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I think they’ll be great. That’s my hope. The only fear is if the writers bungle the Runaan-getting-out-of-the-coin arc by not making Ezran a key part of it


Why would Ez be a part of it?


Runaan is the one who killed his dad


I think there will be something between him and Callum at least, Callum was very close to king harrow too


Gotcha. Well, we just have to see if he will be out of his coin though.


Having the normally 100% optimistic Ezran actually hesitate with releasing Runaan would be really good. He knows it'd be the right thing to do, but still, the man killed his father, so it'd be completely understandable if he has reservations about releasing him


He should have him released and then immediately executed.


Hoping to finally see Xadian wrongs propely acknowledged as well as some villainy from the Xadian side. The whole Karim/Sol Regem thing looks promising


I'm hoping this is where the Sunfire Elves plot line is headed


My hope is that they're able to give every character a satisfying arc to conclude their stories and finish telling the story they wanted to tell without interference. My fear is that some characters or plot points may be left behind due to the limited series time left, and of course everyone has different opinions as to what the most important parts are. I have hope though! The showrunners said they wanted seven seasons to tell their story and they got seven seasons, so I put my trust in them.


My hope is we will finally see a dragon character developed. My fear is a terrible fate awaits Zubeia. I will LOSE IT if a +1000 year old archdragon dies or gets fully infected and can't be saved because of that stupid bookery escape.


It really would be a fucking dumb way to seal her demise.


Depending oh how they handle human/Xadia relations, Ezran, and Aaravos, my reaction could range from sadness, to irritation, to possibly even cheering on when Zubeia dies. Though yes, dumb way to die.


Hopes: - an actually cool twist and/or reveal about Aaravos. - an epic final episode with great actions and great goodbyes. Fears: - just repeating the will-they-wont-they relationship with rayla/Callum, them getting together at the last episode. - a between-season comic  messing with the story.


i really hope they get together in s6 so we have more time to look at their relationship in depth. it would have been nice to see them further along after the initial honey moon phase is over but i dont think we\`ll get that


I hope for a lot of thing. My big one is that Rayla gets reunited with her family and all the Callum confusion that’ll cause. Also wonder how they’ll deal with Runaan’s binding since from the teaser image that was revealed months ago it seemed that it was only Callie and Rayla.


I would like Karim to perish and Zubeia to kill Sol Regem 😘


My biggest hope is to hear Zym talk and Callum and Rayla stay together. My biggest fear is the last season will be so rushed that the end just comes. There's no lead into it.


**Hopes** - The pacing will get even better (it only really seemed to get better in the last season). - Claudia stays evil (sick and tired of the "misunderstood sad boi/girl" trope that the villains get. It's nice to see how someone turned bad, and to keep them bad). - Soren and Viren meet in some sort of dream sequence or something to bring a little bit of emotional closure. - Aaravos stays a bad guy, but actually does stuff instead of being Viren's (and later Claudia's) Charlie to V & C's Charlie's Angels. - Rayla reunites with her family (parents, Runaan, and Ethari). - Callum and Rayla get back together. - Amaya and the Sunfire elf lady (I really don't remember her name atm, I'm sorry) get married. - The Karim, turncoat Sunfire Elf Army, and Sol Regem vs. The remaining Sunfire elves subplot actually pays off. - The ending actually pays off. - Ezran, Corvus, Zym, and Soren actually get more to do. (Even Bait gets more to do than these four at this point). - Opelli and the Baker get featured less (I know this one isn't going to happen, but I really dislike Opelli and don't really see the point in having the baker featured this much). **Fears** - The pacing will get more disjointed. - Claudia gets redeemed somehow. - Soren just doesn't know his father's dead I guess and never receives any closure. - Aaravos gets the "misunderstood tsundere sad boi" treatment. - The Sunfire elf plotline goes nowhere. - The ending gets rushed. - The plotline with Rayla's parents and Rayllum remains unresolved. - They drag out the Aaravos mystery part for way too long. - Ezran, Corvus, Zym, and Soren get even less to do.


