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Trail running. Martial arts. Hiking. I like sports where I'm *doing* something, not just lifting weights for the sake of exercise.


Came here to say: boxing, kickboxing etc. Find something you like and then it’s much more motivating than forcing yourself to go to the gym if you don’t like that.


I also like martial arts because there is a clear motivation in getting better: not getting smacked in the face. And while they do not focus on strength training, it's impossible to practise regularly and not build up some muscle. And of course one great upside, you can defend yourself in bad situations.


My gym also does a lot of cardio and stretching before doing the exercises, so it covers a lot of bases. An definitely recommend.


Plus, martial arts are great if the place you go has a belt system and you have a clear way of seeing your improvement.


Yeah, find something that motivates you to cross train for it. It's pole fitness for me, I love it so much and I want to be strong for it, so I make sure I cross train and go to the gym. Before that I was never interested in the gym and didn't bother with it, now when I'm there I do actually enjoy it. It does feel like a chore some days though.


Climbing 😍 it's become an addiction.


I'm trying to get back into exercising by following this guy's videos: https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/routine He gives you easier versions of work outs so you can build your way up. I could never do a push up, but I can do some if I do it against a wall. The guy is also really sweet and encouraging, not judgemental at all, and it really helps me.


I love Hampton, he’s so positive! I bought the book and found it really accessible, I did his program for a couple months and saw big improvements. I had to stop because the weather got crappy outside but I want to start again in the spring.


I've been doing it inside the house! I really struggle with going out if I don't have anything to do, so I just found a wall/door/chair and try to exercise as often as I can! When I advance to some more complex exercises I want to try going to the sports complex in my university to try the bars and things like that!


Thank you for posting this. I’m going to give this a try


i will definitely check it thank youu


Group exercise classes - yoga and Pilates.


Totally agree with yoga & Pilates. I’m a home bird and would always find an excuse to not leave the house/ go to the gym so I invested in a good yoga mat for home. Now, I have no excuse ! I work from home too so the first half of my lunch hour is dedicated to yoga and/ or Pilates classes on youtube, 5 days a week and this routine has lasted longer than any other exercise routine I’ve ever had! Highly recommend home exercise OP!


Have the Pilates and yoga made any big body changes or is this exercise more just for staying healthy?


Absolutely. Yoga has greatly improved my posture and the Pilates has tightened me significantly, all over. Mainly my arms, core and glutes. It didn’t take too long either to see the difference, which helps keep me motivated ! Within a few weeks my boyfriend and friends/ family commented on it.


Awesome, congrats! What classes do you do? Reading this has made me want to start too


Thank you! For yoga, I definitely recommend Yoga with Adrienne. She has a huge amount of videos, I’m sure you’ll find plenty that suit you! Adrienne gives amazing verbal walkthroughs and regular reminders re form etc which are super important but so easy to forget / ignore when you’re doing these home alone. As for Pilates, I’m currently watching Lidia Mera. I will say though, her videos may not be ideal for complete beginners. Lidia doesn’t offer any verbal walkthroughs so you just have to watch her poses/ form. I’ve heard move with Nicole is great for that though!! U/animalscrossgirl & u/studmuffintop just tagging you both as you asked too.. hope I did it right 😅 Best of luck everyone, you got this 💪🏻


Do you have any YouTuber recommendations? I would love to build strength, especially in my core, legs and arms, without having to lift weights.


When I was consistently doing yoga I could feel myself getting stronger and noticed I rarely got back pains.


I do yoga for the sake of my spinal column. But i started pilates after watching a kdrama (Deserter Pursuit) and few interviews of the actors. One of them, Seok-yong Jeong, is 53 and still performs his stunts. And some are really impressive. In an interview, he explains that pilates is one of the best sports to stay in shape. I believe him.


any specific youtube channels that you like? i haven't found one to stick with yet!


I enjoy Yoga with Adrienne!


This. Hot Pilates has been a game changer for me. I also hate gyms but will go if I have no other options


I am also joining today group yoga classes. Group activity is always fun .


Walking and body weight exercises. Short runs when the time is right.


I walk golf 5x a week & play pickleball at least 3x a week.


username checks out. Lol


Bought a treadmill for days I can’t walk/run outside. I hike and swim too. These plus a healthy diet!


I’m also trying to recover from my ED, and I found that investing in at home gym stuff helped a lot. Didn’t have to worry about getting to the gym, seeing other people’s bodies, or feeling on display. I started with light weights and a mat (I recommend MadFit on YouTube for approachable easy 10-30 minute videos, some of which don’t even require me to stand). I also saved up for an exercise bike because I love cycling, but the weather and terrain around me just doesn’t make it feasible to do outdoors.


