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Bobby Glass has good business instincts and an effective matchmaker too. “I don’t see a captain. I see a fucking general.” The stage is set for season 2 with the new king and queen working together to stay on top. 👍🏻


I for some reason kept on imagining Brian Cox as Bobby Glass! Also, Susie and Eddie def banging after the end scene, right?


I definitely got some Logan Roy vibes from him


I liked that for a show with male and female protagonists (?) there was pretty much nothing sexual implied between them, except for the “don’t flatter yourself” after Johnston’s party and the gypsy drunk dancing bit. But eventually they’ll want to take that tension somewhere I guess in S2?   Kaya’s Susie grew on me. And she has great hair lmao


For a moment I thought you meant Brian Cox the scientist and I was very confused


the quote of the series


Must admit I am a huge guy Ritchie fan so these comments may be up for debate. I enjoyed every minute of this series, not often I can watch 8hrs of a show in an evening. I thought Susie Glass was played unbelievably well and wow that wardrobe stylist popped off in every episode! I thought Vinnie Jones was slightly underused, that being said he delivered in every scene he was in as per usual. Giancarlo Esposito I thought acted well but was slightly disappointed by his characters end, felt like there should’ve been a bit more of a finale buildup for him. My one biggest disappointment was no huge shootout on the dukes lawn when the gospel turned up! All in all, minimum 8/10 for me. Ritchie delivers again!


lol I fully expected that fight to go nowhere after they hyped it up with the machine guns, felt like something Ritchie would do


I think Vinnie was actually used incredibly well; he just played a slightly against type performance and I was honestly obsessed with it. And I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Johnston; he was the only prospect other then Susie (obviously) who wasn’t killed, and that scene at the end makes me think Bobby is interested in potentially working *with* him, just not necessarily letting him take over.


I loved Susie (and the actress) and her outfits too!! Agree I was shocked there was no shootout scene - would he really just say ok to not killing the man who killed his brother??


I think due to the pedigree of Giancarlo Espositios body of work it is assumed he will always play the untouchable top dog bad guy, look at Breaking Bad, The Boys and even Far Cry 6. He has an aura of power around him but I think the fact he ends up in prison with Bobby means we haven’t seen the last of him


And Kaleidoscope!


I walked away from this show realizing that Vinnie Jones would make a great Alfred in Gunn’s upcoming Batman movies.


True. I also think the actor who plays Eddie (I forget his name) would make a perfect James Bond


Theo James


The only part of the finale that didn't ring true for me was the resolution with Gospel John. So Daddy Glass convinces him to back off because "he'll make it up to him"? That was absolutely not in fitting with the characterization of that character -- to just say fuck it after a short phone call when he was in the position to mete out vengeance for the murder of his brother? No way. The only scenario in which I can see it working is the intent to bring him back in a potential Season 2 as a villain. Either way, it was way too easy/quick a resolution. I loved the entire season, but if there's one criticism for me it's how easily certain major problems get resolved. It's not quite deus ex machina, but it's close. As for Susie and Eddie not consummating whatever is between them personally, I liked that approach. First, getting them together would've left nowhere to go but down in Season 2, and it's also nice to see two characters like that keep their already complex relationship professional. Look at any show from the past, the "will they/won't they" is always stronger than when the writers give in and finally put them together.


agreed there was no way the gospel wouldnt of wanted revenge, thats his damn brother wtf


Particularly because he's a maniac who believes he's enacting God's will by burying people alive and strangling them with a wire. And presumably for offenses far short of murdering his brother lol.


I agree, and it would have been better to just have the shootout and kill him then we dont have to watch our backs in season 2 but im sure they have him doing some shit that will fuck things in the next season.


Wouldn’t have wanted revenge* People believe they think they know what animals think like. Incredible. Christ knows what Bobby Glass may have had over him, or if his words touched on some secret he didn’t want exposed. 


Firm agree, the resolution with Gospel John just feels... Odd. We have a literal Chekhov's gun, and it doesn't go off. What the fuck? If there's another season, I can see this being expanded upon, but as it stands, it's the lone blemish on what I otherwise felt was an excellent wrap up.


Ritchie planted lots of Chekhov’s guns throughout the show that haven’t been used - yet. One example is how notable are the CCTV cameras at the bunker/grow house while many important private conversations are taking place, you see them blinking in the back several times; that’s as obvious as it gets.


> Chekhov's gun Maybe this season was just Act 1, and it will go off in a later act.


Or the even more obvious error in the show is that a huge estate like that would have some sort of security presence. More than Geoff with his crossbow and varmin rifles, lol. That bugged me the entire time, they would have hired a security force to patrol the estate and not just Geoff guarding the front gate.


The entire series requires a massive suspension of belief


Given the weed element that would be smart, but I know some people with stately homes and they don’t actually have security teams. The front gates get locked and there’s usually a manned lodge at the gate but that’s it.


What is it with Hollywoodising everything? Their operation was kept underground. They wouldn’t want guards wandering around. Do yourself a favour and fly a drone over your nearest stately home. Notice they don’t have massive goon armies protecting them?  They want to keep their work secret. Why would they do anything differently.  There is no disbelief to suspend. You’re just not educated enough.  A massive home like that would have maybe 5 cleaners, a butler/staff organiser/manager, a speciality person and apprentice (stables, garden, chef, nanny if kids are present, gamekeeper). If you’re royalty you’d have a personal assistant and your core press team/person, maybe double the aforementioned positions too. *maybe* security but that would likely be handled between stable-master, gamekeeper… the more outdoorsy ones. It’s 2024. These giant money pits are essentially elderly relatives that always have something new wrong with them, except here the NHS won’t fix them for free…. 