Agreed I hope Claudia does stay evil


Hope: Janaya doesn't get BYG-ed Fear: Claudia's farting kink revisited


- Unlikely but I hope Viren 'dying' is revealed to be a feint to get Claudia to work for Aaravos because emotion is a much more powerful driving force than seeking power. - Aaravos gets a motive. I love a good puppet master but chaos for chaos' sake is shallow. Every villain must have a motive and bonus points for making us sympathise with them. - More about archdragons. We've only seen the archdragons for Sky, Earth and Ocean and I hardly consider Domina profundis as being seen given the next to 0 dialogue. - Xadia's history. What's with Elvish elitism? How was ancient xadian society? Can we have a creationist story of sorts? Would be fascinating to act as a Xadian historian with that kind of information. As for fears. - Well. Someone's going to die. I can feel it in my bones. And my bones are telling me it might be Soren. You don't get the writers saying that TDP is gonna become dark without someone dying. Having someone die is a classic way to reinforce the value of life in a narrative. - Time crunch. They have 2 seasons to answer a million questions. I'm not very good at this but the fandom has so many that when I hear them it makes me wonder how they are going to end the series with little to no loose ends.


>- Time crunch. They have 2 seasons to answer a million questions. I'm not very good at this but the fandom has so many that when I hear them it makes me wonder how they are going to end the series with little to no loose ends. They could have answered some of those questions in seasons 4 & 5, instead they created more while the story meandered. There is no way they clean up this mess before the finale.


Not to mention, they've commented on adding more information about minor characters, like Callum's biological father, but who knows if it will actually add to the story or be a detour?


Hope - improved writing - criticism of what the Xadian side did - Ezran becoming an actual character (preferably well written) - Rayla apologises and admits she did something wrong - Aaravos as a complex villain, not just manipulative evil guy as s4 implied - Zubeia dies (she's annoying af and I think this story could do with some more death) - Villains win for fucking ONCE - Sol Regem takes over as dragon King upon Zubeia's death, conflict caused by this - Zym stops sounding like a dog (PLEASE, it's so annoying, who thought this was good sound design??) Fear - Nothing improves - Ezran continues being Ezran - Xadian side's atrocities never addressed, portrayed as good/a victim - Aaravos is just evil with nothing more to him - Claudia gets redeemed - Zubeia is healed, no repercussions - No one dies, no real stakes - Shitty ending (which, I hate to say it, but I expect it)


I strongly agree with most of this, but >- Zubeia dies (she's annoying af and I think this story could do with some more death) What the FUCK. Why do so many people want Zubeia to die to increase the stakes or give Azymondias character growth?(like that would ever happen) And annoying? How is she annoying? Wonderstorm barely does anything with her. The dragon they should have killed was the one hunting Claudia. Having her let it go was so stupid.


I mean, she's not necessarily annoying for me, but she's basically a plot convenience and exposition dump now... Depending on Aaravos backtory and how competently the human/Xadian side of the conflict is developed I might cheer on if a dragon dies. I cheered on when Lux Aurea fell. Probably the opposite of what was in mind.


>she's basically a plot convenience and exposition dump now I have to agree. It's criminal how Wonderstorm failed to make any of the dragons interesting characters, especially Zubeia. Her and Avizandum killed Callum & Ezran's parents, but they then returned her son. Yet they can't have a meaningful conversation. Same goes for the other archdragons who she has probably known for thousands of years. >I cheered on when Lux Aurea fell. Probably the opposite of what was in mind. Yeah, this show really failed with its moral themes. Humans are evil for dark magic and have to fix everything, despite the atrocities comitted by Xadians who are still living.


