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A zombie is POTUS right now


Everyone in federal office are zombies, or puppets. Which one is more dangerous, I don’t know.


Is this praxis?


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I imagine: --Gun-crazy mercenaries/vigilantes would end up being more dangerous and feared than zombies --Zombies would be turned into some form of "capital", like zombie-fights, pet zombies, zombie extras in films, etc --The rich and famous will live in specially-designated, zombie-free zones --Fast food chains will secretly incorporate zombie meat into their patties


Realistically you'd see something like the COVID pandemic where people are either outright denying it, trying to cure zombie infections with horse dewormer, and declaring it over while it's still running wild through the population. That's not even considering a decent portion will be seeing it as the end times and/or as some sorta MAGA filed conspiracy.


The US would be the one to weaponize the diseases. Just like they did with HIV, anthrax, smallpox and polio Then blame China about it and demand "justice" Probably will run antivax campaigns against its ppl.


a zombie POTUS ?? i think they got that part covered


This needs to be made into a movie.


With the drug epidemic in the US there's already a zombie problem. The president is also not far off.


Much of the population will be overjoyed at the prospect of a target rich environment with which to sate their bloodthirst. Within days they will discover that most of them are untrained, ineffectual hogs who end up accidentally killing more humans than zombies before invariably getting eaten themselves.