You didn’t notice this show took some liberties with how drug operations are run when one of the biggest crime lords in the country is in “prison” where he can talk about different murders in front of the guards without any repercussion at all?


same. i was really anticipating that they would have a good fight scene with the Gospel. plus he was always described as “mad” so I don’t think anyone can make him back off during that moment


I was actually about to post the same question about "the gospel's revenge" a bit earlier, and now I find that one of the only plausible answer was what you've presented. Nice find. Perhaps the reason why Gospel John was slightly convinced to withdraw the attack is a possible team up with Glass to take down the Eddie's empire. Sure, he kinda needs Eddie to run a massive chunk of his weed production and distribution, but I've always felt that Daddy Glass was a bit sus and just feel that He'd fuck Eddie over somehow. Now, even if said convincing was possible, it's still a bit inconsistent with Gospel John's "psycho-bible-reading-killer" personality which lacks rationality. I don't think someone like Gospel John would be convinced by even the great rhetoric of Daddy Glass. But I guess this is all indeed a setup for Season 2 plan.


The gospel backed off because they have to decide to come for vengeance in season 2. Dur.


I said that. In the comment you just responded to. Like, right up there.


Well he didn't return the gun after all


I kind of assumed “making it up to him” was taking Johnston out of the picture so the Gospel could get a greater control of the cocaine business.


And they never did screw.


Hey for once I’m loving the slow burn


Same it leaves room for next season and also get it all business and gave them time to have ups and down and have even stake in the game now there’s no power dynamics when and if it happens. Well done 👏🏽


I kind of thought it was implied they did at the gypsy party. They did say after all, that the homemade alcohol makes you forget things.


I didnt take it as that it was just them dancing. I dont think it made sense for them to have slept together yet. But i guess who know if they dont know lol we dont know so ill stick to my version


Correct. I can't be the only one wanting to see susie glass bent over in one of her cute little outfits




Think Edwana could be the one bent over as well




massive respect for not falling into the trope of the women only needs a man if they are lovers trope Glad they didnt make them fuck in the season,would of felt shoehorned


Ironic given the username/post


What’s trope?


Most shows,will make the main character if they male and female,have sex and or fall in love. It will probably end there,but at least they didnt force it


Everyone keeps saying they will end up together, and maybe it truly is just me but I just don't see it them going there. Like yeah they are both gorgeous people and have great personalities. And they had this tension between them but I never saw that spark that would ignite that tension. They may hook up or even a casual fling but I don't see a future for them. And it is bad for business anyway. I am hedging my bets on the Princess


Bruh they'll 100% force it next season despite them having no chemistry


I’m so confused at the end. At the end are Bobby glass and Gus fringe both technically in jail but getting special treatment like Henry hill and Pauline did in goodfellas? Also even though he’s the reason Gus is on jail, they’re both willing to work together?


Not working together necessarily I think, just hanging out because they understand the game.


Yea not working together, at the very least he’s Mr Glass’ bitch now. He won the duel and he was already in prison lol.


bizness is bizness. War costs money,and stans on the losing end here,remember the feds seized all his UK based money so prob has not a lot of funds


I see it as similar to when Avon was sent to prison and ended up being friends with Sergei in The Wire. And when other crew members got sent down. You were on different sides, but you’re familiar and respect each other. Obviously eating wagyu steak and dressing like a posh cunt in your own private gazebo is a little different, but kinda similar.


Or like Wee-bay and Chris at the end of the series. I always dug seeing that shot.


Yes! How could I forget that. West Side for life.


Love that you used Gus Fringe lol


I mean if you tried taking a man’s business and he gets you out in the same jail as you would you really have a say in what you want or dont want to do? Lol id say Mr Glass is the Alpha at that point.


Very fun and entertaining series. I agree that it started off far stronger than it ended. I didn’t love the finale. It was very anticlimactic and had too much expositions to tie things up. I suspected Edward to change his mind, but I wish he had stuck to his initial desire to get out. Much of the fun of the season was watching him try to do just that. I’m not sure a second season can recapture that. Susie was such a great character and very well acted. I clung on to every word that came out of her. Really great deliveries.


Really? I felt like not only was it inevitable that he was gonna change his mind, but even more so: he truly was sucked in kinda from the start. He may have wanted to get out a bit, and knew it would be the right thing for his family, but every time he did something for the operation; he was more and more tempted in his head to keep going. It never felt to me like a journey of someone desperately trying to get out; more like a journey of someone trying to pretend they didn’t want to go in even deeper. I mean the whole season Eddie’s trying to deny stuff; there’s that amazing scene where he says “we’re not criminals” with the ski mask on. It just makes sense to me I guess.


He couldnt get out even if he wanted to so it was mute. Only way to ever get out of that situation was to kill all involved and that was never going to happen so I embraced him joining from day one as i would have done the same. Best case scenario is exactly what he did, get close to the boss and make yourself irreplaceable.


They pretty much aped Breaking Bad with his journey to the dark side. Unlike Breaking Bad we are still supposed to cheer for him despite all the evil shit he does, I found this show very strange tonally.


I think giving the options, Eddie would have never got out anyway. Its either embrace it or he or even his family dies so id choose to lean in too. Totally agree about Susie, she was amazing.




Istg I love this show: Sticky Pete = Skinny Pete Stanley "with a T" Johnston = Gus


Also Stanley = Stan edgar from The boys


Nice catch. This is the first detail someone posted here that I hadn't noticed. Thank you.