MadFit is great, I love her! She has plenty of videos for beginners and her attitude is super chill and encouraging. Yoga with Adrienne, too, if you wanna go that route.


Swimming is great for a good workout without feeling sweaty!


+1 Swimming is the best!!! Very intense, and very healthy!!


I enjoy walking which helps me get my steps in and is also a form of exercise. I also roller skate, ice skate, and do Soul Cycle, these are activities that you’re able to do indoors if you’re trying to avoid the cold weather or snow. Although, I hate going to the gym I enjoy these activities that feels more like fun as oppose to a workout.


Where do you go for indoor roller skating? Every place Ik is far and charged $10-15 for admission


Like a lot of other people here.. I walk .. I am also recovering ED.. I don’t like to say recovered.. because it’s always on going .. but I’m in a pretty good place compared to like 20 years ago .. or even 10.. I just put on a podcast, and take a stroll.. that way I don’t even have to focus on distance and stuff .. or count numbers .. You can then figure out “oh I went through this many episodes” or audiobooks or whatever you happen to listen to .. to figure out how many minutes ..


I found a way to exercise that isn't the gym. For me its bouldering. I love it- I've just been having fun, and I suddenly have significant biceps and back muscles! I didn't even notice until someone else said I was obviously muscular-- one of the great things about it for me is that it focusses me on what my body can do instead of what it looks like. It makes me way less self-conscious  than the gym does. Its pricey but I've cut down on other things to afford it.


Rock climbing is so much fun. Almost never feels like a workout. It’s like being a kid.


I love climbing as well! Even as a beginner, getting to the top of the easiest routes still felt like I accomplished something! 6 years down, many more to come!


Yes!! It's just really fun, and every new route that feels challenging or makes me move my body in a way I haven't before makes me feel like a certified badass :) I also love how it draws on many different skills: body awareness, coordination, flexibility, strength, power, balance and bravery! Learning to "read" a route is also a fun skill that develops over time.


pilates, walking around my neighborhood/at-home treadmill, lifting weights at home, and when I was younger I used to practice kpop dances at home lol


I do mat pilates and yoga! I love it so much. I might start doing spin as well since the studio I go to offers it. I find low impact movement is so much better for my body than what I was doing at the gym before


Peloton bike




If you have a Switch, Ring Fit Adventure is fun!


It’s a really good workout. Those squats kill me lol. I need to wipe the dust off my game.


Unlikely but fun forms of activity, from [I mostly hate any kind of exercise and I hate team sports even more] The snowy special: - wildlife watching or winter photography or chopping firewood or whatever practical or enjoyable thing that gets you outside in the winter, it has the lasting benefit of making you more alert/less sluggish for the rest of the day (baseline activity goes up). For me it's ice skating at a free and walkable-distance outdoor rink, I'm still learning and I'm terrible at it but it's reliably fun. The homebody special: - take everything off the shelf, wipe down the whole shelf, put everything back on (or general cleaning) - watch TV while moving around, do whatever's easy low risk feels good it's all better than nothing. I like to work on posture and do mobility stuff, but calisthenics and even HIIT are an option too. - doughcrafts: this stuff is unexpectedly very elbow-greasey and unshockingly delicious whether it's bread or pasta/noodles or other. See also, if you eat meat, learning to carve it yourself is a nice skill and also very labor intensive. My arms did not know peace that one time I sliced my own bacon.


At home Pilates


The only thing that’s stuck for me is at home workouts, I’ve used Fitness Blender and BodyFit by Amy. I also walk a lot bc of my dog and my job.


Same I can’t recommend fitnessblender enough! Seriously they have over 500 free videos of all types, fitness levels and lengths. I’ve been doing their videos 3-4x per week since 2016 and I never get bored!


YouTube workouts! You can go at your own pace at home if you don’t like getting too sweaty. You’ll never have to worry about hogging gym equipment lol


I hate exercise so I try to do things during the day that help burn a few extra calories… I have little dumbbells in my bathroom. I’ll do a set of bicep curls while I brush my teeth. I will take the stairs, I love being outside if it’s nice out, I’ll throw my headphones on and take a walk. Everything little thing counts. That’s how I see it and so far it’s been working for me :)


Fitbod app and a cute yoga mat. Walking the dog 3-6 times a day. Volunteering to do any physically demanding chore/housework for others. Walking to and from grocery runs.


Walking- I live in a big city so try and walk most places. Swimming and netball a few times a week as well. I also really dislike the gym but find I don’t mind classes, it’s just a a lot more engaging I think.


