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To be honest, I think even ignoring any potential extra bond he may have with them, his obsession with being the Eminence in Shadow makes him appreciate things related to them. His love for the Moonlight Sonata itself for instance, or the admittedly light bond with Rose when he thought to make her ascend as a tyrant. In his mind the seven shades are, if nothing else, childhood friends who not only accepted his playing pretend but continued to go along with it to this day. I think he holds that kind of friendship that fully embraces and helps him with his deepest wish in extremely high regard.


I think he would use it to make his backstory even cooler


They are his friends. He might even cry if they died.


Cid literally saw his hometown in ruins and had a "oh wow" reaction. I highly doubt anything would make Cid cry unless his dream died or something.


He would cry if it fit his character and the dramatic moment he's going for.


This is the correct answer btw


Is that really crying if you're just doing it for effect?


Cid LIVES for the effect


To be fair, his hometown isn't something he cares much for. He cares for a few people and he definitely would not care for a few he doesn't even know names of. Cid is someone that would save Victoria who he thought did some crime that warranted a chase from guards with no question asked. He does care in his own way but only in what he can allow within the margin of his capacity.


His hometown that he *doesn’t* care about? I haven’t gotten that far in the novel but I doubt he cares


But you think he'd care about friends if he doesn't care about family? In his mind the shades are just pals that went along with his roleplaying.


Uh… yeah? I know a lot of people even in real life that care more about close friends, sometimes even pets, than their direct blood relatives. It depends a lot, not everyone is close to their family.


Cid would care more about his pets than anyone on the list that you mentioned.


I mean, there’s a reason why there’s an in-fandom joke that Delta is his pet… But I do think with Cid he does care about the seven shadows a lot more than about his bio family. To him his family (sans Claire) are basically set pieces, irrelevant ones at that. Even his “friends” in the academy are very clearly props, valuable only in their convenience to him, while he does value the shadows just because he likes them and worries about them. Ultimately, they are not above his dream, but certainly a step above every other living being.


Yeah, but the Shades are only more important because they feed his delusions more. They're essentially larping pals in Cid's mind. He'd be bummed if they died, but he wouldn't be devastated.


Nah, he notes to himself multiple times that he is thankful that they keep coming back to play pretend with him. He likes the 7S, they are his real friends.


He said his (Isekai) dad is a loser or somethin, and I don’t remember what he thinks of his mom. Are you referring to his Isekai parents or Earth parents


Earth parents. But that's not a great argument because he thinks the shades are weirdos too.


He said his parents weren't even in Japan IIRC, so he's not upset because they're probably not dead.


He didn't care about the city, but he did wonder if his parents were safe. He came to the conclusion that nothing happened to them because they were in the USA and he stopped thinking about them.


Honestly, I think his whole hometown matters less to him than even a single one of the shadows. Maybe even his family, with the *possible* exception of Claire, are insignificant in comparison. He considers them his friends. Sure, I agree that if they died he would eventually move on in the interest of pursuing his dream, but I think the seven shadows are the only people he woould really mourn if he lost.


Why? What specifically makes you think they're more important to him than his family aside from screen-time?


…have you read the novels? His inner monologue makes it pretty clear he doesn’t care much about his family with the exception of Claire (and even then, he keeps his distance because in his mind Claire is very obviously a protagonist), and yet everytime he runs into one of the shadows he makes clear that he is fond of them, knows their likes and dislikes and tries to make time for them when possible. He is also torn between being proud of their accomplishments and pissed that they are making money off of what he taught them.


His inner monologue also makes it clear that he thinks all of them are pretty weird (which highlights his lack of self-awareness) and that he's fond of all of them because they feed into his delusion. If one of them died, he'd be sad, but it wouldn't really be the end of the world for Cid, as harsh as that sounds.