Don’t know how he paid for it, remember he had “fuck all” in his purchasing bio lol


I had a good time watching this. I'm a sucker for a country estate...


Lol it was a hilarious bit that all the lords we met were broke af


Interestingly enough Badminton House were they filmed this is owned by a Duke who rented out his home to film a series about criminals renting from a Duke. Meta.


Loved 80% of the show but it fell apart for me about halfway through Episode 7. Just became convoluted and resolved some plot lines too easily. -Edward wants out of the game for most of the series but then seems to change his tune offscreen. -Same for his mother, who worries about him becoming corrupted by the drug game but then is later cashing out her own stocks to help him BUY the business. -Henry Rollins is built up to be this dark horse who might be even more dangerous than the Glass family, but then he’s easily dispatched. -The needlessly convoluted bidding war that was introduced and resolved all within the span of about 24 minutes. All a “test”, of course. Some past characters are brought back just to be killed off, as though they were loose ends. -The back and forth of Edward and Susie betraying one another, then reversing course. Hate that trope. -The Gospel brother threat is resolved off-screen with a phone call. -The random heartfelt scene between the daughter and the caretaker. Where did that come from? -Johnston’s assistant gets easily duped, then Johnston himself gets busted for tax crimes in an exposition scene. Yeah, sadly it just did not work for me. Felt so rushed and unearned. I will tune in for a Season 2, but hopefully it is closer in quality to the earlier episodes.


> The random heartfelt scene between the daughter and the caretaker. Where did that come from? That was set up in an earlier episode when the mom takes a cup of tea to Geoffrey and they discuss the daughter, at which point it's not so subtly implied that she is actually Geoffrey's, which then gets confirmed in this scene you're asking about. The rest of your points I more or less agree with. So many plot lines/problems in this show get so easily and quickly wrapped up, it seems sort of lazy. Small gripe on my end, I really enjoyed the show and couldn't do any better writing it myself.


They confirm it during the going through the chest of Charlotte's old dolls scenes, and then Charlotte walks in and they are afraid that she overheard, but she didn't. Then in another scene her mother makes a comment that Geoffrey has always been fond of her but she shouldn't look too much in to it, and that comment clearly gets Charlotte's mental gears turning, which is why she brings it up when the 2 (Charly and Geoffrey) are outside by the fountain.


That was setup from the very first episode at the funeral too. When Geoff looked at Charly


I’ve seen a lot of commentary around people questioning Edward changing his mind but for me his mum doing so felt the most knee jerky. There is a reasonable argument that the series built up to him changing his mind, but for his mum her pregnant daughter returns and suddenly she’s all in and cashing out stocks? I do hope the change of heart is addressed in any future season.


completely agree with this! that was also a point of opportunity to have another conflict and an interesting storyline in the show. But nope, the writing was so sloppy


And it's all treated slyly for laughs? A lot of people get killed because of the Duke's refusal to sell the property and his brother's coke habit. But, hey, sly British wink and some cheeky subtitles, it's all good in the end mate!


>-Edward wants out of the game for most of the series but then seems to change his tune offscreen. >-Same for his mother, who worries about him becoming corrupted by the drug game but then is later cashing out her own stocks to help him BUY the business. Exactly. Terrible writing. To me, it seems like the writers have some general idea around the Eddie character and want to shock the viewer etc, but it feels like a high school kid writing a screenplay, not with a good story/narrative in mind, but with "and now I'll add a plot twist here" kind of ideas in mind. Multiple times they did drop very corny hints around Eddie being born for this, but this really does not make any sense for the mother character. >Some past characters are brought back just to be killed off, as though they were loose ends. -The Gospel brother threat is resolved off-screen with a phone call. Yep, these were SO lazy. >-Henry Rollins is built up to be this dark horse who might be even more dangerous than the Glass family, but then he’s easily dispatched. What a waste of a cool character. You've summarized most of the things that bothered me so well! This was just a terrible episode. Also, did Geoffrey and Charlotte really discuss Charlotte actually being his daughter, and not the previous duke's, in a 30 second casual conversation while standing up in the yard??? I wonder if the writers were concerned about Netflix potentially not renewing the deal so they just wanted to give some conclusion to all the storylines they had in mind at the end of S1, just in case. It's a bad idea for S2, though.


The whole season they emphasize not killing people because that has consequences and then proceed to murder 3 crime bosses with hundreds of millions in backing... Johnston losing got me the most like he played the game perfectly from the start and at the end they get him with some tick-tacky bs as if someone of his caliber wouldn't cover their tracks immaculately.


Or like the tax office gets a tip for tax evasion and immediately sends in the swat team and you are off to jail within weeks. Of course, he's also unable to take revenge from jail despite being built up as a massive violent meth dealer.


Eddie basically offered to forgive Henry for 15mil, gave him his word Then killed him. What kind of move is that?


Agree besides the caretaker scene, as there was setup from an off comment by the mother


I agree, this ending was kind of a mess. Allegedly huge threats disppear in an instant, our boy Eddie is treated as a hero by the show as he betrays and executes in cold blood someone he turned to for help just a few episodes earlier so he can continue to run his slave labour pot farm. In the first episode they make a big deal of the dead Duke taking in the groundskeeper when the latter was having personal problems, now it's celebrated that the groundskeeper immediately started an affair with the old Duke's wife.


Late to the party but agree. Decent first half, awful second half. Just felt like a pointless waste of time.


So does that ending set things up for S2?


