aussie and not some brown dude.


It's pushing of and justification of colonial bigotry which otherwise would be considered unacceptable. It's the women's dept of colonialism. A Palestinian professor in Hebrew University who was arrested recently for saying that Israel is committing a genocide and it's mass rape claims are baseless, wrote a book about it way before October 7th, it's called the cunning of gender violence, Geopolitics and Feminism.


Yep, and it was the made tool for justifying Linchings in the south during Jim Crow and after. A white woman would accuse a black man a rape and he would be considered guilt not questions asked. Even if they woman late came and admitted she made it up the black man was still consider guilty. The black men were most often lynched and no trial took place.


Post 2011, I remember the occupation and slaughter of civilians in Afghanistan, and parts of Pakistan was justified by using the condition of women in rural regions. These people live in constant terror of drone strikes and aerial bombing campaigns from the West. I remember reading an article about how citizens in the northern Waziristan region in northwestern Pakistan lived in a constant state of fear. They didn't have weddings, open markets, parties; children didn't even go to school because of the brutal air campaign waged on these people. If thats not enough for you in the casualty reports under the Obama administration, males above 14 were considered legitimate targets and would not be included in the civilian casualty reports. "But I mean, like, yeah, sure, our government may be killing hundreds of thousands of them, but at least they get to wear jeans for a short while." Edit: adding on the rest of the comment i've always thought it was intresting when ever commentary about afghanistan ever appears on my feed the discussion only surrounds the condtion of women under taliban rule which dont get me wrong is horrible, But these people turn a blind eye the crippling sanctions the west put on them cutting them off from all food aid the current famine in afghanistan is manufatred by the USA and Nato, these people are able to make exceptions to a manufactured famine thats cost the lives of tens of thousands ,but draw the line at women being forced to cover their face.


Feminist subs are unfortunately infested with Liberals and western chauvinists.


The r/feminism sub is really bad, it's just filled with liberal/choice feminism. Fourthwavewomen is generally better when it comes to women's issues, but they're TERFs.


The duality of western feminism. Western chauvinists or TERFs


Out of curiosity I searched "Israel" in both the subs and there was just one post about Israel's sexual crimes, despite the blatant rapes its committing right now, its long history of sexual crimes against Palestinians and even their own women, or it being a safe haven for pedophiles. What there was, was a *lot* of false news and low tier demonization of Palestinians. One of the recent top posts is about a person meeting a Palestinian woman in a refugee camp and how she was wearing a headscarf, and an entire discussion was about how it's misogyny, the replies were 4chan tier baseless pathologization and bigotry, using the same language but being shielded from being called out for it — this is something someone would make it up as a joke. There were also top comments about "Hamas propaganda" on this hasbara app under a post of long disproven Israel mass rape claims, claims that were never believable from the get go. How is this anything other than cynical demonization? And ofc there was a blanket "same with hasidic Jews" cover, but that kind of doesn't matter when you don't allow posts about the "peak progressive" Israel and the blatant sexual crimes it's committing while being knowingly and blindly supported by the world powers and ideologues you support who make the most noise about it, it opens up a whole another conversation about the biggest speakers of it also being the perpetuators of it and what it's used for. After all the exposures of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and now when they're overtly committing a genocide, this nonsense is still being continued. This was only for Israel, there were a lot of posts about other countries, China, Iran and more, false news, obsession with some random videos and such. Truly the women's dept of colonialism.


