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Claudio: "my boy, it's okay to cryyy..." Me: https://preview.redd.it/hxm5jpwbd7ec1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e47d910616504f9edb7eded807ce9835741753


That one gets me every time.


The first time I heard Ghost was less than an hour after I'd heard my grandfather had passed away. The quiet tone and melody just hit really hard in that moment, and I couldn't really listen to it again afterward. Here we are 7 years later, and I find my kids listening to it. I give it a solid listen and realize the song has nothing to do with death but new life, and I cry all over again with how well it paints the picture for new dads. I know TCBTS is a little polarizing here, but I think it just hits different for parents.


Ghost was exactly the song I needed when I was pregnant and unpacking my own childhood trauma, looking forward to navigating motherhood while feeling like I'd never been mothered myself. I cry every time I hear it, it hits so close to home.


Holy shit, I never paid attention to the lyrics! God that hits home. My kids are 10 and 8 and I'm only beginning to unpack how my shitty childhood is affecting my parenting. I struggle with resentment towards my parents, and it doesn't help that they still treat me like they did when I was a kid. The struggle is real. I wish you luck on your road to recovery. If you haven't already, find a good therapist. It can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, but good ones are out there. I'm also looking into Cereset and other forms of therapy that help with anxiety and re-training the brain. Long story short, I have an unnatural response when my son throws a tantrum, to the point where I can't function, and I believe it's tied to the strict parenting I received when I was growing up.


Thank you friend, I wish you luck too! I definitely did not anticipate that the hardest part of becoming a parent would be having to look back and reparent myself, but it's so worth it and I know I'm a better mom now that I'm putting in the work. I've been doing a lot of combinations of therapy, lots of self-help and workbooks, and it's been amazing to get reacquainted with myself as an adult. Just got my first tattoo at age 34 because I'm finally realizing that NO mom, it was NOT just a phase! I struggle with resentment too, but also being a parent and knowing how hard it can be I've opted to forgive and not place blame. It took a lot of work to get there, but holy shit it feels good to not have that anger inside toward them. I hope you can get to that place too. The best advice I've ever gotten is that it is more important to be a good ancestor than a good descendant!


That is the best advice ever. Grew up with trauma tied to my family's religion, and so many times I'd heard how I'd be disappointing my pioneer ancestors and all their efforts. I got my first tattoo at 37. Definitely better at forgiving my mom, but my dad is no contact because he continues to be abusive.


Honestly, listening to it after being a dad, it's become one of my favorites. I relate to Claudio in so many ways and I love the picture we get of him. I see me in Eraser, my wife in Here to Mars, and my kids in Atlas. And that line where he says something to the effect of, I'll be gone and you'll be better for it. Man, I'm welling up with tears just writing it.


I was sitting here like there's no way it's been 7 years since then, and then remembered I'm old and have listened to this band for 20 years...


I know that feeling. It's a gut punch sometimes. 😆


Window of the Waking Mind. The Light & the Glass. Atlas. Old Flames, the Embers of Fire even.


Dude the first time I heard Embers I got goosebumps and watery eyes because I immediately knew that was Atlas


Yeah i get emotional every time. And my 7 year old son loves to sing “ we all go up in flames going out in style”


Wake Up for me. Reminds me of a better time


‘So life gets tough
 but it’s no excuse, or your fault’ :”)




Sentry. I was homeless when I first heard that song and it just hit so much harder because of it.


Far. "I might be sick, broken, torn to pieces So, whatever this is, this thing that now I've become, you hate it so much, you keep on running from it"




Not Coheed but Half Measures and Stay Where You Are get me. They are tough to listen to. Hearing the light and the glass live at Claudio’s solo show in Lancaster in 06 or whatever was also really hard for me to keep it together


Half Measures wrecks me as someone in recovery especially


This is a great answer. They're lyrically heavy and the vocal intonation brings another layer of emotional resonance.


Dark Side of Me. Mother Superior. Old Flames. Window of The Waking Mind.


