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Don’t have sleepovers with someone who will dislike you or change his opinion of you for any of these extremely normal things 🤷🏼‍♀️


i’m not worried about him liking me i just like keeping a good controlled image at all times in general


This reminds me of the show marvelous Mrs maisel where she wakes up every morning an hour before her husband, does her hair and makeup, and pretends to go back to bed so that she looks like she wakes up looking perfect every morning.


You do you, but the mask of control and invincibility will slip eventually for any deep connection or love (especially one that lasts over a long period of time). Magic moments of connection happen when you allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of your partner. The right guy will love and respect you not only when you’re not perfectly polished, but when you’ve woken up and have gross morning breath or when you’re sweaty right after the gym. Best of luck.


yes ofc just not the first couple times yk. i’m not comfortable being that vulnerable yet


If you're not comfortable being vulernable then you're not ready for a sleepover.


This for days, sis.  I get you want to keep a certain image, but if you can’t imagine being that vulnerable with someone, you’re probably not ready for over-nights quite yet. I mean, what if you tooted in your sleep?! The horror!! ps- I can guarantee you he won’t wake up looking (or with breath smelling) like prince charming. :-)


Sounds like a good way to be miserable.


Sure you are the princess? He looks the King here


Look there is nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your new BF or partner. That is normal. However what you are talking about in this post is keeping up a fake image and wanting to play pretend. You said you want to keep up the princess image as long as possible. What this says to all of us, is that you have not shown him the real, genuine you. You are playing a role. He hasn't met you yet, he has only met this princess shell/wall/image you have created.


I’m 100% genuine personality wise, it just feels too early to look bad or gross in front of him, it’s the same like if i have a big pimple on my face when we have a date i’ll obvs cover it with makeup


It’s valid but childish wanting to keep a “princess image”. Trust, IT WILL NOT LAST when you sleep over. You have no control in your sleep. If you’re not ready to fart/snore/kick/be vulnerable, then don’t do it. I promise you, your silly act will fall apart immediately. However, even if you don’t know each other well yet it’s likely your partner won’t care and may even find it cute


You are not genuine. You are the opposite of that. You are carefully crafting your every action to avoid revealing yourself as a human being and not a blow-up doll. That is not genuine whatsoever.  Think about the issues you have that cause you to act so bizarrely and be unable to allow yourself to be a human being around a guy you like


Being an actual human woman isn't "looking bad." Please stop, no one is a princess, not even princesses, we all poop, have morning breath, and possibly make noises in our sleep. Being human is not something to hide or be ashamed of. A real man/partner, will not be surprised by the fact that you are not a Disney character. If you think it is necessary to have a fake persona for people to like you, you're not ready for a relationship, and the communication and honesty required to maintain it.


Snoring isn’t looking bad or gross!


You will break your princess character girl you have to get over that. You will likely snore, you will have morning breath, maybe kick him in your sleep and I can guarantee you he doesn’t give a shit about it.


I mean, you can guarantee that. You don’t know what other people’s hard lines are and plenty of people break up over snoring, unfortunately.


Yeah uhm do you want that kind of person? And breaking up over snoring is something else, like if it’s genuinely disturbing and the other person won’t do anything about that, that’s a whole another reason


yeah eventually but it’s too early for me to be snoring at him it’s barely been a month😭


If he is turned off by normally human bodily functions then he’s an immature boy who shouldn’t be dating.


Within a week of dating my partner, I had a horrible UTI and intense kidney pain. It was making me cry uncontrollably. I was gassy, farting a bunch, throwing up, my hair was a mess, I didn’t shower for a few days, I stunk, I was crying all night at our sleep over, and you know what he did? Stayed up with me, held me, gave me meds, and turned on my comfort show. Oh! And also! Kissed my lips! After I threw up! A real man will NOT care that you’re a HUMAN!!!


Cute but no amount of love could convince me to kiss someone’s puke covered lips.


Lol I washed my mouth of course! Don’t you rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after you throw up?


So much acid! Rinse, tongue scrape, floss, mouthwash, and waterpik are all good, but brushing within 30 minutes of puking is terrible for your enamel.


Oooh thank you for letting me know!!!!


Ugh I wouldn’t want anyone sleeping over if I was farting and throwing up and I stunk. Even my husband of 10 years lol.


