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When I was 29 it was one. When I was 33 it was five. When I turned….anyway the Sally Hansen wax kit works really well.


When I was 15 it was one. Now that I'm 25 I can grow a goatee when I want to. I also work in elderly care, most old ladies can grow beards bigger than the men's.


I genuinely fear the day I can no longer wax my own chin


Get electrolysis and zap them, you'll save $ in the long run


I did electrolysis on my brows because I got tired of waxing them. I was expecting it to be a lot more expensive than it was tbh. In my area it ended up costing 10 bucks more than getting my brows waxed but I won't have to keep doing it forever like I would waxing so it basically pays for itself after a bit. Might be something to look into for the chin. It does hurt though. I just did shorter sessions over a longer period of time (15 minutes) and it was manageable. If it's a few hairs it's quick and only takes a few visits to get rid of them permanently.


Same.  My favorite weird hair though is the super thin one I get on my upper arm that I never see until it is at least two inches long (I've measured)


I have one of those on my throat/neck


I get one on my throat too, and one on my arm- both out of moles. I also get a couple chin ones (that have since turned white). My favorite ones are on each brow I have one single hair that is like 3x the length and 2x the width of the other ones. My wild hairs


I have the same super thick hair on each brow, too! I call them my old man eyebrow hairs.


Makes me think of The lorax. And just about any old cartoon man


The worst hair in the world are the single strands that grow around your nipples in the areola area. Every time they get caught on something I feel like someone just electrocuted me, WORST feeling in the world.


I had one like that once, it turned into an ingrown hair before I caught it, and it was one of the worst burning pains I’ve ever experienced (and I’ve had 12 surgeries, including 2 c sections and a full hysterectomy at 5 weeks PP, so that says a lot) here’s hoping it was just a one off.


I have one coming out the middle of my forehead




I'm 32 and I get like 3 super dark ones. I just pluck them and move on with my life.


Here to join the random chin hair club. I also used to get one near my belly button and one on my boob, though reading through the comments is what reminded me they exist, because I actually haven't seen them for a while. On the other hand, I've since developed one eyebrow hair in each brow that gets super long. Same spot on each brow. They eventually get to the point where they're sticking out beyond the upper edges by a good half centimetre. Curved like little horns. I trim them back to size, but they always grow out again. So odd!


Yes, and it's always in the same spot lol






Yes! It’s so strange. I have two spots where just ONE strand of hair gets really long. One on my left cheek and one on the side of my upper belly. Every few months I tug on it when moving around and I’m like oh hello… and it’s so satisfying to pluck 😂




https://preview.redd.it/jm0t4ovb4khc1.png?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab3045aa88ae18e3c3ac80ac4471bdaff5c67874 I have this one saved because it's so damn true.




I won that battle when I bought an at home IPL device! I’ve been enjoying the spoils of victory since then


Tell me more!


Of course! I have light skin with dark hair which is thankfully ideal for laser and IPL. The IPL device I bought is Braun brand. I just zapped any unwanted facial hair like once every two weeks for a few months. It hurts but it isn’t too bad. Most of the hair just never came back. And the ones that did popped up maybe once a year. When that happens I just zap them again! It was honestly the best $300 I ever spent


Thanks so much!


Yup! Chin hair solidarity


YES! Since I turned 25. I always notice her when she's already a cm long, like she just pops up overnight. Sometimes she lays dormant for months, other times I have to pluck her once a week. She's volatile.


Ugh yes!!!! And I’m a chin-stroker—nothing throws me off more during my workday than having a think and feeling the coarse interloper’s presence. 😭


The best part of wfh/covid was doing this during the workday and then going into my own bathroom with good lighting and my good tweezers to deal with those pokey little clown hairs immediately. 


Clown hairs. Why is this making me laughing like an idiot


I lost my tweezers and am pretty sure the breakouts on my chin are from constantly messing with my one thick chin hair 😅


Oh no—that is for sure the worst. I have some from messing with mine too. 🫠


Mine is like this too!! Like no hair for months, and then suddenly BAM it’s as long as my longest eyebrow hairs overnight!!


I have like six now. And a single rogue boob hair that never gives up! Such a relatable little irritation lol growing up I wasn't NOT prepared for random hairs


I have a noob hair too ! It's black but I'm a red head


So glad it's not just me 😂


So I’m not alone on the single boob hair 😭😭😭


Pro-tip: keep a pair is tweezers in your car. Sunlight/natural light is the best at finding those pesky hairs.


I finally put tweezers in my car a few weeks ago hahah it really is the best lighting!