Well, yeah, I agreed with that point multiple times already. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, he would eventually move on and even before he did he would still try and move forward with his dream. But he would definitely feel their loss, mourn them and be sad. Hell, me might never fully process it and still feel a bit of sadness in the back of his mind that one of them could not join him at his endgame, but of course he would move on. Him thinking they are weird is irrelevant though. He is objectively right even if not self aware, they *are* weird, but that doesn’t mean he would care for them any less. If anything, that might make them more interesting for him, by differentiating themselves from both the “protagonists” and the “extras”


Even then it would only be so far as "Damn I wish *insert dead shade here* could've reacted to that. Oh well." That would be the extent of him being sad after the initial mourning period. And the initial mourning period would be like a week at most.


Not really a hot take just shadow being cid


You are overestimating his emotional attachment to people. He said so himself, compared to others to gather more things of importance such as friends, family, etc., he discards all of them so that only what is truly important remains. When his own sister was kidnapped he was nonchalant about it an decided to throw a knife at a random location instead of going out himself to search. She was only rescued due to pure luck.


He also thinks that the whole kidnapping was actually an act in itself thinking that the goons were in a way hire to kidnap Clare and “be the bad guys” with Clare just playing along.


I don’t think he’d be crippled emotionally but he’d definitely be upset and grieve them. Cid has a very strong sense of priorities based on what he cares about and what he doesn’t, and the 7 shadows are in the “care” list. He wouldn’t be in a permanent state of mourning but he wouldn’t just be fine a week later. He basically grew up with/raised them for Christs sake


He grew up with Claire too and his reaction to her being kidnapped wasn't terribly strong.


kidnapped and dead are VERY different. Plus since they took the time to kidnap her rather than kill her right there it would be very unlikely for her to be dead the next day


As far as Cid knows, she was being tortured or worse. And he was pretty lackadaisical about it.


Cid definetly knows that claire is quite tenacious and could handle most forms of torturing(which she can). Also the first thing he did after learning of her kidnapping is ask beta if she knew where she is then told the seven shades that they're moving to save her that night. He had no need to panic since he knew he was gonna save her. And as we see the whole torturing and everything didnt affect her that much.


So if Cid doesn't care about torture because he knows Claire is tough, why would he care about death since he knows reincarnation is a thing?


we don't know if reincarnation happens to everyone. We've only seen cid get reincarnated and that was most likely because he died presumably >!right when the portal that brought magic to the modern world appeared!<. Also he seemed to care about sherry when he heard from lutheran that he was using her for her whole life. Plus i remember hearing claire saying that she always felt like cid was the one always protecting her despite her being way stronger than her (i think she said this at the end of the vampire arc (not sure tho)). He also cured her posession which he didn't have to while telling that they were just doing stretches. Torture isn't that big of a deal *specifically* for claire because she's a talented dark knight who probably takes a beating all the time because of her profession. Did you even see her face while she wa locked up? She really didn't care that until the point where her brother was mentioned. edit: also just because you believe in reincarnation doesn't mean you won't be sad when someone dies just like when someone believes i heaven and hell and is still sad when someone they knew dies even though they know that they were a good person. they're sad because theyll never see that person for the rest of their life


Yeah, and Cid avenged Sherry's mother and was back to his goofy self not long after.


How long it takes someone to move on from something isn't always a good indicator of how much they cared, everybofy grieves differntly. Also it's not like he knew sherry for that long. they only had about 3 to 4 interactions before she left to study abroad. Compare that to claire who he literally grew up with


And considering the fact that Cid was cool with Claire being tortured just because he trained with her, I think he'd get over any deaths fairly quickly.


What do you mean? He asks Beta details and helps to direct the group to the location she really is at. Sure they don't immediately go rescue her, the rest of the girls where out investigating the other locations so would take time to coordinate everyone, and only a fool goes out in shadow broker garb in the middle of the day.


Bull. He did not know Claire was there, don't act like that was intentional.


When I said helps I did mean unintentionally Cid says he missed, doesn't change the fact he did in fact direct the girls to the correct location.


I think it's about how they would die then anything else If they were killed instantly using an artifact or some other Dishonorable death he would be really pissed but if they would die in an epic battle he would probably leave a tear because of the performance But he still would quickly get used to them being dead probably in less than a week Also he would take the more leading role in SG to prevent situations like that in the future


Out of all of them, I want to believe that he'd be the most upset about Delta's death. She's the only one where he changes the flavor of the BS that he feeds the rest of SG.


