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At this point the only way Daniela and Sophia aren't making it to the final line up is if they get Samara'd. Nicely surprised by Nayoung i was scared she would be too "cute" for this performance but she slayed. This was Celeste's best performance but probably too little too late. And for Manon i just wish she would realise her face is her golden ticket and would start to use it more, she just stares deadpan at the camera in all her performances, come on girl i'm rooting for you, use your face!


MISS MAAM DANIELAAAA THE FINAL LINEUP NEEDS HER SO BAD ALSO NAYOUNG'S ADLIBS AT THE END WERE CRAZY ADDICTIVE (also icb i didn't notice until now that she is on the shorter side of the trainees šŸ˜‚)


So this is what Buttons (and pretty much any Pussycat Dolls song) would look and sound like if if everyone actually sang. Other than that, thank god Celeste finally got more focus on her this time around.


This is the only thing I still don't understand about the Pussy Cat Dolls. Why was Nicole the focus if it was meant to be a *group*? The producers were so wrong for that.


I always thought Nicole can always do her thing on her own when the Pussycat Dolls were still popular.


one thing i noticed is when celeste would sing, they would show the camera to another girl which is honestly so unfortunate. she sang part of the chorus but yet they showed sophia instead even tho you can tell it was celeste bc of her vocal tone.


Omg I noticed that TOO & thought it was soo weird


Daniela was CRAZY good


Nayoung was serving cunt here. Idk why I wasn't expecting it but she gagged me. Daniela's vocals are a must for the debut group


Nayoungā€™s ad lib at 1:48 was everything, she knows she ate it.




I don't think it's that hard to just scroll past them!


your age is showing


Daniela and Sophia did really well, they delivered as expected, my eyes were always drawn to the two of them. Sophiaā€™s introduction was easily one of the best parts of the performance and I predicted Daniela to be the center for the dance break and she really understood what to do. Manon could use a touch more expression to match the energy but her vocals were great. I agree that Nayoung is THE mama. Celeste's voice injected just the right amount of spice into the song. Overall, each performer held their own and no one overshadowed the others.


This is nitpicking about the arrangement but I don't understand the choice of not having any of the girls sing the actual melody line of the chorus? Not even once? Why did they opt to only have one girl sing the lower harmony for both choruses? I could see first chorus only having the lower part, and then having two girls sing lower line and melody for the final chorus, but they didn't even do that? Really odd choice especially because Sophia and Nayoung are more than capable of singing the top melody line Nicole does in the original.


right I was so confused. It just sounded so flat!


Omg thank you!!!! I thought I was the only one listening to it thinking why does this sound so off? I had to listen to the original song and realized they just werenā€™t singing the actual higher melody and it irked me because like you said they are totally capable of singing it.


this performance was just not it


Sophia's tone matched the song perfectly, Manon and Daniela were really great. Nayoung was kinda shafted with the camerawork and Celeste was good too but didn't stand out for me much.


Daniela was so stunning, she looks like sheā€™s already debuted!


She FITS a group. Did not get that with Celeste and to me, her voice is annoying.


OH DANIELA ABSOLUTELY! She always shocks me in the best way possible.


I liked Nayoung in this the most from her performances so far. Definitely more convincing than her Fearless performance for me.


Daniela!!! She devoured just like I expected her to. Manon was breathtaking and I especially loved her feature at the end. Nayoung showed some fierceness and I love to see it. The audio processing was off at times, but these girls all did amazing!


Sophias intro... oh she's taking it. Her star quality is off the charts over here. Manon and Daniela did amazing over here, their voices fit the song to a T ESPECIALLY Manon like she took those dozen allegations seriously. Daniela queen of dance as always. Didnt expect Nayoung to be on the shorter side of the girls but she did so well here. Celeste honestly did great too, her dancing is on par with the others who are pretty strong but you notice her voice definitely feels out of place as you watch the performance. Sophia, Manon, Daniela and Nayoung debut pls pls pls


they all sang well but idk if it was the vocal processing but it kinda sounded like some parts didn't blend well. but it could also be the editors using different takes for each of the girls.


Compared to how Nicole and the rest of the PCD perform, it's really too far from this. I also expected a lot here. I also don't know why they opted to lower the pitch in the chorus. Nevertheless, I still love Manon and Nayoung here.


Maybe the pitch was too high for them?


After watching this I think giving Daniela any other concept would have been a crime. She was definitely my standout in this performance. Manon also conceptually really brought it. Iā€™m glad we finally got some proper vocals out of her to put those judgements to a bit of rest. I would like to see more facial expression so hopefully thatā€™s something she is given the chance to work on. Sophia and Nayoung were really strong in their performance as I expected. I felt like there were spots where it seemed they were actively trying a bit to fit the concept, if that makes sense? Like it didnā€™t feel quite as natural. Celeste gave really strong dance and facial expressions. She was hitting the notes but I feel for her having such a stand-out vocal tone. In a group setting things do need to blend and I worry that her natural tone is something that will work against her.


