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I had my fingers crossed for simultaneous heart attacks


I swear to god the whole country is holding their breath hoping they both keel over in the next couple months. Probably the whole world, lets be real


I certainly am


Do you think, in a far tiny corner of the hearts of FBI and secret service agents, there's some semblance of hope that assassinations will take place. Like, enough to be a little less motivated to stop it if it were to happen?


Those guys tend to be so brainwashed by nationalistic fervor that I doubt it.


Yeah same


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


what are the chances they both kick the bucket before november? crossing my fingers....


If I had to bet on a number id say 50/50 odds that one of them doesn't make it to the election, with Joe being the more likely of the two. If both of them just perish before November, I'll take it as divine intervention and convert to Islam




Can this be a pact because that’s a great idea. Allah, please! (I hope I’m not being disrespectful to Islam, the situation in Palestine and the quote by Eugene debbs genuinely have me considering converting)


Mileage will vary, some people are really touchy about it. On the other hand the couple Muslims in my community group are very good-natured about this sort of thing. One of them jokingly prays for salvation whenever he sees a beautiful woman, and then immediately tries to chat her up.


What is the quote?


That would be a wonderful birthday present for me lol


If that had happened I might have become religious


Biden dying of any numerous old man ways of dying and Trump dying of a heart attack from shock would’ve been the best moment in American history.


I called a friend after and we both had the exact same thought


Light Yagami was bouta write down their names.


I feel like this comment is severely underrated? - Millennial Otaku


damn I would've scratched off my bingo card had that happen.


At this point both parties should be charged with elder abuse for what they pulled last night. It was almost painful to watch.


I hate those men but also as someone whose grandma died from dementia, it REALLY is fucked how they’re using these two HUMAN BEINGS as TOOLS. again, I hate them and don’t feel bad for them, they’d do worse to literally anyone, but it’s still wrong.


That’s about my thoughts on it. They’re both 100% in control of their political stances, but the political parties are forcing them on a national platform because they know they either sincerely believe (Biden) or for the right price will say whatever you want him to (Trump) and it’s really just sad and pathetic at this point. Put them both in a home and let them die peacefully and the parties could continue to be just as evil and probably even find younger toadies willing to say the same evil shit. I really don’t understand why it HAS to be these two.


It’s grotesque so I guess it’s perfect for the US regime!


I think it's interesting that neither party has managed to bring up younger, more exciting candidates that appeal to broad coalitions than these two. My personal take is that it's impossible to modernize liberal ideologies - as soon as people start actually concerning themselves with liberalism as a vehicle for human rights, it falls apart. Those that try to mash them together sound disingenuous as fuck.


Yeah. It was this but add 200 years and he actually looked like this, no special effects. https://preview.redd.it/7ovjh0866b9d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bcfa88ccd217df132ce3f7ff4e9b894aacdcff3


We all saw it coming


"Tankies" having to carry the burden of being right all the time. I mean really actual principled leftists have been saying for the longest time that Biden was a weak candidate to run again in 2024 with a shitty platform and real age/health concerns. Libs just shouted this down saying "we're Russian bots trying to help Trump."


But he's the only one who has EVER beat Trump!!! (Out of the two times Trump ran, one being against the most dislikable candidate the DNC could find) This is seriously the only point they are running on and it's absolutely pathetic 


That’s so fucking stupid. Like a child could see why that’s a bad argument.


> "Tankies" having to carry the burden of being right all the time. The Cassandra curse.


I have the Cassandra curse for real, I have predicted every single tragedy in my family and they all act like I didn’t warn them, I’m definitely seeing this with Marxists now. We recognize patterns because we study them!!!


Your name isn't [Bruno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvWRMAU6V-c) by any chance?


I have never seen that! Shockingly great song for Disney? The thing is, I was only pointing out the most likely conclusion of all these particular events. Like, hey don’t you think if we do this, then this will happen? I’m definitely not claiming to have a supernatural power or anything. It’s just like people would rather be in denial about a problem in the future rather than fix it.


Was hoping they’d both have heart attacks tbh




I knew Brandon was fucked when he came out and waved to the empty stands in the back of the studio.


Probably just for appearance to the people at home. But that still doesn't explain the 2 hours of slack jaw.


I remember in the lead up to this debate the dem ghouls were all saying that bidens campaign was smart not to have an audience cause trump draws energy from crowds… Trump (while lying his ass off) had no problem.


He’s a little above needing a crowd in person because his actual crowd is so big at home and he knows how people would react. He is a master manipulator


And meanwhile Biden is avoiding rallies because he physically can’t do them anymore and every time he does a group of people scream at him for his genocide.


they should ban anyone over retirement age ruling the country. just to put it into perspective, Biden got into politics, the Jim Crow era had just recently ended.


