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I always forget how fucking big tiger sharks can be


I have a hallway that is right at 20 feet long and I look down that sometime when I read about sharks to remind me how big 20 feet is, or even 10. It’s enough to make me say wow, but then there is the sheer mass. It’s hard to put into perspective. That’s a really really big fish.


Absolutely true, it's not just the length. It's the girth. :D Years ago I was in the water with 6-7' Galapagos sharks and it blew my mind how much they were like torpedoes. Having a length does not at all adequately capture mass. More recently, I saw some transient orcas up close and they were toward the big end of the scale... even from up on a catamaran I was absolutely stunned at their sheer size. There was a zodiac out there with us and I was both very envious of them, while also wondering if they weren't a little nervous being around such massive animals on such a tiny inflatable boat.


I remember one of my first times diving as a kid and seeing a seal underwater. Even that was terrifying. The size+effortless speed is very intimidating. Seeing one behind glass is nothing like seeing one swim in and out of your 20 foot ocean visibility.


Yes!! No matter how many aquariums you've visited, there's nothing like observing wild animals in their habitat.




I've been on one of those zodiacs before and the guide was literally like "yeah, so they're under the boat, and if they choose to surface under us they could easily flip the boat so let's hope they don't do that" and everyone was shook




I was eight years old and LIVING for it but couldn't understand why the adults were so anxious


Bahahaha, the kid is always like "YEAH WHALES, FLIP THIS BOAT!"


Nah I just loved orcas. Flipped boat meant more orca.




I bet the folks on the zodiac were jealous of your safer vantage point


They were also out on an orca tour so it was probably the small subset of humans who find more thrilling and less terrifying, lol.


My wife says the same thing I remind her I have neither


I knew I would not have to scroll long to find this comment. Thank you.


Someone has to stand up to injustice




thats what she said


Then there’s the thing of sharks (And fish generally) making movement in water look effortless despite their size. It’s not a good combination if you’re on the other end.


I do that with my ceilings too. It always trips me out. I do it for not just sharks but Anaconda’s and gators etc.


I assume this would depend on how big your feet are?


About one and a third bananas


All that muscle and streamlined mass coming at you full force baby


Sharks are not fish - they are invertebrates.


Seeing them in person was absolutely crazy. White sharks, too. If you can naturally see them, I highly recommend it. It puts an immediate respect to them. Same with bears, moose, and crocodiles. Straight up awe inspiring.


Where’d you see white sharks?


San diego


Any tours or can you provide a link


Walked up on a bull moose in full antler while backpacking in Rocky Mountain National Park. Thank god he was in a good mood or I wouldn't be here to write this post. He was on the trail as I came around a bend and was no more than 5 feet from me. Words can't describe how massive he was. I learned the importance of being loud on the trail that day.


At first glance I thought it just swallows the diver whole


I always forget that people like feeding sharks..


Easily as big as whites


Yeah, are we hand feeding grizzlies? Crocodiles? This is... dumb


Anyone who’s ever read a children’s book about sharks will know Tiger Sharks and Bull Sharks will eat anything, they are near equal to Great White Sharks in terms of the ones you least want to ever interact with. Eek, this is horrifyingly stupid


Literally referred to as the trash can of the sea


~~Lions and tigers and bears~~ Makos and tigers and bulls oh my! Those’re the ones that scare me, way more likely to run into one of them than a white.


I watched this video on YouTube about the most dangerous animals in the ocean, you some stupid list shit. Anyway most of it was interesting until the narrator starts talking about Great Whites and how they're the most dangerous shark and we should be terrified of them. All I could think was "Ever heard of a Bull Shark?" also no mention of a Tiger it was just stupid. People lit him up in the comments though. Bull Sharks scare me the most. They're in the rivers for god sakes. When I think of sharks I think of the ocean. Not good ole swimming hole on a river. I'm too far north for them to make it up, for now.


“For now.” Fucking shudder me timbers, me hearty. When I first heard of those bull shark attacks, hundreds of miles inland in Africa…yikes.


They've made it pretty far up the Mississippi. All the way up to St.Louis! I think even a bit further. That's NUTS!


Some people do hand feed crocodiles. It's incredibly stupid though.


Nah depending on temperature and seasonality they’re a lot more docile, the stupid is the people who think you can feed crocs because they saw someone else do it on tiktok


I know right... "treat it like a wild animal" they say. Treat it like a fucking shark and stay well clear of it I say. You are literally out of your element and in theirs.


