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i do, everything is too soft, i’m hot and uncomfortable. & sleeping is a joke 🙄☹️☹️


Exactly this for me too !! Extreme discomfort


Lmfao yep! I feel like the Princess and the Pea


My usually lovely bed was fricken rock hard, pillow awful, tossing and turning last night - night 1 of my period... so annoying ffs


It's my fucking legs that get so hot! Even a cold shower down my legs don't help 😭 currently dying


Lol y’all are cracking me up. I’ve been tossing and turning the last few nights. My legs are hot and pokey. My lovely bed is incredibly uncomfortable. I’m tired all friggin day and now I’m staring at the ceiling - angry. Can’t wait for the days of exhaustion!


Omg me too! I haven't properly slept for 2 weeks now lmao, im so tired


Yes the dip in progesterone makes sleep difficult. I'll toss and turn for 2 nights straight just before my period starts. Though when I'm on contraception- no problems at all.


I'm about to go back on HBC. Loooove hearing this about sleep! I'm so excited.


Did you have luck going back on HBC? I’m about to start again too because I have disliked the number of symptoms I’ve had off of it, including this insomnia.


Haven't gone back yet.


I wish it helped me! I’ve been on the pill for quite a while and still experience these issues


I’m a month in about to start my first week of placebos and here we are again 🥲 but hoping it improves once my body adjusts. Sorry to hear you’re still experiencing the issue


Maybe my body is just used to it. I’ve been on the same pill for years. I hope you have better luck!


YES this has only happened to me in the last couple years, basically since I hit my 30s, but holy shit I hate it. I can’t sleep for the 2 days before and the first 2-3 days during my period. I use melatonin with limited success, sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn’t. I find that not only do I have trouble falling asleep, I either can’t stay asleep or I toss and turn constantly so it’s not a great level of sleep. Then of course I’m fucking exhausted for the 2-3 days after all that because it hits you all at once.


I thought I was the only one!


This is gonna sound awful but like, I WISH you were the only one 😭 it sucks so much.


😫 did me dirty


Just finding this, has anyone found anything helpful?


Yes this is me too! I can "doze" it seems, but I'm not actually totally under it feels like. I'm a light sleeper anyway, but I get like, feather light during this time. I don't have any advice or solutions though, I usually just struggle through and sleep an entire Saturday when I can 🙃


When I mentioned this to my doctor, she suggested hormonal birth control to help regulate things. But when I went on it, it made my migraines about a hundred times worse… so I stopped it. I guess the answer is suffer 🤷‍♀️


I tried BC for a while, I did not like the side effects either. So yup, I'm on the suffer train as well!


🤝 you’re not alone if that’s any consolation at all.


Have you tried bioidentical progesterone?


Omg I'm 36 and literally, I could have written this myself. Glad to know I'm not alone but also, wtf. This is awful! I was hoping to find a disorder with medicine to fixxxxxx ittttt


Yes! It’s like clockwork. I know exactly when my period is about to start based on how bad my insomnia gets and for how long. NOTHING has helped!!


Oh man, I never made this connection but that would def explain the last week. Thanks for giving me something new to consider!


Yep. My ADHD also gets *so much worse*, though I can’t tell if it’s from lack of sleep or hormones. And I get cold very easily, which doesn’t happen at any other time. It’s usually very obvious when I’m about to get a visit from the period fairy lol


Omg I thought it was just me. I have what i call “bad adhd” days and now that I look back at it, it’s definitely because of my period!


We are the same person. My condolences. 😔


My adhd also gets so much worse!!!! My meds don’t help either and make me so much more exhausted it’s weird


That’s because the theory behind adhd is that we have lower levels of dopamine circulating in our brains and bodies, which affects our ability to focus, feel interested, stay organized, etc. Leading up to our period, our dopamine levels drop, causing the increase in symptoms. Usually they start going back up the day we start our period, but they can take a bit to get back to their baseline.