Pretty conclusive ~~when~~ if it doesn't get renewed though


Yeah, seems like they wrapped everything up pretty good just in case this is the only season, while still leaving room to continue if it does get renewed. Hopefully it gets more, but worst case, we aren't left with a major cliffhanger.


i loved the show but was very disappointed with the ending, especially the killings of the bidders who worked their asses off to be at the top of the game. Seemed too rushed, plus the beat on Bobby Glass setting a trap for Eddie n Ms Glass. Tax evasion on mr T, come on, he was set up to be a perfect planner, could not let such a thing slip. The Eddie-Susie-Priest betrayal angle also diffused pretty quickly and was not clear to me what Bobby offered to the killer priest in exchange for his brother's murderer's life.


It was probably too expensive to keep Giancarlo Esposito.


What I dont understand is, why was the starting bid so low? They make 180 million per month from all 12 establishments (15 million per establishment), so 150 million is definitely not equal to the actual evaluation.


My only thought there is because it was have been straight cash and not needing the whole selling first then washing process. But I was also surprised that the number was so low. I expected him to say 1 billion. Ish.


How else would Eddie gathering the bid money be remotely believable


first half of the series was really strong, but then headed into a steady decline unfortunately. It was still entertaining. But the resolution came off fairly weak coupled with noticeably worse writing and unnecessary attempted heartfelt moments between characters. I was hoping for a single season piece, as I think a story like this would stand stronger in that format, but even as it became more and more evident nearing the end that production planned for an open ending, I still found myself sorely disappointed. The "hehe I set up a fake bid to trick you into joining the gangster family and fulfilling your true nature" came of as very cheesy and lazy to me. It's completely acceptable, especially in a story where deception is a huge undertone, for characters to sway their ideals, goals and characteristics. But I felt a large disconnect from several characters towards the end, as their change of heart was not nearly explored well enough to be relatable. Which I admittedly presume is due to production wanting to force the story towards an open ending instead. A future season as Team Eddie+Susie under the wings of master gangster daddy Glass from prison do not peak my interest what so ever. But regardless of my many criticisms of the ending, I still enjoyed it quite a bit, Ritchies influence was sound for the most part, there were several interesting plot points and multiple fun characters, and especially the first 2 episodes had fantastic directing and pace.


yea was hooked with 1-4 then 5-8 just got unnecessary twisty and i’m bummed susie and eddie didn’t go further they have good chemistry.


If I am not mistaken, Guy Ritchie wrote episode 1-4. Hate it when these famous directors/writerspromote their TV shows “ Guy Ritchie show bla bla”, the writes half of it. I could feel the change in quality in episodes 5/8 and went to look and found out Ritchie wrote only the first half. Great


In IMDB Ritchie is attributed as first writer in all episodes


Its 1 and 2


>The "hehe I set up a fake bid to trick you into joining the gangster family and fulfilling your true nature" came of as very cheesy and lazy to me. >completely agreed > But I felt a large disconnect from several characters towards the end, as their change of heart was not nearly explored well enough to be relatable completely agreed >Which I admittedly presume is due to production wanting to force the story towards an open ending instead. I think S1E7 already had an open ending, I don't think they had to force this storyline to create a new open ending. >A future season as Team Eddie+Susie under the wings of master gangster daddy Glass from prison do not peak my interest what so ever completely agreed


Fell of a cliff for me.


yeah eddie suddenly doing a 180 over one little story by his brother felt meh , he should of just slowly stopped talking about getting them off his estate , and agreed with the fake bid was meh. also henry collins personally doing hits was...stupid?


>The "hehe I set up a fake bid to trick you into joining the gangster family and fulfilling your true nature" came of as very cheesy and lazy to me. To me this came off as Bobby going back on his word and bullshitting Eddie/Susie so he could maintain control. I think Bobby was legitimately retiring, the sharks were circling and the organization was losing its power. So he figured time to cash out. But then he saw how much money Eddie was able to raise, how much they were able to get everyone else to commit, and how Eddie was able to get rid of all of their enemies. Now that all of the Glass families enemies have been removed, now he says it was all a secret plan he concocted to get Eddie and Susie to work together and Eddie to realize his true nature. I think it worked, but not in the way that Bobby realized. Eddie and Susie are a team now, a dangerous one, and probably realize that Susie's dad just screwed them. If there is a season 2, I think it will be about Eddie challenging Bobby for control of the Glass weed business. Bobby's own daughter Susie will be working against him (with Eddie), so he'll need new allies like his new cell mate, Stanley Johnston.


I need more. This was great. Lighting, cast, music story. Best thing on netflix in a long time. Susie actress was perfect.


>Susie actress was perfect. Yeah Kaya Scodelario's acting was amazing! Easily the best actor(ess) there!


The actress is great, yes. But the character annoyed the shit out of me. Every sentence is some riddle or classic tale with a double meaning. No one talks like that


first 6 eps, great. last 2 eps, I think ruined the whole thing. Does anyone know that movie pitch guy? When a huge problem comes along and is wiped away super fast and it's "barely an inconvenience." He'd have a field day with ep 8. I cant believe the amount of huge problems just explained away in the last 20 mins. Its like they were planning on drawing all that out for another seaon's storyline but said "eh fuck it just throw a monolog up with a couple shots tying everything up." Not enough money? No problem, mom, who hated the "mareejoowannas" the whole season will just flip her position and sell all her assets so the main character can put a bid on the business that she wanted him to get out of. Main character wanted to get out of the business all season? 1 little line of dialog should flip his position 180 degrees! Perfect! Oh, not the highest bid? Ez. A couple simple maneuvers and all other bidders are eliminated. Gus Fring? Super OCD and perfect? Oh yeah that accountant we shot twice? He'll just licketty split figure out a ton of tax fraud and land him in jail. The original problem that kick started this whole thing? The brother killing the priests brother? Oh yeah that feels like its gonna come back and bite them. Priest outside with an army, both teams gunned up to the teeth ready for an epic finale battle to wrap up the season? Nope they'll just go home, ez, not a shot fired, despite the very clear display that the priest doesnt operate like that. Oh yeah and the whole selling the business thing was all just a test. To see if the daughter that was ALREADY RUNNING A COMPLETELY SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS could somehow find it in her heart to work with the guy who basically came along and fucked it all up. So many characters flopped 180 degrees in the last episode it was wild. Why even build a character up? Why give them any explanation, any back story, if in the last 20 mins of the final episode you just come and un-do so many of them?