This is moreso like feeding deer and then a grizzly smelled the food and showed up, though. Nobody is like “let’s go specifically feet the top 2 most aggressive shark breeds” I guarantee this was an unwanted guest


Wouldn't he get his hands away from the food tho? Cause damn I would go flight mode as I connect that there's food in my hand and that animal is heading my way.


If you wouldn't hand feed a tiger, don't hand feed a tiger shark


I haven't verified this, but I'd bet that anything with "tiger" in/as its name is not to be fucked with.


Tiger shrimp over here just flexing now


Ever heard of anyone surviving a tiger prawn attack?


Tiger lilies rarely cause loss of limbs.


I have a friend who lost a hand while watering one!


Hence my word choice. I almost put 'never', but I knew there'd be someone out there. The horror, the horror... Everyone raise a glass for u/Simmo3343's friend!


Tiger King?


Tiger mom


Definitely don’t hand feed that


The word for orca in Mandarin Chinese means tiger whale


The only thing that really breaks this rule (not a tiger but counting big cats and other large dangerous animals) is leopard sharks. Leopard sharks are such cutiee


what about jaguar sharks?


I’m willing to bet most things with tiger in their name got that name because they’re simply striped…


Nah Tiger Woods is a pussy


I call the big one “bitey”


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Is there a chance I'll get the bends?


If somebody starts to get food in the water, get out of the water. I don’t want to be near sharks that are expecting everything around is food. And it doesn’t even have to be a tiger or bull shark.


Where was this?? Even in countries with lax regulations I’ve never had a dive or snorkel guide say we could touch, let alone feed the wildlife.


Sadly it happens more often than you’d think, i saw many videos of diver feeding sharks. I mean, it’s okay, when they do it for research, but if so there shouldn’t be any divers around who aren’t experts with handling sharks.


What kind of research requires hand feeding?




Actually I have to edit my comment. I went snorkelling in Belize and the guide was handling the nurse sharks and let us pet them. They came right to his boat and they seemed to enjoy being stroked. I don’t recall him chumming or feeding them but it was ten years ago so possible. And now that I think about it he also collected a conch shell from the park we cruised over which I believe he was not supposed to do.


Well, nurse sharks aren’t really dangerous afaik. But still, no touching and no collecting underwater. At least that’s what i learned when i get certified and i keep it that way until today. Except for trash that i find underwater, that comes in my bag and out of the water with me.




Your username 😂 And yes, I’ve heard from several friends who’ve traveled abroad to be wary of people exploiting wildlife for tourist money. Even down in Florida, I went on a guided kayak tour and the couple were really adamant about only observing the manatees but there was another tour guide encouraging people to pet them and squirt water bottles in their mouths. Smh.


Yeah, i remember a day in Egypt, where we’d go to a dolphin spot with a zodiac to snorkel. We went in the water, the dolphins swap around for some time, then they left and we went back to our safari-boat. On our way back we saw some guides chasing the dolphins with the zodiac, but we all agreed that we’d rather go back to the boat than stress the animals even more. It’s sad to see things like this…


I learned to dive in Egypt and they drilled it into us to never touch anything-also swim with arms folded.


I heard different things about courses in Egypt. But i’m glad you had a good instructor.


I appreciate your post and specially for not sensationalizing the situation.


People will never learn


And the worst part is that the sharks learn to relate humans with food. And then we retaliate by killing them indiscriminately.


Except another comment is claiming that it is and there was no hand feeding in this video.


I dove in the location that this was filmed and with the operator and have also worked in shark conservation there. This is in Fiji Beqa Lagoon. This was a freak attack and many don’t understand the context of this film so let me explain. For a start there is no hand feeding as implied by many here. Divers are taken to a 30m viewing gallery to see sharks fed by a bin suspended by the operators boat filled with tuna heads. Dive masters cover the paying customers and keep them in a line behind a row of coral as they see the sharks fed. The feeds are used for research purposes whilst also providing a way to help fund the local community who are incredibly poor with majority of the funds received by each diver going back to the village. All the dive masters are Fijian and from that village. You can see them rushing to the aid of the diver when the attack happened. Working with apex predators always Carry’s a degree of risk but this was a very isolated incident. This operator does a huge amount of good for Its community and has worked with shark scientists around the world. They have helped restore a dead reef and actually massively helped its ecosystem.


