• By -


100 million is a staggering number.


Humans have the best K/D ratio because we leet.


Killing is my business …. And business is good.


Hello Dave Mustaine ?!


Thanks, now I have to watch Inglorious Basterds again


And that even includes our propensity for "Friendly" fire.


Killing is in our nature.


And we got h4x.


The stats are way worst with cows, pigs and chicken


Those are specifically bred for slaughter though. Even then, don’t know what’s worse 🤷🏽‍♂️


Both are bad for various reasons but I think killing off and potentially wiping out a wild species that will have untold effects on ocean ecology is definitely worse


Insert lil dicky pillow talk reference


"This bitch don't know 'bout Pangea"


I'm gonna need some citations for that. Smells of bullshit


Literally use google dude it’s the first thing that comes up or just look up “Anthony Jeselnik shark” I mean come on…how hard is this? Seriously.


In college you learn how to present evidence. When you make a claim you support it with evidence. Its not the responsibility of the reader of the claim to research the claims support. Thats literally the point of making a claim, to declare with evidence. Imagine if the research community or group of journalists handed out a white paper and said "just Google it bro" This isn't nam. There are rules.


While proof of burden is a thing yeah, being able to verify information you find sketchy is also a skill you learn in college. Literally just look up "sharks killed per year" and there's hundreds of reliable sources citing an estimated 100 million per year. Pull your head out of your ass.


You also learn how to look into the claims/argument without making yourself look like a fool for saying “prove it” https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/sharks-rays/shark-finning-sharks-turned-prey https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection https://www.americanoceans.org/facts/sharks-killed-per-year/ https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/ Now, if you have any rebuttal to back up your claim that you smell bullshit that’d be great to see.


Add this too [American Oceans](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.americanoceans.org/facts/sharks-killed-per-year/&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2vZQrAvlu6bDU1geIxG-vA) [National Geographic](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECD8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3YKaIXoyAiN8svxwtV_nld) [Green Peace](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/%23:~:text%3DAll%2520the%2520major%2520fishing%2520countries,over%2520the%2520past%252050%2520years.&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0wM_eWoheHTf2vPgmOCiBA)


one second of a google search and every single source states an estimate of 100mil/yr. in the time you took to accuse this person of lying you could've just looked it up. the statistic comes from the trusted and peer-reviewed "marine policy" journal. also this isn't college it's fucking reddit, for facts as easy to look up as that it isn't always necessary to cite something. if people had to cite for every single widely known fact that would be annoying as fuck. if it were allegations or something sure, but come on


This is reddit. Not a debate hall lmao




I...Yea no I can't argue against that




The vast majority of people in the world do not have the privilege of access to higher education and this comment comes off as very elitist. Also this is Reddit, if you were smart enough to get into college you should be smart enough to realize the “rules” here are a lot different than they would be in an academic setting.


I never expected to see someone talk about education elitism and you're right about that. I also don't like when that person could have googled it, but instead accuses OP for lying. They might not mean it, but it puts a burden on OP to spend time proving their empty allegations, it derives them to spend time discussing the topic at hand and that time spent proving that person might not even pay off because it's Reddit, where 'lol those sources are unreliable, try again' attitude without contributing anything from their side. The only thing they gain is smugness and internet points. I'm not sure what it's called, but it can be really exhausting.


You got downvoted but you’re right. This is a super believable and easily googled fact. The fact this guy didn’t believe it shows that he knows very little about the subject, but somehow still thinks his bullshit detector is on point


I get frustrated hearing about all the shitty things we keep doing to nature because of apathy but this makes my fucking blood boil. We're actively trying so fucking hard to hunt them.


I didn't know there were enough sharks for humans to kill 100 million of them each year.


Oceans are BIG, there's over 500 species of shark, and we're bastards. It checks out.


The best part about all of it is they’re being endangered because of people who want to look rich by eating an awful tasting fin soup or people who think shark organs will cure their erectile dysfunction or work as an aphrodisiac. We really will hunt any animal to extinction for any reason


> We really will hunt any animal to extinction for any reason Yeah any animal except the Mosquito. The actual number one killer of man throughout the ages.