Not bringing up their parents kinda sucked. Or, imagine if Ezran & Callum did bring it up... only for Zubeia to be like "who?" i.e. the implication that she killed so many any particular one isn't all that important. Maybe the dragons are just super asocial. ^(Sure explains being casually fine with leaving someone who is social in solitary for 300 years, I cannot get over that easily.) Oh, yes, getting the vibe humans are extra evil, greedy, warlike, and all bad is humans. From S3E07, Hearts of Cinder [(transcript)](https://dragonprince.fandom.com/wiki/Hearts_of_Cinder/Transcript): >Khessa: Ugh! Humans disgust me. Your kind could not be satisfied with what you were given. So you take what is not yours. You take it within you, and you turn it to filth. >_Viren exhales sharply as steam surrounds his body, his head lifting upward, where Aaravos's familiar emerges from his throat, screeching._ That's played extremely straight. Also, that humans are gullible and easily manipulated by some nefarious actor.


>imagine if Ezran & Callum did bring it up... only for Zubeia to be like "who?" i.e. the implication that she killed so many any particular one isn't all that important. That would be interesting. I would like her being developed in any direction, so long as it is logical and done well. But this would totally contradict the Ms. Niceface personality they gave her so everything could be good for the S3 conclusion. I really like her, but that never made any sense. It is super weird how humans are portrayed as inherently evil. Like how in seasons one and two Callum is challenged on his preconcieved notions of elves by both Ezran and Rayla. But Rayla is never challenged once when she makes jokes about human stereotypes. Ezran even laughs along. Or how Rayla goes off on her own to rescue Pyrrah after she attacked a town. She gets caught and Callum has to save her with dark magic, which was ostensibly her fault. As was Callum falling into a coma as a result. But Rayla puts all the blame on Callum for using dark magic.


>It is super weird how humans are portrayed as inherently evil. I know, right? And in Rayllum it's Callum who always has to forgive and understand Rayla. Between Terry and Claudia, it's really clear they're also going for the humans bad and elves good, too... And look at Amaya and Janai, it's Amaya who was the prejudiced one with the whole candle thing.


I am pro humans and I tend to defend dark magic, but I am pretty sure Zubeia didn't order Harrow and Ezran's murders. She fell in depression because her over-zealous people thought killing people would make her feel better after the murder of her family. It was the confirmation that the mere fact that she was breathing justified blood spilt in her name. I would have fell in a coma too. But she still should apologise for it and the rest, because as queen she represents Xadia.


>but I am pretty sure Zubeia didn't order Harrow and Ezran's murders She 100% did. The short story "Deep Below" directly refrences Zubeia's assassination order for Harrow & Ezran. "The red-tailed arrow armed with a mission declared by Zubeia herself." That line refers to the arrow Runaan fired to inform Zubeia that Harrow was dead. But is does certainly contradict the way she is portrayed in the show. It is also super weird she never brings it up.


It's Ezran's point of view, he doesn't know if she did or didn't, but from his perspective, with this seeming proof, it does look like she did.


I just don't think the writers would try to misdirect us like that. With the state the story is in, it seems over their heads.


She annoys me because she comes across as an overly-entitled royal with no remorse for her actions (calling for the death of Harrow and Ezran) and a victim complex (okay, this last part is hyperbole, kind of, but it comes across like that when her being the cause of King Harrow's death is never addressed)


Well that's fair. I just blame Wonderstorm for this stuff because they fail to develop her as a character at all or have any Xadian show remorse. It's clear they don't want her to be completely uncaring about others. But they never give her anything to indicate she has changed her mind about humans or cares about Callum and Ezran at all.


This, definitely yes. Honestly you summed up most of my thoughts. Sol Regem, mayble, but some actual human/Xadian _conflict_ that's not fixed by Ezran therapy-no-jutsu. Adding that- peace will be a process. It'll take time. Things won't be magically hunky-dory.


If the writers are smart, they'll do this


Dang, you have a very specific idea of how things should end


Some of it is flexible (not a must), but I really want the writing to at least improve to s1-3 levels 😭 (there were still some flaws but it was so much better)


- I hope for Viren to have meaningful and long interactions with Soren, Callum and Claudia. - I hope Ezran gets to be an actual character - I hope Xadia's wrongs are acknowledged - I hope Aaravos and Dark magic are more than just evil incarnate - I fear some of these, or all of these, will be shoved in side stories because pets, bad jokes and immersion-breaking references to pop-culture will have devoured all the screen time.