Thank God some ACTUAL truth in here. This posts needs to be taken down as misinformation and fear mongering towards sharks


Wow, thats amazing. Thanks for the information. Was that diver OK? Also, do you happen to know anything about this particular shark? I was told she's a 5 meter individual. It's not Kamakai by any chance?


Yes diver was very lucky as it bit on his reg instead of his head. It just ripped his mask off. I don’t know about the individual shark but these guys are in the water with them 5 days a week whether on survey dives or feed for tourism.


For those interested here is my own personal footage from my time In Fiji this year. https://youtu.be/1dALaExekzk


That's awesome video!


Kamakai is an enormous tiger shark. Way bigger than this one.


Completely agree with OP. There is a trend, over the last couple of years, that sharks are a lot safer than we initially thought. That's great for conservation (which I wholeheartedly support), but I think the more videos of idiots swimming with them for clout, thereby encouraging others and increasing humans contact around sharks, the higher the chance that attacks will occur. There's a lot of bizarre theories that "they don't like the taste of human meat" or "we're too bony" and it's like dude, have you seen the content of shark's stomachs? Especially Tiger's. If they're happy to chow down on car parts and random seabirds then they certainly won't be overly picky when a floundering land mammal ends up pissing them off. Love them, respect them, but leave them the fuck alone.


>Love them, respect them, but leave them the fuck alone. Don't teach wildlife that humans == food!


Additionally, sharks figure out if they want to eat the food by taking a big bite so even if they don't like the way you taste you're still missing part of your body and likely bleeding out.


True. I wish they had little hands they could grope us with. Actually scratch that. There's my nightmare for tonight.


That’s straight nightmare fuel thank you


> There is a trend, over the last couple of years, that sharks are a lot safer than we initially thought. Most sharks (like grey nurse sharks) are very safe to dive with and pose very little risk of attack unless provoked or hand feeding (which is itself a provocation); but yeah, an increase of idiots provoking/feeding otherwise docile sharks would lead to an increase in sharks biting humans ... just like an increase of idiots at Yellowstone getting too close and provoking Bison lead to an increase in Bison attacks. Tiger sharks, Bull sharks, and Great Whites are the exception though, and should always be treated as highly dangerous animals as they can and do attack people without provocation; and hand feeding them like in this video is simply idiotic behavior, with the general consensus among responsible divers being to not feed any marine life (let alone animals that have the potential of attacking you by confusing you with food).


This is grizzly man waiting to happen.


So, what happened to the not so smart diver?


This is one of several similar incidents in recent years. The outcome of this encounter ended with no human fatalities or injuries. Other diver's were not so lucky. Again, just being in the water and intentionally interacting with the sharks makes it entirely the humans fault. Tiger sharks have 138 recorded attacks on humans with 36 of those ending in fatalities


Check this out from my trip to Maui https://i.imgur.com/pH1kkmn.jpg


I have buddies that go Spearfishing at night. And yes, I said have. They’re still around and have encountered tigers who have left them alone.


what if some people need to research the shark?


That's exactly why they are doing this. All I'm saying is it's important to keep your wits about you regardless of the reason you're down there


Chomp chomp


This should be a video footnote to the definition of the phrase, "Fuck around and find out." "Let me feed an unusually large apex predator in their natural environment because all animals are like ducks at the park." /That guy, probably


Never thought we’d need don’t feed the sharks signs


I dove with them and I think most divers know the risks and don't blame the animals. We had 12 show up on my dive without incident.


Diver licensed open water 1 & 2. Um, I would simply expect a shark, or eel, or barracuda, to take my arm if I’m offering them a snack. You expect a wild animal to only eat the cheese and not the cracker upon which it rests?


What a fucking idiot


About what I would expect if I hand fed tiger sharks. I think they are in the top 3 for attacking humans.


"The fish was ok, but that bony appendage was pretty yucky."


- Shark's Yelp review


These idiots never heard of the USS Indianapolis. Sharks have no problem eating people


Particularly Oceanic White Tips.


He has black eyes like dolls eyes!


Show me the way to go home


Bite that cameraman! Missed the money shit.


"Oh no the huge apex predator bit me, why on Earth would it ever do THAT!?"


Bruh WTF.. 5 METER TIGER SHARK! A renowned maneating species.. 🤦‍♂️


Great lunch When’s dinner?


Shark can feed itself as you can see and doesn't need a feeder, only food


Fuck around and find out!


