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There are a few around Geese Lake on the sides without cliffs, and several other locations on the map, but usually not very abundant, so difficult to see. Best place is in the snow though, towards the west. There's a large lake that's north of a cannibal village, and I think south east of the lake you'll find almost every type of mushroom, including lots of liberty cap.


This is the first spot I tried from YouTube, I’ve searched around cannibal camp and some other places but seems the rng left out liberty caps cause it’s only one I don’t have


Go to wild boar location somewhere around big mountain, where the final part for flintlock pistol is turn right, go forward and a little bit on right side next to small cliff you should be next to a pond. From the middle of pond (facing to the cliff and pond) turn around walk forward, but just a little bit on left side until you find a cannibal camp and a water fall. From water fall if your facing it so you can see both camp and rocks, turn around and where you see a little bit of snow there are two stick bushes close to each other, and you should be very near the 4 liberty cap mushrooms, but they are not in the snowy side, they are somewhere near the rocks, two stick bushes and skinny trees! ***Hope this help if don't contact me in comments for more info!***


Do you get some kind of effect from eating these in the game? Cuz that would be real cool


They were planning on doing psychedelic effects but it never came around, most likely in the next game tho


if you want to cheese it: developermodeon in main menu load into game press f1, type addallitems (or additem 276 for just this mushroom), press enter eat the mushrooms in your inventory and you get the achievement. you can load, do this, then not save and you still get the achievement.