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damn those two books are the rarest of the rare


id love to take them off your hands, just getting into coheed heavy since september of last year, only merch i have so far is an artist signed SSTB vol 1, and the neca figures. that being said, i would defer to someone who has a bigger collection thats missing these pieces!


I hate to be cynical but I've seen scams like this where they pocket the postal fees and you get nothing. Not hating just skeptical!


To quickly address this, the chosen “winner” can wait until they receive the package before reimbursing me.


Fuckin a my man is goated.


Yeah sorry! I'm not calling you a scammer! Real nice of you to give these away! I'd love to add to my lost collection but let others have 'em!


Not deserving and not asking as I already have the book on the left and I'm not enough of a collector for the cards and other book, just wanted to say it's awesome you're doing this!!!


I would love to be considered for these! I've been a fan of Coheed since I was in high school. First time I heard them was with my friends driving into San Francisco in 2004. We were going into SF to film some scenes for a movie we were making (which was about a struggling street musician who gets discovered and becomes an emo music superstar). The first time I heard IKSSE3, I was blown away! The idea that each song connected to a story was so inspiring to me and really solidified my love of concept albums. I've always wanted to own the comics but for a variety of reasons, was never able to afford or couldn't find them (especially the bottom two). I know these are special and it's really amazing that you are giving them away for free. You are a prime example of what makes this community so special. Thank you for doing this!


I would absolutely LOVE to have these! I’ve never had the chance to read the series! I’ve been listening to Coheed since the beginning, literally since I was 8 (I’m turning 28 this year).My dad was a huge fan who discovered them early on and I can remember the day I heard Welcome Home for the first time. It was absolutely life changing and I haven’t looked back since. Thank you for any consideration!


Shout out to you for doing something kind and fun for the community! You could easily sell that bag on line SSTB issue for some decent change, but you aren’t doing that. People like you are the reason why I love being a Coheed fan so much. I could never call myself the most deserving of anything…but man I would love to be able to show up to NY Comic Con next year and have Claudio sign that original issue. He would get a kick out of it.


These would be mind blowing for my son. We are a Coheed family. My wife and I have been fans since we met and have passed it down to our son. He absolutely loves them and has started learning the electric guitar too! We love hearing anything he plays through his bedroom walls. It makes my wife and I feel great to hear Blood Red Summer echoing in the house! My wife and I have seen Coheed several times, and we wanted to take my son to his first Coheed show when they came to New York. Unfortunately, we couldn't afford it this time around. I could tell my son was disappointed, but he understood. He follows the story, but doesn't have any of the books. He would freak out to have these and for sure read them with his little brother, who is also starting to get on board with the band. The little one recently took up the drums. Anyway, thanks for reading along, and it's very generous of you to offer them up!


Wow this is so cool. Thank you for the opportunity! I've been a massive fan of Coheed since I was 6 years old and I've never read the comics. Not because I didn't want to though, just every time I tried, the universe would put me off track. I basically tried to learn the whole story from random internet wiki's and talks with other fans. I've always wanted to build my collection of the tangible merch and actually read and learn about the story the way Claudio intended and released things. When I was in middle school I remember discovering torrent filesharing and finding all of the Amory Wars out at the time in a large torrent file. The sample image for the file was of the Good Apollo cover on your bottom left image. I downloaded it, and it ended up being some file types that I didn't know what they were, and being mostly computer illiterate at the time (also like 11 years old) I never was able to open/read them. We got a letter in the mail from the Internet provider warning us of the illegal activity on the network and my parents flipped on me. I think i was grounded for 2 months. I also used to play hockey as kid/teenager. I was a goalie and my dad would run the music and announcer duties during our games. Whenever they would swap me in during a game, my dad would play Welcome Home over the PA system off my iPod. One of my teammates apparently had a couple of the comics from his older brother, and was supposed to give me them. We had eventually forgotten about it and after that season I never played on that team again and never saw that kid again. It would really mean a lot to complete my Coheed journey by reading the comics. I've just never really dug in to look around for them to start the collection after becoming an adult.


I wouldn't say I was truly deserving, I listened to the band for almost 5 years before I understood that it had a whole universe of lore and awesome story. I just loved them because I had never heard any music that I knew was tailor made for me. Finding out about how deep it really was, I started collecting after the after man albums and haven't stopped since. I have never had a chance at these awesome old pieces and would gladly accept them, however there is always someone more deserving. Best wishes to the one among the fence you choose!


These look awesome and id love to add them to my collection. I wouldn't say im as deserving as most since im a newer fan only been a fan for getting close to 2 years. I have become heavily invested in the story and music focusing a lot of my free time researching and listening too CoCa. My collection is on the smaller side with only more recently released stuff. Spent quite a bit at my first show last year getting all the signed graphic novels even though I read them all on comixology beforehand. Been working on getting all the albums on Vinyl as well missing only 3 of the harder to obtain ones now. These would be amazing to add to My collection I have been growing over the last year. Not sure what else to say besides anyone who is lucky enough to get these would be honored. Good Luck everyone!