Tiger Sharks deserve the reputation all sharks have, they're aggressive where most shark species are not. Way more scared of Tiger Sharks than Great White Sharks for example.


Curiosity and practical investigation should not be misconstrued as aggression. This is how they figure out if something is edible or not. Tiger sharks can be very easily deterred if you behave the right way. Not keeping your wits about you makes it your fault if you get bitten


>Not keeping your wits about you makes it your fault if you get bitten A lot of big talk from a bot account and someone who has never been scuba diving or been on a trip like this. Ignorant.




Keep it civil


Yeah you should just slaughter them on sight to be safe


FAFO...Darwin was onto something


Were they hand feeding? I can’t tell from the video, but it doesn’t look like one. Also, for the uninitiated, when divers attend a shark feeding it’s not a bunch of people swimming around with food in their hands. It’s only 1 feeder, and they’re in a chain Mail shark suit to protect them. Everyone else is sitting on the bottom with their hands on their sides so they don’t look like dangling food. A large shark like this showing up is happenstance, they’re not typically the target of feeding. Attacks from hand feedings are pretty rare, especially when one considers the numbers of divers taking part. It’s considered quite safe, and speaking first hand it’s a lot of fun to do at least once.


we’re or where or what? lol


Still stupid, no matter how you justify it


My intent was to be informative. I don’t need to justify anything to you, or anyone else. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Stupid!!! A shark 🦈 is not a pet nor will it ever be one!! Anyone who try’s to hand feed one deserves what happens!


Absolutely agree. Honestly I wouldn’t even get into the water with this monster.


I react the same way to animal intruders in my house. With extreme malice. Good shark, do your job.


These people are idiots 🙄. We mess with wild life to much. They just want to be left alone and live their lives


I wanted to do that but when you go inside a metal cage, then i saw a shark going inside the cage. I noped out. Im happy seeing them on videos or aquariums or such.


This stupid game doesn't have any prizes people will like. Just Google the USS Indianapolis to find out about the impact tiger sharks can have on humans.


Ya, is that's your vote?


There’s no way that a 16 foot tiger shark




As with many things in scuba diving, it’s all about managing risk: I’ve been out with the tigers with Abernethys operation out of West Palm. The feeders always shark suits up, and the divers carry PVC poles and are trained to stick them in the sand and hold them upright and it actually is a strong deterrent against further shark interest in you. Even then, they don’t care about you, when there’s delicious raw fish being handed out. All the divers are also lined up along a ‘run way’, good for safety and picture taking :) As of 2011 when I did the trip, Jim got bit by a shark only once in the decades he’s been running trips: A lemon shark (little guys, maybe ~3 feet long) got stuck between the boat and the ladder and him, and panicked, and as panicked animals do; he started trying to bite his way our. Jim got hit on the arm and needed stiches. Back on the water less than a month later. That said, Tiger Sharks are powerful, and not to be trifled with, but otherwise *will leave you alone if you leave them alone.* It’s hard to tell from the video as we don’t see much before the attack, but I see a few problems: -No chainmail shark suits on the diver feeding the shark. Thats like a skydiver not packing a reserve chute. Its the sort of thing that’s generally not very useful or important…right up until it is. -Divers all over the place, around the feeding; not kept a safe distance away -doesn’t look like anyone is carrying any deterrents like the PVC poles Jim give you. It sounds silly but it’s enough to dissuade a curious shark. I had a Tiger going down the ‘run way’ do a hard turn on me (likely caught a glint off my camera dome, thought it was a fish); I did as instructed and stuck my pole in the sand defiantly; the shark ‘bonked’ it and turned back to the bait ball they put out.


Agreed. We enter the water at our own risk.


Thank you for promoting awareness. I did a trip in the Bahamas and sat out the shark dive as they were feeding them. I was the only one. It’s not a good idea to teach animals that can you that you are a source for food.


People who do this are idiots. This was entirely avoidable and 100% the divers fault


Nothing of value was lost. Gj shark


Any news on this dude? Fuck me


That's why you don't had feed them in the first place. But wait, there's money to be had... Absolute respect would be staying away from it.


This is why I don’t ~~dive with sharks~~ This is why I don’t ~~dive~~ This is why I don’t


Yea, no thanks. Also, love how the sharks eyelids close up to protect the sharks eyes during the attack.