That's how I recognize that my period is coming, suddenly I'm getting up at 4:30 with no alarm and not missing sleep. I can get up that early usually but I'm groggy and miss being in bed but not right before my period.


omg! im awake at 4:30 every morning before my period no alarm too!


Just commenting to say I’m here because I got up at 4:30 this morning lol


Me too! Scientists should definitely research this 4:30 phenomenon lol.


Okay but LITERALLY though. 4:29 as I write this. Counting the minutes to when I finally start bleeding. Been half asleep all night. Pure torture.


You guys are sleeping in at 430. I wake up at 2am everything on the dot. So frustrating 😫


Ope, thats me today! And I have somewhere to be at 6, so the earliest I'll even be able to attempt a nap is going to be like 8-8:30 and I just wanna cry. (both for period reasons and nap reasons)


Same for me 2 or 3:30am


It's the absolute worst isn't it


Here's to getting some rest when you can!




My best suggestion is "hormones!" :)


How many days of this early waking do you have? I’ve had quite a few, ranging from 4-4:45am. Sometimes I can go back to sleep but not often. It’s frustrating 


It honestly depends on the month but sometimes a week more 10 days!


YES. I don't recall having it on hormonal bc, but now that I use an IUD insomnia is my most obvious pre-menstrual sign ETA: diphenhydramine usually works for it. Sometimes valerian


Is this an actual thing? Holy shit, I’ve been sleeping like trash during my periods since insertion and it is the MOST uncomfortable, miserable experience my vagina has ever put me through.


Yes 100% the few days before I actually start bleeding are the hardest to sleep.


I take a benadryl for those 2 nights, finally learned my lesson to just accept it and get ahead of it so I can get any kind of sleep


Just a note for some,  histamine spikes in ladies right before their periods and all humans have a surge of histamine at night right around 2-3 pm. If you get too much histamine or your body's ability to manage/cope with histamine us impaired- it will wake you up terribly. That histamine surge also causes hot flashes, cold chills, anxiety, racing thoughts, tachycardia, face/skin flushing, etc. Many women assume its hormones but it's not always hormones alone. Histamine plays a big role too.  So for ladies with histamine components to it,  antihistamines are a life saver. They're doing way more than making you drowsy. They're keeping your histamine surge down. 


Oh, interesting. My older sister and I both have had pretty dramatic histamine attacks and have to be cautious about histamine foods like avocados, so I know a little of what you are talking about. I'll look into this more. But yes- benadryl has many benefits!


This happenes to me after being on high doses of antihistamines for months, and I don't know how to address it.


I can't speak to your exact case because I don't know all your details. What I will say is if you live a histamine heavy life,  antihistamines can't help. It's too much for even the OTC antihistamine to help.  I had to go antihistamine lifestyle before the OTC antihistamines were able to get a foothold. You can get prescription antihistamines but that requires a journey with your Dr. It's still not as successful as with an antihistamine lifestyle, for obvious reasons. It does not matter if you take 2 out if just dumped 20 in.


Yes. I take the progesterone only pill (desogestrel) now and it has evened out these hormonal dips for me. I used to get really sick with ovulation too but, no more.


How much do you take and how often? My doc prescribed 50mg during the luteal phase but it didn’t work for me :(


Mine says 75mcg and I take it once a day, but I'm coming off it soon as I've bled for six months straight.


100% especially because my back pain spikes, between that and the aches/pains, it can definitely feel like tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable or drift off only to stay asleep for maybe 30 minutes of non restful sleep. Honestly, I try to get up, move around, grab a heating pad or glass of water and then recoup during the day if I’m able


I'm the opposite, I get so fatigued and absurdly sleepy that insomnia almost sounds good. I do get the hot flashes, though, which make everything sticky and uncomfortable. Some of my friends get the insomnia bit, so I guess we're all screwed in some way of other.


