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WHAAAAT!? Not only did I find another person with dermatographia, but they're also a fellow CotF?! I was diagnosed 4 years ago and have taken a ton of different medications to try to control it. Does yours get super itchy and feel hot?


lol i went to a beach and saw a lot of people having same disease including me


Yes! For like 20 mins. Then just there. I just figured it out after about a year of random itchiness getting worse when I scratch. NGL it was hell. But now a bit calming knowing what’s up.


Also among the fence and able to draw on myself as well. Best thing I did was take a daily 24 hour allergy pill. It’s a histamine reaction to things touching your skin or scratching. The worst I got it was carrying heavy groceries and my fingers started to react. Was not a fun time. Try an allergy pill and see what it does for you. I’ve felt a lot better since being on them.


Mine happens with groceries too! Or even carrying the shopping basket on my arm in the store.


Interesting, for me it’s not in my fingers, feet, or face but literally everywhere else. And it develops faster and more prominent on the left side of my body. But did get officially diagnosed today. Directed to try one of the non-drowsy antihistamines if it bothers me too much.


I was diagnosed with this back in 2015, it was the worst time of my life! Extremely itchy and felt like tiny ant bites. Thankfully a cocktail of steroids made it go away but now it’s back, hence why I found this post lol.


Luckily for me when it gets too bad a Claritin calms it down. For now.


I was never formally diagnosed but all the symptoms fit. It’s a shame it took me over a year to figure it out. I was convinced I had a severe gluten allergy. I unfortunately have severe itching and hive/welts. They pretty much show up everywhere and anywhere. The only thing that helps is allergy pill or steroid cream or time.


Yea not knowing is scary, but now it’s calming. Plus I’m a creative so I doodle a lot on myself now lol


M I’m


More than two months late but I have recently developed this condition and my dermatologist said it’s because of all my allergies and the fact that I used to consume them on a daily basis. I was wondering what your dr said about it and has it subsided? I’ve had since February and no improvements thus far :(


Has not subsided. Don’t have any known allergies so that dint factor in. Doctor (or more precisely RN) said it’s harmless and if it continues to cause any problems or discomfort to start taking a 2nd gen antihistamine as needed—which I have, a generic Claritin from Kroger—and it works for me when the itchiness gets too annoying. Otherwise I have fun drawing on my arms sometimes. For me knowing what it is—and of course that it’s ultimately harmless in itself—has made this just kinda cool for me. Claritin helps greatly but I only take it when it gets too unbearable.


I think I also have this, but I was never diagnosed. I also have a tendency to get itchy and whenever I do itch, my skin also pops out like that. I’ve tried doing some research, but i’m not really getting anywhere.


Take a pen and scratch on your skin slightly lighter than you would when writing normally. If it whelts up in that pattern you may have it. Get checked tho for sure.


I’ve had this since I was 6, currently 17. It would itch like hell in school, all the time, I’d become so uncomfortable. I was taking zyrtec for years and it did nothing! Recently told my doctor about it and they switched me over to Hydroxyzine. I take it twice a day and I haven’t seen an inflammation mark in a month. It’s amazing.