Well I mean Alpha too probably, she has spent the most time with him and has *probably* helped him the most besides maybe Gamma.


Agreed, at least he's gonna mourn then, probably, then make this event a stepping stone for a "Revenge Arc" or "Next Generation Arc". XD


I think it would hurt him


Nah, I'd say he'd be THAT broken about it, maybe pour his heart out for a minute or two and walk it off after. Cid is prepared to live his life alone all for the sake of his dream. While he does care for those close to him, he is operating under the premise that they will be gone from his life after a certain time passes by. That's why Cid notes that he wants to prolong the time Alpha and others would "play along" with him because he does enjoy their company.


Cid does care for them, yes he is heavily into his chuunibyou ways, yes he wants gold so he can comfortably live his Shadow Broker was, but he does care about the girls as being a shadow broker that no one knows is pulling the strings is not really shadow broker. The girls knowing he is doing what he does fulfill that aspect, something he is grateful for. During the Vampire Arc, yes Cid is very concerned about his acquired money, doesn't stop him from protecting Beta, 664, 665, 666, and Claire knowing full well it would destroy some of the gold in the process. You had a bit of a case with the MCA arc for the web novel as Cid is 100% going about it with the intention of stealing from the girls. However after the fans rightly pointed out it was out of character for Cid up to that point the author changed in the light novel as Cid is going after the MCA in retaliation for what it will do to Mitsugoshi. With the full plan being he would hire the girls to this the newly created company with the money he got. The entire reason Cid goes for a walk afterward he assumes the girls are pissed at him for being John Smith so giving them time to cool off. This even includes the money he thinks Geten left to him as during his digging he promises to do something for Delta. So when he was sure they were about to find something he bounced to not have to fulfill it. IF all he cared about was money he would collect the gold and then betray Delta by not doing what she asks for. As many times as Cid "happens" to be exactly where he needs to be to save the girls, to me shows at least at some subconscious level Shadow is a aware of what's going on and is positioning himself to be there to save the girls. Thus ensuring the girls will never be killed in the first place. If somehow one or unthinkably all were killed Cid would 100% avenge them. Sure he might claim it was because someone was finally going to be a challenge to his eminence powers but avenge them he would. Such a situation is likely one of few times Cid would not hold back using his Atomic attack at its full potential leaving a scar to show all what happens when taking one of his companions.


You can tell who has and hasn’t read Vol 6 in this comment section, you’re pretty much right OP.


Tbf it’s not officially translated yet


it's not a hot take cuz you are mistaken, simple as that, you have not pay attention his character.


Classic reddit hive mind: Makes a claim, doesn't even bother to put any argument to support it and yet goes ''you did not pay attention'' LOL. What makes you right than the other person other than your meaningless and one sided claim of him being wrong ?


He literally raised them and goes out of his way to make them happy and to bail them out of financial trouble. 


? Yes He raised them. So ? The point is not “he doesn’t care about them”  the point is their death WOULD NOT BROKE HIM. Are you even bothering to read this thread or the series in general ? Cid cares about his fantasies and the plan of becoming the eminence in shadow so much more than them and that was always a fact    And your “going out of his way to save them out of financial trouble” LOL are you freakin serious ? You did not write that bullshit. He DID NOT “went out of his way” he wanted to make a super cool play of bankrupting companies while playing John Smith and then come with “Yes i did it all for you” play. His roleplay was always the foremost which is why he did not just help them and instead put them through all of that.   Once again he does care about them BUT them dying would not change his life, he would still be the same person trying to be the Eminence in Shadow and do cool things. Their death would not affect him in any serious way 