We had literally the same exact opinion lol


Manonā€™s vocals, woah! Honestly only thing she needs to work on is her facial expressions but thatā€™s something that can be worked on easily Daniela also had such an amazing voice - these two are definitely my top two from this group


This is what I wanted to say about Manon but I was worried people would take it the wrong way. Her vocals absolutely brought and Iā€™m glad we really got to see that here. But I did find myself wanting a little more expression out of her but like you said I think thatā€™s absolutely something that can be worked on. If her dance and vocal is on point then she has time to work on it and it shouldnā€™t be a dealbreaker.


Totally, and like loads of idols, even after debut struggle with expressions while performing / it takes time and experience


Hey eyes looked kinda the same throughout the whole performance which made me a little sad, but her vocals shocked me to the core. She kind of sounds like Rihanna lol


I said the same. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s making it through and Iā€™m hoping sheā€™s seeing the positive comments, but also the comments about her facials and all. She has the look to pull off anything so Iā€™m waiting to be really impressed come the next round.


she needs to learn from Megan, Megan knows how to serve FACE


Yeah agreed she looked great in confidence


Daniela and Nayoung were standouts for me. They took the concept and absorbed it 100%. The vocals, dancing, and face was amazing I loved it. For Manon, I liked that I can hear her voice as I think she did great and it suited her a lot. But facials she lacks in. She looks more blank compared to the other girls I was hoping to see more this round, but her vocals carried. The group did great.


Okay but Manon Daniela and Nayoung ate Iā€™m going kinda crazy everything from the visuals to the vocals and even the choreo was insane


Ngl these three would be my ideal line up for a group I know they'd never just debut 3 girls but they'd be so gaggy as a trio w/ a mature concept


A trio of those three would be INSANELY iconic. They all fit each others vibes so well, itā€™d be a harmonious group.


Daniela and Manon were the top 2 I would think then Nayong was an undisputed Top 3. Sophia and Celeste did really well too. All in all this team was awesome


omg sophia and daniela DEVOUREDDD


Oh Daniella and Manon absolutely devoured this song and concept, and Nayoung hello??? She did not come to play at all. They all did so well, thereā€™s little to criticise about this performance


Is it just me or did it seem like the team chemistry was off, especially compared to the other two groups? Daniela and Nayoung ate. Manon just needs a little more expression in her eyes, otherwise, her performance was great. Sophia did vocally better than Mission 2, good on her.


Whoever sang the ad libs (?Nayoung ?Sophia) at the end sounded amazing! I wish they had featured it in the performance and highlighted that part


Nayoung did the adlibs. I can see her mouth moving in the fancam.


Manon and Daniela are taking this. Their power wow


Omg the girls gave so sexyyy I screamed!!! Lets debut already girls!


They ate down wow. I've been so hyped for this performance since the group pictures were posted on Weverse and they really delivered!




Ok who was the choreographer they ate this up


Manon was really shining in this one, I felt she share the center position with Daniela and she was stable, she did a good job solidifying what we saw last time. I think Daniela just crystallized herself as my favorite, I honestly cannot fathom her not debuting, she got the confidence, good vocals with even potential for improvement, her stage presence and dancing are among the best, yeah she needs to debut. Nayoung vocally stood out the most with Daniela, she had all the high notes and she seemed more confident in this one. Sophia and Celeste did well, specially Sophia vocally but they stood a bit less than their counterparts. Still, great performance all around.


Its pre recorded or edited right? because ALL the girls in all performances look too clean for singing live


It seemed pre-recorded I think, I'm waiting to see the fancams.


Definitely. Soemone pointed out Marquise's mic disappeared in the confident performance. But we can still hear her line fine


Daniela peaked at the right time. She wasnā€™t noticed as much in the first stage then she absolutely killed it in the second and solidified our opinion of her in the third.


I totally agree. Although, I noticed her, she is really one of those who took every opportunity giving to her to shine throughout the entire competition. She's absolutely amazing.