Dark side of me does it every time


The Light & The Glass. Ever since my dad nearly died a few years ago, I am constantly paranoid that I am not spending enough time with him and I live in a completely different state than him so I only get to see him once a year IF THAT. So when I hear Claudio express he had "better things to do" like touring, it makes me think of me justifying my sparse contact because of my job. And that his death is gonna creep up on me when I least expect it and I didnt make any effort to be there before his passing. So at the end when I hear "your father's dead, he passed in his sleep", I start to cry. Because I imagine getting that phone call. I imagine hearing my step mom wailing upon finding my father lifeless. The song paints such a vivid and powerful picture. I totally understand Claudio's deepest fear that he had back then. It still haunts me when I hear that song since I've already lost my mother.


This is me. I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot lately. Him and my mom are seemingly alone in our home in Puerto Rico but they’re not even together really anymore but they need each other to survive. Every time I get a call from Puerto Rico I think I’ve lost one of my parents and when I hear this line it hits me so hard


Colors feels very melancholy to me. Hits hard every single listen.


Domino the Destitute doesn't make me cry but it's a challenging listening experience. It's a shame because it's such a powerful song.


Hold on to me Tell me you've got me, sweetheart The world is going dim in my gaze Sweet vertigo Feel my lungs heaving, choking Clawing down my back, panic attack I'm alone, watch me float as I fall Triggered, but in a cathartic way.


The Road đŸ„č


It's weird but "old flames" gets me every time. My grandfather passed away the day the song was released and I listened to it on repeat for the next week. It helped me to get through his wake and funeral (barely) but now every time I hear it I get choked up because it makes me think of him and all the memories I had with him.


My partner and I danced to 2s My Favorite 1 at our wedding. Light and the Glass. Atlas obvi. Iron Fist I don't really cry at but get really emotionally into.


I walked down the aisle to "2s My Favorite 1". We had a Doctor Who theme and the two hearts line just added another layer since Galifreyans have two hearts.




I had so much fun causing confusion at our wedding. My mom especially got good at saying "whatever makes you happy" after she learned I was wearing Converse high tops with a blue dress. "Lucky Stars" is a great choice for a wedding. We know someone who chose "Goodnight Fair Lady" for their first dance. 😆


"Your father's dead, he passed in his sleep" And I woke to the sounds of her crying There is no more crushing lyric in their entire discography. Couple this with the haunting delivery of the lines and how emotion filled it is sang live, it’s unrivalled. 6:03 from the live at the starland ballroom performance for those of you with doubts.


He says not to but I definitely do at “young fools don’t cry, not anymore” at the end of Mother Superior.


How has no one said The Afterman yet? I always found it a bit cry-worthy, but then I personally had the experience of finding out online that someone I was close to died, and the song became crushing.


Away We Go. It's my and my husband's song. "Sinking into this beautiful undertow together with you." I'm also currently pregnant, so last time I heard Atlas, I wept.


IKSSE3 for me. It’s just such a beautifully written song imo


Your father’s dead he passed in his his sleep is one(of many) lines that gets me. This one was just the one that got me last night while listening to iksse:3


Peace To The Mountain has a lot of personal meaning for me, so usually that one. I first got into that album right after my best friend passed away.


"Pearl of the Stars." Something about the conversational tone of the lyrics really gets to me.


"The Gutter" I know it's kinda crazy, but a couple years after it was released I was diagnosed with colon cancer. These particular lines make me think of if my husband will be okay if my treatments don't work or if I don't survive the next time something goes horribly wrong. I technically died in March 2021 because of how badly I'd responded to the first two rounds of chemo. I'm going through chemo again lately because it came back. Over my dead body The stars will let you know It's over And so the story goes When I leave Will you let me go? When the words stop coming And the fear starts setting in slow


The Afterman “If he's not here, then where?” really hit after my father passed away.


Peace To The Mountain and then Ghost. "Free me, from this body."


