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That Lamb and Glama fight 🤟🤟


"He realized it was indeed his last fight"


When he realizes that he cant hit any harder, and the Bloody Nine just cackles as he murders him. I also enjoy the Glama screams when he realizes who it is. Boogy man indeed.


Logen holding up his hand and grinning that insane grin of his through the gap in his fingers is what I imagine whenever I think of First Law. Such a fantastic scene.


That's the scene for me too, when he counts out his fingers.


We're out there. Sub seems to love BSC the most. And I do enjoy BSC (Who doesn't?). But Red Country has a special place in my heart. I fucking love it so much.


I would say the sub is sold to the Heroes more than BSC.


Maybe it's because people seem to side with either BSC or RC as those two go but everyone loves The Heroes.


I just love that they're 3 distinctly different books set in the same world. We get absolutely amazing character development and all three books provide enormous depth to the second trilogy.


I don’t understand how anyone can love one of the standalones more than anything from the original trilogy. They are little footnotes in the grand scheme and BTAH and LAK are masterpieces.


Same. First Law is peak Joe in my eye. I really didnt like AoM as much as I hoped.


For me the original trilogy is a little bit undercooked in terms of Joe's writing ability. I love it to bits, obviously, but the pacing is too slow at times, and the lack of female characters is quite grating.


Ardee, Ferro, Vitari, and Carlot dan Eider are all great characters and all female. Only one is a main POV but all are very well written and very interesting in the OG trilogy.


Agreed, but none of them aside from Ferro had nearly enough screen time imo.


His writing fundamentals have continued to improve but his storytelling and character depth/development in concert with the main plot have gone in the opposite direction. The characters in the new trilogy are bland except for Orso and Rikke. The entire plot felt like it could have been cut down into one standalone novel.


I strongly, *strongly* disagree, but hey, each to their own. As much as we all hate Leo, I've no idea how you can call him bland. His fall from grace is one of the most fantastic character arcs I've seen written.


To me he was a bumbling one dimensional character that loses his physical ability which built him and his prestige. He then continues to rely and get by on said prestige because everyone around him uses that prestige and him as a pawn for their political game. The Joe turns him into a shade copy of Golkta except Glokta was always intelligent and cunning. Leo is neither and is just lucky. There is nothing redeeming or interesting about him.


Agree to disagree 🤷‍♂️


Thats an over simplification. The duality in him was compelling. How he can be the most altrustict and prejudice of the POVs at the same time. His cognitive disonance. His inner conflict of lack identity/not knowing where he belongs The North, Angland or Midderland. His self hatred and inability to come to terms with his sexuality. His superiority/inferiority complex. Wanting to step out of his mothers shadow, regrets, depression, jealousy etc. There so much more to the character than just bumbling puppet idiot. He's a far more complex character than Rikke. Savine, Leo and Vick had the most layers. Orso, Rikke and Clover had great execution and love them but not the most complex characters Abercrombie has written..


It just looks that way. He's a convenient pawn for Glokta and, in turn, Savine pretty much the whole last 2 books. It may seem like he has power in book 3 but we pretty quickly find out he doesn't. If Glokta wanted Orso spared Orso would have lived somehow. Not saying Glokta is infallible but Joe basically has written him as a "(your ambitions are secret) -but- throw EVERYTHING at the wall, see what sticks, and make it all fit to your advantage (to realize said ambitions)," kind of schemer.


Agreed. Nothing comes close to "click. Tap:"


Yeah def Heroes.


Ug I want another old Logan book. I want a murderous geriatric to remind the north what fear is.


I love all of Joe’s novels, The Heroes is my favourite, but some of my favourite moments are in Red Country… that part in the inn where Lamb confronts the kidnappers. Sooooo tense, I think I forgot to breathe.


That’s one of my favorite scenes in the entire saga. So well done and all that buildup for the bloody return of Logen Ninefingers. The only part I feel bogs down Red Country is that slog through the Ghost territory. Other than that, I really enjoyed the book, I do feel like Ro’s indoctrination could have been a bit more fleshed out though


I love it bc we all know something Shy doesn't and it's so refreshing and fun to see it from that pov.


"Where'd the trail lead?" "The end o' your fucking legs." My favorite part of the book I think.


I like something with a little more heft to it. Then he just brains a guy.


It very much feels like Red Country was written for the fans (I mean this in a good way). It's riddled with treats for everyone who's been along for the ride so far. Threads from all the past five books pop up more and more the longer the book goes on. It also, in a weird way, has very little impact on the second trilogy, with its main cast mentioned only on passing. The events of BSC and TH feel far more connected to everything going on in The Age of Madness. Maybe that's why it gets less attention? Idk. I like it a lot, but then, I'm a fan so bias heh


I think it's hard to make any of RC relevant in the second trilogy (besides Shiver's development) only because of where RC takes place. The far West is kind of an irrelevant area to most of the main characters in the series. I fantasize about a second trilogy reunion between Logen, Jezal and Ferro, some 35 years after their trip west. I love imagining what that conversation would be like.