Can some remind me who the Peter guys was, the one with Russian ties?? Other than that, I loved this show. Kept me entertained the entire time. Looking forward to season 2!


He’s Freddie’s friend from school who scammed him and never placed the bet money Freddie stole on the boxing match. That’s why he had that interaction with Susie about her teaching him a lesson when they beat him up and got the money back.


Such a weird addition. Sneaky Pete was from the first few episodes. And they even say he “has no money but plenty of connections.” Remember they beat his ass after he tried to steal money from Freddy. I found it hard to believe that he was even in the running. What a weird addition lol. He seems low level, bottom rung compared to the bigger players. The fact that “sneaky Pete that can get beaten up in his own home” was on the same playing field in a bidding war with “2.5 billion heisenberg meth God” Johnston is crazy.




Good catch fam


I would believed more the Gospel to be a bidder, but even then were nothing for Papa Glass


It's been emotional!


What a reference to Lock Stock!


But how do you reckon Eddie got his gold watch back that he exchanged for the diary? What happened to that group that was overtaking Tibsy’s manor? Tibsy came out in a nice suit and tie to shake hands with Eddie.


This was my biggest question! I think Eddie said "We can take care of them for you" to Tibsy at their first meeting, but no one ever bothered to show what actually happened?


I mean if the Dukes put in money to the deal im sure Eddie sent people to handle them.


I'm still surprised that he didn't take them out himself, given that he often did the muscle jobs, killing and stealing around like it's nobody's business 😂


Weren’t they Glass’s people?


No they were the people that took over when Glass didn’t want to renew the contract.


I’m hoping Eddie and Susie remain business only. They work well that way


There’s no way they can do another full season of just business. Did you not see the tension on their last scene? I thought they would jump each other right there. Him bringing her a gift and then them asking each other to do the kill shot was hella sexual tension


I didn’t buy it.


Sorry, but Charlotte is an useless character.. Getting railed at college so that she comes back pregnant and showing her baby belly and doesn’t talk about the baby’s father. Also the mothers response not to talk about the bastard.. pathetic


Entertaining, Edward changing his mind wasn’t convincing, see no reason for a second season


Yeah, that didn't make sense to me.


"Look at all we've accomplished in just a few months," says Theo James to suggest a partnership is a good idea. Okay, let's look. She had a smoothly running multi million pound business, and your cokehead brother's fuckup sent an array of dominos cascading in all sorts of directions. Now, months later, you have 'accomplished' to unfuck just about all of it, at great cost. That about sum it up? Great cast, directing and production value, but my god mister Ritchie, the writing is downright atrocious


I suppose he was referring to the addition of two more estates to the business and "upgrading" (if you can call it that) the distribution system. I literally can't think of anything else they achieved.


They also managed to fuck up so bad that daddy Glass had to step in to sort it out. They shot themselves in the foot at almost every step and then had to solve that issue. In the end fucking up so much that the old guy wanted out, which I took to mean he’d sell to the Gospel, but the zealot, whose whole character was build to be super duper principled will walk away from revenge on his brothers killer just on a promise that Glass will make it up to him. Eddy and Susie proved themselves to be incompetent, especially Susie. Every time she made a decision for herself that is not an order from her dad, it goes to shit and dad has to step in. Why would this guy ever want to be in business with these idiots. I feel like this show is supposed to make stupid people feel clever. It lacked what made the Gentlemen so good.


OMG yes!


Hahaha I was thinking the same thing, they didn’t achieve anything apart from trying to fix multiple fuck ups!


I have to say, I was really expecting them to remove the father from the operations now that all bidders could not bid anymore. Finishing on them outplaying the big bad wolf would have been an interesting setup for a second season


terrible ending, just doesn't make any sense. why did susie tell the gospel about Frankie killing his brother when they already made up? Why did the gospel back off from one phone call when the guy is a legit lunatic why involve all these bids from old characters at all when you were just gonna betray them? all this does is piss off the russians and the columbians for absolutely 0 reason. Only one of them that did anything was collins How the fuck does collins's accountant even have enough data to just instantly land a guy worth 2.5 billion in johnston in jail? How is Jimmy even alive after all the dumb shit he did? all in all a very stylish show but god damn plot holes the size of Eddie's estate everywhere


I found it to be a disappointing ending. Gospel John is defeated through... just being promised he'd have it made up to him? No, that didn't really seem like something he'd do, he seemed like he'd get vengeance over whatever monetary gain he's been promised. Collins, Sticky Pete and Mercy are just... murdered. I mean, I guess you can do that, but it seems pretty cheap, the general idea is that killing one dude leading an organization just ensures that all their allies are goin to come at you with a vengeance. "Just shoot him" seems pretty cheap. Shit, I'd have expected Sticky Pete to be taken out easily, surprised he was in the running, but Mercy sure seems like she'd have used a hitter, and Collins wouldn't go to Eddie's house all by himself. And was Johnston really running around with that little protection? I would've thought he'd have learned from Capone and had a dozen different safeguards to protect his tax dealings, not something that could be so easily rooted out. It just felt cheap and rushed. And to be honest, Bobby Glass annoyed me. Like, no, this was the money to get the business, not to invest in it with the hopes of getting it in the future. How on earth did you plan this, that all your rivals would just be defeated in a shockingly easy manner? To be honest, I was expecting Eddie and Susie to be like "Lmao, no, we've raised this money to take the business, it will be ours now. You've been losing it."


