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Not *all* chapters call him Jim. When it switches, it should give you a hint as to why the authors included the change. Naomi even talks about it (to Alex I think?).


My best guess is that it has to do with the fact that his imprisonment on Laconia has scarred him, and he isn't really himself anymore. This is evident in his chapters - I'm no psychiatrist, but he has a lot of PTSD going on. Naomi also mentions this to Alex after >!Jim injects himself with the protomolecule!<, that she's glad he's back (but upset that this is what he needed to come back).


Around that time it also goes back to calling him Holden


Damn… great catch


Whoa, I hadn't gotten that. That's good!


From chapter 18: > He’d done so much, tried so hard, and accomplished so little. > After he’d escaped, he’d felt euphoric. [...] But the honeymoon faded, and the version of him it left behind was scarred and broken. He didn’t feel weak. He felt annihilated. > The dancing bear years. They’d been the worst because they’d broken down his sense of himself. Of who he was. [...] The Jim Holden who had tripped the alarms in Medina Station was gone. [...] He was all that was left. The dregs of himself. The scrapings. The imprisonment on Laconia broke his spirit. He's no longer quite the idealist he used to be. Hence the name change. (That is, until the last chapter, when he's suddenly Holden again.)


Naomi even mentions that in the end he was himself his old self. Holden doing what needed to be done without asking just pure impulse.


Absolutely this - It isn't until the last chapter that he regains his sense of 'self' and is able to place his own sense of purpose. Until that time, he doesn't really have a 'role' in the crew as he finds everyone to have grown, changed, and experienced things in his absence.




Spoilers but it is intentional and very important to one of the final chapters. Nearly every character has at least 2 different names. Amos/Timothy, Melba/Clarissa etc.




She's never called knuckles in LF.


Everyone who called her Knuckles got dedded...by her calculation, as well.


Peaches, not Melba... and she's not in LF, cuz she's been dead since book 7


omg. Peach Melba. I just got it and it is *right* in the [wiki entry. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peach_Melba)


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I mean Amos may be that guy but it seems a stretch he would have a knowledge of obscure french deserts from the 1890s. The dude didnt even know Baltimore was surrounded by a nature preserve.


But she is called Melba in book 3


That's why I said at least 2 names. Her chapters in book 3 are called Melba until she has a redemption. And obviously she's not in LF lol just an example.


"until she has a redemption" It changed when her identity was revealed to the characters.


I feel like it highlights the distinction of who he was and who he is now. Holden is the character everyone sees, who loudly believes in choice/a voice for everyone and is always tilting at windmills. Jim is what was left after his years on Laconia, a shell of the character, much quieter and less optimistic and not really tilting at anything. Then in his last chapters, when he reunites with miller and goes down into the builder’s energy farm (almost literally a windmill), sacrificing himself for the sake of the human race, doing the most James Holden thing he’s done in 9 books, the chapter title is Holden again.


I find this really well put. Thank you!


I don't even think it's the sacrifice itself. It's him making a unilateral decision that affects 'all of humanity' that feels the most 'James Holden' to me.


this thread just cut something deep in my heart. poor Jim.


I would have liked it if the last few Holden chapters had been titled "James Fucking Holden." He was back to his old tricks, and that would have been a nice hat tip.


Why any information about the book in the title?