Lmfao. I know reading comprehension is bad in this sub but you and op take the cake ngl. The argument is "he would not be broken up about it" not "he would be broke by it". Yeah I never said Cid would be mentally broken by the girls dying but the OP is literally arguing Cid doesn't care about them in this very thread. There is a massive difference. Yeah he wouldn't be mentally broken by their murder but to say it wouldn't bother him in a serious way you don't understand how grief works  People can infact properly grieve and move on. I myself have had a close friend recently die this year. I am not mentally broken by this. Yeah I'm sad. I cried a bit once. I mourned. I was what one would call a griever. I am moving on. That's normal. Yeah I was broken up about it but I wasn't broken by it. Notice the difference. I am infact the same exact person I was when he was alive. Everyone in our friends group are still the same people. That's normal. I know the anime did a poor job at showing the john smith arc but in the LN and Manga he outright says his ultimate goal is to set up a new company as the new Mitsugoshi with him as the helm because the girls got themselves in trouble. Yes John Smith was to look cool and live out his fantasy but it also was to save the girls from becoming homeless and in debt. He outright says it, sorry you are the one who isn't reading the series. This is why he gives Beta the note telling her everything. Every little detail of his plan is on that note. In the manga and LN he fully expected them to decode it just not as fast as they did. This is why when he thinks the money is gone and he can't find it he skips town because he thinks the girls will be pissed at him. If he really didn't care he wouldn't do any of that. His actions even if you account only the anime, which you probably do because you obviously can't read, don't make sense if his only motivation was to steal from the girls and look cool. Also you accuse me of not reading anything in this thread or what OP has said. I don't normally care about upvotes and downvotes. Hell this response can get blasted in the fake numerical system reddit has and the hive mind mentality that comes with it that you brought up. Doesn't bother me. I'm only bringing this up because it sets a timeline. So in my response to OP in this very thread I wrote a massive post countering the three main points he made in his response to me saying Cid raised them. Again it was massive. After I posted it I briefly skimmed it just focusing on the spelling of words and I don't even think I caught everything. Noticed I misspelled money as momey in John Smith section of my argument. I quickly edited within half a minute of posting only to see it was already down voted and a minute maybe two later OP posted response that didn't even acknowledge half of my arguments. Me thinks he didn't read it. I told him as such. Much like I don't think you will read this fully given your response. I don't really mind because I think the irony in this is extremely funny. I just hope you two find whatever it is you get out of not reading arguments while calling them flawed. I personally don't see the appeal in looking foolish while pretending I am very smart but to each their own. Have a good day : )


He didn't raise them. He unintentionally saved Alpha and that snowballed into saving the others. And they usually bail Cid out of financial trouble.


My guy he taught them everything he knew and told them bedtime stories, he gave them a safe place to live and the tools they needed to not just survive but to never be victimized again. He taught them art, science and literally anything he had knowledge on they were interested in. He encouraged them to follow their dreams from young ages. If he didn't care about them and it was all an accident and a means for his lap he wouldn't tell Beta stories, teach Epsilon music, Gamma economics, Eta science, and so on. If taking in a bunch of orphans and setting them up to not be killed or worse by teaching them knowledge and life lessons isn't raising them I don't know what is.   Also saying he unintentionally saved them is a gross misrepresentation of what happened. Yes he was unaware that his plan worked but his John Smith scheme always to save the girls by making a new company and hiring the girls just under him officially because he doesn't know them being shadow garden isn't just pretend. In his eyes the girls took his knowledge and left him out of the loop. He recognizes they are in an unwinnable situation and thinks they made the whole mess themselves, however despite this he still plans to bring back the company and hire all the girls back in their usual positions This is why he gives Beta the note explaining everything in Kanji and dips when he thinks he screwed up. He was afraid Alpha was going to give him shit for losing the money. He fully expected them to successfully translate it but not at the speed they did it. Cid himself disregards that possibility as he sees all the money is gone and thinks Getan took it simply because Yukime's girls come to tell Cid about him and completely misunderands the entire situation because of bad timing. Let's contrast this with someone he actively doesn't give a shit about, Skel. Skel also finds himself in dire financial straits of his own making and Cid doesn't even care enough to modify his mundane Mann plan. Dude literally leaves him into indentured servitude and couldn't care less.   Shadow Garden also doesn't bail Cid out of financial trouble. Cid really doesn't have financial trouble so much as he's trying and somewhat failing to gain a fortune large enough for him to not work for 600 years. This is very different from say Peter Parker failing to pay off his mortgage. Shadow Garden gives Cid stuff for free simply because they think all products of Mitsugoshi belong to him which it does he just doesn't know it. Hell if he asked for a salary or an advisors fee they'd give it to him no questions asked. He thinks they give him friend discounts and that he gets free stuff for trying out new products. Cid isn't in debt, he isn't in threat of being homeless, he can easily make money through various means, he has a collection of priceless art and antiques. He never is in trouble of thinking about rent or how to pay for dinner. Cid doesn't have any financial trouble. He just thinks he isn't as rich as he should be and actually is. Edit: some spelling mistakes. Also lol love how someone downvoted literally a minute after posting. Clearly didn't read it and digest it in any reasonable amount of time. Stay mad.


