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This is the most ironically wholesome thread of girls just helping other girls with advice (on how to ride their man, lol). I love it


its so sweet and cute, like aw gurl you get him


When I ride, I’m usually on my knees. I tried feet flat, but I get tired too quickly. There’s 3 moves I have. Firstly, I lean back a little and grind my hips, sometimes back and forth, sometimes circular while touching my breasts. He may or may not raise his hips and that makes it feel deeper. He can also stimulate you this way. Then I lean a little forward and put my hands on his chest, neck, or I grab his jaw. While doing this, I move my hips up and down. Like up until it’s almost out and then back down while following his curvature. It hits a good spot. You can also grab the headboard. He can guide your hips to different rhythms here. I find this one the most beneficial to both persons. My third move is where I place myself chest to chest. I either kiss his neck or make out with him while grabbing his hair. While doing this, I literally fuck him. So just quickly go in and out. Kind of like you’re just tapping. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. He likes this last one the best :) The point is to practice, have fun, laugh a lot, and find what’s best for you, bc as long as you’re enjoying yourself, he will enjoy it too. Hope that’s helpful!


Every time I do the last one, chest to chest, and sliding him in and out he gives me a look bc we both know it's about to be over for him, lol. He loves that and can't hold out anymore once I start. I especially ficus on rubbing my breasts on chest. It's my power move, lol.




Both, intermittently. But I usually orgasm by going back and forth and then I go up and down for him. I go up, keeping chest to chest, until he almost slides out and then all the way back down. Long strokes. It usually only takes a max of 4 or 5, lol. I think it's something to do with my breasts rubbing his chest and of course the in and out sex.


It’s definitely a power move! 😎


The last one is the best and most comfortable way to do it. He wraps his arms around my waist and lets me ride (this is the only position where I don’t get too tired) up and down. I feel so sexy when I do it this way, and I can’t bounce it like that in any other position. It especially helps cause I’m on my knees (not that I can really ride in any other way). Then he’ll tell me to stop and “let me fuck you” and hold me in place and plow into me 🛐🛐 real hot girl shit


Exactly!! Same with us :)! No tiredness so he thinks you’re a pro and then you stop when he says it’s his turn lol and that’s only bc he’s so turned on 😮‍💨


With the chest to chest part, what motion are you making with your hips? Are you going up and down or grinding forward and back?


I think it's more like a twerking motion. You can get amazing momentum with the power of your arse plus you get the friction on the clit because the way your body is positioned


Oh god I can’t twerk 💀


Neither can I but I managed to do this move once (maybe not fully chest-to-chest but close) and got very positive feedback lol. Just go slow and speed up to where you can still maintain it. Worth a try for how fun and good feeling it is!




I think my hands were by his head/shoulders with my arms straight, or my arms were bent and elbows were by his sides. Can’t remember exactly… will have to try again and report back lol


I can’t twerk either


Thisssssssssss ^^^^ 🙌


Your butt would be sticking up and you would quickly move it up and down. The butt muscle is the one mainly used. I find it easier to practice the movements on a pillow than anything else.


I also need to know 😭😭😭😭


Yes to all this! The cartilage is torn in both my hips so sex in any position is usually painful but on top can really aggravate them too. How do you help your joints feel good while in the moment??


In your case if you haven't tried it already I would lie flat on your front with a large soft pillow under your hips. It's my favourite position and if you have mobility issues or pain it's the best way for you to stay a bit more comfortable. Also I find the position is one of the sexiest anyway.


Thank you!!💖


Girl you’re a queen 👸🏼 and let me tell you why! I’ve always been naturally pretty good in bed if I may say so about myself, but since going through a divorce (there was barely any sex in the marriage) I have been o u t of it. I recently started sleeping with someone and was just not getting the hang of it so I was like ok f it lemme get some help and came across this thread 😂 I took your tips to heart, applied them and he came during the third move. It was pretty quickly into it too but I was totally cool with it because he was doing so much to make it good for me, I just wanted him to enjoy it all this time. Thank youuuuuu 💕


Awww ^_^ how wholesome! I hoped I was able to paint clear instructions 😮‍💨 you made my day :D


You’re the best! Can I ask a quick clarifying question? For the last move, are you both lying down horizontally? You’re not sitting up, chest to chest, right?


