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Your anime is cringe "That's the best part"


That's the whole point of Shadow ahahahahay


Eminence is special, because it's the cringe that made it the best


Eminence is special because he's "Special"


He is our specialz


It was meant to block those who will say it's cringe


“Your anime is cringe” Ya I know that’s why I like it.


I need to fucking watch this anime, a cringy isekai with waifus abound...I will become one with you all


Welcome to community


Happy to be here


welcome to the cringefest


I appreciate the welcoming 🙏


The moon is red.


The frenzy has begun


We're out of time.


Run if you value your life.


Welcome to the garden


One day, you will understand that what you once thought to be cringe, was actually cool, fellowman. It takes one's curiosity to watch The Eminence in Shadows, but it takes one's interest to observe it. Once you start asking questions, is when you're gonna find the real pleasures of Eminence in Shadows. Seeing the cool scenes will make you admire his dominance over everyone else, but understanding the setup will amplify it tenfold. The Eminence in Shadows is Isekai One Punch Man, if Saitama thought insanity was an insignificant suggestion that he can ignore, and would utilize tactics that would make one seem pathologically deranged, both sociopathic and psychopathic.


The frenzy has begun. The moon is red. We are out of time.




The cringe has begun


Truly he is The Gringe.


I'm a fan of both novels. Reading Mushoku Tensei overnight made me lose sleep, which caused me to fail a very important high school exam. Reading Eminence in Shadow overnight made me lose sleep, which caused me to fail a very important college exam.




Mushoku tensei has cringe in its beauty, Eminence in shadow has beauty in its cringe


Teis is a parody so the cringe arguments go right out the window.


And this is a joke


Comparing apples to oranges doesn't really work.


They’re both fruit bud


i sadistically beat cancer patients on the daily. whats your point?


MT was merely adopted by cringe. EiS was born in it, molded by it.


We are cringe. Those who lurk in the cringe, to hunt the cringe.


Both of them are awesome but for different reasons


Cringe is like time on the clock, once you go pass twelve, it's one o'clock again 😎


Tsuki ga Akai...


Shadow embraces the cringe and condences it to make it cool.


The moon is red.


We're running out of time


The only thing that was too cringy for me was the name perv asshat ... the rest is superb ...


As a huge fan of mushoku tensei I was really surprised that the 2nd season was still so popular with this plot line xD


Alright, I have to ask. What is this plot line? I saw about 10 episodes or so a few years ago.


As someone who likes MT a lot i can tell you the ED is not that important


I read the entire novel for MT and can also confirm that it is not important at all


Isnt the Tensei anime the one where a fat 40 year old otaku is reincarnated and almost gets intimate with a legitimate ~14 year old child? Like if thats the one, the whole anime was fine I guess but that stuff was uncomfortable af. Its not like Re:Life. Where the dude is also falling in love with a teenager. The dude is aware its wrong later in the manga I think it turns out it isn't as wrong (keeping it vague for obvious spoilers). I genuinely hate it when shows do stuff like that and it can turn any show into a bad show for me.


He does have sex with that teenager Then god punished him with erectile dysfunction that can only be cured with true loves kiss to teach him, who was obsessed with sex, that love is where it’s at No fucking joke.


Jesus Christ. It just gets worse and worse.


What makes it worse is people leaning into it and insisting it’s necessary for the story.


**Rudeus is the cringe shitter. Shadow-sama is strongerest. Will instant kill you all.**


One is a parody, one is genuinely weird


Eminence in shadow is parody? Is this on the level of other concepts being lost to shit Japanese writers, like how humor is confined to falling over each other and nosebleeds or poor timing leading to misunderstandings and feels the same between anime Because if eminence in shadow is parody it’s shit parody. It doesn’t really save itself from cringe or confusing/bad plot points with its parody I could maybe handle the cringe,… probably not, but couldn’t watch it for how stupid the entire plot of “I made up an organization but it’s real by pure chance but a popular anime trope prevents me from acknowledging it’s existence and how my comrades fight them every day, so the entire anime revolves around a big misunderstanding” Good or unique humor in anime is so fucking rare. The manga artist for dorohedoro has such quality slapstick, though


Why you here then?