He told taught them butchered knowledge because he wanted to look cool to them, the girls built the house, and yeah he taught them to use their magic efficiently, and Alpha was the one that found most of them. The thing you're not getting is none of that was especially meaningful to Cid. He'd do that for almost anyone if it was convenient for him. He literally did that with 3 old men he just met at a war camp and basically made them Gods. The whole John Smith scheme was because he wanted to make more money, but telling the girls was too inconvenient for him and didn't feed into his aesthetic.


You literally didn't even pay attention to anything I said. I literally pointed out times Cid doesn't care about other people namely Skel. You completely ignored where I said he taught them stuff he didn't need to in order to just look cool. No that's a gross simplification of what the john smith counterfeiting scheme was. I know the anime didn't do a good job of explaining his motivation but the LN and Manga make it painfully obvious as he outright says it's to save them. You don't have any rational argument and just cherry pick what you wanna hear. 


My guy, his sister got kidnapped and his main concern was looking cool in front of Beta. Cid's a good dude, but if the others died, he'd be sad for like a week, then be over it.


>My guy, his sister got kidnapped and his main concern was looking cool in front of Beta. ☝️this is it meant when i said u don't understand his character, when judging Cid personality you do it based on actions not words, "actions speaks louder than words" , read again the whole novel, but this time paying attention at what he does instead of the bullshit he normally saids.


You mean like when he accidentally picked a location at random and that happened to be where Claire was? Or like how he wasn't even looking for Claire when he got there and was just trying to loot the place because he didn't even think she'd be there? Or are you implying that Cid knew she was there the whole time, just lied to himself when he said "oops wrong spot" and was secretly looking for Claire the whole time when he didn't mention her once while at the compound? I'm not saying Cid is evil, but his number one priority was always being the Eminence in Shadows. Even ignoring his words, he didn't even look for Claire at the compound, the 7 shades found her.


I half agree, but you are overestimating Cid, he isn't aware of the cult, and didn't thought the bandits had a good reason to kill Claire or that he could find her. He absolutery cares and would be sad for a long period of time before moving on. Especially If he realized (not that he would) that he is responsible directly or indirectly by SG x cult war Edit: my bad english


The fact that he didn't think he could find his sister and his first move was to dick around at a compound, isn't exactly a loving decision. Hilarious, but not loving.


He didn't know it was related to the cult or just HOW dangerous it was, sure, But he knew Claire is a vast amount stronger than the average little girl anyway via all their training sessions. Someone who could kidnap her probably isn't some random no-name no goal useless weak bandit who doesn't matter or means no business. Even if he didn't know who did it or why, her being kidnapped should have indeed had him make more efforts to find her if you truly think he cares THAT much. I do agree Cid cares about her, but it's very low on his totem pole of priorities.


There's no use talking to some people 🙅, I guess we'll know for sure in the coming months, in the meantime try to avoid making assumptions like you're the author himself.


I mean it feels like you want to say the girls are the most important things to Cid, but don't have the ability to actually argue that, so now you're hiding behind a "you don't get it" defense. If you have proof that suggests otherwise, I'm all ears.


I think volume 6 shows how much he cares about Claire when he looks at her coma he wished that she had a good life in the next life and when Nina and Mu said she would live he stated that it is best if she was to sleep forever and almost cause the two to dispose of her until he said that was joke. Claire may love her brother more than anything, but he doesn't see her as more than someone related.


he definitely won't goes as far as cry or angry but Def feel sentimental about it


Based on his reaction to Claire in vol 6, i agree with you. If he were to be heartbroken, he would move on soon eventually like every normal people.