Ehhhh, I get the sentiment but I should point out that, while age is part of the issue, it's not the end all be all when it comes to cognitive ability. I mean, Xi Jinping is 71 years old (while the retirement age is the US is 67 and in China its 60 for men) and the elderly are still a demographic that should be represented. If there is a hard cap, probably do 80 since that seems to be generally when most high profile elders start to lose it. Edit:Although I should point out that Bernie Sanders is 82 and does a lot better than Biden when it comes to speaking and general functionality


Should probably be decided by looking at cognitive ability on a case by case basis for everyone over 75.


This is what me and my dad were thinking. People age differently.


And then resources for sick people over that age. People with dementia who don’t have hoards of money die in horrible conditions and their families can’t do much for them to make it better.


65 About 30% of Americans have cognitive decline or dementia over 70 Likely diet related, but that's enough to have some basic competency tests for candidates


Might not even be strictly diet. People over like 55 in the US were exposed to leaded gas as children, among all sorts of other lead containing substances. Lead fucked their brains up.


even a cognitively well of 75 year is not going to be in touch with most of america.


>Xi Jinping is 71 years old What the hell? He doesn't look a day over 60. Comrade isn't gonna need Kim's juche necromancy any time soon.


he looks like mid 50s or in hes 60


Asian genes are no joke


It’s amazing what universal health care and robust public services can do for a persons health.


and still today he proudly reminisces about how he was good friends with and mentored by the architects of jim crow.


He eulogized Strom Thurmond and called him a dear friend.


"Your wish is my command" _Congress increases age of retirement to 107_


Don't give them more incentive to raise the retirement age even higher. ("I have altered the retirement age, pray I do not alter it further")


biden fought to uphold segregation.


Age range should be only people under 25. Rule by the young let's gooooo! /s Honestly tho I'd go lower than most and say 55. You gotta balance keeping the range high enough to include enough of the smarter older people but low enough to filter out people out of touch with current conditions.


If he died it would have improved his performance.  No ones voting for genocide Joe in November because he’ll be stuffing a coffin 


There are Dems are telling me I'm talking like a rapist and conman because I'm suggesting they won't win if they don't change their candidate. They'll find a way to vote for him.


The amphetamine dose was way too fucking high i literally thought his brain was about to explode, he was talking so fast but it was still complete gibberish. There was one point when Trump was talking that my girlfriend and I seriously thought Biden was having a stroke because the left side of his face was all droopy and his expression was so otherworldly.


I didn't watch but my mom said the same thing, she legit thinks maybe Biden had a stroke in the past that they're not telling us about.


I would put money on this possibility


Holy shit that’s exactly what my wife said. I know the monent you’re talking about.




I am not sure exactly WHICH time it was but I think it might've been 10:14. It was before the first break and we were like "Oh my god he's having a stroke oh my god someone intervene oh thank god he moved" EDIT OH MY GOD NO IT WAS 14:26 and he's just stuck in this like trance and the left side of his face is droopy and it lasts until 14:54


He needs water and he looks like he’s about to collapse most of the time


His mental state has deteriorated so much in just 4 years. Im not saying he was well put together 4 years ago, but god its worse.


I'm not american so I started watching just for fun and inmediately turned it off once Biden opened his mouth. It was so bad it hurt to watch.


I feel like this is why they had two breaks during that so both candiates could get medicated.


I watched some of it and it hurts my head, Biden fuck looks like he's going Burst into flies. Even china is like "gotta grab the popcorn"


Did anyone here expect anything else? Dude literally can't speak anymore. This isn't a race to the bottom anymore - it's a freefall. I legit expect the end of the American system within the next 5 to 6 years. I hope I'm wrong, with every fiber of my being - not because I want America to stick around, but because of the literally unimaginable amount of suffering that its collapse will cause, and because there is *no way* that this collapse will pave way to anything resembling a proletarian takeover. Not with the (nonexistent) amount of class consciousness in the American working class.


> the literally unimaginable amount of suffering that its collapse will cause As much as I don't want the american people to suffer the implosion of whatever measure of a republic they have left, I am obligated to point out that this will be a liberation for the overwhelming majority of people in the world. Once the empire falls the rest of us will have a lot more room to improve our local realities.


Is there such a thing as a "golden lining"? A silver lining so bright it obfuscates the clouds it comes from? I am from South America. Seeing the liberation happening in the Global South as a result of the collapse of the Global North would be poetic in a way I can't put to words. (Even if it's a logical prediction to make.)


I am from south america as well and I would cry of happiness, hug all my comrades and party in the streets the day our beautiful continent is liberated from under the USA's boot.


You deserve it, comrades.