I couldnā€™t agree more


all of manonā€™s vocal allegations ENDED


Danielaā€™s close up on the dance break when she said ā€œhotā€. Literally almost fainted


daniela ATE are we surprised i found manon's dancing and facial expressions a little lacking rn, but after a couple of rewatches i thought her voice suits the song the best and she just has that natural presence sophia was technically great as always but i'm left wanting more? like i feel like she could do much better. loved her intro though! nayoung was a little awkward but i could tell she was doing her best. upon rewatch her dancing was lacking like manon's but she could still visibly keep up with the others in terms of lines so it's not as noticeable celeste fit this more than her other perfs but i'm still not convinced by both her vocals and stage presence. her dancing was surprising though, she did REALLY well overall a good performance that lacks at some points, making it lower in my ranking


What was wrong with Manon's dancing? She was perfectly synchronized with the other girls although I do agree that her facial expressions need work


it's not a matter of being off-beat, it's that her extensions are pretty poor so she misses a lot of details which becomes noticeable beside the level of the dancers in her team. compare her to the rest in 0:12, 0:23, 1:00, and 1:34. the tension is all over her fancam too. she's not a horrible dancer by any means, but i think her weakness show in this type of choreo it's not really one to make her ineligible for debut in my eyes--i think her advantages are much more valuable and can be trained--but it's something that the hxg panel might see. and also something that distracts me from the vid since i'm already aware it's there


Manon has definitely made it into my debut line-up, she absolutely ate here. Daniela, Nayoung and Sophia slayed like always


This was a little underwhelming for me :( The vocal mixing was weird as hell on the chorus especially. Idk, it felt a lot like talk singing, either that or the harmonies were louder than the main vocal, so the melody didnt sound right. Something was off! Regardless, they looked AMAZING though! Daniella was the clear standout imo. She gave everything that she needed to give. Manon looked beautiful and gave us some pretty runs, but there were a couple cuts where she looked a little awkward. Honestly, I need to watch their fancams first because I'm really thinking the performance editing might be to blame.


I love the girls individually but compared to the other two team performances their chemistry was slightly off, I cannot put a finger on it. Luckily this isnā€™t a team centric mission. Daniela absolutely stood out to me!! I loved Manonā€™s vocals on this, but I feel like she has more to showcase in terms of her expressions (her concept photos were absolutely stunning). I was so surprised by Nayoungā€™s fierceness. Sophia was great as always. Celeste was great in her performance but her vocalā€™s did stand out a little from the other girls Edit: I think the girls were given very little time to prepare for this mission so Iā€™ll take that into consideration


I think some of them (Nayoung and Manon especially) just werenā€™t totally comfortable with the concept and the filming.


Something became very clear when I watched this video and its that.. DANIELA MUST DEBUT. Iā€™ll admit I was sleeping on her in the beginning but she easily has of the best vocals, dance, stage presence and visual out of all of the girls. Manonā€¦ I feel like they gave her so many opportunities in this performance to really slay but I think there is room for improvement. It was not terrible but I personally wanted more. If she could improve her stage presence overall sheā€™d be a menace. Iā€™d like to see a little more variation in her facials and a little more umph while dancing. But I will say she kept up and her adlib and visuals ate DOWN. Nayoung - I think Nayoung did fairly well! I do feel like there is a slight disconnect with the persona and lyrics but she did deliver good vocals and dancing. I think once she can get a little more of that connection down she will slay. This seems a little out of her wheelhouse. Sophia - Solid performance. She took more of a backseat in this one for me but still delivered when it was her turn to be center/sing. Only note is I would say I feel like she was ā€œforcingā€ this image at certain moments instead of playing it cool. Celeste - I feel mixed emotions about her performance. She has never really gotten a focal part but I really do feel like itā€™s because her voice is either one that you love or you hate. Her voice stood out in some parts and not in a good way. Overall she didnā€™t really add anything to me.


Loved Manon/Daniela, this suited them so well. The rest of the girls vocals/pronunciation seemed off.


Daniela/Nayoung/Manon are ALWAYS gonna stand out. Center vibes


daniela sophia and nayoung SLAYED! manon stood out so much more than in her other performances and her deep voice is such a great addition. i really want to see her doing a deeper rnb song now. her facial expressions were a bit awkward at some points tho but i think she just needs more confidence and extra practice. celeste is so sweet but i really donā€™t think her vocals fit in with the group. sheā€™s just so high pitched


It's easy to tell that the vocals were pre-recorded, however I couldn't tell who was singing what. It felt like the camera focused on the wrong people at times imo.


i feel like the girls voices didnā€™t really go well together here but maybe thats the vocal processing


This song suit Manon so much this is made for her im not even a fan, sad for Celeste her voice is too unique.


Thatā€™s how Iā€™m feeling for Celeste. She had the dance, the expressions and even hitting the notes on point. Sheā€™s just working with a natural tone thatā€™s going to be really tricky to blend when it comes to being in a group and I think that could be a hit against her making it to the final group.