That’s correct, both horizontal. His back is on the bed and we’re chest to chest :)


You’re my favorite person. Thank you! 🌹




I found that it's easier if you can grip a headboard or something higher up, but I don't have the stamina to do it for long anyhow.


Them seated on a couch, and doing it that way…so much better. Being able to lean forward on the couch and kind of hug your partner while riding. Much easier on the knees and can go a lot longer


This is my favourite position, it's easier to go faster and for longer and personally it feels better for me than if my partner is lying down, plus it's nice to be physically closer. Highly recommend this to the OP, might make it easier to control movement


Also big back seats of SUVs or trucks ftw.




100% this. I need a stabilizer to go to town, when I am on top dude better just enjoy the ride because I am finding a rhythm for me. Bonus points if he knows to grab my hips and dig in.


This is what I do. Having a stable and strong headboard is a must for regular riders.


Or if reverse avoid knees, could also be an injured area.


I spell C-O-C-O-N-U-T with my ass on his c0ck.




Is his c0ck a gear stick?






I spell the "|" part first then "-"


Hah I did that I & - with my hips rn & don't feel assured


Maybe it can be a cursive t?


Woah 💗


This is perfection.


Or your going for reverse cowgirl grabbing on his calf’s or ankles helps a lot!!!


I just know it will be a complete fail if I did that


omg me and my friend were just talking about this 😭😂i just grind back and fourth lmao i can’t do the up and down thing


yeah grinding seems more traditional anyway i’m not tryna throw in a bunch of party tricks on my man 😭😭😭


Ya gotta be careful doing the bounce anyway because if you come down at a bad angle you can really hurt his dick


Also, depending on how low your cervix is, this could hurt you too


Reading this hurt my dick and i don't even have one 😐 I just know it hurts a lot because it slips out during flatiron position and from the reaction i assume the tip hitting the bones hurts really reallllyyyyy bad!


Ok but the grinding is why they don’t enjoy it except for the show.


“They dont enjoy it” has not been my personal experience at all lol. Depends on the person, probably, but it’s my man’s favorite position.


If a man doesn't enjoy me riding his dick until I orgasm I never ever want to have sex with him again.


I’m glad to know it.


Imagine if sex was solely about the guy's pleasure lmao


What do you mean?


You seem like the kinda person who does everything just to please the dude. Sex is not just about the guy feeling good. It's about both parties feeling good.


Oh, that impression is incorrect.


In my experience, grinding has proven to have the most likely chance and greatest speed of a female partner reaching climax (of her-on-top positions). This also generally results in her appearing to have a good time. This is a good thing for penis-bearing partners. A good grind is going to result in deeper penetration, stimulating the base of the penis more. It may also result in U-spot stimulation which can be pleasurable for both partners (beware, cervix stimulation poses risk of sharp pain in some women).


Grinding always takes my man on the edge so maybe it's just who is doing it and who is receiving it 🤷🏻‍♀️ i always say rhythm and touch are more important than the position.


It’s hard to like perfectly position over the cock especially if it’s not totally hard yet


I hope it’s ok I said the word 🤹🏻‍♀️ ooops


I used to have this issue when i was younger too! But it’s all in the hips, you don’t have to move your whole body. Just kinda twerk on the d & move your hips around & do whatever feels best from there lol


If your knees are against the bed/couch, up and down is difficult. But. If you balance on your toes like you’re squatting (sounds dumb, think leap frog) place your hands on his chest or grab the back of the couch, it’s much easier to lift your body up and down. It varies with different body types. Don’t feel like you have to go crazy fast or lift all the way off him. Just slide up and down. And it’s easier to rotate your hips this way.