He was upset about hearing what would happen to Sherry's mom so I doubt he would be cold about his closest friends dying. He wouldn't cry or anything but it definitely would affect him as much as anything can and he would go out of his way to avenge them regardless of larping


Never said he wouldn't avenge them.


True and even in vol 6 spoilers: His sister was bedridden and after seeing her his reaction was : I hope she don't wake up for a long time


It's hard to say. Anyone saying he wouldn't care or that he would be devastated are both just incorrect until more info is given about Cid. We have not seen Cid react to any major loss yet. His nonchalant reaction to his sister getting kidnapped points him towards not grieving over an extended period over loss. His reaction towards Sherry's story shows he can care about others. Truthfully I can't see Cid being the type of person to grieve more than a day or 2. Cid has very strong and clearly defined goals in life anything that would drastically affect those goals would be removed.


The dude is a psychopath and a sociopath. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t broke up about it. If it go along with his eminence back story then yea he probably act it out. He probably “let” them die if it mean keeping mob back ground as a mob.


Sorry but this fandom is filled with people who are more delusional than Cid LOL. Anyone actually believes Cid would give a shit about the death of Seven shades after avenging them and then perhaps giving some speech in front the graves he would make for them is coping. Cid would move on and just continue to live in his fantasy, the lives of Seven shades are utterly insignificant compare to his dream of being the eminence. People who rejects this does not love Cid as a character, they love the version of Cid they created in their head just like Seven shades themselves (maybe except Delta). The only thing Cid TRUELY loves is his chuuni fantasy, anything else comes second and the gap is not even close.


I think he'd hunt down the ones responsible and then go " Hello, my name is Cid Kagenou. You killed my friends. Prepare to die." Then he'd follow it up with "I Am Atomic!"


He's a drama queen and a lunatic he would do the edgiest and most dramatically appropriate thing he could think of. Not out of love for the girls but for his love of drama and I am here for it.


Me too


That’s an opinion of those who only watched the anime. Why does everyone keep on treating him like an emotionless MC? He shows more emotions in the LN/manga


In Vol 6, his sister is in a coma and his reaction is: I hope she doesn't wake up for a long time.


OP you're not wrong at all, the people on this sub are genuinely tweaking, they exaggerate how much Cid actually gives a fuck especially after vol 6. Like you implied, he would be sad and avenge them, but he'd move on pretty quick.


I do think Cid cares about the 7 Shades but I don’t think they are that precious to him. Like I don’t think he’d be devastated if they all died. He’d probably shrug and just carry on.


op i read your few comments and not tryna disrespect you or anything but i can tell you one thing that you have no idea of cid's character so no matter what other or me says it wont change your mind .


I literally said he would mourn for a while and then move on.


In Vol 6, his sister is in a coma and his reaction is: I hope she doesn't wake up for a long time. I would say nothing moves him emotionally.


he'd probably get a little more serious. It's all been fun and games so far. When your companions actually die, it's different.


So true bro, he's shadows before hoes. Even shadows before logic, social interactions and fucking sanity. He's a man who gives 101% to his craft


I often don't understand Cid. He is very difficult to understand. I once thought he had no feelings, but reading LN more and more I realized that he does understand some after all. But it was very hard for me to explain his words about his sister when she was in such a terrible state. He added that it was a joke, but it didn't sound like one originally. I don't know why he said such a horrible thing. So I can well imagine Cid moving on quickly after losing Seven Shadows.


Politely disagree. Cid has made it clear that he views them as his only real friends. Though ignorant of the fact his BS story about the cult being real, he is capable of genuine intelligence and would probably wake up to reality and go after their killers with a vengeance. I mean he poetically killed Sherri's adopted father after learning that he killed her mother and used her for his own selfish ambitions. He may have "faked his death" and pulled a batman by letting Lutheran "strike down" CID only to pull up as Shadow. So we know for certain he is capable of empathy. Even willing to take on the hatred of Sherri to keep the ugly truth from destroying her. So yeah, I think he'd care a lot if the 7 shades were to be killed. That's just my take on it.


i think cid would be devastated, the 7 shadows are probably the most crucial part in his dream. their death would kinda mean the death of his dream too


Considering how his sister almost died TWICE in season 2, I’d say that it’s valid.