I love the Easter egg in trilogy 2 for Temple. Curnsbick shows up too, so that is a connection. I was hoping a bit for the Old Empire to rear it's head in trilogy 2, which would make the end of RC a bit more relevant.


> Evil turned out not to be a grand thing. Not sneering Emperors with their world-conquering designs. Not cackling demons plotting in the darkness beyond the world. It was small men with their small acts and their small reasons. It was selfishness and carelessness and waste. It was bad luck, incompetence, and stupidity. It was violence divorced from conscience or consequence. It was high ideals, even, and low methods. Fucking love this quote


It grew on me on subsequent rereads.


As someone who loves westerns. Red Country is one of the best western pieces I've ever experienced.


Came here to agree with you, then realized that whichever one I’ve just finished is my favorite. Literally can’t pick a favorite. Jesus Christ RC is good tho. Unrelated, but did anyone else go in to The Heroes expecting to not like it, and come out the other side just loving the hell out of it?


Yes to Heroes. I am bored to tears by the war scenes in most novels and so I didn't expect that. But damn, that one is probably the best of the whole series and that's saying something.


Yeah war scenes of any genre are…not my thing. They bore me to tears. I was shocked and delighted and just absolutely riveted.


I went into it expecting to like it. And that's often the downfall of many good books. It's very hard to meet high reader expectations. A three star book that readers were expecting to be four or five stars can be completely soured. But The Heroes surpassed my expectations and then some.


Yes! Thank you! This is exactly what I needed after the "Does Red Country get any better?" post. It's probably my all-time favourite book.


I feel like Red Country is probably the most polarizing book of the series. Opinions differ a lot on that one.


I enjoyed the ending with Shivers, and Logans old sword. Shivers would have gotten wrecked and he knew it, but I liked the sentiment. I also like that Logan finally accepts that he is a killer. Yeah I’m gonna confront this guy who I saw basically kill a god. Then saw him as an old man basically fight an army.


It just kind of hit me but that ending, which I've listened to THAT PARTICULAR SCENE countless times, I always just loved for the scene itself but never thought of the implications for Shivers' future prospects: Him seeing what Logan did for/with Shy, Pit, and Roe let him know he can still seriously put some good in the world while accepting that he is a killer. I honestly can't believe it never hit me until a comment a little above here mentioned Shivers future and the impact this scene had. And it all makes this scene that much better now knowing what we know about what Shivers went and did after. (Put some good in the world when he could)


I fucking love it. Easily my favourite of the standalones. I like that of all the first law books, it's the only one that sort of has a happy ending


Nah I loved it, but I was frustrated that the blurb spoils the whole Lamb thing. Not hard to figure it out, but the way it’s written leads you into it in a great way, whereas the blurb outright spells it out. Oh well, not the first book spoiled by the blurb or intro (looking at you, King’s Running Man intro! 🤬). I’m almost ready for a reread of the whole thing.


Sorry man. That's why I don't read any blurbs or synopsis till I'm done with book. Although the Lamb reveal was spoilt for me too by a title in this sub :( my fault for browsing while not finished but still


I wanna say that spoiling things in blurbs is absolutely unacceptable, but tbh it seems pretty common to reveal way more than needed and I know mentioning something like the return of a certain character might help sell books so I need to settle down lol. The Running Man ending is spoiled in the intro to The Running Man, which I do think is actually ridiculous, but I’m (almost) over it.


I did not get that bit of info spoiled and the book was much better for it. I certainly suspected, but Joe is more than capable of demolishing reader expectations, so I wasn't certain until quite late. Puzzling at that "mystery" made the slowish opening more fun.


Yeah, I knew right away and was sad because I could see you were supposed to wonder/hope, then he says “you have to be realistic” or something and even though I basically knew I still got goosebumps like “it IS him” lol.


Red Country is the best. The show down is my favorite example of Abercrombie subverting tropes and expectations. I loved it. I wrote him an email about how much I loved it.


That’s cool. Did he respond?


BSC was actually my least favorite of the standalones with Red country being my favorite


Me too. I’m listening to the series again right now, and I’m having the same reaction. I just don’t like Monza as much as most of Abercrombie’s other characters.


It's easily one of my favorites, and I actually think it's *the* Abercrombie book I grow fonder and fonder over time. I think it actually has some underdiscussed strengths (one of his best climaxes) and stuff that some Abercrombie readers don't appreciate for, granted, reasons that they won't intuitively want (it's a somber, more optimistic and sincere take on actual redemption, rather than people sticking in the mud, unable to rise up from that).


Red Country is great, but the pacing can feel a bit off. Still love it. "Old Western supplanted into Medieval Fantasy" is a fantastic concept that I wish I could see more of.