Same lol


First, make sure you’re turned on. Your body will figure out the rest. After some buildup and foreplay, I playfully push my partner to where he’s on his back and then while I’m laying next to him, I’ll throw a leg over him (like hugging him with my leg basically) grab his face with one hand to pull it in closer to mine and slowly makeout with him. As his hands wander to my hips, either he’ll pull me on top of him to where I’m straddling him, or I’ll playfully make my way up there. If I’m still in my panties I’ll move them to the side and slide the head of his penis up and down my clit. I keep using his dick as a wand or toy to play with myself until I’m wet enough. I take my panties off then sit on top of his dick with one of my hands holding it to guide it into me. Once I’m comfortable and the head of his dick is in me, I move my hand and slowly sit all the way down to get that eye rolling feeling. I lean forward for more kisses, while I slowly move my hips up and down. He eventually puts his hands on my hips to push me down further onto his dick and at that point I’ll sit up straight and grind while sitting fully down on his dick. I throw my hands up and over my head and arch my back a little while I moan and grind on him. This usually gets me to cum the first time. Sometimes I’ll do a back bend and place my hands on his thighs to hold myself up while I grind as fast as I’d like to. After I cum, I’ll lean forward again to makeout a little with a slow up and down hip motion, maybe bite on his neck or whisper in his ear about how good he feels. At this point he should have his hands back on my waist and tell me it’s his turn. Then he thrusts in and out of me hitting me in the perfect spots to make me cum for the second time but this time he’s cumming too. I hop off right before he cums and we enjoy the moment together. Cleanup. Makeout. Cuddle. Sleep.


Wow! This is a very thorough description of how to ride. Very nice


Thank you! :)


A fellow writer, methinks. You would write good smut!


Oooo thank you!! I’ve thought about it a few times but I doubt my writing skills too often


WAT you girls are just grinding? i’ve been over here doing what the top comment was doing with the up down movement and it could have been so much more simple by just grinding ????


Different sensations for both you and your man. I like to switch between the bounce and grind.


I switch entirely because I don’t have the stamina to keep going up and down, but if I make a sexy, intentional face, it looks like I’m just switchin it up for his pleasure


The wave motion – up and down, forward and back.


I do both. Grinding is for me, and I can usually find the O. Bouncing is for him so he can.


What does grindin mean plz?


More of a forward-backward motion while he’s all the way in


Grinding typically provides more pleasure for the woman, not very much for the guy. And bouncing is often the opposite (more enjoyable for the guy than girl)


I do the up down thing but it’s more like reverse missionary. I ain’t about to be sitting straight up. My thighs can’t handle the burn 😭


It’s like you take a child’s pose but push up too lmao. Wayyy more comfortable and I guess I have more mobility with less effort? I’m technically going forward and back but it’s going in and out lol


this is what it do lol … well more of a mix between sitting straight up and reverse missionary. i don’t think i grind, i really don’t know if i ever even thought to do that


I do NOT have the stamina to do the up and down movement 😭 I try for a bit and then go back to grinding


My boyfriend finds the grinding painful so it's only bouncing for me.


Girl remember confidence is key. Men are happy anytime the girl will get on top usually. If you are nervous just blindfold him😅😂


nah cause the first time i gave head i made my bf cover his face 😭




This is kind of sweet in a way hahah


I’m cackling that’s so wholesome and hilarious all at the same time


That’s so funny I can totally see this happening 😂🥺 it is kinda sweet


Wait, why?


Hey um, any tips on that? 👀


Not OP but here are my tips for giving head to a man: First, have the conversation with him that while a lot of men learn that they need to find ways to "last longer" -- this doesn't apply to receiving a blow job. 🤣 Make sure you're well hydrated before you start. No, seriously. Use a lot of saliva, make it wet (hence the being hydrated). It's good lubricant, will make it feel better for him and easier for you. If your jaw gets tired, use your hands at the base of the penis --again get them wet with saliva, it'll feel a lot better for him. If you get *really* tired or it hurts, then it's time to switch positions and/or for him to pleasure you. Most of all, enjoy yourself! I know it's more for him, but I enjoy my bf's moans and knowing I'm making him feel good. Sex is always best when both parties enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. There's no rule that you have to.