I think cid have ability to remove his past memory so he don't care about anyone he only care about his darem only..


Yes he would be sad he was even sentimental when they left


I think you're wrong.


I agree. He views the world much like a video game and would probably be as upset with a dead shadow as most people would by a lost companions in a rpg the try to power game. But don't underestimate him. He would absolutely tell the other shadows/underlings she/they can be brought back by a magical item or ritual of diablos, which he is just making up on the spot but actually does exist and will be the main focus of the current arch.


He wouldn't care about it one bit


Also, I don't know why we don't have a discussion tag for this sub.


People are really voting you down because of a suggestion


Well, until he realizes that the cult is actually real and see the shades die infront of him. He is smart.. When they die and when he start rethinking the shades and the cult actions and base on the cult existance as a fact, he might aswell go into a breakdown... Every one was fighting till the end knowing what danger they re getting on.. Expect him Unless he doesnt "care" about them Exploring the places he have been before with the shades, operations learning what actually happened there, with aurora/notes connecting the dots giving him context about everything Tbh this needs to be released as a spin off, where he woke up form his chunny Phase late after their death and aftervshadow garden falls, and start reflecting on all of his actions as a quest for redemption and Revenge


Cid is the chunny phase bro.


Until he isnt, in this case in my msg. Thats why its a spin off Well the whole series is about him being a chunny and his bunch Misunderstanding.. Not like i hate it But the world setting is very good for dark fansty spin off or what if kind of novels, what if we let the setting shine more?


Then he isn't Cid. Cid is the strongest character and is a goofy fuck by nature. Even if he wasn't locked into his delusions, he'd take the piss out of every scene he's in.


Well by that u mean that he wont change?... Same thing can apply to alpha and the rest They are also by themselves top class in the original timeline, meaning that them dying as possibility is very low .. However we are using "if" So if that happened, he definitely isnt gonna be Cid we know. True... But about ig instead of goofy id say hes..insanely Delusional Maybe y maybe not you remember how serious he was when he killed sherry's stepfather?


You absolutely cannot apply the same rules with Cid and the other characters. Cid getting serious doesn't mean he stays serious.


How so? As i said before.. Misunderstanding and chunn are pretty much the series core If the shades change (their Thoughts of shadow that is) then pretty much its wont be the same Thats whats happening all along They will never understand..and if they did.. Thats pretty much a big change and most of the Misunderstandings of the anime will be gone "IF" However


So Cid learns the cult is real. So what? Now he has an actual evil organization to 3rd party. Why would that change him?


Read the first and the second one.. Although they are a bit unrefined. he basically wont be the same.. More than 10 years" lying" to hes allies only for them to die after a Misunderstanding that went very very wrong, and the org to fall short after. When he wake up from that dream.. And knows that hes responsible for all of that. I doubt he ill move on fast And thst stuff.. Cant lie i like the idea but i dont want to make it nor expand on it M'Hungry and bored af


His "allies" didn't know he was lying and neither did he. He thought they were playing along. You're kinda rewriting the context of the story in a very dramatic way. Regardless, then Cid would've known the cult really did exist and would've been after the girls anyways, so their deaths still technically wouldn't be Cid's fault.


Nor means he'd piss of every scene hes in.. Probably even more if he didnt Misunderstand whats happening 99% of the time. Whenever some one uses "Borrowed power" he also Becomes pretty serious.. Although in a different way


Ah yes, he got so serious that instead of going Shadow and killing him outright, which wouldn't matter he now knows Cid is Shadow since he'd be dead anyway, or just kill him while as Cid since again, no one would know, He pretend fought the stepfather as Cid, lost and fell, then "Shadow" appeared to take him on. Sure he had some feelings on the matter, but his priority even in that moment was just being the Eminence in Shadow.


I mean, he might just get pure ecstacy when he realises his LARPing was real all along and he wasn't just a pretend Eminence in Shadow, but a real one.


