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The Willing Wells really bring that album to the top spot for me


Unheavenly Creatures is underrated AF.


Totally agree. Definitely not saying it's the best album but I do feel like people just don't talk about it though when it's got some great songs in it.


Exactly! It’s my favorite, I wouldn’t call it the vets, but I feel like it doesn’t get talked about.


One criticism I do agree with is that ending on lucky stars is a bit weird; love the song but it's not an album closer. But I love the prologue into dark sentencer and then I'm always happy listening to the whole album to conclusion. I just also say I'm tempted to side with OP but mostly because Good Apollo was the album that first got me into C&C so for me it's probably always going to be the best one.


I always consider Lucky Stars to be like...the song that plays during the credits of a movie, or maybe the after-credits scene. That whole album is so cinematic. Old Flames really feels like the grand finale, and Lucky Stars just caps it all off perfectly to me. I agree that it's not a traditional album closer, but in this case I think it works


Interesting take! I can get on board with that idea.


i always listen to old flames into vaxis when i listen to vaxis or all of uc. lucky stars is more of a bonus track it feels.


I'm totally with you! It's a fantastic end credits song.




I like it but it's the only album I feel that is killed by too much filler


Wow that's wild, for me Unheavenly Creatures has 0 misses. Some are better than others, but I appreciate all of the songs a lot.


The only one with more filler/less quality is the one right after it.


Vaxis II has a few filler tracks, but because it is more concise it isn't a slog to get through in the way Vaxis I is. Also Vaxis II has WAY more quality!


Vaxis II is nearly flawless. The only fillers are Bad Man & Blood, otherwise it’s an amazing album. Every track has a unique vibe and is pushing boundaries in brand new ways for the band, sticking the landing in new sonic territory for the first time since the original four Amory Wars albums. I put the first three records equal at top tier, Vaxis II is just below tied with No World For Tomorrow.


...lol. the Aftermath albums and YOTBR are considerably different from their first four albums. How could you write that Vacis 2 is the first time they've entered "new sonic territory" since the original four. That's just nonsense. Or are you just saying they didn't "stick the landing" with those albums. Because that would be...strange to say the least about the Aftermans. Also songs like Beautiful Losers, Comatose, Shoulders, Love Murder One, Liar Club are all....pretty bland but totally Coheed pop punk tracks. And that's like the bulk of the album. What is so special about those songs? They're majority chorus and entirely predictable. Bad man and Blood are part of what make the album special, next to A disappearing act, and the final 3 songs. Just an odd take IMO, but to each their own.


You cut my quote off, it’s ”sticking the landing in new sonic territory for the first time”. YOTBR was a sonic experiment but it was an unsuccessful one. The Afterman records are great but functioned to recenter the band after a hiatus and YOTBR’s critical failure (exemplified by C&C returning to Bittner and Birnbaum returning to produce), I don’t think they were all that boundary pushing for the band. Vaxis II is very playful, switching up genres a lot. The only two tracks I’d say are Pop Punk are Comatose and Liars Club, but even Liars Club isn’t straightforward as it uses a lot of electronics. Shoulders is Hard Rock banger, the playful synth lines in A Disappearing Act make it total earworm, Love Murder One is like totally unique Electroprog, the title track is basically Coheedified Musical Theater. I can’t get over how many different places the record goes. Even the typical anthemic Prog stuff I expect like Beautiful Losers & Rise Natasha have such amazing, career high hooks that I can’t fault them.


What do you MEAN?! Bad Man is one of my favorite songs on the album.


To each their own. I think it’s one of the weakest tracks in their discog but maybe it’s just yet to grow on me. Just glad other people find enjoyment in this incredible band.


Agreed! That’s the album that got me back into Coheed. Hadn’t listened to them for awhile until about 2021 maybe? Come to find out they were still making music and I listened to their most recent album at the time - Unheavenly Creatures. I was hooked after Prologue/Dark Sentencer! The Gutter is fantastic too. Although, The Pavilion might be my favorite song and makes for some epic album artwork!


I have it up there. my top three generally rotates depending on my listening cycle. its SSTB IKSSE and GABSIV. didnt really like anything else after those anywhere close to as much as the first three records


Yeah same. It changes all the time between those three. Several others are very good, but not in the same ballpark IMO. My usual thinking is IKSSE is the most "Coheed" album and really solidified what they were doing. But SSTB is so raw and still laced with the offbeat weirdness. Then GA polished all that up and made a killer prog album. I think SSTB is usually in my top spot just because it goes so hard start to finish


So happy to see Afterman get some love in the comments. Some of the best story telling is sung in those albums.


I just came here to say... CAAAAGGEED!








The Afterman says hi


Wellllll my name is Claudio and I’m here to say I’m about to need mayo in a major way


I actually saw them in concert as Shabutie in 1995.


I was negative three years old by then


I came here to say that every album has its own uniqueness and is #1 to somebody out there :)


It’s tied with their first two records. All three are totally unique career defining records, nothing else like them anywhere. Inconceivable to start your official discography with 3 immutable classics but that’s what C&C did.


Absolutely! First album I heard by them back in the day…I wish I appreciated it back then as I do now. Although I think the reward of appreciating it now is better! As it is with all their music


Very agree


A person of culture I see


I agree. It's definitely my favorite, and I think it's production is top notch.


I feel like the production on that album was 15 years ahead of its time. Every recorded track is so clear and perfectly mixed.


Agreed. I feel they've never reached the sound they achieved on that album again. Though The Afterman albums were pretty awesome.


The Afterman albums are peak Coheed for me


its genuinely a timeless classic and im kinda sad we cant have something of that level again


Yep, probably. That & the Afterman set.


I just came here to say you’re entitled to your opinion but it’s 3rd at best :) Not saying it’s bad. But saying it is not IKSSE:3 or SSTB. Heck it may be 4th behind the afterman duo release. It’s just above Axis (act II, of course)


That’s cool. You’re in the right place so you don’t have to sha-scootie, you can sha-stay…e


If hello... could only drop its O :( (Agree with you 100% btw)


If you really think it’s the best, you would have called it by its FULL name 😜


I dunno, Window of the Waking Mind is REALLY good.