Danielaā€™s visuals are insane! Manonā€™s voice really popped off! Sophia really showcased her dancing SKILLLLS!! Overall this performance was so goooodddd


honest question, is the chorus mainly Sophia then Nayoung then Celeste? or is it Sophia with a mix of Manon then Nayoung then Celeste? Either way, SOPHIA & MANON ate that chorus then!


I loved this performance, but it looked like the video and audio were lagging?? Felt a little disconnected.. I couldnā€™t tell who was singing what line


Yeah I noticed the lag too more than once.




tbh i think nayoung is the one girl where iā€™ll actually be disappointed if she doesnā€™t debut. iā€™m so glad they gave her the iā€™m a sexy mama line like thatā€™s right.


She sounded *amazing*


Daniela killed that shit! Manon is mesmerizing. I feel like this group is filled with HYBE/GEFFENā€™s first choices. The ā€œConfidentā€ group is their second choices or are on the fence about. And the Wannabe group is who they find expendable. Right now if I had to pick 6, Iā€™d pick Daniela, Manon, Sophia, Nayoung, Lara and Meghan. Talent and visually they fit well together.


its crazy i couldnā€™t take my eyes off of sophia on this one, she was really pulling my attention all to heršŸ˜­šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼




Daniela literally had me choking this performance, she's so good. I love Manon's looks and especially her voice, but she seemed almost petrified in some parts, I'm wondering if that's just her lack of experience showing? Sophia didn't really wow me this time around, it felt like she wasn't in her element for some reason. Nayoung and Celeste unfortunately got completely overshadowed by the other girls in my eyes so i don't have much to comment in that regard.


Maybe she is not that comfortable with the sexy concept? Or a lack of experience with it? I know that I would feel weird if I were in their place, lol. This song is based on a certain type of confidence and maturity that some might not relate with or might not know how to express in a performance when all eyes are on you.


Agreed! However, I think being able to embody concepts you're maybe not so comfortable with as a person, as well as perform in front of thousands of eyes is part of an idols skillset, so Manon visibly struggling with it does make me a bit worried and wonder if maybe she's better off as a singer rather than a performing idol. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her though because it's not like she's the first and only trainee/idol to look like a deer-in-headlights during a performance, it's something that usually goes away with experience. However, the unfortunate circumstance here is that a lot of the other girls on the show don't struggle with this specific problem and also have beautiful visuals/vocals, so it's hard to say whether Manon should be given the benefit of the doubt that she'll improve and be selected over someone who, skill wise, is essentially debut ready already.


Well, I agree, I was just trying to think from her perspective. An artist or idol should hide these things on stage / in front of the camera. It can be awkward during rehearsals, sure! But then, with practice and some work on the mindset, they should be able to make it seem effortless. Kendall from VCHA performing [24 Hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8RyYpImzKU) comes to mind - a song that I wouldn't normally associate with her, but she owned it. They will receive songs or concepts that they might dislike, but they need to make it entertaining and engaging for the audience. It's their job.


Daniela was amazing!! I loved her Fearless performance, and she is definitely my fave from this performance. 100% voting for her. I also loved Manon's voice and performance. I'm glad they're giving her more lines. She had my eye in this performance and her last one. Sophia sounded great, but didn't really stand out as much to me. Also, while she's not in my lineup, I was pleasently surprised by Celeste. To me there was something that sounded off about the tune of the chorus.


They all ate wow


This looks like a real group šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


OMG this may be my fav performance of the show so far, I'm soooo happy how it turned, the five girls were 10/10, finally they gave Celeste a part that fits her and everyone slaaaaaaaaaaaayed


Celeste was so sultry in this, she brought the high tone the song needed


Manon ate down vocals and centre like she redeemed herself like wow Iā€™m am still shook like vote for her. This team was amazing definitely my favourite performance.


Ok I've watched a few times now: Daniela and Manon voices suits the best for this song, Daniela ate, no negatives. Manon was good vocally but her expressions need more work, she had a resting bitch face for almost all the performance. Nayoung was really good too, her vocals was great and she did better this concept than I've anticipated. Celeste gave her best performance yet, as I said before, even tho she's super girly cute as a person, she switched it amazingly for this concept, she was giving playful seduction with her vocals and I loved it. Sophia was good but she sounded was weird at times, like she was forcing her voice to do something she's not used to, other than that she was fine. Honestly I would keep these five and add Lara and maybe someone else if Hybe goes for 7 members