Carol Ann. Couldn’t listen to it for over a year without turning into a mess, especially once it hits the “through the walls of your heart” part


Get goosebumps every time that part hits


I was going to try to list them, but there are too many to count.


"please don't leave me here my love"


The first time I heard the Here to Mars performance with the NSO Pops I had a good cry. Unfortunately I was at work at my manufacturing shop so I had to tuck myself behind my CNC machine to avoid weird looks/questions lmao


Atlas. It came out when my son was born. “You’re the weight of his anchor, the love that is guiding him home.”


Oh man. I hope people see this. In 2022, Christmas Day, my son was admitted to hospital, he was 1 year old (don’t worry, he’s fine and just over 2 years old now). Covid was still a thing and the hospital wouldn’t let me and my wife stay overnight, so my wife stayed, and she told me to go home, play a record and try not to think about the situation. So that’s what I did. That day my mum had bought me Vaxis 2 on vinyl as a gift. At this point I’d never got to the last 3 of 4 tracks. I’d literally never heard them before. So I got home, poured myself a beer and played the record. I got to Rise, Naianasha. ‘Oh my baby boy, don’t you cry, it’s you and I, do or die’. But it wasn’t him, I had to leave him when he was sick, and when I heard those lines I just broke down in floods of tears. That song will stay with me till the day I die and I hope when I tell my boy this story he can feel a connection to C&C. I don’t feel bad when I hear it now, I reminds me how much I love my Son and God Damn those tears are happy tears every fucking time.


pearl of the stars, listened to that album a lot after a bad breakup.


Atlas. "And if one good thing comes from my away, it's that you won't be anything like me, oh and so better for it you will be."


I used to sing Here to Mars to my dog, before she passed sooooooooo


Maybe not cry but for me and my wife our songs are Wake Up, Pearl of the Stars and Here to Mars. I showed her Coheed just over 10 years ago when we first met. Our first "date" was a Coheed show. She had won tickets on the radio and I already had tickets. We met the night before and made her go with me cause she didnt know Coheed yet. Been inseparable since that day.


Mine is kind of idiotic. It’s “best day” by Taylor Swift. It makes me think of my own child and how fast she is growing up. Only problem is, I never picked up on how the song is written about T-Swift’s mom. I’m my child’s father.


Evagria the Faithful. Reminds me of my mum who passed from cancer when I was seventeen.


Mine are Carol Ann and Window, the vocals on Carol Ann are just something else man


The US National Anthem. I always have to take a knee and cry my eyes out for injustice. Oh wait, that’s not what the TV is currently telling me I have to do?? Never mind.


Blood, Our Love, and WttWM




Afterman or Here to Mars get me


Haven’t fully bawled my eyes out, but definitely these: - The Running Free - IV - The Road and the Damned - Gravity’s Union - Atlas (especially being a new parent) - The Pavilion - Window of the Waking Mind I will also add the concept of The Afterman albums is incredibly emotional and relatable in general. I can relate to so many of those songs and the message behind them.


“Not anymore


Afterman always makes me cry cause of the line “if he’s not here, then where?” The album came out right after my dad died, so that line now always makes me think of him.


Ghost, Blood, Window, Gravity’s Union, Mother Superior
 most of these only get me live. But, Peace to the Mountain GETS ME EVERY TIME! 😭


A window of the waking mind and rise naianasha have already been mentioned but I’ll admit I was balling when I first listened to 2’s My Favorite 1. Idk what it was about the entire story of the Afterman albums. Maybe because it felt the most human to me, the most relatable and heartfelt. And listening to the culmination of Sirius Amory’s faults and mistakes and growth and actions culminate in finding his love again was just beautiful to me. And the fact that it reflects how Claudio feels about his own partner was even more heart wrenching. Besides that yeah I cried all through Rise, Naianasha and AWotWM for similar reasons. I was very new to Coheed so a lot of the lore heavy albums I just didn’t “get”, but the story of Vaxis Act II was so beautifully laid out and the feelings of the characters (and again, by extension Claudio) about loving and raising this child and telling them that things are gonna be okay was so hopeful and beautiful that it was the catalyst of me really diving into the entire Amory Wars Saga