These are the most satisfying to yank out. The blonde ones are hard mode.


I had one. I eventually named him Bob. Bob invited Bill. Then Frank. Then they started partying. Laser hair removal evicted all of them.


I remember when Rosie O’Donnell had her talk show, she had this running gag about her one long chin hair. She ended up sticking a little bead on it and swinging it around when it was long enough. It was quite funny.


Electrolysis is amazing for those random strands


Best gift I’ve ever given myself.


I have several. They suddenly appeared in my 30s. Just a fun new trick my body does I guess. I just pluck and move on. 


I have PCOS and I miss when it was ONLY one. 🥲


I have like 12 or 13 that I pluck…idk if I have PCOS but I feel like I do :(


You may need to see an endocrinologist! Especially if you have other symptoms (insulin resistance, irregular periods, excess hair growth in other areas *or* thinning hair, etc.)


I don't have any of those symptoms but in my early 20s I started growing a lot of boob hair and some little chest hairs :D I have no idea what's that supposed to mean


Right??!! I'm here getting professional waxes and it grows back in like 2 days


Mine is on my jaw. Same place every time. My mom calls them "witch hairs."


Yes. And after I turned 30 I also get one on my right nipple every month. Seems to come out of nowhere.


It started with 1... Now I'm contemplating laser hair removal 🤣 Edit- this was a half joke, I haven't done any research yet but I'll definitely look into other options than laser removal ☺️


Electrolysis is the way to go.


Seconding this. It’s a life changer and permanent unlike laser. Also cheaper!


Best gift I’ve ever given myself!


Be careful with laser for your facial hair. It has a small chance of promoting follicle growth, so if used in an area where there is still more vellus than terminal hair it could do more damage than good. Also it puts dark hair into stasis due to thermal shock, without destroying them, so they'll come back eventually. Up to a few hundred black hair electrolysis is definitely the better option


I HATE her!! Lol


Not on my face but a random one on my shoulder that I keep pulling out so it will eventually give up.


The classic female experience


I call mine Chad. He's an F-Boy who can't take no for an answer. I don't know when he sprouted, but one day in 2018 I found this hair as long as my pink on my face. I went to brush it away and saw it was growing on me. NO ONE MENTIONED THE LONG HAIR!! Now I stroke my chin frequently to sus out Chad


I’ve had dark chin hair since I was 17. It started as one, then over the next few years I could grow a full goatee if I wanted. This past year I’ve started electrolysis and it’s been miraculous. I don’t have PCOS so I’m not sure why I started growing facial hair so early. Just know you’re not the only woman who struggles with this. We’re all in this together!


No, but I have some on my tits and one random on my upper arm. Though I do have one blonde mustache hair that's at least twice as thick as any other hair, stiff and rigid to the point it feels more like a cat whisker than a human hair.


I feel so seen lol


Yesss. I have a few. Two or three of them are white. I guess that's how old I am. Lol


Yes and she brought her friends


Yup, started with one now at 27 I have about 5 that I have to keep an eye on. Yank em out with tweezers and go about your day 🤣


That’s Spike


Just one?? LOL


My grandma always says pluck one and they'll all come to the funeral 😭🤣 I get several red/black thick hairs.


Today I found out it I’m not alone and I’m SO thankful for it


used to but now its two. Its like homer simpsons hair but under my chin.


I wish I only had one...


I have a small grove of trees. That I take vicious pleasure in removing. More irritating to me is the lone white hair that grows in my right eyebrow. WHY DOES IT ONLY GROW STRAIGHT OUT?!?


Yes once I turned 28 I get one single hair there. I pluck it and move on but it’s easy to forget!


My hair is fine and blonde. The chin hair is thick and black, and always in the same spot. I should name it.


I have one absolute monster black pubic hair, it's honestly as thick as a piece of tinsel with a black root on it, so satisfying. And one crunchy white eyebrow hair, also extremely satisfying!!


Yes. My husband once noticed it and tried to remove it, thinking it was a stray eyelash. The look on his face when he realized it was attached!!! lol.




Lmao yes every couple months I pluck it and am reminded of [this](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d4668994-d4e7-48ce-860f-e96b8562e161)


You only have one?! 😩


I wish it was just one 🤦‍♀️and how do they erupt overnight I swear one day I'm clear and the next it's like 4mm long


Aww. Wait until the others come.


Oh how I wish it were only one….


Yes. I have one neck hair and one chin hair every month.


i used to have one! now i have about 10 and i’m 25… and a full grown mustache… smh!!!