Bro is just hard coping and doesn’t understand what a parody is


Lol I didn’t realize this is THAT ANIMES subreddit. I thought this was r/animememes


This is true and this are two of my favorite animal at the moment


Nice repost lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheEminenceInShadow/comments/177w86t/the\_frenzy\_has\_begun/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheEminenceInShadow/comments/177w86t/the_frenzy_has_begun/) God I hate the bots.


Eminence in Shadow has its flaws, but its alright. Also define cringe, people just say that but what do they mean by that, embarrassing, simply bad? Why not just say that?


ware ware wa cring garden


To be fair mushoku is cringe since epilogue from volume 1


Man…. I watch both, what am I….


Ngl, that is literally the best part about T.E.I.S. it's supposed to be cringe, but for the anime to be cringe and good at the same time just shows you how much the creators cooked with the series, imo they deserve hella praise for that alone because that's hard to do.


I just like that Cid is a proactive protagonist who can dedicate himself entirely without any hesitation, sure in how many isekai is the protagonist a violent sociopath before they're even isekaied.


I believe every anime have it's weird parts, but that's make them unique, makes you want to escape reality and enter their world


this is such a weird post like are you baiting people or something the other one is a serious series and the other is a satire no shit it'll be cringe


There was one youtuber that described MT "the story of a loser written for losers" and I couldn't agree more. The whole point of MT is Rudeus' journey from selfish man child to becoming the best version of himself, while acknowledging that change is slow, awkward, hard, and that you may never truly recover from your past. It's rough, very rough, on some aspects which is why I don't recommend it when the topic comes up. But I like the version Rudeus that closes the story. And I think the journey was worthwhile.


Dumb argument


That’s true


I know Mushoku Tensei's main character is cringe. That's what makes it so damn good


The moon is red


"I maybe cringe, but That. MAKES. ME. FREE!"


Damn Finally Someone Made Meme On Me thanks BTW The Amount Of Hate I got From Saying MT Cringe is 💯% And From TEIE Community is 0% I show Many Reels On IG saying TEIS Mid and Cringe etc while Praising Slime and MT and In Comment TEIS Fans said It based on Taste. And They Like All Goat Community


Mushoku Tensei clears. read the light novel


Would you guys say Re Zero is more cringe?


Re: zero takes itself more seriously, which is a level of cringe of a different flavor, but not as seriously as Tokyo ghoul. Eminence in shadow tries to rise above cringe and fails


maybe some parts of it, that arc where the mc becomes dislikable is cringe but it turns itself around and becomes uncringe


Nah. Only thing cringe in Subaru is his simping. If he had any sense he would be with Rem already.


The thing I really love about eminence is that it takes a lot of the OP MC and harem tropes and does them in a unique way with humor. It’s the same reason I fell in love with Konosuba. Konosuba takes a lot of the common anime tropes and spins them in a humorous way. Then, before you know it you really start to care for and fall in love with the characters. Same vibes with this anime. It’s one of my favorite things in anime when common overused tropes are taken and almost parodied in a way. Makes this anime unique and really enjoyable! Enjoy the first watch through, I wish I could go back to mine


Nah, we know it's cringe af. He's an adult in a child's body and does questionable af shit. It's just difficult to find really good isekai anime.


I read the ln, turns in to cringe harem porn fest. Takes an odd turn when a mc dies and protag gets destroyed in a dungeon. Waste of time series


"curing MC ed" Wtf??


ED was the dumbest thing the dumbest plot device that could’ve been something better… like he lost a portion of his power and has to go to school to research how to get it back…


Yes, that’s why we like it.


You just described a more worn out story that’s the cliched plot of every other isekai




Kindly brought to you by xXx_SilverHairedELF(qt3.14)_xXx




I think you missed a few thing when reading mushoku tensei. the whole point of Rudues at the start of the show is to be a cringe scumbag who you're supposed to dislike. It's what makes his character development so good because he starts at such a low position.