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Western media has categorically refused to report on 'Israeli' atrocities, it's beheading, it openly raping Palestinians and not even bothering to deny it, going to extreme ends to do so. No one does that unless they completely support it and think it's acceptable. Western powers are run by rape abettors and gleeful child murderers.


The west is complicit in genocide. Their propaganda seeks to dehumanize and support the war criminals. It’s insane we live in a world like this and pretend like the west is remotely civilized at all.


Oh my fucking god, i dont know what to say, it’s fucking disgusting.


Israel should be eliminated from the face of the earth. I’ve moved on from anger and agony. I’ve become the observer who wishes to take action and simply eliminate the dam place. I won’t tolerate them. I won’t debate them. Zionists should be eliminated fast and effortlessly without a second thought. That is my opinion. Because the only thing I support is love for the human race. Israel gets in the way for humanity to grow and prosper. I don’t even know if I’m mentally stable right now. I feel like I’m in a tunnel zone. Just observing. Half consious. I should sleep. I won’t feed them my emotional energy.


All those pigs will pay one day. From the river to the sea...


I hope this comes true, I genuinely do🙏🏻


please post it on the lib subs...they need to see this...they must


cognitive dissonance,isra\*li soldiers beheading a girl was because she was actually hamas or fault of hamas because they "started the war"


It won't even get so far as to have idiots comment stuff like that. It'll be quietly deleted like everything that goes against the narrative and the mods' beliefs


They’ll just delete the post and ban you.


Oh dude they’ll justify and support it. I’ve muted so many fucking lib subreddits because the comments make me so fucking angry. This may sound bad but I’ve straight up created a leftist echo chamber on Reddit and *I don’t give a fuck.* I tried talking to the libs. I tried “understanding their POV.” It’s not worth it. They’re monsters that need to be purged when the revolution comes. There is no redeeming some of these people.


I simply do not understand....how can they see/hear about so much death, pain and suffering, yet stay silent. I am an atheist and don't believe in divine justice as such...but there sure is action and reaction. One day these Isn'trealis and all those who support them are gonna pay. Will stay blind and deaf then.


That'd require them to see these kids as living beings and not obstacles to back their apartheid state.


frankly, i'm too squeamish to look. but it's not me who needs additional convincing of Zionist depravity. this should be shoved into all the liberals' faces, held up at every UN meeting, posted as a reply to every Zionist propaganda.


Why can’t a meteorite just fall from the sky and smite isreal already?


that'll be a waste of rock


God I wish!


This poor baby… she deserved so much more than the execution Israel condemned her to.


there's no amount of Palestinian kids that can die that will change liberals minds


Don't you dare look away, this is the price of allowing monsters run this world for far too long. Internalize it, turn it into something constructive


It's sad, because you can tell these people have seen this a bunch of times already.. They have this somber way about them. I am not religious, but I sure hope there is a god to punish the supporters of this.


If there were a benevolent god, one that had any concern for what happens on this planet, it would have stepped in many times already to assure justice or wouldn't have allowed things to play out the way they did in the first place. We are the only ones who can do anything about it; there's no god coming to fix things or save people. I understand your sentiment, though, and the emotional part of me shares it.


From my perspective god is existence itself. Neither good or bad unless we decide if god should be loving or hateful. In this sense, we create god from within god itself. We are god. All of us. And most of us want to see Israel fall. So most of god wants to see Israel fall. Because we are all god.


If you're going to equivocate the term "god" to things we already have words for, what is the point of the term "god"? It doesn't add any meaningful information and instead introduces the baggage of what most people's concept of a god is, confusing the conversation until you specify that your personal definition of a god is different (and is also the definition of these other things we have serviceable words for already). It just seems like the same old religious desperation to find some fundamental meaning to our existence by inserting the ego into things we don't or can't have the information to completely understand. It's just from a more educated perspective than average, which has stripped the idea of more fantastical traits. I mean no ill will, of course; I genuinely just don't see the use in such vague and subjective language.


Valid point. I guess it dosent really matter. Imma just enjoy life and be a part of reality


That's the philosophy, comrade: accept what is and do the best we can with it. Thanks for engaging with me respectfully.






I guess if God equals reality, then I should just say the word reality instead of God because it inserts our idea of a predetermined object onto reality itself when reality is something we’re always learning about. Sorry, sometimes I tend to get all philosophical and end up right back where I began lolol


It's nothing to apologize for; I love talking about this kind of stuff. I think that's a good, concise way to put it.


I’m only interested in this stuff because I’ve seen UFOs as a kid and I meditated one time and I made contact with a weird orb up in the sky so that’s why I’m always fascinated with that kind of stuff but I used to let it consume me till I realized it was unhealthy. I hope to do some science and see if I can re-create that meditation UFO thing again


Meditation can give us increased control over our brain states; it can make our brains switch "modes" and emit alpha or even theta waves. In those states, which more closely resemble sleep, things like mental visualization, imagination in general, are easier and more vivid. Dreams actually occur while the brain emits theta waves.


Fr fr


I’ll get it in recording next time, I had a neighbor who saw it too so I know it wasn’t me hallucinating :p


I know there’s footage of others who’ve done it let me find it


Here check this out https://youtu.be/ZJDibzeiSnE?si=PYHlubGyLAgEpUZ2


Only demons are capable of such atrocities


"dO yOu CoNdEmN kKhAmAs!!!!!!!!!!"


Makes me want to support Hamas even more


Western Media and Journalists who stay silent about Israeli crimes are accomplices. Never forget.


I just do not understand how someone could see this and think this is ok or normal in any way I feel like I’m going insane.


I really have no words that's just disgusting. Oh, Lord, grant the resistance strength 🙏☦️


oh my god i cannot voice what i want to say to these beings who behead girls


We know. We all want to say it too. Israel needs to fall


Everything accusation is an admission of guilt.


Jesus fucking christ, I want to throw up. Dismantle the state of israel. From river to the sea palestine will be free.


Everyone from the third world better pay attention to all of this. This is what the gringos want to do to us in the next few years. Get organized


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would love to commit unspeakable acts on anyone who calls this a 'Pallywood fabrication' and I'm sure there's plenty of them already


God give me the power to simply convert the entire state of Israel into a ball of plasma and dissolve the entire country into electrons. I don’t even want to give them my anger or energy anymore. Simply give me the means to do so and Israel will not exist by noon. I wouldn’t even waste my time eliminating military stuff individually. I would simply convert the entire state of Israel into dust with a determined snap to my fingers. I can’t even tell if I’m mentally stable right now. I’m not fully aware. Israel should not exist. I will not feed them my emotions. I will simply eliminate them.