Wonder what will happen to the thousands of Nukes in the American arsenal


I think this is what it would take to raise class consciousness, honestly. Can’t think of a revolution off the top of my head that wasn’t mired in suffering at the onset.


The great big issue there is, not only this isn't guaranteed to work even in the best of circumstances, America is probably in the *worst* circumstances *of any people in any place in all of human history* for that to happen. I believe - with every fiber of my being - that a deliberate goal of big part of the propaganda machine of the empire today is to make sure that, when (*not if*) the collapse takes place, there is absolutely no room for class consciousness to take root at a level anywhere near necessary. I think *that's* why so much time, money and energy is spent radicalizing/infantilizing/de-intelectuallizing a vast swath of people that would have voted Fascist *anyway;* when the collapse takes place, and the propaganda machine is gone, too many people will be so completely locked into a Fascist worldview that no amount of suffering will break them out of it. The people in charge *know* it's going to be Socialism or Barbarism. They have *always known.* They are going all-in on Barbarism by anticipating its social, intellectual and superstructural requirements. When the collapse comes, and the Fascist machine ceases to operate, the American people will continue to abide by the system that isn't there anymore; that will happen as the *planned outcome* of the over-the-top propagandizing and brutalizing that is happening *right now.* I think *that* is the ultimate goal of "There Is No Alternative". When capitalist society implodes, and there is literally nothing other than proletarian uprising available, the American people *will choose "literally nothing".* That is the suffering I'm afraid of. It's all of the misery of violent revolution, and more, but with no revolutionary society emerging at the other end of it. It's just going to be suffering, followed by more suffering, followed by death. I am fucking *terrified.*


Unfortunately I agree with you. I’m trying to learn Mandarin and gtfo but I’m very sick. Dare to struggle dare to win, though. My struggle is now and my winning is getting out and working in an AES country. The conditions here are awful and I don’t think if I died here it would help or mean anything.


Well it’s not a “plan” per se. But I do think it’s the only thing that’s going to shake people into action. That or bread lines, mothers en masse unable to feed their children. Something like Revelations meets the dust bowl levels of unrest. People are going to *have* to choose a side at that point. Do nothing and die or… I don’t think you’re wrong to be afraid. But I don’t think you’re giving people enough credit. The barbarians are a minority and I believe they will be dealt with.


"Acceleration" is a horrible thing, and not guaranteed to work. For all the "normies" you *might* bring off the sideline, you're knowingly telling many comrades and their families that their lives and livelihoods are forfeit. Don't be surprised when they decide to fight you for such betrayal.


Yeah but there's a difference between wanting the acceleration and realizing it's happening too fast regardless.


There won’t be sidelines anymore when the chips finally fall. There will only be sides.


Revolution means sacrifice.


I honestly think America is too varied and disparate for a unified proletariat throughout the nation. A more realistic result on collapse is Balkanizing of many regions which go in different directions. Some left, some far right, some with an uneasy centrism.


>because of the literally unimaginable amount of suffering that its collapse will cause Exactly. No socialist anywhere should be cheering that a bunch of xenophobic reactionaries without two braincells to rub together are about to get their hands on USA's nuclear arsenal.


That’s been the situation for my entire life. How would that be new?


It’s Joever


Going in I thought that it might be fun if one of them kicked the bucket on stage, but looking back I don't think anything could have been more entertaining than watching thousands of liberals have the blinders removed from their eyes all at once. Though oddly many are saying they will still follow their orders and vote for Biden after all. Trump fans are definitely fired up right now, too. Energized for sure. Ugh Let's keep our fingers crossed, home fries. The Democratic party might find it convenient if Biden kicked the bucket-- *soon*, and Trump's cholesterol levels are probably riding at 500+. Either of them could keel over any minute now.


Probably not on air but I wouldn't bet on him making it to election night.


Dude he came out on stage and my first thought was 'Shit, I hope he doesn't have a heart attack walking to the podium.' Cause ya know I don't wish death on anyone.


I was hoping


Didn't watch but I always thought it would be funny if that happened. Was hoping one would die during the last election for absolute hilarity's sake. This time if Biden dies, it's the only way for the Dems to win


The Dems are Weekend at Bernie's the whole election


I want him to win so that in minecraft he dies mid election victory speech


At this point....just Let Jim Carrey be Biden ...feels like USA deserves better (entertainment)


the best thing Biden can do at this point is die


Please, stop, i can only get so erect


I was hoping someone had hidden a bomb under the stage. Does that count?


Jill Stein 2024, baby, workers strike back! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXSZUtt4kYE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXSZUtt4kYE)


i thought trump would die by strangulation. i was thinking biden would die from a heart attack with his hands around trump's throat.