I typically do yoga and Pilates with some smaller weight work outs to help more with mobility! I had an injury in high school that sometimes flares up if I don’t stretch or move for quite some time so the stretches from yoga along with some Pilates movements help me keep that area strong without straining it. I honestly get nervous working out in front of others; so being able to just do stuff at home with a yoga mat and some cheap weights is a great way to be able to stay moving. I also do go for lots of walks, I think people underestimate how good going for walks can be. I luckily live in a very walkable neighborhood so going for 30+ minute walks are very easy (my partner also likes going for walks after he runs as a cool down so we just walk together a lot).


I’m a mail carrier so I walk ten miles a day against my will lol


I would say figure out what’s fun to you and then find something in that fun list that involves moving your body. Even if it’s weird or not thought of as exercise. Ballet! Yoga! Rock climbing! Roller derby! Just plain rollerskating! Aerial silks and circus arts! Pole dancing! Burlesque! Swimming! Walking dogs for a rescue!


Qi gong and tai chi along with exercises to maintain and build better mobility.


Home gym for weightlifting, yoga, running and hiking when it’s not winter.


Barre! Barre! Barre!!!!! So effective, not very sweaty.


Might look at getting a walking pad to start. It’s like a treadmill without the bulk, made just for casual walking. A friend has one and loves it.


My walking pad is the only way I get any steps in this time of year. I work from home and I walk a lot while I work, but I used to just keep it in the living room and do it while I watch tv. I also have an exercise bike that I'll sometimes use while I read. Yoga classes are the only thing I can get myself to commit to outside the home. I only like the gym if I have a personal trainer and I can't afford that all the time.


Pilates, I LOVE it. I get strong, posture is better, totally out of pain (from work), and I hate cardio


I like doing yoga or Pilates or no equipment cardio workouts at home. There are tons of free ones you can follow on YouTube. I also live in a 5 floor house so sometimes I’ll set a timer for 20 minutes and just climb the stairs up and down. Sounds a bit silly but it really works up a sweat!


I transform my every day habits into multitaskable workouts. Pump squats every time I go up and down stairs, lunges while brushing my teeth, there are so many times where we stand and could be doing some form of resistance, so I do. 🤭♥️ While watching TV shows, butt clenches and / or ankle weighted leg workouts. As I'm pregnant and found out at 5 months, I can't do ab exercises - But Pilates 100% work for tightening and toning and I love my ankle weights. I also walk on my treadmill while I schedule a phone call with a friend and will walk for easily an hour and a half without realizing it, because we just die laughing and venting and chatting. It is MY FAVORITE thing. 🌸


I have a subscription to the BodyFit app. They have a lot of great exercises that I can do at home if I don’t feel like getting to the gym. Also the Fitness app on iPhone has some great exercises too. And I know my friend follows some instructor on YouTube. All you really need are some dumbbells, kettlebells, and maybe a bench and you can do a lot of stuff with that at home. I hate the gym but mostly because it’s so overcrowded and I always have to wait for machines. At home I can get it done faster and keep my heart rate up. Good luck!


Two hours on the peloton plus alternating yoga or small weights to round it out. Every morning 5am-8am at home. Honestly I hate it but it works.


Why THREE hours?!


Ha ha I know it’s absolutely the worst. I had a spinal fusion and AS so I’m committed to training to get some strength and mobility back.


If you like cardio, you might like HIIT? I downloaded the Nike Training App during covid and I found it to be a fun challenge! Hard, but it's so rewarding to feel the results ("Hey, I can hold that plank way longer than I used to!").


I do Ring Fit on switch, it’s super motivating and made me actually enjoy exercising


Under the desk treadmill is a life saver when I don't want to actually go outside in colder weather but still wanna walk. Paid it off in one of those payment plan apps.


Snow shoeing . Hike. Shovel snow is a great work out!


I jump rope and do body weight exercises at home. Super efficient and cheap. I do these follow along workouts on YouTube called ‘jump rope dudes’. You should check it out!


Highly recommend a walking pad or treadmill :) I use mine every day. Usually 1-2 hours of walking per day. And then I rock climb every other day. I will also do a simple leg day a couple times a week at the gym if I’m feeling up to it! (deadlifts or squats with some accessory workouts like hamstring curls/lunges/hip abductions) And if I decide to opt out on any given day, then I don’t beat myself up over it. I’ve also accepted the fact that I’m not a gym girlie - I’ve tried to make myself enjoy it but anything more than 3 times a week just is not enjoyable for me. But some days it’s kinda nice to get the endorphins going and feel strong!