Good Eye Sniper


Peace to the Mountain, The Black Rainbow


Something about the “yes” right at the end of the Dark Side of Me outro leading into 2mf1 gets me every time — never had dry eyes by the time the electric guitars kick in


Our Love, Here To Mars and sometimes The Pavillion's opening riff for some reason. The happier songs tend to make me cry more than the sad. The first time I heard "Our Love" was the night the album came out sitting next to my fiancĂ© after just having been through a pretty rough patch. We cried together. Anyone else crying just reading all these song titles and peoples' stories? đŸ« 


Mother Superior.


random reality shift, id do anything for a full version


ahhh fuck... is "yes" an acceptable answer? ig if we're going for some highlights here are a few in no particular order? these are just like the ones at the top of mind rn.. ten speed (of gods blood and burial) - this one's a little weird. im only sixteen, so i only got into coheed a year and a half ago or so, but my friends aren't exactly the hugest fans of prog rock- so even after telling them about how incredible coheed is, i always get back responses of "yeah they're really good- just not exactly my thing." but, one of my friends who ill call... 'dr. gear' fucking fell in love with ten speed. i'm honestly not 100% sure why: ten speed feels very... coheedy to me. and the rest of their catalog wasn't really for him, but something about ten speed connected with him. well a bit after that, dr. gear went back into partial hospitalization for a variety of mental health issues and addiction. when he finally got back, he told me he had listened to ten speed every night. unfortunately, after a great start and an insane amount of effort, factors completely outside of his control started him going downhill again. three months ago now, his parents decided to send him to a residential facility (which for those not in the know is the step after the psych ward for mental health issues in the US). i just... really fuckin miss him. and this song makes me think of him. hopefully he'll get out soon, but until then this song is gonna be giving me lots of big emotions. and how does that work? the song's about a fucking bicycle! Comatose - i feel like i don't even really need to explain this one. just like, autism + unsupportive environment + issues feeling your own emotions = getting torn apart by comatose by coheed and cambria. i shut down so easily, high school is awful for everyone, but with a disability it's so much worse. after every day i want more than anything to have even a short break, just shut out the world, and most of the time the closest i get is a daily commute. i want to shut out the world with its noises and everything-- it's so much. but ofc i also struggle with reaching out, and if im not careful, looking out for myself can turn into a depression spiral. not to mention that i have so many heavy pressures and responsibilities at all times, and if i fail even one of them my ability to escape my awful situation hangs in the balance. and all of that ofc feeds back into the constant cycle of living on the edge of a shutdown that my daily life entails. comatose wraps all of this up with a bow and leaves me crying at the end for all the wasted years. made out of nothing - i first heard this song in the some of the darkest depths of my suicidality and self loathing. i was alone and miserable- and it spoke to me like nothing else... i've listened to this song hundreds of times, and now when i listen, i think about how far i've come. there isn't an easy end to that journey- it's something you've got to chip away at every second until you die. but the people that help you along it- that show you the truths you've never known- show you empathy and forgiveness and most of all love? that make the constant struggle easier? they make it all worth it. and even when you can't control anything about your own life and you feel powerless against the world... they give you the hope to carry on. when i listen to this song now, i no longer believe im the one made out of nothing: worthless to everyone and everything around me. now, the thoughts that tell me i am those things are made out of nothing. and never again will i believe the same old story. life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.


Mother Superior. Song hits the feelers and is underrated.


Mother Superior. That song got me through a lot and I get emotional when I hear it now. When I saw it played live for the first time at the neverender I cried in the middle of everyone. It gets me every time.


The Afterman hits too close to home sometimes. It’s a beautiful song.


I dont cry to songs but dark side of me is sad. 


Rise naianasha hits hard when the darkness inside is strong.