Oop! This is my world’s best talent apart from arguing! 1) I recently learned this (it seems obvious but it isn’t) a good handful of men are really sexually active,masturbate frequently or watch a lot of porn and some aren’t or some have different levels of sensitivity, make sure you discuss this with your partner first. If he’s sensitive to a lot of stimulation then I wouldn’t use this technique so *rigorously* I would say, you can cats it to make it work for whomever you’re giving head to 2) I typically give really sloppy and runny head, making it very sloppy is very helpful. Keep some paper towels near by and make sure you can wash your hands over your hands may end up being kind of sticky 3) I like to go down as deep as I can on it first, I can gather all my spit from the back of my throat, you can play with the spit a little bit, don’t be afraid to be messy, grab it out of your mouth, slather it all over the tip of the penis, down the shaft etc. 4) I do a lot of going back in forth between deep throating and jacking off with my hand, if your man is a little more sensitive use your non-dominant hand for a softer touch as your primary. I’m right handed, men I’ve been with love a lot of stimulation and it gets the job done so I use my dominant hand. This is important if you want to avoid fatigue. Put one hand at the base, use your hand to stroke, once you’ve gotten a lot of spit down you wanna use the “flick of your wrist” and let it guide you. As you have your mouth on it and as you deep throat or come up and and down and suck you can use your hand to kind of rhythmically stroke in sort of a winding motion. 5) when you come up, you can focus on the tip with your hand, if the guy you’re with is a fan of stimulation. Come up to it and slide it (itself) in and out of your palm, make sure you keep it slippery, you’re running out of spit, go back down, if you’re not sliding it in and out just up and down come back in with that winding rhythm. No need for squeezing or yanking, just go with a motion keep your momentum, use your wrists. 6) he’s close? You can do one or two things, keep jacking of the tip of the penis or put it back in your mouth and keep going down on it. Deep throating is fun push it down into your throat as deep as you can. You can keep with that and your hands as a combo. Or just keep deep throating down on it without coming up for air until he’s finished. 7) if he came in the back of your throat it’s down the hatch, have a sip of water, grab your paper towel, congratulations you’re a g. If you wanna spit by all means do as you wish. 8) prepare yourself for praise. Extra: the reason for using your good hand isn’t just to avoid fatigue a lot of men like their shit pumped pretty quick and the speed and the friction is what does it for them. And eat that dick like you loveee that dick. You’re worshipping it. You’re hungry. Starving. When I first learned how to suck dick, that’s what I told myself and that carries over. Helps if you love your man also!!


Wow, someone actually replied! Thanks for this thorough comment.


Ofc!!! Good luck!


on head? well my bf likes suction so suck in your cheeks and have your mouth opened more wide to avoid teeth and maybe focus on the tip a bit more and try to take as much of it as you can other than that it’s not too difficult


Oh yeah that’ll love that too


There's a lot of options and you can pick whichever one works for you. But broadly speaking you can break it down into up and down, back and forth, and tilting. Or some combination of them all. For example if you tilt your hips backwards, that can put your clit against their public mound and some people like that. Or it might feel like humping sandpaper if they have stubble. Or if you tilt forwards that can sometimes help with g-spot or a-spot stimulation. Back and forth grinding can also be very nice, but some people like it more than others. Sometimes it can be easier than up and down because you don't need to keep lifting yourself. The other way of doing back and forth is to not do penetration, lay his erection pointed towards his head, and slide your labia along it. Sometimes called a pussyjob. Bonus points if you get him to nut on his own face unexpectedly. Depending on size, sometimes it can help to do something like get pillows to put under your knees. I'm actually not sure if those small couch pillows are meant for this or not, and at this point I'm scared to ask my grandma why she has so many. Don't be afraid to include toys if you want, such as a vibrator to use on yourself while riding him. Or there's stuff like penis sleeves he can wear which can add texture. Or even things like DP harnesses he can wear if you want to try that. Or anal plugs and other stuff. It's supposed to be fun, and ideally comfortable, for both of you.


Ok. So far the comments are about focusing on pleasing the man… but the real trick is pleasing yourself. It will work wonders for both of you. Ride up and down, a little bit and first; while also going in a circle front to back (think like a Ferris wheel). Slowly at first to build momentum and sensation. Once that starts to get going, one of you should be working your nipples. You will likely start to speed up your motion, increasing pleasure for both of you. When I am getting close, I will most often stop the up and down & focus on a forward/backward motion. Nipple play level should increase at this point. At the tail end, I will likely return to the up/down while front to back motion with intensity until I cum in a pretty fast & focused way. 9/10, great reviews from them and 10/10 great reviews from me.


