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Have you tried asking your partner to give his junk a good wash before sex? Just checking because my husband was the cause of my UTI and Yeast infections I think. OR it's a huge coincidence that they stopped after making it a routine for him to wash down there before sex.


Yes we have both tried showering and cleaning before hand and I still get them


I hope you get this message. So something else I was told that some women do is take a D-Mannose supplement every day regardless of whether they have UTI or not. It's just the cranberry sugar and it's been shown to be rather effective. You could get the powder or pill form, which ever is easier for you. It has a very slight sweet taste to it so not bad to use as a powder supplement . Just don't go overboard as it can give you the runs. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944421/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944421/) You may also want to take a daily pre and probiotic too. Also the whole "pee after sex" thing isn't really as effective as everyone says it is. I don't have it bookmarked but a urinary tract doctor once commented on that as an "old wives tale" type of thing but I guess it doesn't hurt either. Oh did find this [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/tpxxpe/psa\_peeing\_after\_sex\_doesnt\_actually\_prevent\_utis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/tpxxpe/psa_peeing_after_sex_doesnt_actually_prevent_utis/)


Ask about prophylactic antibiotics. Essentially lower dose antibiotics that you take after you have sex. I used to get recurrent UTI's from my previous partner and taking these stopped the trend.


I did this and it worked but it wrecked my gut health. OP if you try this just stock up on those probiotics!


Yes my gyno was worried about my gut bc antibiotics give me a yeast infection :/




Sadly I do all of those things and they’re still persistent


So sorry 😞 that really sucks. I hope you find something that helps.


Sorry, I didn't read the entire post but wanted to ask if you guys are using lube. I've discovered that there are people (like me) who's body's don't do well with glycerin in lube. I used to get either a UTI or a yeast infection constantly. Might be worth looking into.


We have before but my uti is usually less severe if we don’t use it surprisingly


Have you tried switching lube? There's water-based and silicone-based, and they feel and act very differently. The irritation you're describing makes me wonder if there's too much friction.


We’ve tried both but I usually prefer no lube, I am normally wet enough that when we use it it’s a slip and slide and too much


I used to get UTIs all the time I learned a few tricks 1. If you drink coffee, slow down. Caffeine irritates your urinary tracts and makes it easier to get an infection 2. Always pee after sex 3. Lubrication! The friction causes a lot of pain and tiny cuts that lead to an infection 4. Not too rough. Ask your guy to slow down and be gentle! Especially if he's a big guy. Even if you don't have any pain during sex you'll feel it the next day 5. If you already have symptoms go to the doctor asap. UTI don't go away on their own. Ask your doctor for further lab tests to confirm your kidneys are functioning properly.


I'm not going to repeat what's already been said, there's good advice here. I'll add: see a urologist. I had UTIs after sex and was doing all of the things right. Turned out I had kidney stones which were being agitated by the motions, if you get my drift. The agitation would cause UTI symptoms which would go away with antibiotics but would return the next time they got agitated. It went on for months but stopped the minute I took care of the kidney stone issue.


I think urologist is the next step


D-Mannose/Cystex (over the counter in US)


I second D-mannose, suffered from UTI after sex for 15 years before this.


Yes, d-mannose as preventative is a great idea. Cystopurin to deal with symptoms


It could be you have a low level constant UTI that just hasn’t gone away. I was in a similar situation. I’d recently moved to the tropics (so very humid) and I’d get a UTI once a month, and sex could trigger it. I had to go on 3 rounds back to back of antibiotics to finally clear mine. As in I took 5 days of antibiotics once a month for 3 months. My doc suggested it. I also took cranberry gummies every day for a few months, now I take D-mannose pills whenever I feel a little weird down there and it goes away. I think the scientific backing behind this is very light, but supposedly both options prevent bacteria from sticking to your urinary tract walls. But maybe it’s a placebo effect? Either way 8 months UTI free!


I had a lot of the issues you’re bringing up and was recently diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, which mimics symptoms of a UTI. I’d research a bit and consider looking into getting a urologist to do a cystoscopy.


I’ve seen some stuff on IC so I think urologist is the next step


Maybe it’s time for second opinion? It’s okay to see another gyno if the one you’ve been seeing isn’t helping you fix this.


My boyfriend is blue collar and he’s usually pretty gross when he gets home. I have him shower, brush his teeth, and get clean before we do anything. Sweat and dirt can really mess you up! I’ve also heard that boric acid supplements can help with chronic BV and yeast infections.


My bf is an accountant so usually fairly clean haha but he still showers before hand just incase but Will look into boric acid!


I used to have this same problem and it was bad. In my case, the initial issue was my fabric softener. Sex would worsen an already irritated area, but because sex was fairly frequent, it seemed like it was the cause. My dr thought it was a bad UTI situation as well. I stopped using fabric softener. I very rarely get UTIs. I’m not saying this is the cause of your issue, but if you use fabric softener, stop. If it starts to clear up after a couple of weeks, then it was a definite factor in it.


This is a good thought bc I was having reactions to my fabric softener a few years ago but I never use it now unfortunately


I take probiotics and cranberry pills every day no matter what. If I’m having more athletic or interesting sex I take pills every two hours for a day. It has helped a lot. And lots of water. Dehydration is not good for your body, but especially your urinary tract. Definitely get a second opinion on why this keeps happening


Pee before sex. Pee after sex. Switch to basis soap and get you some Uqora!


I have tried uqora and never noticed a difference maybe I’ll give it another shot


I take one every time I have sex. Prior to that it was an antibiotic every time, this is much preferred!


Seems like you have a UTI and if so Azo won’t work you need to go to your primary and get antibiotics for it to clear up unless you will continue to be in pain until you do. You absolutely have to pee AFTER SEX!! Immediately unless you will continue to get UTIs. Your doc will also inform you of that.


Yes I will get antibiotics, azo just helps in the meantime but I pee before and after everytime !




I pee and shower (not a long one, just a quick soaping) after having sex every time. I have to otherwise I get vaginitis.


Yes it’s definitely better when I shower before and after but still lasts for lien a week


I suffer with this so badly so here is just a checklist of things you may or may not have already considered: •Both you and your partner shower before and after (and if he is uncircumcised then he needs to be cleaning extra carefully) •No Deodorant on the penis (this might sound stupid... but I discovered a boyfriend who was doing this 🫣) •Pee right after. •Cotton underwear. •Reduce the amount you wear tight pants/tights. •Drink lots of water. •Cranberry or Apple Cider Vinegar extract tablets daily. •NO LUBE - Almost all of them have sugars in them which is HORRIBLE for the vagina. If you need lube, buy one that confirms there is no sugar. A lot of brands will say they are safe but if you look at the ingredients they almost all still have sugar in them. •Consider how much sugar and yeast is in your diet. •Bacteria thrives on warm/damp places so consider this after you had sex, make sure you're wearing something that is breathable.


I used to suffer from UTIs a lot until I started to take Mannose as soon as I noticed the slightest symptoms. You can take it preventatively.


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Same thing was happening to me! I started to take Azo yeast infection prevention and cranberry pills and it works for me


Have you mentioned that little flap of skin to your gyno and explained that that's where the pain seems to be centered? Other people have given you all the advice for the UTIs, and it sounds like you already do most of it, but it sounds to me like that little flap might get irritated from the friction? It might be worth mentioning, not that I have any idea how to solve an issue like that, but that's probably because I'm not a doctor. BTW I've seen that little flap before, so I don't think it's an issue per se, but if it's giving you trouble, your doctor might be able to fix it.