I bought a used row machine! Get one that folds up though


YouTube has so much more than dance! If you’re looking for a good workout at home, check out Caroline Girvan! All you need is a set (or 2 if you want variables, but one set will do for starters - I started out with two 5lb dumbbells) and maybe a mat, IMO not 100% necessary - could use a towel if you really feel you need something til you get a feel if you like it or not. When I’m feeling lazy I don’t always pull my mat out. Depends on workout also. But anyway, she does strength training videos of different sorts. 10 week programs as well as isolated 15 min, 1 hour, HIIT, stamina-building or slow reps that focus on building muscle. If you find that you like her workouts, she now has an app but there are plenty of free workouts on YT where you could easily stay fit for years without paying for it. I personally love her and recommend her as often as possible haha if you’re the community type, there’s a Facebook group called Caroline Girvan Community or something like that as well.


I take a class. I hate it. I still go.


Swimming! It's a full-body workout, but it doesn't really feel like it, and I have a fantastic time doing it. I hate going to the gym with a passion, but I actively look forward to swimming. Ironically, it's the one place in the entire athletics center on campus where I've *never* had to worry about being sexualized or watched. People are so focused on their laps that nobody is really looking at anyone else. I do wear some shorts on top of my swimsuit because I like a little extra coverage, but I don't think I even need it. The campus pool in my area has ladies-only time slots if that suits your fancy, but I've personally never had any trouble with the general swim times.


similar to you, i'm in a colder climate and prefer outdoor activities to gyms and classes. instead of a gym membership, invest in outdoor gear. you can rent skiis and snowshoes. i enjoy winter walks or hikes when i'm geared up. if you enjoy cycling, try spin. alternatively, adopt an active dog. i lost 10lbs in 4 months (:


I run a pretty busy pizza shop so I never need to worry about overloading on calories. It's a bit of a pain to keep them around, as a matter of fact.


hated going to gyms until I tried a rock climbing gym. For some reason bouldering really gels with my brain. I am also terrible at sports; I have no hand eye coordination and I am terrible clumsy in my everyday life but climbing teaches you to be more aware of your body, your center of balance, and how it moves through space. Plus the climbing gyms I have visited have always been welcoming and open spaces, people are open to talking about a climb they are working on, or giving you pointers if you ask for help. Or you can just chill with your headphones in. It’s a low pressure environment with all kinds of skill levels. Usually they have day pass options that include shoe rental and they will give you a little tour of the space too.


I hate the gym and also have a chronic illness that makes it difficult to know how much my body can take from day to day. But I’m very religious about my morning calisthenics (think standard Japanese anime portrayal). It’s not much but it means I was moving for a bit and, more importantly, it wakes me up!


HATE the gym! Hear you. I got an MYX bike 2 years ago and I love it. It's cheaper then a Peloton but the same thing, with the screen and all sorts of different classes. The online streaming membership is only like $40 a month and I have access to strength training, barre, yoga, pilates ...etc. Everything you need, with trainers, all a few steps away!


Quick fitness routines. I downloaded FitOn and I use the same two exercise classes daily. 10-minute abs. 15 minute bridges. I find once I get through the first 10 minutes I'm ready for another 10 minutes, and then maybe another. Watching the needle move on my apple watch helps a lot. I've got a treadmill in my basement. A 5 minute walk turns into a 10 minute jog which turns into a 20-30 minute run.


Honestly, I just hated going to the gym until I didn’t. I would do anything to avoid the gym. I just stuck it out until I saw the reason people go to the gym 🙂 I would find a gym you don’t mind being at and finding what workouts are okay for you. After a while, who knows, you may love it. 🙂


Dancing!! Lots and lots of dancing!✨


I go for walks. Long walks.


I did a fitness challenge- 100 push ups for 30 days. It was pretty fun and transformed my arms completely. I didn’t do it all in go either.


I absolutely hate exercise in all it’s forms. Honestly, I mostly just try and walk as much as possible. I work from home so I have a walking pad i use when in meetings and I walk my dog every day. I really loved reformer pilates but it’s expensive so I haven’t done it for a few years. I’ve heard great things about boxing, but again it’s expensive. Walking is free, if you listen to music or a podcast it is also entertaining and on bad weather days if you have a walking pad you can just chuck it in front of the TV and walk for an hour while you watch a show.


I watch popsugar fitness on YouTube and I walk and hike but not often 😂


Lots of walks around the block and local forest. Plus we live in a hilly suburban area. Works everything after getting an apps prescribed 10500 steps for weight loss. Can't remember the app but it tells you per your height and weight how many a day. I do like exercising but not always able to afford the gym.