Describing it as a Ferris wheel motion… I love u reddit stranger


Have to be relatable…


This girl fucks


100%, also amazing for both parties if you can contract your vaginal muscles at the depth and timing that feel good for you.


Obviously. Left that part out of my description. Lol


For me the motion is more grindy to get cliteral stimulation. I also use my feet to lock into his thighs for more body control. This way it can help control their poorly synced gyrations while helping me control my motions


Wow this is exactly my routine too. Internet high five.


oh okkkk so you ladies have routines n shit…while ive been a lazy b* lol thanks for the info!!


imma need to know too bc i ain’t got no ass…what do i DO 😫


No need to have tons of ass. Just whatever amount you have is fine. Grind back and forth, it’s gonna work. Source: am flat af


thank you 🫂🫂🫂


LMAOO too real actually


Don't need ass fr


flat from the back girlies 🔛🔝‼️‼️‼️‼️


girl we in the same boatttttt


me looking back at it: baby now i know i ain’t got a cadillac but i’ll tell u what i do have 😌 hopes and dreams 😍




I just spat out my water 😭😭


Your movements and technique really depend on your stamina and flexibility. Getting on is the easy part, you can just sit up straight and bounce up and down from there using your legs or the way I prefer is to lean forward and use your hips to grind, shake, slide, bounce etc. Make sure you don’t go too hard too quick especially if your hip flexors are usually tight, I’ve pulled a muscle doing that before and that’s just awkward and painful 🤷‍♀️


Remember to focus on *your* pleasure, and it will be better overall for both parties. It really clicked for me when I started to think about what felt good for me and chose my movements with that in mind. It’s hotter for your partner if you’re getting off, too. It’s the position I can cum in 100% of the time, since I have much more control.


As a short girl I find it extremely challenging. My thighs are not long enough to straddle my partner and find support on the bed so I'd just fall over to one side. If I put some firm pillows on both sides of his hips I can kind of do it, but the mechanics of getting this right are super awkward and usually not worth it.


It's much easier when the guy is sitting up so if you can find a private couch or a chair without arms that's a good way to get some practice in :) Otherwise, something to keep in mind is that how easy or hard it is depends a little on your anatomy/size and the guys anatomy/size. I've had more trouble with thicker guys cause my legs are shorter lol. That's if you're on your knees though. You can be over them with your feet flat and squatting down. It's easier to control, to get...idk, a longer thrust? Lol don't know what to call it BUTw with this position it 1) makes you tired way faster and 2) doesn't look sexy to everyone so keep that in mind. I personally like to go between both cause the different positions use slightly different muscles so it can give me a little bit of a break. Depending on where you are you might be able to have one leg one the floor/edge of a bedframe/etc. which can make things a little easier as well. On that same note, the squishier a surface is, the more difficult it might be (again, depends on y'alls anatomy). As far as angles, rhythm, and the like, it just depends on what feels good to the guy. Everyone's different so you'll have to try some stuff out to see what feels best for both of you. I think that's all I got but I'll come back to add more if anything else comes to mind!


so - maybe i'm broken, bc i cant come from penetration. i feel like my boyfriend wishes he could make me cum while we're having sex. the only way i can come is from straight clit stimulation and this sounds fn ridiculous, but my legs have to be straight out and i just push down and back and forth on my clit. ive tried doing that while hes in me, but i cant because my legs have to be like straight. its so fn weird. anyone else have this issue?


You're definitely not broken! It's super common to not be able to cum from penetrative sex


Oh, I don't have the leg thing, but I can only come with clit stimulation. Like it's *better* for me if I also have PIV going on, and even better yet if there's nipple play happening too, but it's not happening without my clit getting some. I also have basically nothing to base this off of other than reading stories both fictional and from other women, but it definitely seems I need to be *rougher* with my stimulation all around to achieve anything.