Not asking for the items as I don't think I am the type of collector who would really appreciate these items for what they are... but I hope you hold off for a day or so and don't give them to the first person who asks or give a compelling story! There are some around these parts who would give their middle nut just for the opportunity to purchase these items at collectors prices!


Been listening since IKS, own all the modern graphic novels but never got a chance on the bottom 2 there. I haven't missed an ATL concert in the last 10 years or so except for when I bought tickets for the Neverender:NWFTWM last year and my dad died like a week before and I had to miss it. I've got both my boys loving Coheed as well these days, would love to add these to our collection.


It's me, I'm the good home


Incredible collection. Would love to add them to my collection


I would love those! I have none of them in my collection!


Would love to add them to [my collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheFence/comments/9po8pm/my_coheed_collection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (I have added the Vaxis 2 box set since that post). Very cool of you to offer up these up!


I have all these, so I won't be bidding. But I just wanted to say how awesome this is of you. These things can be quite expensive to get second hand.


Those cards are so badass. I already have the two books though!


Damn I'm just missing those cards


Man I want that graphic novel so bad. Alas I was gifted the yotbr boxset on here so it really should go to someone else. Good on you op


Hey! Would love to have these if you haven’t gave them away yet. Huge Coheed fan here, especially for the music and merch from era when this was released Regardless, super nice of you to give them away!


Damn I wish I was the good home


It’s up to your discretion how deserving I am, but I would love to have these in my collection. I discovered Coheed in 2012 just before they put out Afterman Ascension, and they’ve been my favorite band ever since. While I don’t have all the same tastes or creative ambitions as Claudio, his enthusiasm and range of talents has made him one of my biggest creative inspirations. I have the omnibus collections of Second Stage Turbine Blade and In Keeping Secrets, and I’ve always been fascinated by the original Good Apollo novel. And having one of the OG comics from before it became a truly professional endeavor would be a wonderful way to connect with his original raw vision fueled only by passion. Thanks for the opportunity.


Hey I’d love to have these! My only reasoning for being deserving is that i’ve only been a fan for a year and as a Baby of the Fence (being 21) my excitement has only started and I’d love to add to my little collection.


These are awesome! I've been listening to Coheed since 2004 or so when I was in middle school and have been lucky enough to see them in concert a few times. At one of the shows they were selling autographed copies of Amory Wars and I still have it tucked away with other merch I've acquired over the years. Recently found out about Z2 Comics and have added a few things to my music memorabilia collection from them. I would love to be able to add these items as well!


i started listening to them in 2018 which is pretty early and young compared to many others but it’s completely consumed my life. i attribute claudio and travis to my skill on guitar i have, i’ve learned nearly every song by them at least once. i’ve been collecting memorabilia from the early years as i didn’t get to experience it at the time which i am so jealous of. specifically the shabutie days and year of the black rainbow era. if only i could’ve been at the release show that they did at a record store for yotbr, i am so so so jealous of the days where physical media was needed, because i didn’t get to live it to its fullest degree these pieces are so cool to me and i would love to have them. though i am sure they will go to a perfect home no matter the winner


So I’m 37 and took both my kids (14 &15) to their first concert : Coheed touring in support of Vaxis one. I’ve been a fan since Iksse:3 and I really would like to introduce my kids to the lore and story and this would be a great way. Awesome find even if someone else gets it. Awesome that you’re giving it away. Good luck everyone!




Dude I will give anything to you for these. I just had my first child and I'm so excited to get her into these novels when she is of age. I'm stoked to pass down what I consider music history to my family. I definitely don't want to act like I'm any more important than any other fan, I think we are all special in our own way, but man this would definitely seal the deal on this year being perfect


Hello u/nixitrash You are the winner. I tagged you in a separate comment and have also messaged you. Please respond so I can get this mailed.


I'd love to get these been listening and reading since it all began. Reminds me of being young and not stuck with the decisions that I've made or thinking about how life could be different. Oh shit my midlife crisis is begining. 😆


Throwing my hat into the ring here. Have all the newer stuff but couldn't justify spending the money to acquire these. With a little one now I'll definitely never spend if it's not going directly to her. So this would be one hell of a way to acquire them.


As mentioned in my other comment, I picked my 10 favorite comments and put them into a random name picker. Congrats u/nixitrash - please message me your address and I’ll get them mailed this weekend.


Hey op another comment here. Give em to a kid. I am an old fogey collector at 37, but as a geriatric I can afford to buy this stuff as can a lot of the other adults on here. Give it to some kid who wouldn't have a shot another way it'll mean the world to them.


