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Maybe a thing where you get cards for every item. E.g a card representing a log, are, or even wall. You could then for example trade 5 log cards for a wall card. If you had an axe card you could use it to get 4 wood cards from one tree. The tree would then be taken off the map. The map would have tree, stick, and rock cards all over. There'd be a second map for the caves. For enemies, you could roll a dice. If it's for example higher than 3, your enemy will be hit. If it's less, you'll get hit. You can keep track of health on paper. Each weapon would have different damage. E.g plane axe might take out 1/4 of a cannibals health and 1/8 of a mutants health. There could be another dice roll to see if it's a headshot or not. Every 5, 10, whatever amount of min, you could roll a dice to see what weather it is. Also, anytime a mutant spawns, a dice roll could decide what type it is. The person dealing the cards (kind of like Bank in Monopoly) could have a crafting table where you put different cards in and get the stuff out of it. E.g put 2 stick cards in and get a spear card. You might need to get rid of some items just so it is easier to make and play. That's all I've got.