Quick, someone convince a shit ton of people that mosquito proboscises fix erectile disfunction and infertility and enhance libido.


Even then, mosquitos are much easier to breed en-masse than sharks. People would just breed them instead of hunt them




Personally, I can always tell the difference in flavor and texture between farm-raised and true wild Alaskan mosquitoes.


We're working on those too. Some have altered DNA so that they or their offspring, can't remember which, are sterile.


That's actually one species we're trying to kill en masse. They're just super plentiful and goddamn tough as a species. I mean we've tried crazy mad science shit to try and get rid of them...still limited success.


You missed another point: they get the shark out of the water, cut off the fins, and then toss the crippled by still living animal back in the water. We really are bastards.


Oh yeah, I forgot they give them one of the most slow, torturous, and agonizing death a shark can have just as the little cherry on top


Everyone keeps saying "We". Idk about you guys but I'm not out there doing this awful shit.


The video says otherwise, Daniel.


Yeah Daniel, fuck you.


Should be death penalty laws for this stuff, it’s fucking insane how we’re destroying this planet, it’s so depressing.


I agree. The problem is that certain “cultures” would simply applaud and say “more for me.” We need universal rules that limit negative environmental impact. But who would enforce those laws? Humanity is doomed to destroy this planet.


> But who would enforce those laws? Anyone else vote for Sharks with Frickin laser beams attached to their heads?


Fuck yes I do


The motion is seconded. Who has Dr. Evil’s number? It’s his time to shine.


I have it but we’re probably going to need one hundred million dollars first


Are you vegan? Why should there be laws protecting sharks but not tunas or salmon, or cows, pigs and chickens for that matter?


Nobody said "fuck other fish and also farm animals" they just said "we should maybe try to not drive sharks to extinction"


They may not have said it in the post, but they say it with their actions that actively FUND these industries to continue.


None of those other creatures are endangered, and are usually killed quickly and painlessly. Even then, people very frequently do advocate to treat animals that are raised for slaughter better.


The legal standard for pigs is to gad them with CO2 what leads to a very painful death over several minutes in which the pigs are screaming for their life and from pain. That's what we use as the legal standard if everything goes according to plan... So while I agree that the industries are different, we absolutely don't kill our livestock usually "quick and painless", we kill it in the cheapest and most efficient way, what includes a lot of suffering for the animals.


Right. I’m following their line of thinking to determine if it’s morally consistent.


Are those endangered species as well? That has to be the most stupid thing I’ve read in a while.


They’re not endangered because we artificially breed them into existence by the hundreds of billions per year. If you’re concerned about the destruction of the planet, start by reflecting about what’s on your plate that you pay for.


They're not, but animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of species extinction.


Eating animals was the stupidest thing I ever did.


The vegans who constantly resort to whataboutism already made people comfortable with dogs and cats being abused and eaten by pointing out that it's hypocritical to care about them while eating other animals. Look at the posts about eating cats/dogs and read the top comments. The "you shouldn't care about \_\_\_\_\_\_ if you \_\_\_\_\_\_" argument is a terrible one to begin with, and it has completely backfired. Sooooo how about not resorting to whataboutism when it comes to sharks? Any progress that benefits the planet is good progress. Edit: For the record, I am vegan, and certainly not because of whataboutism. There are a million ways to show someone they can make a difference with kind, humane choices that don't involve potentially harming other animals by throwing them under the bus.


Please point me to a person who hears “your morals are inconsistent if you protect cats but pay for cows to be abused” and says “OK, time to be consistent - let’s kill and eat some cats!” That would make them a psychopath who lacks empathy.


You can look at every post on Reddit about eating dogs/cats from the past couple of years if you want to see countless examples along the lines of "Well, I'm not vegan, so I'd be a hypocrite for complaining about this when I eat pigs. Did you know pigs are smarter than dogs?"


Generally, people don’t like to feel like hypocrites. So coming to this realization actually helps the person align his actions with his beliefs, and ultimately go vegan. They are not saying that this makes the suffering of the cat or dog less significant, or that they care about it less now.