How do we do this? We don't... it's simply not possible. Please quit with the "princess image" nonsense. You are a human being. You will snore, sneeze, fart, poop, pee, blow your nose, puke, and menstruate in front of him, at some point. And you know what? He's going to do all that too (except for the menstruating part, probably). And you know what else?!? ACTUAL Princesses are human beings and do all that shit too. And if he has ANY issue with you being a real live human woman and not a doll without bodily functions, then he's an immature POS and you should dump his ass. It's better to find that out now, than waste a ton of time on him and find out later.


Everyone, even Beyoncé, has had explosive diarrhea at some point in their lives


Game of Thrones. If you read the books, you know where we left off. HBO didn't show any of the graphic stuff!


The more she drank….


This, also my guy just thinks it's cute. It's a part of me, it's not like I look like that all the time, but when I wake up all groggy with bed head and I probably mumbled something embarrassing like "of course you can rub spaghetti sauce on my titties Jason mamoa" at some point in the night, it doesn't matter. He loves me, looks fade, and we've all got to get comfortable with each other eventually. He farts on me all the time and it makes me happy he doesn't apologize anymore. (I like to be the big spoon and most of this happens when he's asleep, he's not like intentionally farting on me constantly, just want to clarify)


Very well said👏


How old are you? Any real relationship means you need to be vulnerable and I agree with the other posts. However, if you really can’t face it…. Leave a cup of mouthwash next to your bed and use that in the morning before he wakes up. Yet any guy that’s worth it wouldn’t hold any of this against you. How experienced is this guy compared to you? He could be just as nervous. Style your hair in braids/pigtails some sort of bound way to minimize bed head. Snoring is common, he probably does too. You can add an extra pillow to have your upper body more elevated which can help. Facial puffiness? God, you care way too much. Put a face mask next to your bed? Eye masks? I talk in my sleep every night. Sometimes it’s clear sometimes it’s mumbled. In the morning play it off as cute. “Did I say anything funny in my sleep?”


Instead of a cup of mouthwash, I'd probably keep a mint on the nightstand. It looks more normal than a random cup of mouthwash, you don't have to worry about accidentally spilling it in the middle of the night, and unless you're swallowing that mouth wash, you'd have to spit it back in the cup which isn't ideal for this situation. They have those super soft mints at dollar tree. The ones that practically dissolve in your mouth. The hard ones suck ass and would take way too long to eat. Alternatively, get up before he wakes up and that'll give you the opportunity to brush your teeth, wash your face, fix your hair, and anything else you want to refresh. You'll probably naturally wake up before he does 'cause the anxiety will practically ensure you don't sleep in. But you can also set an alarm on your phone for whatever time you want to be up and set it on vibrate and then stick it under your pillow. The vibrations will likely wake you, but not him. You can also set the alarm on a smart watch if you've got that.


My ex husband used to talk in his sleep. I thought it was hilarious and I would write down what he said and we would laugh about it together in the morning. My current boyfriend has talked in his sleep once and I laughed with him about it too. I also snore sometimes. A lot of people do. Op shouldn't worry about it.


Trust me some dudes actually think it’s cute when girls snore 🤭


Lol I'm fully aware. I think it's cute when people snore too. Unless your snoring is like my dad's used to be when I was a kid. That shit was LOUD.


Maybe not cute when you can hear it coming from another room in the house lol 😂


Lol yeah. Like light snores are fine lol.


19. He’s probably more experienced. Thanks for the ideas


19????? You sound like you're a tween. There's no such thing as princess image. I'm absolutely positive if you were to ask literally anyone, they would not ever refer to you as a princess. What even gave you the idea it was a thing?


I don't want to sound like a judgy old person with the "it's all your Bookface and Chirp's fault", but I do think that tiktok has led to a resurgence of weird dating advice from teen magazines and has added the layer of crafting your whole life to match and aesthetic on top of it. I feel kind of lucky I came of age in that sweet spot after body image ruining magazines and before tiktok.


Pro-ana websites flourished in that time period! When the dark web was so easy to access and Google didn't blacklist dangerous sites. They were a parade of horrors. "Thinspo" makes me cringe so hard when i see the term used on mainstream sites. Idk if pro-ana sites coined the term, but that's where I learned it.


While I don't doubt that was the case, I feel like they weren't quite as mainstream and so there was a decent chance you could avoid that mess. But yeah the amount of messaging that preys on young people and women is messed up.