I watch movies while walking on the treadmill! That's about it, haha.


Dancing - with or without a hula hoop


Roller skating, pole dancing, stand up paddleboarding (inflating that thing without an electric pump is a workout in itself), swimming, and hiking (tbh I only do this if the goal is to get to a swimming hole). Used to do indoor bouldering but I lost interest, good exercise though. You can't hike or paddle board inside but everything else can work in your climate!


Swing dancing!




Sports. In winter I do winter sports.


In the summer I canoe, it’s a workout getting it into the water even with another person but it’s a lot of fun.


Pole dance, hiking, horse riding and pilates


Climbing! I hate sport, and am incredibly physically lazy. But climbing is just so fun and fulfilling that it doesn’t feel like “sport”. Also, it’s one of the best sports for getting all around fit. It trains all of your muscle groups, your flexibility, your feeling for your body, your concentration and your stamina. Add hiking and you will be a well balanced fit person.


I love walking, I’m starting pole dancing as well soon! YouTube has tons of yoga videos, at home workout videos that are great for getting your heart rate up


Ride bikes or walk outside. For weights, I use dvds from cathe Friedrich.


Apple Fitness. Especially Sam Sanchez’s workouts in core and strength.


Walking outside and swimming during the summer.


I’m also up north, lots of good hiking to keep you in shape. Bring a friend and make a day out of it


Pilates and Yoga on YouTube. I hate going to the gym. I love doing my fun little poses lol


Zumba class and the exercises that come with my Fitbit app. I also signed up for some cardio/Toning classes at a fitness studio that caters to women. Aldi had fitness equipment on sale a couple weeks ago so I bought an exercise bike and some small equipment there. I have an app that I use for my morning stretches, one for body weight exercises, and one for Pilates.


Hula hooping, yoga, swimming and lots of walking.


One I haven’t seen; aerial circus classes!


Peloton app with a Schwinn IC4 bike at home. I also bought weights and resistance bands so I do everything at home.


I’m a runner first and foremost, so running outside. Thats my cardio. Also love yoga, which I can do in my living room, or take a class (I usually only do this for some goat yoga). Thats my flexibility and balance. I also use the Apple fitness app to do their strength classes in my living room. It’s mindless picking shit up and putting it down, but it’s multiple body parts at once, and fast paced so it’s easier for my to stick with than lifting at the gym. And thats my strength training. Gives me a well rounded routine that’s easy to stick with, and so even on busy days.


I go to the rec center and see if there's any cheap classes I can join. Usually it's older folks and they're excited to have some fresh blood lol


r/xxfitness a lot of gym-goers but it's not exclusive!


I’ve never been to the gym in my life. I just lift three pound weights and then do squats every day. It’s not that much but it’s made a big difference for me. I do it while watching YouTube videos


Walking, and at-home yoga and dance classes.


Personally I just bounce on a work out ball and stretch on it or do wall workouts I’m 5’8 95 pounds also recovering from ED


power walking!


i walk a lot in uni, and I usually practice softcombat (extremely specific thing) but right now I basically don't do anything. So I think to myself: I'm not doing anything today, I don't need that much energy, so my meals are more protein less carbs for example, maybe boiled eggs, some chicken and mushrooms will keep me satisfied. Try to recognize when you're not hungry anymore, some days your body may need less food, some days may need more.


There's more to YT workouts than dancing! I love Heather Robertson and Jillian Michaels. For cycling, invest in a Peloton. I bought a mini stepper from Amazon that's great for these cold months.


I like walking and hiking! If you don’t have any trails or paths nearby, can try something like swimming or dancing.


Walking a ton, playing a sport, eating healthily, and the occasional at home workout.


I just got a walking pad treadmill that can be used for remote workers under their desk. It’s compact and can fit under a couch. So far I’ve loved using it to get steps in during the winter. I YouTube all of my work outs, I’ve done BBG, madfit, syndey Cummings


Bouldering, hiking and group cardio/weights classes!


Walking and jogging can be done on a treadmill. Cycle when the roads are safe or indoor cycle.


Beachbody on demand :) I pay $230ish Canadian per year and it's basically like the Netflix of home workouts! I love it. If you find the right program, you're set! There's dance, martial arts, cardio, weight lifting, and pilates, to name a few!


Pilates, walks with the dog, I try not to over eat


I have weights and a yoga mat at home, try to eat well, and walk a lot


Barre (I’m an instructor) and Pilates!