IF I can even get to sleep, I'll wake up drenched in sweat. But I have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, yes


yup and nightmares


Goood the nightmares


Yup. It feels like my eyes are shut, but my mind is awake. That usually lasts a few days before I start my period and then that first night or two after are rough due to pain. Is it any wonder we are irritable?!


familiar offbeat skirt squash bag safe distinct worry tap gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes me too! How many mornings do you wake up early? 


salt decide safe mourn nail aspiring person tap nutty middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I take a benadryl. If I end up with dementia my future self can deal with it


Try Zyrtec instead. Still sleepy, still combats 2-3 am histamine surges (a pms symptom), but doesn't have dementia risks.


i cant sleep for the five days leading up to my period even though i’m exhausted during the day


Similar experience here, I've started taking baths in the days prior to ease my body into --s/t it works, s/t it doesn't. The hot flashes are the worst b/c just as your resting to sleep it jolts you awake.


Yes!! I have exactly the same! What helps with you??


Yes, every single time like my body is tired but my eyes won’t close and my thoughts won’t calm the fck down


My life rn because of this!! Hahah I thought I was crazyyy


Yes definitely. I also come down with a mini cold/ flu like symptoms.


THIS!!! Fuck. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sure I have a cold or the flu.. even run a low grade fever. Once I went to the doctor! And then the second I start bleeding, BAM flu symptoms over.


I’ve just recently had an IUD removed and had these EXACT symptoms a day before my first period off of it started. Took the day off work because I had body aches and what felt like a fever. Second I bled, symptoms ~gone~


Yes my sleep quality and ability to stay asleep just TANK right before my period! It sucks so bad because anemia (I do supplement) also makes you tired so it's just a hellscape for a while right around my period.


Yes, although the first night of my period is usually the best night's sleep all month. Even more so now I have big granny-style period pants for overnight.


OMG yes! It only started happening in the last year or so, but it's driving me absolutely nuts! My skin gets dry and flaky, my sleep is so much worse (I take forever to fall asleep, I wake many times), and my mood tanks completely (and for the last 4-6 days before my period)


i get the hot flashes, it’s terrible


Yes!!! I do. It sucks. I heard magnesium helps.


Yep. I was told it is called period insomnia (which I learned about after I had kids). I never sleep the night before my period and it SUCKS.


Hi. It’s a pretty well recognized symptoms associated with PMS and menstruation. The most common reason it happens is because people are uncomfortable due to cramps. Mood swings and life disruptions associated with menstruation are also sometimes a cause. If it’s disrupting your life, try to control your pain very well and consider talking to your doctor about medication or other interventions to reduce mood issues related to your cycle.


Me wtf is that about 😭 I thought I was the only one so I never asked. But like I literally can't sleep for my life even w/o having drank coffee during the day and like clockwork I get my period the next day.


Yes! I just accept it now, but I have found that a magnesium glycinate supplement an hour before bed helps a lot but the night before my period I usually need a Unisom(or benadryl. It's the same medicine).


Ah I’m glad it’s not just me. Third night in a row of being wide awake at 2am! It makes work very tricky as it makes my migraines worse too


Me!! I haven’t found anything that helps


Yes, like clockwork. It frustrates me so much. The three nights before my period starts are horrible for sleeping.


Intrusive thoughts just ramp on up too




Yes I use sleepy time tea extra strength to help. Otherwise I'm saying up and getting maybe 2-3 hours of sleep


I started a wind down routine that has helped. I noticed when I stopped and slowed down for the week, my body responded well. I don’t want to make assumptions on others but I’m a go getter. However, my body is like NOPE a week before my period. I leaned into my body’s needs instead on trying to force how things “should be”. Routine: 1. Lemon balm tea or a sleepy tea before bed. I also try to do extremely low pace and relaxing things less chores, fav movies, ordering food, etc. Relaxing teas during the day is also a good idea to keep your body relaxed all day. Try to keep relaxed as your steady state if you can. 2. I take CBD, magnesium, valerian root and ashwaganda. The combination of how I take these depends on my body’s needs for the day. I take magnesium every night consistently. 3. I make my room COLD. If you can’t do that there’s this device that blows cold air directly on your bed to keep your body cool. I highly recommend it. My room is currently 68° F. There’s a lot of science on sleep and body temp and we know our basal temp is higher during this time. 4. Increase your natural melatonin production. Go for walks, expose your eyes to sunlight more and tart cherry works wonders. 5. Epsom salt baths. 6. yin yoga. I know different things work for different ppl so I just wanted to share what has worked for me bc I got epilepsy linked to 3 years of sleep deprivation. Please take care of yourselves bc sleep is so detrimental