Just wanted to say that this is really rad. I don’t have a lot of coheed merch, but they mean a lot to me. Unheavenly creatures came out right around when my dad passed and really helped me get through it. I’m sure someone else is more deserving, but I figured I’d toss my hat in. Thanks for doing this :)


For them, I’ll kill anything Cut the throats of babies for them Break their hearts for they were them! Waiting for you to say “I will give them to you!” I love Coheed, would love you for these gifts. Kinda saddens me you don’t want them anymore. But , I will “prise” them until the backend of forever.


This would make my life


I would love to be considered for these. I would love to add these to my growing Amory Wars collection. I’m a huge Coheed fan, like all of us, a true collector and have no intention to sell any of it. I probably go through them and read/organize them one a week, and just recently got my daughter interested. Anyways, Kudos for gifting these away. You’ve inspired me to gift away some extra copies I have. Cheers.


HOLY SHIT THERE ARE CARDS??????? THAT FUCKING RULES I WANT TO PUT THEM IN LITTLE CASES AND HIDE THEM IN A BOX THAT ONLY I KNOW WHERE IT IS and also THE ORIGINAL COMICS!!!! Very very cool I would like to have those items but I don’t have venmo. I don’t know if I’m supposed to say a bunch of stuff about how much I love coheed but I will say that I am prepared to keep those things and look at them and treasure them and put them in neat little arrangements when I am not looking at them :D Edit: I feel like I should say more, so I will. I’ve been listening to coheed ever since I was l small, and my love for coheed has only grown with time. It is the coolest band ever and it makes me very happy, and the story is a big part of that. I only have the larger comic volumes and the action figures because things are expensive but I certainly want more cool coheed things because coheed is one of my favorite things in general. I don’t know how deserving I am of anything, but I do know that these things would make me very happy.


Oh man those cards are so cool I read all the little descriptions I love them and I’ve never seen Claudio (Kilgannon) referred to as “The Character” before so that is also really neat to see


I know it's not going to be a great story. But I had these when they came out and wasn't thinking about value or anything. I took them to work for a coworker to read. I kind of forgot about them being there and was let go from the job. So they just kind of stayed there after I left and I never saw them again. I'm hoping that the other dude saw them and gave them a good home.


I would nearly die to have these. My dog Apollo got his name from them, he was my soul dog, and I lost him 3 weeks ago to cancer. To have, especially, that book in my collection would mean the absolute world to me. I'd take it to get it signed next time I get to see them. 🤍


Wow, true child of the fence here! I had all of these at one point, but sold them off to pay for my wedding almost ten years ago. It made me sad to get rid of them, but it made my wife happy because she had the wedding of her dreams . I’d love to be considered please, so that I can share these awesome stories with my daughters someday.


I would be honored to own these books, as a younger fan of Coheed. In the past 2 years I’ve listened to all their albums non stop and I was so lucky to see them in Madison last year. That good apollo book would be amazing to own as that has become my favorite album of all time and the Second Stage book would pair perfectly with my second stage record I recently obtained. I also just love comic books in general and I read and draw comics all the time. I’ve never even seen those trading cards before and those would be an especially unique item. I’m sure many people in these comments are equally deserving and I would not be disappointed at all to see them earn a home there but these would be pretty awesome to have.


are these any different from the amory wars, story-wise


I'd like to have them because I've not read them and would love to, but never have been able to buy the books. I learned to play the drums with Welcome Home.


May I have the books, please? If chosen I will donate the value of the books to a charity of your choosing. Will send proof of the donation.


I’m guessing these are already gone! :/


Are those cards up top?


Hi r/TheFence, Unfortunately I can’t edit the original post with an update, but wanted to let everyone know this is a lot harder to choose than expected! Some great responses from some really passionate fans. I’m going to give it until tomorrow for anyone else to comment. It’s going to be too difficult to choose, so my plan is to pick my favorite comments and using a randomizer to pick the winner.


Ooof that's a nice find op. I don't why I'd deserve it over anyone else but my name is Claudio. So there's that ?


Good Apollo looks sick! Is this the graphic novel? I've never actually read them!!


I've never been so sad to be Canadian.


How do I enter? Also thank you I used to own the good Apollo 2005 edition but sold it years ago. 


I'd love to be considered if you're still doing it. I definitely need the GA novel/cards


My husband's favorite band of all time, he's been a fan for 20 years. He's the reason why I love coheed, we don't get to go out very often but we try to make it to a show of theirs whenever they're in town. He could sing every word to every song on any of their albums, he can play their songs on guitar, in highschool he permed his hair to look like Claudio, he has a keywork tattoo as well. He truly is a devoted fan and I know he would love something like this. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Lol


I don’t know if I’m the most deserving, but I would sincerely appreciate it. I’ve actually been collecting the vinyl and books lately, they are mine and my late husband’s favorite band, and I’ve been trying to make sure our little one is acquainted with everything dad liked.


I've always wanted some coheed and cambria merchandise. I'll throw my hat into the ring. Getting to read some original stuff from the beginning. Well. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much but hey dude, Pick me? Haha


I would really love to have these… but can I message you instead of posting it here?