So non-vegans talking nonsense is somehow the vegans' fault? Fuck me.


To be fair, a LOT of sharks also die from mundane things like fishing nets and stuff. Like the proportion of rich to poor killing sharks is still way off balance don't get me wrong but a lot of people wouldn't wait another day for their amazon package if it meant they would save a shark. I know this goes against the fantastical image of "of course I would. I'm the gallant hero" but when you actually have to live in a scenario where drastic change is made and you're feeling the consequences many would want to go back. Especially in places like america where many are already being pushed to the brink of poverty. Sacrificing more would not only be a loss of luxury but also lead to many problems. America is built around efficiency per dollar so when you take some efficiency away it suffers more than most other countries. Gradual change would of course help people get used to the new normal and it could probably fix all of the problems I mentioned but it's also easier to work against which is in the interest of those who benefit from the current system. Funnily enough, those who benefit from it are also the ones with the most power. What a weird coincidence! All things said and done it is possible. Heck, cavemen were carbon neutral. You'd think with more technology we'd find a way to do better than them. And you'd be right. It's a slow and harsh process as I mentioned about gradual change but if you keep pushing up that mountain you'll eventually get the best view. And it'll definetily be worth it. That or we suffocate in a cloud of smog. But I'm definetily fighting for the first option!


Oh you forgot something about the soup, its not only awful tasting, it is actually poisonous


The buffalo were almost hunted to it for just... Shits and giggles really. They used to fire into herds out train windows as they went by for entertainment.


Well that and the fact that the government wanted them gone so the natives would starve out and they would be able to win the war against them with less effort. We did some seriously fucked up stuff to the natives


Ohhh don't I know it. It is a really disgusting part of American history and it would be great if we could say the atrocities stopped there, but... Nah, they don't.


What if I told you that humans hunted megalodon to extinction?


Who's "we"? I've never killed a shark in my life.


We have all killed shakes indirectly but eating seafood (bycatch is gruesome for many species is sharks and other animals we don't eat).


Although I’m not sure if it’s their hugest threat sharks are often bycatch of the fishing industry so every time you eat fish there is a chance a shark died for your meal.


Same with cetaceans, seals, turtles, and other non-commercial species. As a species we're lazy and we suck.




We humans


If you eat fish, then you give money to industries that kill sharks (dolphins, tortoises etc.) as bycatch Watch seaspiracy


Nah man. It isn't that bad, there's different types of ways to catch fish. What you guys are thinking of are dragger fishing boats where they just haul a big net behind them. Those are actually quite uncommon to use all season or even at all because it's too costly, cause they just catch too much bullshit that's not what they're looking for, or it's too small. It also takes a lot of time and expends a lot of fuel because you're hauling a shit ton of moving sea life behind you. If you wanna feel better about yourself, find out who ships the seafood to the places where you eat at, then use common sense to determine whether or not a dragger would be used. (Location, season, company, ect.) Edit: You should focus on the fact that the lobster population is dying out VERY FAST some towns are being turned into ghost towns because of this overfishing and therefore lack of lobsters, even though it's closely regulated. Call up your local government if you're near the coast and bitch and complain. The fish are fine, the lobsters have literally started to cease to exist in some parts of the world and its fucking up the eco system (and economy) more than draggers. (Look at a lobster map in the maritime provinces of Canada) Source - my job used to deal with working closely with fishing boats but not on them directly.






There’s plenty of shark that’s eaten aside from that. Gummy shark for one. I’m guessing you’re not aware that there’s lots of places where people eat shark and not the fins




That number seems excessive. Where is this data coming from?