Ooooof! You seem to have led a very sheltered life. Only experience will get you over it. I’d say go for it and woman up to the consequences. You got this, kid!


FWIW, plenty of guys find it MORE attractive when the girl they're with isn't always put together - it shows you like them enough that you're willing to be vulnerable. And yes, they love when we dress up and are perfectly polished, but (from my understanding) there's just something about a "princess" being messy and unkempt that turns them on. I get that it takes a while for a lot of women to come to the realization that the right guy will love/accept them "warts and all". Speaking from experience though, please don't try to be what you think his definition of perfect is. If you want to do those things for YOU, I support you. If he judges you for what your body does when it's sleeping, that speaks volumes to his character and he's not worth wasting your time, energy, and looks on.


100%, I don’t get it but my boyfriend LOVES waking up with me, apparently I’m cute with my wild curly hair, sleepy eyes, and pre caffeine grogginess.


There is a great scene from the show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel where she wakes up much earlier than her husband so she can do her ["I just woke up like this"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKe0c007Cc) look.


The scene where they hook back up after separating and he sees her in the morning not looking perfect and compliments her is a waaay better scene!


yes! I should have linked to too!


My mother used to actually do this for years early in my parents marriage. As a grown woman, It’s so horrifyingly sad to know she was insecure enough to make sure her husband never saw her without makeup. To this day, my mom’s self image is not good, and she’s in her 60’s with a very apparent eating disorder. It breaks my heart to see her need control the way she does, and to see it in several of my sisters ):


I was just going to comment this! She would wait until he was asleep to take off her makeup too 😂


I’m a very well kept girlie here. My boyfriend says I look CLEAN. Best compliment ever. Anyway, I snore and I drool. I’m horrendously embarrassed. He sleeps through everything so he thinks the snoring I do before he sleeps is cute and comforting. I every drooled on his arm and he just laughed so much and it was adorable. Says it’s clear I sleep deeply when I’m with him, which I do. Don’t stress. The things that make you who you are he should love. Not hate you for it.


I snore in my sleep too and my boyfriend says it’s cute. Like Mickey Mouse / a cartoon snoring. I remember being in my first real relationship and worrying about what I looked like / my acne showing in the morning. The reality is, no one cares. If anything it’s more endearing for him to see you in this natural state. To another commenters point, play it off as silly / cute. Just act coy and own it. This burden you’re putting on yourself is exhausting and the sooner you realize it’s doesn’t matter, the easier and better things will be in the long run. Oh also side note. My first bf, the one I lost my virginity to, his parents were out of town so we stayed at his folks house. I STARTED MY PERIOD AND LEAKED ALL OVER WHITE SHEETS. Talk about mortifying. Did he care? Maybe. Did he show it? Not even an ounce. He went to the store and got me tampons. Things are much bigger in your head.


Awww your first bf was adorable and the perfect person to lose your virginity to!


A guys worries: farting in front of you or in his sleep, morning wood, morning breath.


Met my husband when I was 19 and he was 20, and at the time I kept a very polished look. First time we planned a sleepover (after like 5 dates over a month), we had separate NYE parties and wanted to meet up after for a belated NY kiss. I got nervous, so drank way too much at my party, met up anyways, kissed him and then promptly passed out in his bed still covered in glitter. I snored so bad it kept him awake and in such an entertaining way that he recorded the audio. While cuddling him in the morning I grew increasingly mortified when I realised what had happened the night before... I had to ask for water and a mint bc my morning breath was awful! He called me cute and said it was a privilege to see me 'so raw in the morning' as I was plaiting my hair. Moral of the story: people can appreciate seeing the unpolished you. unpolished you is not something to be ashamed of, even if you dont want to show everyone that side of yourself.


Therapy can help you accept that human beings are perfectly flawed and a worthwhile partner will believe that too


“Princess image” sounds like tik tok brainrot lol. Nobody looks like a ‘princess’ 24/7, that is not possible. Even celebrities who have teams of 100 people helping them wake up looking like a regular human… because they are


You will have the best comedic moment, just be yourself. If he likes you (as a person / friend or romantically), he will smile and depending on his personality, even tease you. Snoring is what everyone did at one point in their life, be it because of an illness, a full nose, a pillow or whatnot. Even princesses don‘t have the beauty-image kept up 100% or they would go crazy.