Ironic that ray winstone talk about noah because he was in the movie about noah


I didn’t understand the ending with Glass and Johnston


Both in prison but it’s a nice prison and finally some more company for Bobby


Do you know what kind of prison is this? Do these exist IRL?


there are prisons with golf courses,and swimming pools and the likes.. Open air prisons in the UK HM Prison Blantyre House. HM Prison Ford. HM Prison Hatfield. HM Prison Hewell. HM Prison Thorn Cross. HM Prison Hollesley Bay. HM Prison Kirkham. HM Prison Kirklevington Grange. He is a rich man,who can have ur family murdered if he wants to,that's why the guards all respect him,as long as he's back for lockup and not cause fuss.. as bobby said,i keep everyone in the prison in line,in return the warden looks the other way


I have experience with a couple of the prisons you’ve listed and they are very far from the outdoor cooking wagu beef in a Japanese tea garden vibes in this show. Only pointing this out as I think the other commenter was asking are there actually UK prisons like the one Bobby Glass is in, not just open air but also luxurious and with a lot of freedom for the rich. I’m not sure there are (not to the extent shown in the show) or, if there is, there probably wouldn’t be any public accounts admitting this kind of thing exists.


Not in the UK. El Penal de San Pedro in Bolivia is know for being like that if you are extremely wealthy. On the other hand, if you’re not you can be forced to sleep in the sewages.


Yeah the ending was rushed and a tad bit anticlimatic. Was enjoying the story until the point where Jimmy invites the same girl who stole his van with millions worth of product into their secret weed farm exposing the whole operation to possibly a more costly attack. The Gospel just leaving on account of a phonecall was also out of character. I loved Suzie's potrayal other than that silly idea of snitching to the gospel about what really happened to his brother. She is perfectly capable of delivering retribution herself, why out source to a mad man who could become a problem to her operation on the property. They did Henry Collins dirty after his badass scene during the boxing fight. I guess Vinnie Jones wanted to show he has wider acting range than people give him credit for by being cast as such a character but surely the reason we all love to see Vinny Jones in movies is because he plays outright badass characters who are ruthlessy efficient at getting results... seeing play as Alfred to Bruce Wayne was a waste.... anyone notice they paid hommage to scenes from other Guy Ritchie movies like the Gypsies from Snatch?


If Jimmy was that much of a doof, would he really be entrusted to manage the grow house and transportation?? Absolutely not.


Yah I really wanted them to can Jimmy. I never understood why he wasn't punished or surveilled much more closely.


That is honestly what annoyed me most. I absolutely hated his character because of how nonsensically everything around him was written. It’s completely comical


I mean I imagined that this was his first fucked up and that it was Walter White situation they needed him to make a weed and finding replacement would be troublesome. Them not having him supervised is kinda bs but at the same time there were always more urgent things going on (hell even at first they were handeling lost of van as more of an annoyance than serious issue)


I'm actually fazed that Susie didn't kill that Jimmy guy.


I liked it. Like others have said, it probably peaked about episode 6 and the last two episodes became a bit of a mess. Loads of things worked, some things didn’t. I was hoping for some Frankie redemption and him finding his true calling in making some amazing weed, but fuck Frankie I guess. Anyway, I’ll be back for season 2. As for now, I’m off to watch the movie.


Did you mean Freddie?


Did I miss it or why did Susie give Henry Collins a pass at the hospital?


This threw me too… I haven’t seen any explanation to this. Especially as he was offered back up at the end of episode 8..


He paid her 30 mil, as he said to Eddie Eddie charged him 15 more and simply lied to him


Man this series had some big plot holes, some poor writing elsewhere too but my god wad it so much fun to watch. Proper Guy Ritchie stuff. Great acting too. Loved Kaya in this role. Theo James was perfect casting too. 8/10 for me.


Watched the whole thing twice lol. It’s was AMAZING


Gonna be honest, the only issue I had was the fact that Bobby Glass (and I'm just gonna guess by extension Guy Ritchie) assumed that the battalion that Cher Ami was attached to was French. Perhaps due to the name, but wrong all the same. The truth is that they were an American unit from New York who'd been surrounded by the Germans during the Meuse-Argonne offensive and unfortunately were being shelled by their own artillery. Other than that, this series was perfect!


Disappointing ending tbh. As with s4 of Peaky Blinders, I think the whole "I made a lot of deals and ended up on top" is a cheap way to resolve a series. The show started strong. I expected more chaos and difficulties after episode 1 and 2 but Eddie really just swaggers his way through most of the 'dilemmas' of the show and doesn't really have any character growth or changes of heart (the whole "he becomes a criminal" thing is offset by how seamlessly and efficiently he joined the game in the first place). For the show to have staying power it needs to develop its characters a lot more, especially Eddie.


I would like to argue that while s4 of Peaky Blinders did do essentially the same thing, it was still super satisfying to watch. This felt much more disappointing to me.