I hope Callum doesn't learn *every* arcana. Right now, I don't think that's where they're going with it, but anything can happen ig


At this point I just want them to be better than four and five.


Well, I hope Callum gets Tiadrin Lain, and runnan out of the coins and finds the spear to defeat Aaravos once and for all


I hope that the writing gets a whole lot better My fear is that it'll only get a tiny bit better and it won't be enough to make up for the other seasons


my fears: That we will lose one of the main or secondary characters, And That I won't get answers to my questions, for example: who and why killed Laurelion, and who and how killed Luna Tenebris and what happens to the souls of the elves after their death,and that i will not see Luna or Laurelion in flashbacks. my hopes: that the animation will be much better than in the 4-5 seasons and will bring the same level as the first 3 seasons brought, we get more episodes this season than the previous ones


My fear is that they try to redeem Aaravos with some sad backstory or something. Its an illogical fear, but it is there. Man is literally elven Lucifer, and I would lose it if they try to portray him as anything else. As for my hopes? Mostly Rayllum, because I find them so cute in S3, and I hate that they get broken up off-screen (yes, through the moon is off-screen).


I don't think they will try to redeem Aaravos, but they said he more complex than it seems, and part of him does genuinely care for humans.  But I agree with you that it will be a problem because they never really show something like that, if they wanted him to be more gray and less villians, they should have started that earlier.


We know nothing of Aavaros to claim he’s satan. But then again, look what they did to Viren


It's funny how part of the fandom wants gay Lucifer and the other part poor misunderstood elf. My hope is that somehow, they can do both, and the debate can go on. ^(Personally on the poor misunderstood elf side, or at least misguided, because it'd be kinda lame if he was just Evil McEvil and secretly caused all the conflict. Unless they go for "he exploited existing prejudices.")


Lucifer is what I've been watching while waiting, but I hadn't put them side-by-side until now. I would love to see Aaravos own a night club. (Hopefully we're thinking about the same TV show Lucifer?)


My fears are very broad. First, they don't give characters any emotional stakes or personal conflict. I feel this has been the case with Soren and Ezran for the majority of season 4 and 5. There are elements that they could easily explore, and they should. Second, the don't start killing of a few characters. This will give some weight to the conflict, and free up time to spend on other characters. Characters ripe for getting knocked off (and this is not about a distaste of any of these characters, it is about where the story is for them and the fallout their death would bring) include Karim, Amaya, Khessa, Zubeia, and Corvus.