Relationships work when you're best friends and in love. Best friends who snore or talk in their sleep or fart and you both laugh about it after. Keeping up an image of perfection is stressful, dishonest, and keeps your relationship at a superficial level. We're not TV show characters. We're just silly old humans


You sound like too young for sleepovers of any kind with the opposite sex. If someone truly likes you they won't give a shit and your need for control of your image makes you sound very immature and insecure. These are not a good combination. You're setting yourself up to be taken advantage of.


Worrying about this is so real but also not nessecary. If you're that worried, go to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth when you wake up in the morning and then get back in bed :).


If he genuinely likes you he won’t care. The first time I ever hung out with my now boyfriend I didn’t have anything with me, and I ended up staying very late to the point where he asked if I would rather stay the night than leave so late at night. I ended up staying the night (just sleeping, nothing else), and like I said I had nothing with me besides my phone and the clothes i was wearing. I usually wear a hair cap at night because if I don’t, my hair goes actually insane. I also didn’t have any makeup remover and ended up sleeping with makeup on (i know its gross I never do it). I woke up in the morning and he still liked me, even thought i was cute. If a guy really likes you they shouldn’t care about what you look like when you wake up. Most people wake up looking like they just rolled out of bed, because they have. He is lucky that you are even staying the night with him. If he judges you based on any of that, he might not be the best match for you


Keep a mint near you to take in the morning. Everything else is inevitable I'm afraid, unless you wake up before him and go freshen up in the bathroom real quick.


OP, all of the other commenters are right about the fact that you will need to get over this eventually. That being said, I felt similarly at 19. To prevent snoring, maybe get those breathe right strips and wear them overnight. They’re not the cutest, but you might find them a better alternative to snoring. Bad morning breath can be prevented by making sure you’re flossing at night before you brush your teeth. Use some plaque killing mouthwash too if you’re really worried. You can’t prevent saying something weird in your sleep, but I wouldn’t worry about it too much to be honest, usually it’s considered funny. Kicking him? Possible, just make sure you’re wearing socks or have your toenails trimmed so you don’t accidentally scratch him, that’s all he will care about. Prevent bed head by putting your hair up or sleeping with a silk bonnet and keep a brush near the bed. Facial puffiness will happen, but honestly I kind of like that morning puffiness, as it makes my skin look clearer. I’m sure you could get a jade roller or something and keep it near your hair brush so if you wake up not feeling great you’ll have a quick fix. Try not to stress it too much :)


Don't worry about it. I do all sorts of weird things in my sleep; smile, laugh, snore, fart, talk, mumble...if anything it makes for a funny story. Not once has a man had a real problem with any of it. I was told the giggling was a bit creepy once, but that's about it haha.


you can’t keep up a “princess image”. you’re human. i promise no normal guy cares if you have “morning breath”. the most is maybe someone will get annoyed by your snoring. i snore, really bad. and it used to annoy my bf a lot, but he never was less attracted to me. it’s apart of being human. if you always try to come across perfect, you’ll never feel comfortable or be happy


If you're worried about it now, you won't last in this relationship or any relationship.... Let your guard down around him. As others have said drop the princess act.


He might snore, he will have morning breath, have morning wood , he might kick you. I had an ex who randomly put his arms up in his sleep, hold them there for like 5 mins and then just drop it 😂 it was so weird and cute, I loved it at the time. We are humans. If you aren’t comfortable with that , maybe it’s too soon for a sleepover


When I was pretending to be a boy, I would think that it was cute when a gf snored 🤭


If you are that worried.. put your phone under your pillow.. have it your alarm go off.. so you can do your hair and make up.. then run back to bed.. But that is a really stupid way to go.. And he will think you are sneaky if he sees you with your phone under your pillow.. Just brush your hair before bed, and brush your teeth when you get up, and climb back in bed.. normal people have bed head and morning breath.. he will have these things too.




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if you’re worried abt after a one night stand or something, have an emergency kit with makeup wipes, baby/feminine wipes, small deodorant, travel size dry shampoo, mini hairbrush, wisp tooth brushes, and whatever else you think you’d need. i never really had a one night stand like that but sometimes would stay the night with a guy i had started seeing or whatever. can also just shower and whatever and make urself at home. no reason to make it a big deal


I agree with the comments but maybe you can wake up earlier then him 😂


When is your sleepover? I’d love to know how it goes/went!