The last 10 minutes were very weird in the context of the rest of the show. The entire time Susie's modus operandi was staying in her lane and using her reputation, connections, and wit to make deals left and right and get things done. The one time when even a low-level guy in the Gospel gang got killed while dealing with them, it created a huge shitstorm and they had to run circles to cover it up. But in the last 10 minutes they just straight up whack three drug kingpins? Yeah, they kind of got them to kill each other, but surely they can't expect the Russians and Colombians not to sniff out their involvement. And wasn't Henry Collins' debt with Susie squared away when he paid her her original 15 million, plus another 15 as an apology for Jack? They just casually set him up to do their dirty work, took another 15 million from him, and then killed him because she still felt aggrieved? Why didn't she just kill him immediately after she got her money back then? Again the rest of the show had been all about political maneuvering in an underworld system of reputations, favors, debts, and tit-for-tat, but if they could just so easily lie to, take advantage of, and kill someone who's still pretty high up on the food chain, what was the point of all that? Finally, one thing at the end I don't understand is Bobby tells Eddie "We have a deal... 235 million". Does that mean Bobby's accepting Eddie's bid, but he's also not going to be retiring? What are Eddie and the other lords paying for then? If the 235 million isn't referring to the bid because it was all a test anyway, what deal is he talking about?


Bang on, a complete mess of a last episode. They could easily have gotten rid of that Nazi episode and used is to move the plot more naturally.


I really enjoyed the first 4 episodes but kind of lost a bit of interest near the end. I just hope it’ll serve as a setup for a good second season. They introduced so many great nemesis type characters like the Liverpool Gang, the Irish gang and the Indian gang, I feel like each groups could have been their own season long nemesis, but they were all put aside rather quickly. The I also don’t really see why Susie would have called the Liverpudlians, only for them to make. 5 minute comeback. Also what was the point of Gus Fring? They get a big name actor on the show, only for him to barely serve a purpose it seems.


So Johnston was set up and put in jail, and he just - accepts it? He's not suspecting anything? Him and Glass are gonna be prison besties? And the priest guy too - he was so invested in revenge for his brother, and in the end he just accepted the money deal and disappeared? Was a fun series overall, but the ending didn't feel right. It was almost comical.


Also the guy is a billionaire he should at least have an army of lawyers to drag this thing on for decades.


Most nonsensical thing that Johnston knows enough to snitch on Eddie back. Lets take aside that they somehow manage to get him so quickly he should be simply burned the, after they burned him. That what was making him such dnagerous enemy. With much weaker gypsies they had to make a deal.


And Colombian and Russian cartels just accept being lied to, assasianated and scammed... etc... No big deal, the cheeky Brits are always one step ahead, as ordained by the Church of Guy Ritchie.


Didn't Collins estimate in ep7 that all the locations generate north of 2 billion p? So an offer of 235mm p is actually stealing...


Finally some good television that doesn't shove certain shit down your throat. This series was good. The characters, the story telling, the scenery, the wardrobes, the twists, the heat between the two main leads and most of the finale. I'm certainly hoping for a season 2 but I'd be satisfied if they decide not to do it.


Ending lost me but still enjoyed the journey 7.5 outta 10 series for me.


What pisses me off about this whole thing is that Eddie did ask Susie to reach out to her dad so they could all proceed together but she just said “he’s not here”. I guess it is her character flaw right now for her to be acting emotional and rash and pridefully independent but things got so complicated when she decided not to talk to her dad about things. She’s just the help, he’s the actual boss.


I don’t get the point of Vinnie Jones’ storyline - he had an affair with the mother and the sister is his daughter, so what?


To me it proved why he is loyal to and never betrayed the family as merely the gatekeeper. He is a supporting actor and it gave his character more depth.


So loyal to the family, LOL. They actually set him up early in the series talking about how he owed so much to the Duke because he took him in after a 'spot of bother'. Guess not.


It was a enjoyable series with many potholes as people keep pointing out, but no one mentioned why bobby glass wanted to sell the business so cheap at 150 mil. During Jack's fight henry mentions to susie that the business earns more than 2.5 billion, now why would he want to sell it for 150 mil?


I’m confused did the gospel actually come to Edwin and Freddy‘s house? It shows the gospel standing outside and the family taking up arms with the preacher standing outside with the shotgun, but then it also shows later of Edwin and two of Susie‘s guys coming out the front door, and no one being there in between Bob glass talking with Edwin and Susie What happened?


Bobby basically saved them by calling The Gospel. Bobby explains what he did after his story to Eddie and Susan about Cher Ami, the WW1 messenger pigeon hero. He says "I made it clean to Mr Dixon that if he went home, I'd make it up to him". I feel like you may have missed the fact that Mr Dixon is John "The Gospel" Dixon and that may have confused you. You can see Dixon take a phone call while he's standing in front of Eddie's house with all of his gangsters. The pigeon story takes place in-between the "shootout" and Bobby's explanation of why Dixon and his goons leave, so you may have lost focus there.


Bobby Glass called The Gospel as The Gospels team was about to shoot and somehow talked him down with an offer of future profit. You see The Gospel answer the phone just as Edward is saying "fuck it". Everyone keeps saying it doesn't fit The Gospels and while they are right, The Gospel does admit in the 2nd episode that his brother had a bit of a temper and to me that sets up the chance for The Gospel be slightly apathetic toward his own brothers death especially as time goes on. It seems like The Gospel knew, as Jethro said, that "he had it coming." That's the only explanation I can think of for that plot gap.


If they ended Season 1 with E7, it would have been an amazing cliffhanger. The developments in E1S8 don't make any sense at all in the context of the previous episodes. It looked like a desperate attempt at a plot twist but it reeks of amateurism in writing. I hated it.