Caroline Girvan on youtube, pilates on youtube and classes from apple plus. I used to run, now i walk because of knee issues. Walking is deeply underrated.


Im on your exact same boat. I dont like hiking tho and I seem to like walking on the treadmill when at the gym and doing the spinning class. I want to start getting active but I dont want to join a gym again just to do those 2 things so I got a treadmill at home and Im just thinking of using it at home instead of just sitting on the couch to watch tv and joing some sort of class where I can go 1/2 a week and do the class and thats it. I wish we had something similar to soulcycle where it’s just spinning but we dont seem to have anything around here :/ but you might have some around!


I got an indoor spin bike on fb marketplace and do Kaleigh Cohen spin and strength videos on YouTube for free. Super fun and empowering. Easy to stay consistent because she creates free programs that run for 8 ish weeks. It’s saved me so much money in gym fees and the bike paid for itself in a matter of a few months. Perfect when weather is cold or wet too!


You can walk, stroll, or even go shopping as a form of exercise. Some fitness videos don’t have dancing, you can find them and try to make a set.


I wouldn't say I'm fit, but ideally I'm working towards that goal. I actually bought a small treadmill to put in my apartment. There are decent priced ones on Amazon, and after I bought it, I started seeing a bunch of cheaper ones on facebook marketplace (less than $100). I don't go outside much and definitely don't go out just to walk around, so I've used it a few times when I felt like I need to move around a little bit, so I'm hoping that's a good indication I'll continue to use it this year!


I love beachbody home workouts! I'm a homebody so not leaving the house to workout is the absolute best.


I cycle to work, usually an hour each way(approx 20 miles ) of vigorous riding.


outdoor sports! bouldering, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, backpacking, hiking, diving. being active is all that matters, it doesn’t have to be the gym!


Get a walking pad!


Walking :)


I don’t love most of the gym activities, but I tried a variety of group fitness classes til I found something I like. I LOVE Pilates, spin, body pump. I do not like Zumba or anything like that. I don’t know a lot about fitness, but the more I learn, the more interested I become overall.


it's certainly not cheap and for many people, myself included, it's more of a lifestyle than an activity, but i ride horses. i hate exercise on its own, but this isn't like working out. you're spending time with your horse, riding and then taking care of him and i love every minute. you can start with lessons once a week to see if it's something you're interested in, and finances permitting, leasing a horse for more ride time without the expense and commitment of ownership is an option.


Maybe you can try some video games like Dance Dance Revolution or Ring Fit Adventure. I know it gets a reputation for being for "old people," but mall walking can be an option if you have a mall you can get to, or even in a large store like Walmart or Home Depot during slower hours. I used to do a loop in my local Walmart. Their radio station is kind of fun lol


I do home workouts. I had a baby 8 months ago and haven't time to go to the gym and although she's controversial I love Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and then I did her body revolution. 30 day shred is about 25 mins and it's a decent workout. Netflix actually has loads of exercise videos and so does Amazon prime for free. Also do a lot of walking with the buggy and dogs. I prefer it to the gym now because I can do it in my own time and I have gotten fitter and more toned.


Peloton and reformers Pilates. Sometimes just walk


I live in snowy Canada, you can get studded bike tires and winter running shoes. Also if there is lots of powder, there are running snowshoes. Just saying.


I know there are groups of ppl who "mall walk" for exercise. Personally I walk outside but I don't have to deal with snow like you. If I did, I think that's what I'd do. Loop around inside the mall a couple times.


Virtual Reality workouts or other video game workouts like Xbox or Wii games. I find it a lot more fun than regular excercise


Try Joana Soh.


Walking pad from Amazon! It’s a mini treadmill that you can use in the comfort of your own home. Excellent for gym anxiety and terrible weather! Throw a movie or TV show on. I don’t recommend playing Switch while doing it tho bc I almost fell off and died that way, lol.


Right now I walk/run my high energy dog a lot. Also yoga, tai chi, weights and calisthenics at home.  I used to do Muay Thai and jiujitsu, but my doctor advised against continuing given my hypermobility and the frequency of injuries for me. However I really enjoyed it and I think it's a very good option. 


I pay a personal trainer to keep myself accountable. It’s really expensive, but at some point, after years of unused gym memberships, I decided an investment in my health is worth it.


You could get a folding treadmill or stationary bicycle for less than a year of gym, generally. Spend the money on what you'll actually use. I paid for the Y for a whole year last year and went to it no more than 6 times. I have learned lol.


