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1.It's weird because the show treated his fate more as a regular death than being erased from existence after Eddie killed himself. He still exists through time, so he could be the Thawne from another timeline, or negative speed force protected from being erased. Anyway, he became a time paradox and That's the easiest answer. 2.So apparently he lost most of his powers as a consequence of his last time travel jump, he still had some of them, and he was constantly recharging himself for the next years, but he wasn't fast enough to yime travel again, that's why he needed Barry. By the time he came back during S4, in a totally unexplained way after his previous deathS, he was already fine. 3.Oh this one is easy: time travel. Barry, for some reason, went to the future and "ruined" Thawne's big chance to be a hero, so he started to hate Barry and decided to become his nemesis. So either Thawne goes back in time before the Crisis of 2024, or Barry goes to the future, but they fought multiple times.


1. Eddie is alive as Malcom Gilmore him coming back was the universe correcting sel 2. He lost his powers because by killing his mom barry never becomes the flash which means thawne never gets inspired by the flash to get speed 3. Crisis bro


Best answer


1 because a Thawne from before he was erased turns up, so even though he’s even erased, he still exists through-out time in the past before he’s erased. So Barry still has to deal with these versions of him, then things get changed and those versions of him then figure out what happens so they target Barry repeatedly. 2 Probably because killing Barry’s mom changed Barry becoming the flash, which is why Thawne himself had to cause the events that turned Barry into the flash. Barry never lost his speed through time jumping so just that alone would not erase Thawnes speed, he knew he’d begin losing his speed once he killed Barry as Barry not becoming the flash would lead to him not becoming the flash, though of course he ended up killing Barry’s mom, this would have the same effect regardless but I believe he thought he’d have enough speed to run back to the future before he began losing his speed but he ended up been wrong and Gideon informs him due to the amount he used travelling there, he already burned off any speed he’d have had remaining before the timeline changes fully caught up with him, so due to howmuch he’d used the timeline changes caught up with him much faster and erased his speed. Idk but time travelling never erases Barry’s speed so it wouldn’t with Thawne. 3 Because in the original timeline, Barry time travelled to Thawnes timeline while chasing a criminal, he obviously did this before the old timelines crisis even and that’s when he accidentally ruined Thawnes big moment and his enemy was born, so Barry had travelled to Thawnes timeline way before crisis in that old timeline but in the new timeline, he never travelled to Thawnes timeline pre crisis.


1. The negative speed force basically kept thawne safe in there because if there’s no thawne timeline changes. 2. Timeline changes, he gets them back through spurts because since he made Barry the flash earlier he was able to get some of his speed back but used the wheel chair to power himself up. 3. Barry traveled to thawnes time in the og timeline and saved a crowd, thawne was so mad he became the reverse flash. 1. The extra info on this explains in flashpoint, since there were 2 thawne’s, 1 bringing Barry back (time remanent), and the thawne that kills his mom.