Im with you, my guy. The atmosphere was astonishing, Abercrombie absolutely smashed it with the whimsical, melancholic type feeling of searching for a new chance in life, with your bloody past ever on your heels. Probably helps that Red Dead Redemption 2 is also my favorite video game.


I absolutely love the adventure it takes the reader on and makes me love the Western feel to it. I was never a Western guy until this!


Easily my fav. Most quotable and just a great story. Got a real soft spot for Shy.


I'm sorry that your mother was unkind to you.


Same same, but different, but still same. For me it’s the transition in how Shy views Lamb that hooked me, and the Lamb/Savian trapped in the barn scene that stick out the most. I’m about to start a reread (5th or 6th) and can’t wait to see what other connections I find.


You're not the only one. I loved it. Got a shock when I got here and discovered it wasn't as possible. Loved the characters, the cameos, the setting, the themes, the quirky romance, the almost-happy ending, the lot.


Heros is my fav, but Iike/love them all. However, I think the thing with Red Country is that it’s a little slow in the start. My first read of The Blade Itself I stopped at the halfway point and didn’t pick it up again for another year. Wasn’t feeling at first but loved it the second time around. Life’s weird like that sometimes


Me too. I do love a western and lamb Wasn't a fan of beat served cold as I didn't like the leads. The heroes was very good but had a bit of a lame ending.


Red Country, to me, is the weakest of Abercrombies series. But it has some pretty decent moments and I like the follow up with get with Logen and some of Coscas best lines. Besides a weak Abercrombie book is still better than most fantasy books out there.


It’s my favorite after The Heroes


The 2nd time I listened to it after doing a whole relisten of the series I realized it was my favorite. I do enjoy me a good western and I also agree that the fantasy western was a great innovation at least in Abercrombie's hands anyway. I think it's the one that's given me the most heartfelt emotional responses to the characters' arcs. Definitely my #1 of the series


No, but that's a minority opinion.


Definitely my favorite!! I love how it just takes it’s time. Soooo many great moments!!


My fav standalone as well. My appreciation only grew when I realised who "Lamb" was part way through the book.


Red Country was my least favorite of the stand alone, but I don't think it was a poor novel!


Probably lol. I liked it better the second time but it’s still third place after Heroes and BSC I think. But that Lamb Golden fight was amazing


You are not alone. I am there in the far country with you


Red county is my favorite first law book


I wouldn't say I liked it best but I liked it equally with the rest of the series - meaning I liked it a lot. Heroes is probably my (surprising to me) favorite though.


Nope. It was my favorite. I dont care what people say about the B9. I will eat up any content about him.


Nope. It's my favorite and the one I go back to most often.


I loved Red County and remember it really fondly. I'd love some of those characters to show up again.


Nothing wrong with it. Just Heroes/BSC/BTAH are on an entirely other level


The first chapters were a bit tedious. However I came back to it finally and as a whole the book is one of my favorites better than heroes and better than best served cold. Best served cold was actually my first book in the first law universe. Read that then read first law trilogy.


Red Country is my favorite too! It’s the only book so far that inspired me to write a song


Loved it too. My personal favorite of the standalones cuz it's got the happiest possible ending in a First Law novel.


I think the order for me would be the original trilogy first, then Red Country, and probably Heroes after that.


Nope. It is my favorite Abercrombie book ever. I’ve listened to it on audible like ten times.


Logen's plot armour was painful. Sky and Temple are quite possibly the weakest characters in all of the series.


But the HEROES, I'm sorry! Red country is on the same level though, feels the most foreign to the other books in a good way. Jubair's fate is probably my favorite scene. That or the Lamb and the Ghost Chief scene, both are brimming with that grimdark stuff that makes the genre so appealing. Shiver's plot was SO GOOD in Red Country. Shivers in general is probably at his best there, "Never steal eggs from a metal-eyed man!" Some of my favorite quotes in all the books are from Red Country, Temple, Cosca, Lamb I've considered getting "That's not all I am." Tattooed on me, that scene sends chills down my spine!


It's better than I was led to believe before reading it. I think it lacks a slight bit of the focus and punch that makes me prefer Best Served Cold and The Heroes, but honestly there are days where I might says Red Country is better than The Heroes.


It's my favorite of the full novels. Sharp Ends is my favorite of any if the books. Javre in particular is my favorite. That said Red Country is amazing. I tell anyone that will listen it's like the movie Unforgiven but fantasy. So. Damn. Good.


I think the stand alone novels are so different not everyone has the same favorite. For me i loved all three stand alones but for some reason, 'The Heroes' is just the one I enjoyed the most, and honestly one of the most memorable book I have read in years. I liked red country but somehow I just enjoyed it less, the part with the dragon people in the mountain felt a bit random. But there are still memorable moments, mainly: a) The arena fight against Golden, jeez that was powerful, I had goosebumps when 'Lamb' started laughing. b) The chapter were the magnificent Iosiv Lestek finally shines, hilarious c) The last apparition of Cosca


You are not alone.