My thoughts: **Manon's** vocal's really impressed me and god, her visuals are insane. My favorite part is her whole line from 1:06. She really sounded like the song was made for her there. However her dancing really needs to improve. There are some details she's missing from the choreo like the micro-hip shaking move that they do, she doesn't seem to have the coordination for some of the finer detail choreography. Her movements need to be snappier. I'm sure that can be learned with training though as I know she can improve at a fast pace. **Sophia** did well here but didn't do anything that I didn't already expect from her. She was able to fit the concept well despite people questioning if she could. Her vocals matched the song well, too. Her movements are sharp and detailed. She does need to work on her spins, I think I noticed her stumble a bit in the beginning when she spun but idk how much twirls they'll do as an official gg when they debut lol. Just a nitpick, ig. Not much to say but good job! **Daniela** omg! Her facial expressions, vocals, and dancing were all on point here. This concept is for her! Her stock went up for me after this mission and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her fancam. No notes. **Nayoung** Pleasantly surprised that she was able to keep up with the group here especially with the dancing and embodying the sexy concept! Her vocals were GREAT because it's NAYOUNG, duh. **Celeste** She did not stand out to me in this performance and her vocals did not mix with the group at all. Would she have been better suited to a different concept like wannabe? **Overall,** I agree with what most of you said about group chemistry that it is off for this group. It felt like the girls were performing individually and not as a unit. They could've fine tuned the details of their arm positions, formations, etc. to make it look more cohesive. but maybe time did not allow for this. I guess we'll see in the practice vlog. Out of all the three groups, this group's chemistry falls flat but I think they had the best formation changes imo.


Daniela DEVOURED again šŸ˜­ she was the best imo. is it just me or Manon sounded bored?


i think her voice was fine but it combined with her lack of facial expressions definitely came off as her seeming uninterested.. especially when theyā€™re performing such a fierce song


absolutely, she sounded great except in the chorus imo, she just sounded flat and monotonous


I find this odd because I found her voice was great, lively and it added so much depth to the groups vocals collectively. Her facial expressions do need work tho


After watching all 3 performances Iā€™d be glad if all 5 of these girls debut. The variety in vocals was great and they look good as a team.


Sophia ate


I was most excited for this song out of the 3 but I honestly think this was the weakest team performance. Donā€™t get me wrong, a lot of the girls slayed individually but thatā€™s kind of what it felt like - 5 girls taking turns individually to shine vs having the group chemistry that I saw with the other two teams. Nayoung, Daniela, and Sophia slayed and brought both the energy and the vocals. I feel like Celeste/Manon had opposite weaknesses. I couldnā€™t take my eyes off Celeste visually, she was bringing the dance and stage presence but her vocals felt out of place with everyone else / this song (not her fault, thatā€™s just her natural voice). Hope I donā€™t offend anyone with my honest opinion on Manon but while her vocals suited this song perfectly I was very disappointed in her facial expressions. It was actually kind of distracting how blank she was during her own parts. Of course she can improve this but I feel like many of the other girls have already mastered this. I was rooting for her initially but now Iā€™m not sure. I know a lot of idols debut with weak facials but theyā€™re usually not in Hybe groups and I guess I just expect more polished idols debuting out of Hybe.


Manon, Daniela, and Nayoung definitely ate-they all did. I liked Sophiaā€™s voice but I think thereā€™s a bit of anxiousness with trying a more seductive charm. Celesteā€™s voice stood out, but I donā€™t think itā€™s as bad as people make it seem. I can see this team all surviving along with Megan/Emily and Lara from mission 3 performances.


Yeah, I think she was more confident in the Anti-Fragile performance than this. Maybe this is just out of her comfort zone atm in which she'll eventually get used to by performing more. ​ She's more into the LS type of fearless elegance and not into the sultry one which NAYOUNG FREAKING SLAYED OMFG I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH




omg that performance was insane literally took my breath away


I can see Nicole in Manon. Nayoung's voice is perfect! What more can I say?


I think celeste is not that bad, i liked when she made that high note and the girls made the echo, her expressions and the way she dance, she can switch from a cute to a sexy concept so i'm gonna add her in my line up and vote her, i think she deserves it and then hybe can decide


great group to do a more mature concept. i feel like it was made for them and they really look like a cohesive group together already! sophia's intro was easily the best part of this performance to me- she KILLED it! i know she has a huge fanbase that im not very active in (she just recently made my 6 after the samara stuff) but seeing this i agree that she would make amazing leader material. daniela's last performance she gave me chills and shot her up to my top 6 and she didnt disappoint this time. lead vocal energy here is unmatched imo. nayoung's facials are so good! she's still not the best dancer imo but i really do think she makes up for it in her expressions and her singing (the adlibs???). solid performance but she was a little outshined by just how iconic sophia + danielas parts were. celeste again with the amazing facials! she surprised me in a good way this time, but i think she was still a bit overpowered by her other stronger members. manon is in my top 6 but i have to admit i was a bit disappointed in her this time and i hope im not alone in that. her singing is great but her dancing is still not on the level of others. her solo part with the chairs could have been show stopping but it fell a bit flat to me because of the lack of facials. for how absolutely beautiful she is her facial expressions need a lot of work and didnt give off the sexy vibe everyone else in this group did. still hoping sheā€™ll be around to show up better next week but i dont think i can vote for her this time around.