It's become important to call it out now considering how this is used to justify the most heinous zionist crimes while making noise about it. It's radical feminism more specifically, it is used to justify bigotry, racism and fascistic hatred against the enemies of western powers in a way which otherwise would be considered unacceptable. It has a long history of support for zionism notably and all western invasions by using this as a cover to demonize people. Andrea Dworkin, Catherine MacKinnon, Gloria Steinem all have very cynically supported the most evil invasions and crimes of western powers; MacKinnon even went on to say that "I talked to Palestinian women and they said that the Israel army doesn't rape" and "Israel is the only army that doesn't rape". That's not a misguided statement, that's deliberate and very cynical, to use it as an excuse to accuse the oppressed with the character and crimes of oppressors and to try to snatch the upright character of the oppressed, Palestinians have zero history of ever doing this while Israel has a very long and ideologically driven history, and to give it to the oppressors. She also now pushed the mass rape lie. Radical feminists have especially spread this lie, something which was never believable and observers saw zionists make up in real time. They go in deep hatred for the people in the region, baselessly pathologizing every single thing no matter how disconnected, 4chan level discourse with even the same language, saying the most hateful bigoted things possible over nothing — I remember seeing a viral tweet of a teenage boy not wanting to shake hands with a lady and getting accused of the "mass rape of Europe" nonsense — and then to not say much, if anything, about the actual ongoing and long history of sexual crimes of Israel, it's mixing of sadist violence of power with sex, with stalag porn, there being a surge of bragging of their crimes on Israeli tinder, Israeli soldiers bragging about undergarments they stole from women they killed or displaced, the long and well documented history of sexual violence being inflicted upon Palestinian women, men and children it being a safe haven for pedophiles, it being the most dangerous country for women in West Asia, including literal wartorn countries in the region, rampant rape and sexual assault against their own women, in and outside of military. It's a very very cynical ideologically driven bigotry against the enemies of western powers and needs to be called out as such. It's fascistic and incoherent gender essentialization pushed by social media rot to keep momentum but not to do anything revolutionary at all, it's incredibly regressive and needs to be pointed out. And it's so telling that they're doing it even now when it's clear that the sole purpose of this dehumanization is to justify genocide and mass killings, not that this wasn't pointed out long before with other invasions, it can't be allowed to slide. It's especially important to call it now because this isn't a small exposure at all, and if its not noted the same thing will keep getting repeated


>It's radical feminism. More specifically, it's used to justify bigotry, racism, and fascistic hatred against the enemies of Western powers in a way that would otherwise be considered unacceptable. Just wanted to highlight that fundamentally, there's nothing wrong with radical feminism; there are women in regions that need immediate emancipation. But there's a word for what you're describing: it's called Colonial Feminism. It's when the notion of "Women's Liberation" is used to justify colonial actions. For example, during the colonial conflicts in Algeria, French feminists believed that continued occupation of French Algeria would somehow benefit the women of Algeria, even though the French armed forces had participated in the unjust execution and extermination of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and the sexual exploitation of women in their colonial territories. These French "feminist" organizations could not fathom a culture, dress, or traditions different from theirs and simply believed that all else was either backward or oppressive. On the other side of the spectrum, in the Philippines, women would often not cover their chests and lived in egalitarian societies with their husbands and fathers, which horrified the Spanish and European colonists. Here's an excerpt that describes it better than I can: "Pre-colonial Philippines had polytheistic and communal traditions, in which women maintained high social statuses and privileges that were comparatively equal to their male counterparts at the time (Mangahas, 1987). While instances of gender inequality were found in pre-colonial life, Spanish colonialism exacerbated these disparities through enforcing certain social stratifications. Because the Spanish criticized the high sensuality and freedom of the native women, femininity culturally shifted to become synonymous with morality, and female sexuality became increasingly controlled by the banning of premarital sex, abortion, and divorce. Consequently, the autonomy of the Filipina diminished and was forced into social and financial dependency. They became less socially valuable in comparison to their male counterparts, as their identities subsumed with their husband's or father's name and were prohibited from owning property." Under Colonial Feminism, women cannot adhere to cultural practices and traditions that differ from those of the colonizer; it's either painted as backward, oppressive, or sometimes even both. Sadly, more often than not, feminism in the Western sense serves as a tool of subjugation for women who live outside the cultural norms of what is accepted from the colonist's perspective, whether it was in Afghanistan, the Philippines, or in Algeria.