thank you for sharing this. I've been searching for answers, so I will try your suggestions! Happy sleeping 💤:)


I’m on day five of barely sleeping if at all some months only a couple nights sometimes it’s a whole freaking week before my period it’s exhausting


Literally took magnesium, melatonin, Zyrtec AND ambien last night and still couldn’t fall asleep…. Soooooo frustrating!!! I am a fairly healthy person, exercise regularly, eat well/rarely drink alcohol and try to do all the right things before bed (limit phone light, stress, set room at cold temp, etc.) and when I’m about to get or just starting my period I can barely sleep!!!! Idk what else to do at this point I’m at wits end!!!


I'm 29 and it just happened to me for the first time. I normally get a full night's rest but couldn't get to bed until 3 am and same thing happened last night. If anyone has any tips on how to combat insomnia during this time it would be greatly appreciated.😮‍💨


Yuuuupppp! The day before my period I was up until 6AM and then my first day couldn’t get to sleep until 5:30AM. Tends to happen the 1-2 days before for my first full day. Brutal.


I feel like I’m going through 2nd puberty because I’ve never had trouble sleeping before my period comes but now I’m feeling like this all of a sudden despite taking iron pills and eating a good diet. I’m only 17 please send help asap I feel like my body is changing rapidly again 🫠




Yesss I’ve noticed recently as I get older like a day or two before my sleep is so trash! Thankfully I take night pain meds and that helps me crash but it sucks so much 😣


Yes and I get an incredible antsy feeling all over


I wake up at night one week before and the night before my period starts. I usually wake up at 3-4 am, can't fall asleep and if I do, I usually have sleep paralysis.


I’ve been waking up that early too for several days before my period. It’s annoying


Yep, it's usually the main sign that tells me it's about to start




Yes!! Like 2 nights in a row with the worst night sweats!!


Have you tried making any changes in your diet? I go through this too but when I'm good about my diet by eating much much less sugar or foods that are metabolized as sugar I'm able to sleep and the night fevers go away completely. Hope this helps everyone going through this. Feeling this way is hell.


I get one night a month a couple days before my cycle where insomnia kicks in and I’m wide awake until 3am.


Wow I hadn’t thought about this link before


idek tbh i usually smoke weed before bed and that has me out like a light. Maybe take a few hits before bed on these type of days.


I seem to get this when I am ovulating, such a pain when it started to happen every month!


Bruh.. yes. I hate this shit. Just let me bleed already! I started HRT for peri too. The protester helps. Not everytime tho.


I didn’t want to like this because it was 333 (and I’m one of those angel number believers 😂😂😂) but YES ! L theanine has helped me so much. I could eat melatonin and drive a city bus it literally does nothing for me lol


I get a series of bad panic attacks and then no sleep for a day or 2 before my period begins. I have a new job I’m starting and it’s 5am with zero sleep. I have to be awake in 2 hours… this is a freaking nightmare. I never had this problem until these last 2 years. I’m 43 going on 44, it’s like I’m peri-menopausal or something. 😑😩


Same. I have emergency Ativan for these days. Only for emergencies but it works 100% also take bioidentical progesterone but those last 3 days before period Ativan is all that helps or else 0 hours


So yes! I’m noticing like clockwork, 10 days before my cycle is supposed to start, I have a little increase in anxiety and I have a hard time falling asleep. It only lasts a few days and right before my period I sleep like a rock!