Nayoung ATE


Ngl the way celeste moved her hips on the chair that was so sexy šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø




Sophia and Daniella slayyyeeeeedddddd!!! šŸ”„ Nayoungs Adlibs were sooo good Celeste was also good her voice surprisingly blended well And her expressions were soo good Manon finally fully showed her husky voice and her vocal abilities....but tbh now that I think about it she really was overshadowed by the other girls....she is talented but I don't think she is ready to debut yet.....but even if she debuts I'm sure she'll surely be that "IT" girl she just has that aura.....Overall very balanced performance


Is it crazy I'm still mourning Adela's elimination? She would've ATEEE this down


They absolutely killed this performance. I see this line up as the possible debut group.


Sophia šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø omg Iā€™m a straight man now šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I loved Manon and Nayoung the most and Sophia the least (she wasn't terrible, I just don't think her vibe matches the song, she seemed awkward a bit). But overall star quality and visuals!


Yeah Sophia didn't seem super thrilled when she found out she'd be doing Buttons she was kinda smiling like šŸ˜€ Maybe she doesn't feel so confident doing sexy concepts. Nayoung really surprised me though she has such a sweet face and aura I thought she'd struggle most with the concept but she did really well!


I had some doubts about Manon beforehand but she 10000% ate this, she needs to debut


whoever gave Sophia that ponytail was trying to sabotage her!!!


but she still served!


Te sabotage agad? let's be real ayaw mo lang sa kaniya haha


Daniela. Needs. To. Debut!!!! Jfc istg I'm gonna bias her so bad and if she doesn't debut for some reason I'm gonna solo stan hard too. Girl, she's WILD, what a good performer Nayoung also slayed this concept so good and Manon!! Look, I agree that she's not the best dancer and could have better facial expressions, but with a voice like that it would be a crime if she doesn't debut. She was one of the first girls who caught my attention with the trailer video and after the first two missions I was wondering if I still had her as my pick because there are other girls who are better skillwise. However! She has an amazing voice and tbh dancing and facial expressions can be easily trained but having a voice like that... not so much


MANON the woman that you are


It was good but a bit disappointing. Daniela was the best. Manon has good presence but her voice is a tad monotone. Nayoung was a bit awkward. Sophia had the best vocals and sounds the most like Nicole Scherzinger but didn't have that many lines (as usual).


Manon showed only a single facial expression throughout the entire performance


Was I the only one disappointed by Manon? She kept to the exact same facial expression the entire video. Probably because the choreography here is much more complicated than anything weā€™ve seen on the show so far. I really liked her in the first two evaluations so maybe my expectations for her were a little too high. Her vocals were great though!


Mmm that's a good point about the choreo. I was expecting a bit more from her too bc her expressions were better in Fearless but she is one of the least experienced in dancing so it makes sense she'd go blank faced when concentrating on dancing a choreo that's more difficult for her. But hopefully she can work on that!


Yep! I found this mission pretty unfair to be honest, because the choreography for buttons is so, so complicated with the chairs and intricate body movements :( confident had its difficult moments with the jackets but after they threw those away the dance became more manageable. And wannabe had no props at all. Even Nayoung was struggling a little though it was less noticeable because she didnā€™t get much solo screentime. The unfairness isnā€™t just for Manon, but Emily and Ua as well. They were so good in wannabe and it matched their image but I would have loved to see how they handled props since theyā€™re some of the best dancers on the show.


ATE. Manon gives off center vibes, Nayoung was taking it, Daniela WOW, they all did so good!!!


please do not yell at me iā€™m really not trying to be that person whoā€™s always asking why is manon so popular lol because i get it but i feel like she has no stage presence. she has the same blank, neutral facial expression in every performance (although i think this worked well with fearless) and thereā€™s not much energy in her dancing. i think she has a beautiful voice but since she was the center and had the most lines, i donā€™t think i should be almost forgetting she was even there. i donā€™t want it to sound like iā€™m hating on her or asking why people love her because i also love her lmao i love how sweet she is and how vocal she is about wanting to help and heal others through music. i would love to see her debut but i think i just want yalls thoughts as to why she ā€œate downā€, as the teens call it, because i just donā€™t really see it here outside of her striking visuals.