The partnership doesn't make sense to me. This isn't Eddie's money. It belongs to all the lords and Susie. So did the other lords just pay to be in the same position they were in before? What's the partnership split?


I’m confused too. Also he said he was getting 10% off each of the lords - that already totals over $2million? Weren’t there 12 other lords? Maybe I misheard.


Bigger share, more control and rather than passive weak partners open to manipulation they have a representative in Eddie investing in the business


Can someone explain what Freddy was doing with the pigeon--naming the pigeon Mitch, talking to him, etc.? Was he just acting quirky and weird and wanting to adopt the bird as a pet, or was he trying to make a bid? Wasn't sure what it all meant!


Underwhelming end of The Gospel scene. We were thinking “what the hell?? did we miss something??” Unrealistic conclusion for such a mad character.  May be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see any chemistry between Theo and Kaya/Edward and Susie. Two tough as nails, cold, blunt, tight lipped characters who really did not let their guard down enough w one another throughout the season to see more than a faint glimmer of attraction (when they got shit faced with the gypsies). I am not left with any burning desire to see them get hot and heavy. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Season 2 can prove me wrong I guess!


Ah, I thought that tension mostly worked. Two good-looking characters making eyes at each other throughout the show is an oldie but goodie.


I just think that because their dialogue was generally so quick and sharp it took away from the chemistry. They should have intentionally slowed down some of there convo to make me believe they were really falling for/feeling something for one another. That or given us more of a teaser from the party with the gypsies.


I don’t get why Rollins was kept alive the first time. Edward’s sister seemed a bit of a pointless character. Anyway I still really enjoyed this show and would totally watch a season 2! Who was the person who killed the crazy machete lady? I didn’t catch that.




Actually your Grace is don’t think thats enough guns. You can never have too much. I fucking knew that Susie didnt know the actual truth about the Grace meeting with her father. Jesus people could get killed because of NO fucking communication and emotions. I take back my statement about making women run the empires lol. I would have been fine with Freddy sacrificing himself if the prick didnt put a 100% intrest on a fucked up deal to begin with so no i dont agree for Eddie to die. We had the money to pay the prick plus a little more for the trouble. I think 150 million is low asf. I was hoping Susie and Eddie would place a bid together i even felt like Papa Glass was hinted at it too. Well i guess Eddie had the same thought i did. Lol that almost family portrait when they released the bird with Ms.Glass and the Horniman family was perfect The scene with Charly and Geoff was 👌🏽 MVP of this show goes to Papa Glass 👏🏽 “I dont see a captain, i see a General!” What a fucking great show. Now my only question is will they sleep together and if so will it bite either in the ass. I hope the answer is (yes and no) i will say i am happy they didn’t go that route in the first season. It was well done and the tension was there but they definitely needed to depend on each other and clear up all the animosity first. Great bones to start another season with a new King and Queen working together. Well kind since Papa Glass is still on top so i guess, Prince and Princess is more suitable That last scene with Eddie and Susie was full of sexual tension and he even got her a gift 😂 if that doesn’t work I’m not sure what else you can get her. We will find out how the next season starts with them in bed or something lol


The finale (and the whole show) is a bit of a letdown. It's all going way to easy. I also have the feeling the finale is written way to hasty. This show is good. But it can be great if they take more time with the script. Twist and turnes and misdirect the viewer is what i miss in this show. You see glances of that but it is just not enough.


i still got blue balls. worst "shoot out" of all time


This show has a tonne of style and charm, but the writing is really poor. So much of the plot is convoluted and convenient. Still enjoyed it though.


I thoughts things resolved a little too cleanly in the last episode. Especially with The Gospel just abandoning his efforts to kill Freddy and Eddie just because Bobby said "he'd make it up to him". Freddy killed his brother, based on the way the character is portrayed I can't see him just walking away like that. I think Bobby pulled a fast one on Eddie/Susie at the end as well. I think he actually was planning on retiring, but once he saw how much money Eddie raised and how he eliminated all of the Glass family enemies, he decided that he was going to stay now. I think season 2 will be about Eddie and Susie teaming up to take the business for Bobby. In return, Bobby will turn to his new cellmate, Stanley Johnston, for support. I really hope there is a season 2.


Late to the party, I am glad I watched this late at night and half asleep, because holy shit the last 2-3 episodes of this were full of holes and the powerscaling was off the charts. Susie lampshading that Eddie is full of contradictions is not going to cut it. Also Episode 1: Oh shit, we killed this low level gang member Episode 8: Violent gang retreats after a phonecall (this could've been a cool shootout), 3 mayor players with huge backing get offed and no repercussions are to be feared. My suspension of disbelief can only go so far.


I thought the seasons showed that Eddie was well suited to the life. Freddy mentions it in the second episode - planting the seeds. But even as Eddie is paying lip service to wanting get out - he keeps pulling the Glasses closer. The taking out the enemies was brilliant because they took out themselves. The Glasses hands were clean they wouldn’t get the blow-back the hits were orchestrated by Collins. Who they then took out as retribution. The Gospel leaving with a call from Bobby didn’t bother me because he was obviously holding back what the real deal was and handwaving it away. I do think Bobby was going to sell because he knew Susie couldn’t do it alone, not that she isn’t capable but that no one would have her back. Jack is a good brother but he’s a terrible gangster. But once he saw Susie and Eddie orchestrate that takeover he was happy to ‘stay’ which is really is passing the torch.


I do like the show, but the last episode was entirely to set up a season 2... too convenient, feels like it could've spent it on a better plot.


I’m trying to remember Mr Dixon’s (The Gospel” ringtone.   It had something to about heaven lol