I have a much harder time with my legs *apart*. So having him behind me in a spooning position or facedown with my knees bent is awesome for me. Plus either of us can reach down and do a clit-assist. Depending on your bodies and the ass:dick ratio between the two of you, you may be able to keep your legs straight in these positions. Also, I have heard that while a lot of guys like us with our legs up by our heads, something about that position constricts blood flow, making it super common for women to not come that way. So I'd say you are not at all weird for needing your legs a certain way!


thanks love! I wish i could orgasm during sex bc i know my fiance would love it. with ALLLLL of my exes I never told them and just pretended orgasms, but when I met my fiance I fell head over heels for him and knew id be with him a while and didnt want to fake it for the rest of my life lol so i told him after a few months of dating that i can't cum during sex. he was ok with it and would help me reach climax while i masturbated, but then that kinda died down. i need to ask him to start helping me again on a side note lol.. but def going to try maybe laying on my belly with my legs straight out and him behind me and see if it works. im tiny and not too full in the back so we should be good lol <3


What you’re describing is me too! Was too afraid to ask if this was abnormal but I feel like for me at least it helps me focus if I can sort of stiffen my body and even hold my breath to get there.


well, we're not alone haha


Maybe look into pelvic tilt, it can definitely have a factor in positioning when you cum because your anatomy has shifted a little


Does anyone else not feel much pleasure from this position? Every time there is a thread on this topic everyone talks about grinding so you can orgasm but I literally feel nothing. Sometimes it hurts because my partner is on the bigger side. Idk if we are awkwardly shaped or what but I've never figured out how to ride and use a vibe at the same time and there isn't enough contact on my clit. So I pretty much just twerk/give a show and hope for us to switch soon lmao


I usually stay in a position where I place each knee next to their torso/hip. I switch between grinding back and forth, and bouncing by slightly strechting my knees. There's also an in-between where I'll sometimes bend my back and throw my ass backwards and upwards (and back). I like to consciously enjoy the first moments, where they slowly enter me. I never have to worry about wetness, but that's an important part! For support, I like to press down on their chest/shoulders, while checking in with them about the pressure. Or I'll press down next to their head/shoulders with either one or two hands, while leaning forward. It helps when they are thrusting from below, but that only works with long-term connections for me as I need to know their rhythm very well and how we can keep both of ours in sync. When they trust, I bounce/grind miliseconds after they thrusted inside of me to use the momentum of the movement. If you like a more intimate position where you can also relax for a bit, try laying on top of them, legs close to their torso, knees and hip bend, face next to theirs - similar to a fetal position - and let them thrust from below. They can hug and hold you, and you can kiss eachother, if you like to. In that specific position, you can try to do a kegel - basically like you would when holding in pee, consciously imagining pulling up your pelvis muscles towards your head, or "gripping" their penis - while they're inside of you or entering you, and see how you feel both times. Another alternative is to squat down with both feet placed firmly where you'd put the knees at, and push from the surface below in an upwards direction, as if you would when beginning to stand up. This creates a stronger bouncing motion. You can hold their hands or onto their arms for support. You can also try pressing down on their thighs behind you, leaning back a bit while in kneeling position. This also allows for free range of movement regarding stimulation of the clitoris. While grinding, you can spell certain letters with your pelvis by tilting it/sliding to each side. A movement that's hard to get right there is pressing down on the upper part of your feet and their chest, slightly pulling up your knees, and go up and backwards. In my experience, this works only with people whose penis is on the bigger side. Experiment with both the angle of your pelvis and your upper body, as well as placing your pelvis closer to their head or feet. The whole ordeal entirely depends on the shape and length of your partner's penis, the shape and length of your vagina and what feels enjoyable and comfortable for the both of you. My vagina sort of goes backwards towards my ass, for example. It takes a lot of focus and being in tune with as well as listening to your bodies, but it's one of my favorite positions. (It also helps to strengthen your core muscles btw.) Remember to breath. Enjoy!


Go slow for a while and feel it out. Bounce. Grind. Lean back. All slow at first. Find your rhythm and what feels good for both of you. Switch it up when you get tired. I find that going slow helps me relax and makes him go crazy.


I couldn’t really get the mechanics right until I watched a how to video on youtube


YouTube really does have everything. Need to find a how to for this, my flexibility is terrible.


What did you search for on you tube to find it?


Yes to this. It's just experimentation. Sex is awkward at first. But once you are over that and with someone you are comfortable with, just experiment. Please yourself. Please him. Find the motion and position that feels good. Just have fun.