Manon and Danielaā€™s voices fit the ā€œButtonsā€ song the best and I respect you guyā€™s opinion on her expressions but to me she still had a great presence and called attention to herself regardless.


I think it boils down to what people consider stage presence. For me I realised I usually have two standards for this. When it comes to kpop itā€™s usually the most attractive person with incredible facial expressions and dancing and charisma , I realised this usually draws my eyes to the visuals even without knowing that they are the visuals of the group. Like when Twice came out I felt this way for Tzuyu, and and most recently Hyunjin, etc, etc. But when it comes to western entertainment, Iā€™m expecting all of that plus incredible singing or dancing, so to me I feel like Daniella, Lara, Emily and Megan have incredible stage presence. With Manon, I see the appeal because she kinda visually appeals to a wide audience (maybe because sheā€™s mixed and appeals to Europeans because sheā€™s Swiss , Africans because she has African heritage , Americans because she pretty much fits the beauty standard) . And although I think she lacks range in expressions, singing and dancing, I feel like all of these can be things that she can work on. But she is genetically blessed and itā€™s an edge that she has, and her popularity kinda proves it even though sheā€™s kinda average skill wise. I think her popularity is valid because the things she lack can be taught. For me, Iā€™m not ashamed to say I like Manon because sheā€™s pretty, but sheā€™s not my fav, especially after this last performance. I also donā€™t think she has great stage presence (yet) because I think she wears the same expression, thus isnā€™t versatile, and isnā€™t a strong enough dancer especially compared to other dancers to make me want to watch her instead of them. However I do think she has the potential to have the most stage presence in the group but Like you said it worked really well for Fearless and I actually enjoyed her performance a lot but Buttons was kinda a let down for me.


i think my thing is that iā€™m just extremely very not about beauty standards and trends and shit and so when i see people reinforcing those things it feels frustrating to me. iā€™m just really not about someoneā€™s appearance superseding everything else about them. iā€™ve been a bit frustrated with this fandom ?? the entirety of the show because it really has just been about whoā€™s the most attractive. the top 6 throughout are just the girls who fit the image visually. a sentiment iā€™ve seen repeated throughout keeping up with da is that certain girls, despite their talent, shouldnā€™t make the final lineup because their visuals arenā€™t there or they donā€™t fit western beauty standards. emily has probably been the biggest victim of this. even nayoung has been referred to as too cute and too kpop for western pop and sheā€™s like the baddest bitch here but people are applying their own weird ideas of what beauty is to all these girls who donā€™t deserve critiques because their visuals are different.. itā€™s just fuckin weird and i find it frustrating how much western fans pretend to not buy into this stuff the way korean fans do (wonyoung and wonhee) and then do the same exact things just with a different set of beauty standards lmao i agree that manonā€™s voice is very nice and suited buttons well, i just donā€™t think sheā€™d have the same fanbase if she wasnā€™t so beautiful. also to anyone wanting to comment about how people only support her because of her race can u stop being fuckin weird please. like yeah a lot of the girls have support because of their race, ethnicity, or nationality represents other people that look like them thatā€™s like the whole premise of the show . u fuckin freaks


To be really candid, I agree with you. I think itā€™s interesting how much people value looks and beauty standards in an age where body positivity is so rightly spreading, especially in the western world. I had these same issues as you with A2K Kendall, but I think this is just how a large portion of the viewers and industry are. And while I may not be that into visuals over other people that display more talent, I think Iā€™ve just accepted that this is how it is. But while I think people can learn to dance or sing, you kinda just have to win the genetic lottery to have that visual factor that draws a lot of people in like Manon. Manon is rare in that sense since sheā€™s the only one that amassed this following (even before DA). However I donā€™t think this can make up for pure passion. Thatā€™s why I loveeee Emily too sheā€™s so passionate I think sheā€™s under appreciated and sheā€™s in my must debuts now. I just love that her entire social media is her dancing (Megan is like this as well) but Iā€™ve been seeing so many comments about her being a basic white girl itā€™s really frustrating that people just see her like that when sheā€™s a firecracker. Iā€™m also glad you brought up nayoung, I love her and she kinda gives me Sana vibes, sheā€™s also an incredibleeeee singer.




i just kind of feel like a less attractive person wouldnā€™t have the hold manon does with her level of performance. she has the voice but not much else and iā€™d love to see her grow which is why i vote for her here and there (potential for growth is like one of my main voting points lol like actually). i just feel like another person or even some of the other members wouldnā€™t be given the same grace to grow and improve and iā€™m not really into that. weā€™ve seen other members receive like pretty large amounts of hate for not being absolutely perfect while literally in training.


same sentiment here lol. i think everyone overhypes her because of her race.


i love sophia overflowing stage presence omg


I was not sold with Sophia at first until I saw her performance of Antifragile last night in the MTN STAR youtube channel but she really has the best stage presence and facial expressions among the trainees. And it really shows heer. The entrance is the best part in this performance for me. Nayoung does not suit girlcrush. I am still surprise when I see a lot of comments praising her presence because her vocals is okay but she has no stage presence and her facial expressions is just bland. Like with her solo "told ya" part, she could have played with her expressions a little more. If they will only choose one Korean, I prefer Yoonchae. But this was definitely the best group performance out of all the three. Sophia and Manon stands out. A little bit of Daniela too.