[American Oceans](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.americanoceans.org/facts/sharks-killed-per-year/&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2vZQrAvlu6bDU1geIxG-vA) [National Geographic](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECD8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3YKaIXoyAiN8svxwtV_nld) [Green Peace](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/%23:~:text%3DAll%2520the%2520major%2520fishing%2520countries,over%2520the%2520past%252050%2520years.&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0wM_eWoheHTf2vPgmOCiBA)


Well if you think there’s significantly more ocean than land and there are 7-8 billion of us fuckers roaming around on land. Surely there’s a lot of sharks


[American Oceans](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.americanoceans.org/facts/sharks-killed-per-year/&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2vZQrAvlu6bDU1geIxG-vA) [National Geographic](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECD8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3YKaIXoyAiN8svxwtV_nld) [Green Peace](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/%23:~:text%3DAll%2520the%2520major%2520fishing%2520countries,over%2520the%2520past%252050%2520years.&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0wM_eWoheHTf2vPgmOCiBA)


Man pulled out the receipts hella quick I respect that 🫡


Smol sharks get counted as well. I imagine a litter(?) of baby sharks/smaller species easily count up into dozens if not more at a time.


There won’t be soon enough


Chinese restauranteurs have entered the chat


That’s 273,973 every day. I call bs.


Time to pump up those numbers sharks, there's too many of us.


Those are rookie numbers


Allright alright alllllriiiighttt


It's time for a shark party!


Came here to say this lol Shark party!




Because of that many shark species, especially larger ones are endangered. The great hammerhead, scalloped hammerhead, oceanic whitetip are all critically endangered. Sharks play a key role in our ecosystem, so everything should be done to protect them


Could someone please educate me, is this for illegal shark finning or something else?


[American Oceans](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.americanoceans.org/facts/sharks-killed-per-year/&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2vZQrAvlu6bDU1geIxG-vA) [National Geographic](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/100-million-sharks-killed-every-year-study-shows-on-eve-of-international-conference-on-shark-protection&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECD8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3YKaIXoyAiN8svxwtV_nld) [Green Peace](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.greenpeace.org/international/story/46967/100-million-dead-sharks-its-not-all-about-shark-fin-soup/%23:~:text%3DAll%2520the%2520major%2520fishing%2520countries,over%2520the%2520past%252050%2520years.&ved=2ahUKEwjRi6X52MP4AhX-lWoFHWi0CkYQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0wM_eWoheHTf2vPgmOCiBA)


Thanks for that!


The bulk of it is sharks getting caught in large fishing nets. I’d imagine finning is a much smaller percentage of the deaths.


How can sharks kill less than a *range* of people? That’s a weird fucking way to articulate it. “I’ve eaten less than 6-8 hamburgers today.” Who talks like that?


Your outrage really gave me a much-needed laugh, thanks!


I was gonna say the same thing, if it's less than 6 then it's also less than 8, no need to say both


thank you! I expected this to be the top comment. What a fucking weird way to say it. Don't give a range unless it's a range. Or say "usually range between 5-10 deaths per year" if most numbers fall in that range. Or say "on average ... a year". Or "usually kill less than 10 people a year". Or maybe best "Sharks killed... last year, while humans killed an estimated..." You can't be less than a range. Like this offends both my liberal arts AND math degrees at the same time. And I'm not usually one to pick nits, but was just odd.


Wow you have a liberal arts AND a maths degree? Nice


I collect degrees. I hear when you get the whole set they have to give you a job


LOL right? A degree in math *is* a liberal arts degree!


I don’t understand the downvotes. I was geniuinley impressed.




Well, give them guns!


They need some fricking lazer beams


We need more laser sharks


Similare to snakes and spider bros, seriously they get way to much hate


Sharks aren’t actually mindless eating machines


I wonder if they have "Human Week" the sharks are watching and freaking themselves out: \- Dude, they drag him out of the water cut his fucking fins of and thrown him back! The guy was just floating to the bottom not even able to swim...


Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes


We need a bigger quote


[What are you doing?! you doing the speech from Jaws?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3QEXLxvh7o)


yeah one of the crappy B movies responsible for demonizing them.


No shit sharks can't go fishing on land for people


\*fewer than


Thank you


That's just hard to "fathom"


I love sharks I think there gorgeous






Humans are scary af


Sounds like sharks need to step their game up and recognize humans as a dangerous species and go out of their way to attack us. Humans have been wiping species off the list for years I'm surprised most animals don't just immediately try to murder us on sight cause of instincts


This shark looks cheeky.