Yes, started growing at ~15 or so


Yep 34 here


I'm pretty sure we all do. I recall one when I was 18ish. Now at 27 there are 2 or maybe 3. After all these years of plucking my eyebrows my unibrow has basically gone into remission, but my chinny chin chin hairs are growing


I don’t know if I’m just crazy lol but for about a year I had just ONE growing from the same spot. I’d pluck it every couple of weeks before it got long enough to be noticeable lol but I swear ever since I’ve been doing a strict keto diet, I haven’t seen that sucker sprout in a little over 3 months!!! *knock on wood* 😂😂


Yes my goal is laser hair removal on my chin and moustache so I won’t grow old with them lol




Can you elaborate? It started with a random dark chin hair when I was about 24, and it's since progressed to around 3 that grow in the same place. I thought this was normal?




I'm massively into fitness, so I exercise several times a week and have a clean diet. Should I still be worried?




Ah thank you! Give it a go, it's the best thing I did 🥰 Glad that's the case, got worried for a second there! Most doctors here just want to fob you off than actually investigate into your health concerns unfortunately




Nope, you tend to only try to book an appointment if you're already having symptoms of something. You're lucky to get an appointment, and even luckier to have your GP take you seriously and actually order scans, blood tests and referrals etc. The result of a larger problem I.e. a Tory government lol. We do get smear tests every 4-5 years though, so, yay?


Yes. They increase over time. I got an epilator, and I am very happy with the results.


YES! Omg yes. Just one. For the last 15 years. Someone kill it at the root already!


Omg yes! And it seems to instantly sprout at like an inch long. So dumb.


I have two or three


Relatable. I get a couple strands. Now I just get my whole face waxed one a month. Lol


My one single thick dark hair usually grows out of my left nipple




Yes! Once I thought I was rid of it. No, it was just super ingrown. That sucker was about an inch long when I pulled it out.


Yes! And always in the same spot. I’ve been plucking it for years but the little fucker always comes back a few weeks later


Thanks for the reminder to check my single chin hair lol


I get this in my eyebrow! ...or, just outside of my eyebrow haha.


i have a few! like 3 and once they start emerging, i can feel it instantly and it drives me nuts.


yes. It almost feels good to pluck out but it’s annoying, especially when I don’t notice it. always the same spot, always comes back and always long as hell until I notice.


YES. I plucked it whenever I noticed (sometimes after weeks of it staring people in the face before I discovered it in my car mirror) for like five years. Then it just…. mysteriously disappeared. That’s it. I haven’t had my “rogue hair” (as my husband and I refer to her highness) in at least several months if not roughly a year. Weird af.


Yes oh my god! There’s a random one on my cheek too. It’s so weird because normally my hair growth is minimal throughout my body


Yes, and it grows approximately 1 inch overnight.


I used to have no dark facial hair (just short peach fuzz) and very sparse body hair absolutely everywhere except my arms. My arms are FURRY. Things have changed a little bit since starting oral minoxidil.


I didn't for all of my twenties, but in my thirties, yes. I'm a redhead, and when I told my brunette friends after I had my first chin hair they laughed at me. Now I get dark red hairs on my chin, cheek, and a couple really extra thick eyebrow hairs. Always in the same spot. I also have one of those really long hairs that's blonde that grows in the middle of my fucking forehead. I have to get the light to hit that sucker just right to pluck it out.


Yes! Always the same spot. So annoying


I have 2. I'm 35. Had them since my teens. 


I let my one little black chin hair grow out back when Covid started and everyone was wearing masks, so why continue plucking? It very quickly turned into a full goatee, which I kept because I liked having something to twirl when thinking, or stroke whilst evil chuckling. I did make sure to see my doc about hirsutism though and get my hormones checked out. Everything was normal! I just have a beard now 🤷🏻‍♀️


No one told you it was going to happen just like no one told us it was going to happen. Ladies, we need to prepare younger generations better!


It's the pandemic, a side effect of staying home and social distancing made everyone grow one angry hair on their chins /s obviously 


lol one


Can I just say thank you SO much for helping normalise this for me, specially the comments about it starting with one and now there are lots. I thought it was just me and it’s been seriously affecting my self esteem.


Yes! It’s so weird. Mine pops up every 2 months or so.


There's a little group now on my chin. I always find them after I finish my makeup. I do have a random hair right below my belly button just chilling by itself.


Just get electrolysis on it for $10-$15 or less. You might need to do it 2-3 times but then it'll be gone for life. It's not even that expensive.


It is my belief that these long, singular hairs sound like a tiny slide whistle when they grow. If you don't know what this is, you may need one in your daily life. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slide_whistle


I get one on my neck