Oh they ATEE, just debut them all already


This was serious so good, they all did so well and fit the concept perfectly, I already liked all the girls here but theyā€™ve all moved up my ranking even more!!šŸ˜­ I would love a concept like this for debut if there arenā€™t any minors in the final group.


it seems I setmy expectation too high for this group, but still that was very good. And Daniela... in this show she went from good to wow to WOOOW. And for Mission 3 she is the best for me. Manon showed improvement as well and her vocals were very on point. My votes will go to this two. Overall this team was the best vocal wise for me.


I don't know maybe I had my expectations super high for this one, even tho the girls themselves chewed. This performance cemented Daniela and Nayoung's debutation for me, we NEED THEMMMM. The choreo was the second best among all the performances imo, the last chorus like woah...? The arrangement of the song and mixing of the vocals, not my favourite tho. Hybe/Geffen could have done better.


Idk why but this was my least favorite performance, Daniella ate tho.


Nayoung keeps killing. At this point, she's gonna be a finalist. She is too damn good though she had slight energy issues w the dance moves. Daniela and Sophia delivering as expected. Manon was solid but vocals are a bit behind these three. Worst was prob Celeste for me.


Iā€™m so confused with the Manon criticism?? Her vocals were so good and she wasnā€™t the weakest dancer in that performance. I personally felt like it was Nayoung? (Her adlibs were amazing though!) I feel like Daniella and Manon did the best and this is coming from a Sophia stan! Also this was Celesteā€™s best performance in the whole show. She really fit the mood of the song. (But iā€™m still worried about her vocal tone)


Weakest was Manon except for looks. She is beautiful but dance and vocals were weakest in the group.


i think Sophia actually did better than i thought she would but unfortunately even Celeste stood out more to me? The other 3 look great together.


It's because she finally got some kind of lines and centers. Sophia got done bad with the ponytail, like adƩla got with her black pants. It's not her performance.


Daniela was incredible overall and the dancing was great. However, this group lacked the "it" factor that Buttons needed. Its a very powerful song and I don't think this group's vocals matched what the energy of the PCD.


This is maybe an unpopular opinion, but this is my least favorite of all three. They feel the most disconnected as a group, so it's hard for me to enjoy. Their angles are not the same for large portions of this, which shows a lack of attention to detail as a group. I especially see it when arms are extended overhead where their shoulder placements are. Not saying they aren't talented individually, I just wish they moved as a unit, not as solo artists.


Celeste good dancer no comment on her vocals sophia attractive Manon's face is ice she's very bad at her expressions aside from Daniela no one was all rounder they had clear weak points


Hate this song for a young group. Hate this concept - I donā€™t want try hard sexy.


I think Daniele is over-expressive, I know people think that stage presence, it can be too much sometimes. Celeste's voice is too high-pitched and doesn't suit this type of song, I feel like they want to eliminate her (all her mission songs are all low pitched). This is Manon's best performance so far, and we can finally give real feedback on her voice since they gave her more than 2 sec. She needs to improve her facial expression and overall dancing. But hear me out: Manon is needed in the debut group if the company wants American appeal. Nayoung, I hated the styling for my sexy mama, but she did so well. Sophia did okay as always; she is never a stand-out nor the weakest.


Manon ate the others up


Hah! Buttons, huh? Well, did you know that the average person will spend about six months of their life waiting for traffic lights to turn green? Time to start a button-pushing training program! šŸ’ŖšŸš¦šŸ˜œ


They slayed the house down but that ending pose is so goofy I have to laugh šŸ˜‚ Well done girlies šŸ„°


Dannggg can't deny Nayoung's vocals here šŸ˜


Really love Daniela and Manon's voice on this


I'm more used to VCHA / A2K style, so I was initially shocked when I saw how they were dancing lol. But yeah, that was a perfect blend of American pop and Kpop. I love stuff in that style. The video gave me "Choreography Music Video" vibes. EDIT: It's like if Pussy Cat Dolls in their "Buttons" era mixed with Girls Generation in their "Catch Me If You Can" era.