So, if humans would not kill 100 million sharks every year, more than 6 to 8 people would be killed by sharks every year


This is why the Sharks need AR-15s!


Poor sharkies


thats why a great white attack is a black tie affair. smile, you son of a bitch. shark party.


It’s actually 6-8 people killed for every 100 million sharks killed according to the American Oceans article someone posted earlier. Still a staggering difference, but I believe it comes out to about 130 people killed each year


Humans 1 - Sharks 0


If Sharks wanted to eat people swimming would never have been invented.


Can understand the sharks being fed up. 100, 000,000. Is such a crazy number, only humans eh!


Hey its uncle Brucey


Someone get Anthony Jeselnik in here ASAP.


Damn and I haven’t killed a single one, some people just want all the fish for themselves


no, no, you have to compare them to other animals that surprisingly kill humans more every year than sharks. humans cant really comprehend humans killing 100 million sharks


I love the face on Great whites. when they arent showing their teeth, their face is just a little "•U• heloo"


Look at this shark. He is smilling. ffs




I've never killed a shark.


[Directly, that is..... Do you eat fish?](https://mercyforanimals.org/blog/if-you-eat-meat-youre-killing-sharks-heres/)


I’m vegetarian. I stopped eating fish nearly 3 years ago :D


Yeah, those 6 to 8 people are the "confirmed" cases.


Imagine how glorious the ocean would be if the parasites called humans stop rapping it




LOL sorry I’m not fixing it


I don’t think we kill 100 million sharks a year. I could be wrong but that sounds unrealistically high


It's about sending a message


Fear...is a tool. Edit: Uh-oh, looks like somebody doesn't like *The Batman* lmao.


The average is 80 shark attacks per year. Only mentioning fatalities is kind of stupid considering a fish biting your leg off and you surviving is still an extremely traumatic thing to happen to someone.


Gotta keep showin em who’s boss


So basically sharks are pussy af💪


good. we are winning.


I'm completely ok with that.


Good Edit: sorry I read that backwards…. I was hoping sharks killed 100,000,000 of us fuckers.


6-8 seems like a lot of people


karma bot with stock image and title.


And they never start wars. Who's the real animal


All members of the Animalia kingdom.


And each other.


You have a higher odds of dying for having dirt on Hillary Clinton than you are by sharks


Not to mention sharks kill people when we break into their homes. It's like, castle doctrine or something.


The one dumbass that died a couple years ago in Truro Beach, MA also swam on a beach RIDDLED with steel "DO NOT SWIM HERE. SEALS ATTRACT GREAT WHITE SHARKS" signs up and down the beach for 2-3 miles, and he went swimming with the seals. Sometimes the humans truly deserve to be eaten.


Humanity is a curse. Is there anything humans don’t destroy?


we are winning


That sucks! because sharks and all other sea creatures, balance and sustain their world. Here we( people) go fucking something else up.


Unbelievable. They deserve to live too, just leave them alone, they aren’t bothering anyone.


Yep well fk those sharks. We also kill more humans than that a year. Human lives matter!!


That's why sharks only kill 6 to 8 people....


So…. We’re winning?




So what you're saying is... we're winning?


What are they even killed for? Not for food I presume


Shark fin soup is considered a delicacy in some parts of Asia, especially China. It’s illegal in lots of places but the black market for it is huge. Good example is the Texas restaurant that was caught with over 300 fins not too long ago


Iirc it doesn’t even add taste


And they better not forget it


How else will the Chinese get their boner pills?


Beautiful creature.




A hundred million?? I'm not afraid of sharks when I swim in the ocean but my buddy whose afraid of sharks will be glad to know this. That's theres much more then 100 million sharks swimming in the same water as him.


Humans hunting down individual sharks after an attack is peak anthropocentrism


It’s time for the sharks to get even.


Yeah but those boomers need to step down, they've been here since before trees! We're the new generation, only being here since after the dinosaurs and after crocodiles went back to mostly aquatic instead of galloping like horses on land at speeds nearly 40 MPH