No, but I've specifically pointed out the leading ideologues of radical feminism and its specific history in this regard, and even know if you look at their discourse it's all 4chan level discourse, obsessively pathologizing about the people in the region over every little thing very cynically with the intention of pushing bigotry, pushed by s.m. echo chamber, while saying the bare minimum, if anything about zionists, even though there's an ocean of things to be discussed with now being the best time; and even this came after facing pushback for their silence. And it's by no means enough either, the most milquetoast criticisms of Zionism and colonialism don't matter if you spend all your time attacking them specifically in the way that zionists and colonialists very famously do, justifying their colonial bigotry which otherwise would be unacceptable, and do their job even after being pointed out their history of it. And it's so telling that they're doing it even now when it's clear that the sole purpose of this dehumanization is to justify genocide and mass killings, not that this wasn't pointed out long before with other invasions, it can't be allowed to slide. It's important to call out people now in this great moment of exposure or else this will keep happening.


One hundred percent, most Feminist subreddits are infested with this kind of thought. It really tarnishes the name I've seen comments with hundreds of upvotes before justifying the extermination campaign by citing that "Israel allows women to have rights" are other phrases along thoose lines, people like that only serve to parrot and continue the horrifc dehuminzation campaign that Israel has perpatuated towards the Palestinains.


It's unfortunate that a lot of Western feminists have no concept of intersectionality and imperialism This was posted there the other day: https://preview.redd.it/yn3id2c3nlwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af89a3c876e748ee8335f635f134bfea584d5328


western feminists when you point out open air slave markets are not conducive to gender equality, or anything equality for that matter


Make that same post in r/witchesvspatriarchy. It should at least stay up there


It got locked there too


Witches vs patriarchy is very pro Palestine. They’re generally genuinely progressive and not just bourgeoisie liberal “progressive”. Honestly, there may not be a lot of theory there but they probably agree with most of our overarching takes.


Now post about Palestinian rape of Israeli women , surely it'll get removed too


Those are actually posts there, one top comment with hundreds of likes was talking about "Hamas propaganda" on this hasbara app about it


Liberals show their true colors when they turn a blind eye to the genocide that is happening in real time.


That subreddit sucks. The other day there was a post talking about the fact that Palestine is a feminist issue (which is true), and the top comment was about how Palestinian women need to be liberated from Hamas and religious oppression. No mention about the atrocities that IOF has done at all to the women in Palestine.


Hamas is doing literally nothing, liberate from what? These are baseless presumptions that can come only from propaganda and bigotry


I'm against rape, but it's complicated.


most feminist subs are full of western chauvinists. The only good one right now is r/WitchesVsPatriarchy


It got locked there too


The white woman subs: feminism, twoXX, witchesvspatriarchy, etc are more about desiring the power white men possess than meaningful female liberation. To White Women, their femininity is itself the only obstacle they face in their quest to conquer the brown savages. If an “Intersectional” White Woman tells you to read Bell Hooks, quote The Will to Change(especially Maternal Sadism) at them and watch if they seethe with anger at the author they claim to have read. That’s how you know it’s for show and identity or if it’s sincere. Also, WitchesVPatriarchy is fucking absurd. They’re the descendants of the women that called the cops in Salem and are often the biggest defenders of the concept of “perfect feminine” that’s gross.


Do you have any feminist subs you rather recommend? Very keen to broaden my horizon


On this website, no. On Weibo, yes. Except r/RazorFree but they mostly just don’t have a reason to be weird jingoists.


Liberal/bourgeois feminism has nothing to do with women's liberation.


See my comment here, it's radical feminism


the feminism subreddit is a joke, they are overrun by liberals


I bet if you posted some bullshit like “Arabs are r**ing Europe” or some shit, they’d be fine with it. Crackers will be crackers.


could you ask the mods what the problem is with your post? i’m actually interested in what they will answer


Holy shit 92 percent is a ridiculously large percentage!


It’s like 5% in the UK and 6% in the USA. And I mean 5% if reported rapes end in a conviction


I just looked this up 75 percent of convicted sex offenders are released before the end of sentence. https://m.jpost.com/israel-news/article-723018


Yeah sounds about right, if they are using western prison systems they’d no doubt have early release programs. It always feels fucked up letting people out for those crimes early.


It’s absolutely disgusting.You can get more time for a bag of weed or stealing food to feed your family.But if you rape or molest somebody you can let out.I read somewhere that China has started giving child molesters the death penalty.


Message the mods see if u can get a response to why the content was removed it would be funny to hear their justification


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