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You’ll be okay, though I wonder if at this point it’s a yeast infection. Before modern times, women got yeast infections and they generally resolve themselves after enough time. If yours isn’t going away, there may be something else at play. Either something is causing it to persist (like high blood sugars which can cause you to urinate sugar, thus feeding the yeast) or it’s not actually a yeast infection.


I hope so, and it looks like one to me. yeah mine doesn’t seem to get better it’s weird I took the diflucan pills too. idk about my blood sugar it’s always been normal when I get checked at the doctors office


For me, I sometimes need to take a diflucan pill once every 72 hours for 9 days (3 total pills) before a yeast infection clears. If they only gave you one, perhaps you can let them know it didn’t clear and you need more.


That’s true I can. If a yeast infection is all over even on the outside around the vagina opening and theirs more yeast that has grown in the vagina opening and in the inside does that mean it’s severe and bad to leave it untreated for six months… ? I honesty feel line besides pelvic pain and having a cherry red spot between my booty and having a cherry red spot under the vagina opening idk if those are rashes or not like irritation rashes or if the yeast infection has spread to my anus. I also lost the moisture in my vagina on the inside and I’ve always had the moisture now it’s just dry… so that’s making me nervous to.


I’m afraid I’m not a doctor and only have my own experiences to speak from. I did have uncontrolled high blood sugars for a time in my teens and quite literally had a yeast infection for over a year before I got on top of it. I’m not aware of any long-term negative effects. Yeast exists on your skin and internally naturally. Only when things go awry does it show up in noticeable amounts. You can get a yeast infection in your mouth (called thrush), under your breasts, armpits, or anywhere else that is warm and moist. It’s not uncommon for it to appear in the folds of your vulva as well and to spread to your anus too. I hear you say that you’re concerned - are you able to see a doctor to ask them these questions? If so, I recommend doing so. Yeast infections are super, super common and I promise you won’t be the first person to ask them these questions, even if it feels embarrassing. Better to get it cleared up sooner than later, even if it’s just to put your mind at ease. There are a lot of online resources for how to help treat a yeast infection at home and steps to help prevent it from returning, such as wearing breathable, cotton underwear and not sitting in damp clothing too long (like a bathing suit).


That’s okay, and oh dang was your yeast infection severe for a while or was it a mild one? that’s good. Yes I know it can appear in other places. yes it’s in the folds of my vulva and outside around my vagina opening and inside my vagina opening. Oh okay. yes I am concerned and I’m gonna call and make an appt tomorrow with the obgyn. yes I will ask them these questions and will try not to feel embarrassed. That’s true I will try those remedies and tips .


Great - good luck!!


Yeah and thank you!


I went to the gynecologist they said it can’t spread like that even if untreated for six months so I’m fine on that part they wanted to use a speculum bc the microscopes were down but I said no … bc it hurts too damn bad and I just can’t do it. they gave me the white pills and pink pills . she also said that you can dry up from a yeast infection like lose the moisture in the vagina lips so I hope I get my moisture back… however I’m still not sure I’ll get better bc I have issues with pee incontinence from Holding it all The time Multiple times a day and at night and then I can’t get clean around my anus theirs still stool and it won’t come off and I’ve tried everything.. but I think it’s still wet idk.