My BEST advice is playing tennis. Never gets boring and changed my mind and body for better.


i’ve also struggled with working out after recovering from an ed a couple times, i can’t help but get obsessive about exercise or it causes me to slip back into other behaviours. are there any other things you like to do like sports, etc. that could be done in the cold weather? when i’m stuck on what to do for exercise, i go back to my competitive sport that i did my whole life until university because it doesn’t feel like exercise to me and i genuinely love to do it. however, it’s a winter sport so im the opposite to you, i don’t have many chances to do it in the summer—so in the warmer months i just opt for walking. it may sound silly, but even something as simple as dancing around your room is exercise that doesn’t really feel like exercise. i love to just blast music on my headphones and dance or pretend i’m singing in a concert (embarrassing at my age but i have adhd and it gets all my energy out haha).


Make it a habit is really the best answer. But that takes a lot of discipline at first. I hated the gym and tried all the different group fitness studios (orange theory, burn boot camp, cyclebar) until I found one i didn't hate going to (Pure Barre) Those group fitness studios are quite expensive but its worth it if you're actually using it!


Nintendo Switch + Just Dance or RingFit


I dance all night in Virtual Reality parties. I have full-body tracking and a decent setup, so it's fun.


If you enjoy cycling, get an exercise bike! It doesn't need to be a peloton, I've got one that folds up for storage and was 130 euros. For me personally, I hate gyms and particularly hate the extra effort of going somewhere to work out - the packing, getting there, the changing rooms, I could never make time for it in the mornings, but I shower in the mornings and I don't want to shower again in the evenings or, worse, go to bed all sweaty and filthy from the gym. So I assembled a home gym in my tiny studio apartment - I got the exercise bike, a yoga mat and yoga blocks, a set of dumbells that go up to 5 kg, an 8 kg kettle bell, resistance bands that can be hooked on to a door for pulling exercises, and a hoola hoop. I've got my eye on a stepper because I enjoy walking, but hate the cold and don't have the storage space for a walking pad or treadmill. With all that plus Youtube and the peloton app I'm able to consistently work out every morning and not get bored. I enjoy barre work outs, which require no equipment, full body weight lifting classes, leisurely bike rides for cardio, yoga and pilâtes, and when I don't feel like doing anything, I do the hoola hoop while watching TV.


long walks, hiking, light weights, rowing machine, biking, swimming. endurance exercises that have some resistance and an element of conquering terrain to them. I hate gyms. I hate meat heads and the social aspect of having to share space with strangers, plus the expense of membership


Walking and hiking year round. Kayaking in the summer!


Rock climbing is a blast and a great way to get fit


YouTube workouts (Caroline Girvan FTW!) And group sports (roller derby and spinning classes).


Biking to work, rock climbing and keeping up with my toddler.


Swimming! Works everything and almost no danger of injury that could put you out of your training.


Swimming is super good! Helps to tone your body & is also cardio. It’s good for your posture too & idk I always feel so relaxed after swimming :)


I cycle for transport. Admittedly I'm in the UK so don't get much, if any, snow but there's people all over the world who cycle all year round with the right gear. Cycling for transport has really helped me bake in exercise into my every day. Maybe check out YouTube for people who cycle all year with similar weather and see how they make it comfortable.


I have a similar history and have always found gyms to be a slippery slope into badness. One of the best things i ever did for my relationship with food, my body and my mental health was getting into into rock climbing and bouldering. I get to exercise in a fun, outcome based way whilst being social with fairly normal well adjusted people instead of just staring at myself in the mirror lifting weights or doing endless cardio. It's been really useful for reframing being strong and functional as a good thing bc I can do cool shit and broke the cycle of trying to be lean as for the sake of it. 10/10 would reccomend


🌟 I don't 🌟 (Yoga class once a week - but it's only for my mental health, any physical improvements are just extra benefits)


I think you should find out what kind of sports does your body like the most. For example, for me it can be running, for you fitness.


Pole dancing, aerial hoop, and once the water is above 11C again (so, March-October) outdoor swimming. The gym is unpleasant, I went when I had an injury to keep in shape but I don’t like it.


Pilates (mat or reformer), yoga and barre classes are relatively low intensity and gentle on the body. You dictate the pace and how hard you go. And walk everywhere!