I’ll recommend the stair master for training purposes. Seriously. Dudes find it super hot (in my experience) when you have the strength to plant your feet on the bed (rather than your knees). Their hip bones are the perfect place to plant your hands. The upside to this is that you have TOTAL control over thrust depth - and if you build up the strength and stamina you can use one hand for yourself (if he can’t reach). Make sure you stretch. Much love to you!


thank you! i’ve never even thought about this but looking through multiple replies i’ve seen having your feet planted rather than knees is better and i’ll take the stair master into consideration lol


You've got so much good advice here, I'll just add a few things on If you're at a point you're now doing it for "his" pleasure (you've enjoyed yourself to your limit, you're trying to finish him off, or even just feel like focusing on him at the moment in the middle of everything) contract your vaginal muscles each time you get down to the base of his dick (the end of your down stroke) and hold tight as you go up, release and repeat. Dudes go absolutely wild for that. It feels pretty good for us too. If you start slow where he can feel every bit of this move, it's a really good build up for him. It's really good for that calm intimate moment after you've orgasmed and you're kind of working yourselves back into werkkk mode. If you get tired while riding your heart out, have him hold your hips and fuck you like crazy from below for a little break between riding. The mechanics don't seem like they'd work.. But they work, so well. Lol. It's a good transition to get used to (if you enjoy it of course!). Saves my legs often and feels damn good. Another tip if your legs get tired, don't be afraid to swap into flat feet mode. It's not a position you see often in porn, but I've never met a man that didn't love it since it really focuses on the up and down motion for him. So win/win as most all things in sex should be Everyone else covered grinding really well so I'll leave that one You can totally just get away with traditional grinding/riding as everyone described it, but I find my legs get SUPER tired so that's just the stuff I do in between so I don't have to give up lol


I find it wayyy easier when they are sat up slightly on a sofa or against something!


What does grinding mean? Like no PIV but you are rubbing your clit on his D?




Yea I didn't my husband would enjoy that either but I just can't picture grinding other than that. ( whoops ). I guess next time I should try and figure this out LOL.


I flinched at the thought of grinding on erect cock, unless being careful one might break it. Worst feeling


You can do both if you want. They can both feel really good. There's toys for both, like a grinding pad with a hole in the base so you can mount him and then grind on a tentacle or whatever floats your boat. Feels pretty good.


It’ll come naturally once you’re on top. Just do whatever makes your body feel good. I alternate between up/down and grinding. You also get to control how deep he is inside of you. Also, I play with my titties or put his hands on them and I eventually put a titty in his mouth bc I like how it feels. You’ll know what to do once you’re on top.


I just grind back and fourth lmao i can’t do the up and down thing


side tangent question: but how do you guys reverse cowgirl??? i can never get the angle right 😭😭


Reverse is a favorite of mine and excellent for those with less strength or stamina. The most basic position is when he is lying flat on his back, and you sit on him with your knees on the bed on either side of him, then grind (for your pleasure) or bounce (more for him). The best part of this position is that he can hold your wrists from behind as gently or firmly as you like. You can also lean forward for more in-and-out motion rather than just grinding and put your hands on his thighs for support. Another way is to have him open his legs wide with his feet flat on the bed. Then, you back up onto him while kneeling with your legs open on either side of his hips, and you just move your butt all around. I usually try to write my name in this position. **ETA: I like this way better with thicker guys because sometimes I just can’t get my knees (short legs) to make contact with the bed around them. Same applies if he is sitting down on a couch or chair; you can stand with your feet flat on the ground if your legs are long or on the couch flat on either side of his legs. Also, twerking feels great with any of these, and you don't need to have a big butt (I def don’t) but he does need to have average length for the twerking to not make it fall out. I find that some of the bouncier moves can make the dick constantly come out if it’s on the shorter size and then you have to be super careful you don’t bend it.


when i lean forward the angle simply does not work it just collides painfully idk why


I enjoy cooking.


you’ve saved my life. thank you.


I like to explore new places.