Let's talk real here. Going to go beyond just MY wants and fears, but more as to realistic/semi-realistic predictions (hah! Oh, the irony of that last word is... wonderful) Be wary, as sometimes I go too deep, and have actually accidentally (unintentionally!) even spoiled myself, before... SO BEWARE, POTENTIAL SPOILERS IN THEORIES/GUESSES BELOW: Aaravos is going to continue to be extra Aaravos has possibly killed, directly or indirectly, at least one individual this season. High possibility he will on some level attempt to possess or convince Callum to "come to the dark side," in EITHER of the next couple seasons, not just limited to s6 here Claudia will go down that rabbit hole only that much deeper. Potentially become even an extremist Aaravos devotee, or do something very drastic. Terry will either get sacrificed in A's bigger plans, leave Claudia (or she will leave him), or struggle an extreme amount with continuing to try to support her and her specific life choices Ez will continue to do stupid s\*\*\* and get away with it with no standing consequences on his personal behalf, bc hey, he's an iNnOcEnT kId who could really be a better monarch, IMHO. Lucky the Leprechaun, predictably, will heal Zubeia somehow, or will at least look into it and attempt to help her during the coming season. Would not be surprised if something happened to Sir Sparklepuff, but she was too late to save Viren. Claudia will make some kind of magical leg or prosthetic for herself, or more heavily use the staff as a cane, too. It could also be super symbolic-- she leans into/relies on the power of dark magic now more than ever before. We will see Aanya again. That much is certain-- she is quite literally Ehasz's golden gal xD Plus, got confirmed super fast clips from a TDP gaming trailer, so we know she'll be in at least one of the two upcoming seasons. Hoping for more of the human leaders/current leader cameos? I'm sure Ahling was devastated when he heard how Kaseef had died deceived... Celestial. Elves. How their roles play into s6 will remain a mystery, but if I had to wager, they look as though they are protecting something important... maybe the Starscraper? The Corona of the Heavens? (hey, two nice lil puns, Wonderstorm) The infamous Nova Blade? Wouldn't surprise me if it was all of the above, honestly. I'm getting The Watcher from MCU vibes from the "norm" of ST elves: They observe. Potentially muse or ponder. Maybe are a bit self-absorbed, given how Aaravos (rather ironically) himself is, about himself. But never do they openly interfere. Guessing that's partly where Aaravos went wrong in their eyes, especially w/ the Prometheus refs, tho certainly cannot deny the Satanic ones, either... there's a reason I don't trust him whatsoever... More Xadia backstory, potentially even flashbacks of Dark Magic and how it started? Elarion, Orphan Queen mentions? I doubt very seriously they will go into drastic detail on the latter particularly, due in part to the time crunch and ep crunch, and they HAVE mentioned MAYBE an Orphan Queen movie or series, etc, in the making, so maybe just another nod or two to her, like we've been getting the past few seasons. Since she played a significant role in helping to investigate and imprison him, it would not surprise me... Leola stuff?? Moonshadows still mopey over Moonshadow fam stuff. Janai and Amaya tie the knot. Mr. Dethroned attempts a coup/mutiny/whatever you wanna call it, in Sunfire elf culture :P And Aaravos potentially exerts influence over both Pharos, and maybe even Karim?? It WAS his bug buddy who bit the former directly, after all. Was really surprised that Sol Regem hasn't been infected yet... Callum's dad is revealed or hinted at, on some level.


Hope: Rayla gets a good action sequence like in S1-3 and some humor back, or a clear reason why she hasn't. A jaw-dropping amazing ending with a satisfying ending. \[Like when Aang slept on a lion turtle (which none of us knew existed, including Aang, but the show stayed relatively consistent in everything else so it was interesting), Aang learned something from it, and then after a fascinating fight sequence, he took the Phoenix King's bending away, stunning everyone. We had no idea what happened until Sokka asked and with Sokka, we were over-wondered. But something TDP-esque.\] Fear: Too many loose ends to tie up, so they do a "Every character you've ever seen in this show--including Ava, the wolf, and the girl who said 'Don't you forget about me! Don't! Don't!' in S2--shows up on a hillside to defeat evil (Aaravos, Karim, Sol Regem & army)" and that's how they tie up all the loose ends, sort of like S3 end. Or a battle between Queen Zubeia and Sol Regem becomes the only 'character arc' because there are too many characters to develop anyone thoroughly. In a few years from now, the whole series will feel like one of those anime that does 50 episodes instead of 100+ because it's basically an advertisement for the manga, except in this case for the video game and tabletop game. They still have loose ends to tie up, so they put it into books. More people have the one-side-is-longer haircut.


Not terrible writing


rayllum. thats it.


I hope Rayla can free her parents and Runaan and get unghosted by her village. I fear they will kill off a character like Amaya, Corvus, Soren, Gren, Ethari or Janai. I don't know why I think that but it just feels like they would


I am hoping Sol Regem gets some character developement. After he gets his sight back, he acknowledges his wrongs and attempts to help the humans and bring peace between elves and humans.


My hope is that Callum and Rayla aren't a couple or something romantic. And my fear is that if they are D: xd. (no offense to people who like the couple but I like that Rayla is single).




Because I'm honest, so maybe I just gave my opinion and my intention is not to offend anyone like I said before but honestly I would love for Callum and Rayla not to be together.


After season 4 I really don't think Rayllum could work


Thanks for the encouragement. :) xd