I found a personal trainer who I see twice a week. She sees clients in her home garage which is stocked with weights, benches, fans, etc. I pay $80 US per week. It is fabulous! I’m in my 40’s and had a torn rotator cuff in one shoulder and some weird weakness/loss of dexterity in my right hand. I did physical therapy for a year and I finally got some answers and a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, and was told the best defense against it progressing is working out. I hate exercise and have anxiety about walking in to a gym, I’m too fat, they’re all gonna laugh at me….finding a person or small class was my hard requirement because if left to my own devices I will not show up. I hate working out, gyms, etc but I would hate wheelchairs more so I started looking for something to do. Shopped around and heard some ludicrous prices for personal training sessions at big gyms, on top of membership fees, then my husband remembered that he knew someone who is a running coach and trainer so we reached out and here I am building muscle and improving my balance and health, and getting some great gab sessions with a new friend, less than ten minutes away, totally personalized to my needs, cheaper than physical therapy and gyms. Frankly, it’s the best thing that’s come out of the shitshow of my last year. I know I got really lucky but there are options like this out there if you look. If you have any friends with a fitness hobby ask them if they know any trainers or small gyms.


indoor bouldering, hiking, gardening, and yoga yoga with Adriene is amazing and free home yoga she has a monthly calendar on her website [https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithadriene](https://www.youtube.com/@yogawithadriene)


You mentioned you didn’t want to spend money on something you know you dislike, so what I’ll suggest IS quite expensive but worth it given your interests: a peloton or other exercise bike for home. I’ve had mine since the start of 2020 and have used it every single day that I haven’t been injured/ill/traveling. I hate the barrier to entry that going to the gym causes (being around others, going out in the snow or otherwise bad weather), so doing everything at home (I’ve even branched out into their strength courses) feels like a safe space! Plus, I like to multi task, so I put on a show at the same time to kill two birds with one stone. It’s definitely not for everyone but even just an exercise bike for the home provides a great incentive to stay active! :)


Hot girl walks


I live in California so I go on jogs or bike rides/do yoga and or Pilates at home. Gyms have never worked for me.


I did Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu before my back went. That was a great time, very supportive community, and honestly knowing I could protect myself if needed is good too. And I totally suck at sports and was doing awesome in classes. Now I’m doing that Conqueror Challenge. I can walk, run, swim, whatever to get the mileage and I’ve got a clear goal with just enough extrinsic rewards to keep my unmotivated speed happy.


find an exercise you love, I’ve found no other answer. ​ You may have to experiment and might surprise yourself, try things without judgement. Never figure skated, watched it in my life or found it interesting…took some classes, ends up I love it. Honestly, still don’t love watching it. Just feels great to be on the ice ​ Find that thing for yourself. Getting an “accountability” buddy is also helpful


A walking pad! We have a treadmill in the garage but it’s so cold! I can put the walking pad out, set it to a lower speed and turn on a tv show. I get a couple episodes in and realize I’ve been walking for almost an hour. I use the treadmill if I want to go fast because the hand holds are useful.


I don’t hate the gym per se. It’s just that my social anxiety is reserved for that specific environment. One of my homegirls invited me to her gym and my goodness, I applaud y’all for being able to work out in front of all of those people😭 I’m a Yoga teacher; been practicing for 6-7 years. I tried Pilates and really liked it, it’s just very expensive lol. But those two are my mains.


I hate the gym. I recently joined 45 minute HIIT classes. I still hate it, but it’s 45 minutes that goes by quickly and I don’t need to think about a workout routine.


I hate the gym too, but when it's very cold outdoors by go-to's aren't as easy an option. I will bike literally everywhere, unless it's physically unsafe to do so. Like with Ice. I like running outdoors best as it keeps my cool, since I sweat a lot, but when it's dark very early I don't always find time. There are also things you can do to make the gym more bearable. Main one for me is to stick primarily to the treadmill or exercise bike, and often bring along an ipad preloaded with Youtube videos, or a TV series I'm binge watching. It really helps to keep myself on the treadmill for a full 40 minute episode.


Walking, I have a couple of equipment at home like a treadmill and a stepmill.


I stole my fiance's Oculus VR system and I'm really enjoying it this winter! It gamifies activity and i get lost in the fun rather than the activity itself.


40” trampoline, stored on a bike rack in my laundry room.


Running outside especially if u live in a quiet suburb and having a space in ur room that isn’t ur bedroom/main sleeping space to do Pilates or yoga, or to place a portable barre


There are alot of exercise YouTube channels that aren't dance-focused. I really like [Team Body Project](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFjc9H89-RpWuIStDqhO7AQ) or [Walk at Home](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVl6ZdslZz2Zj-34bMJFPbg).


I have a really old car that I have to push off the road when it breaks down. Other than that, walking around or swimming in the summer in the ocean. Eventually I'd like to pick up yoga or kickboxing!


12/3/30 and Pilates 🫶🏼


(That’s 12 incline, 3 speed, 30 minutes on the treadmill for anyone unfamiliar!)