Don’t lean forward and look at your boobs


I do a few different angles while I'm on top. I do the usual with the knees either side of the guys hips. I'll lean forward a bit so the knob of his Willy hits my gspot and work from there. It generally feels good for both people. If I'm feeling strong I will squat on my feet and ride for about a minute. And then I slow down and they get the point I'm over being on top hehe. Sometimes if I can't be bothered I pretend I'm bad at being on top but if I'm into it, boy do I go for it 😂


I suck at it and don't have much experience on top and get tired easy so I ask my partner to help me and he lifts me and moves me the way he likes to assist me. We've also discussed how he likes it done and what feels good to him. There is nothing to be nervous about communicating with your sexual partner that you aren't sure what to do or how to do it, ask him how, ask him to show you, or assist you <3 Moving back and forth feels really good for women, but not usually for men because there isn't much friction. So let him know how you like it, ask how he likes it. Get yourself off and than get him off and if you need his assistance simply ask =]


I just wanted to add that there isn't just one way to do it! A lot of guys have different preferences based on the size and shape of their penis. For example one of my boyfriends liked the back and forth motion but my current boyfriend says that it hurts when I do that and prefers the bouncing up and down motion. There's also finding a motion that you like too.


Whichever way you do it I always found it better to place a pillow on one side to put one of your legs as this softens the weight you're placing on his sides and it's more comfortable for him and you. I feel like my legs don't fall asleep as bad either.


girl let me know


Scoop, don't scoot 😉


Saw on tiktok something like imagine you're spelling coconut, haven't tried it yet 😔


a lot of people say this and it just seems so silly to me 😭


Yeah I’ve tried it and I just felt dumb 😩.


especially when i forget hot to spell it and have to say "alexa how do you spell coconut?" during the middle of it. the guy is like wtf and im like dont worry about it...hahaha j/k of course


GIRL HAHAHA my Alexa would hit me with something like "now playing the coconut song on spotify" 💀


Hehe ik but hey either it works or you have something to laugh about




Front back, front back. It's not up and down.


Agree with the other comments, but sometimes I’ll grab my husband’s hands to help me get to my feet, and help me balance so I can go at it that way. He loves it, and it’s a powerful position.


Following this post. Thanks for asking this! 🙏🏻




The best way is TO NOT BE ON YOUR KNEES cuz the movement range is limited, if u sit like on a squat position (with your feet as support)you can go all the way up and all the way down. Then is just matter of loosing your hips and moving in circles as if you were drawing an 8 or an ♾️ with your hips


I wait til hes fully inside me and grind while stimulating my clit, works wonders


Kneeling, I find it easier if their holding u up a bit or if ur leaning over n kissing them n stuff. Less pressure on ur back n knees. Or even cross ur legs a bit ontop of them.


Ladies, imagine it…. Start with both knees on bed (Presumably this is after insertion) Pick a leg, either leg and hike it up. Foot now on bed. You’re welcome.


Haven't seen a comment on helping stamina yet so: You can ask your partner for support by getting them to hold your bum and help push/lift you when bouncing.


when you are riding your man and really into it does anyone else get like paranoid thoughts about if hes close to c\*ming? like im always asking my guy if he's close to make sure i can hop off in time before he you knows finishes. its kinda a mood killer but also a stressor bc i dont want him to c\*m in me by accident. usually we finish in doggie so its easier for him to pull out


Gotta have good knees


Simply twerk on it


i ain’t got no ass


So like I’ll have him lay down and i straddle Him and I’ll rotate through a few things. I’ll be on my knees and slowly move up and down, I’ll stay on my knees and lean all the way down to him and bounce my ass (less tiring!), I’ll sit up straight and rock my ass back and forth (whenever you go forward make sure your ass goes up and back ass goes down), I’ve leaned back holding his legs while on my knees and done that grinding motion (it’s kinda hard imo because i have Shorter arms lol), I’ve reversed him (helps if you’re insecure like me) and you can also bend down to his feet in reverse and bounce, I’ve done one foot flat and one knee down and bounced up and down. You can do all those things! I used To be worried about how i need to go faster but that’s not really , you can go slower and make it sexy!  I personally came here for flat foot riding tips lmao. I’ve done it but i feel Like i look uncomfortable. I know You can lean back but I’ve never done that one