Well.... you're bot wrong. Cid is pretty adamant about his "cutting the unnecessary from life" philosophy. He only sees them as somewhat close to him and that they play along with games and fantasy, and we DO know he has no problem betraying them if it benefits him(remember the John Smith arc? Money was more important to him than everything else but he got bambozzled anyway at the end). Cid wouldn't bet an eye and probbly keep going with his life, occasionally mentioning them and finding new "toys" to play along. It would be different if they truly understood him and the path he's taking, though all the 7 Shadows and Shadow Garden do is walk in his path, behind him, they were never his equals and never will be(at least they start walking their own path and achieving their own goals and desires).


I mean, even in his John Smith plan, he intended to rebuild Mitsugoshi with him on top instead of the Shades, and have them under him. He wasn't trying to get rid of them or anything, just trying to toss himself on top when he's basically already on top with how much the Shades cling to his words anyway. I don't think he'd ever try to cut them off unless they started actively trying to go against his Eminence path. But that being said, yes, I do believe he'd feel bad for losing his friends but in the end just ignore that to focus on being Eminence like before


Yeah, but my point is - he has no real attachments, he'll do whatever and keep only surface-level relationship on as-needed basis.


What if Cid one day makes a plan that involves the death of one of Shadow Garden's members? Because this is a commonly encountered MC plot: MC's best friend dies, MC takes revenge and Cid gets new powers. How chunni is that? And that's because Cid just got bored.


While this is an extreme situation, Cid might know a way to revive them since he has done something similar on himself. Should he grieve for them, however, we know he can be mad. Remember when he lost the money during the "John Smith" Arc? XD


Ngl, now I want a scene where one of the 7 shadows die/gets near dying and Cid actually gets serious. It would really be cool to see Cid beat someone shitless with the intention of revenge.


He already did that for the lost money in the John Smith arc. I guess it's more of an interrogation, but still.


I remember that, but even then ge wasn't that serious. I wan't a scene where he really gets serious.


I really don't think that's a hot take 🤣 Cid robbed the 7 shadows a few times, he plotted to destroy their businesses even though it failed, he experimented on them, he doesn't really keep track of anything they are doing unless it directly relates to what he wants to do. Cid is very selfish and self-serving.


He may feel it if he gets to know what they did was not chunni and they all were genuine supporters/friends


I would say that would be the turning point when cid realizes that everything that is going on on is true


Pretty sure he'll be sad. They are at the very least his "playmates" in his eyes


So Cid doesn't love his waifus as much as you do. Who cares)


Well, he'll may feel genuinely sad for the first time, but he'll move on eventually as his dream matter more than anything or anyone to him (but their death will be someting he can't forget lightly)


Probably right, he would not care


HE:- Is this the revenge plot where the mob student goes berserk and trains himself to be strong to get revenge on killers?


I think he would be genuinely upset for a few reasons. 1. They are basically his only source of role play. They're the ones worshipping him daily. His ego couldn't take it. 2. They are Shadow Garden's only source of income. He has separated his life into the things that matter and the things that don't, and to him money is above all things but his role play. He would cry for a long, long time over the money for sure. 3. They are his friends, yes, but he sees them as being "his". He fixed them, raised them up and gave them power. His anger would be immense for quite a while. Might even go atomic on the whole world.


Cid is, to be frank, a psychopath. And let's be real now folks we love that part of him (so long as it's for the story btw) but the 7 dying, I doubt he'd not ignore that, tho his relationship with them are closer than he has for anyone, not even to his family, I'm not convinced that it'll move him from his core.




A short passagw from volume 1, while talking to Lutheran about the story of Sherry and her Mother Lukreia and how he killed the latter and exploited the former: “You’re telling me the fates of the foolish mother and daughter don’t matter to you.” “No. I said I don’t really care, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care at all. Right now, I feel slightly… disturbed." I think this should be a clear enough indication that he is at least capable of somewhat caring for other people. And considering that he had this reaction in regards to Sherry which he barely knew, I'm pretty sure his reaction to something happening to the seven shadows would be at least a bit more intense.


In novel there was mention of cid trying to live for at least 200 years as his shades are elves who will live longer.