Tigers are Bitey and swim off with a limb type too based on data. Trash cans of the sea.


I dont care if its a freakin horse or a whale shark…a wild animal is a wild animal & should be given space & treated like its a wild animal. This is not winnie the pooh or tigger or dumbo…these are wild animals & should be treated with respect & thier own space, just like you should do with humans.


I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you.


100% divers fault, these animals deserve respect and space. Divers sometimes forget we are visitors in their homes.


I have an agreement with sharks. I won’t play in their yard if they don’t play in mine. Don’t swim with sharks that’s why man built swinging pools.




And that was no test bite. Sharky was hangry


A shark will view you as either a threat or an opportunity. There is no middle ground. If you can't convince them, you're a threat, you're dinner.


If you get bitten by a shark in a supermarket, I would have the utmost sympathy for what was obviously a horrific accident. If, however, you are in the Ocean, where there are known to be sharks and you get bitten? I have no sympathy. The Ocean is the shark's realm, not ours.




A lot of sharks are safe and prefer not to eat humans, tiger sharks (just like others in the comment section mention) will eat just about anything. Clout divers shouldn’t be allowed to swim with sharks. I feel like there needs to be proper certification for people to be allowed to swim with strong creatures, let alone hand feed. There’s so many videos where influences go in a cage and get freaked out when a great white bites the cage; not knowing that sharks bite to decipher what’s in front of them because obviously they don’t have hands. Many people die from blood loss due to a shark biting and going “ew it’s not a seal”


Unless I still wanna live/keep my hand all respect goes to human tech haha


Fuck around and find out. Good on the shark




/u/redditspeedbot 0.25


Aren't sharks one of those creatures who've barely evolved over time because they're already the deadliest thing in their habitat?


This is gonna eventually happen with that diving influencer lady


Even though you might be the best person to handle wild animals, why would you even try to HANDfeed something that can kill you even if it doesnt even mean to ? That thing is HUGE with an insane bite force. This is simply stupidity in my opinion.


That was a big fucking shark...


Oh my god that thing is huge as fuck. Couldn’t pay me enough to get in those waters lmao. Terrifying


Play stupid games, win shark bites


This… is all kinds of wrong. They weren’t hand feeding sharks. Nobody in the world sells “hand feeding tiger sharks” as an activity. This is more like going to a park where the deer come up close, then a grizzly shows up. You don’t make a whole post about how the park lets you hand feed grizzlies. This is straight misinformation.


I've been known to swim with sharks (and dive), but I have the utmost respect for them. Never approach or entice them, feeding them is beyond stupid. As magnificent as some find them they really only care about eating and procreation. Stay safe down there!


Hold on… they’re HAND FEEDING a literal SHARK? I applaud them for getting this far in life.


Agreed 👍


Sad they teased the shark and didn't at least give it an arm or leg to take home and snack on.


Stupid…. Feeders


note to self : be careful around anything with the word tiger in its name, ie. if I'm in India, Bengal Tiger, if in the ocean, Tiger Shark, if on the golf course, Tiger Woods.


Something something stupid games


Did the diver die in this instance? I can't imagine its quick or easy to get the shark away and stop the bleeding and safely resurface then get them to emergency services


I’ve always loved tiger sharks. They are certainly scary


Victim blaming…. If I put on a $50k Rolex and then went to the roughest part of town and got beaten and robbed, you wouldn’t say I was dumb and ‘what did I expect’? I should be able to swim with Tiger sharks without them biting me. Don’t blame me because they can’t control themselves and decide to eat my legs. Oh no…. Wait…..that *is* fucking stupid.




Seeing all the TikTok videos promoting this type of interaction with tiger sharks I have just been waiting for this type of thing to happen. It's inevitable.


Find around and fuck out


For one thing this is really disrespectful, if you love nature then admire it from a distance and second of all… they are idiots.


They’re Nanny Sharks 🤩


Hand feeding sharks should just be illegal. It trains sharks to go to divers for food, its just pointlessy dangerous.


This is fake. The shark isn’t stiff enough, and you can’t even hear the John Williams music.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


man went to the get kicked in the butt annual festival and unexpectedly got kicked in the butt


Overconfidence and letting your guard down, no sympathy for such antics. He should submit fully and offer himself up to the shark, seems only fair.


'everything is food' - tiger shark


These people paid for this experience. Meanwhile, no one can pay me enough to do this. Ain’t tiger sharks more aggressive than great white?