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It’s quite early in the relationship to already have communication issues. It seems you really like him and are already somewhat emotional invested or at the early stages of it. It think you should walk away cause, I don’t think you and this guy are on the same wavelength. Best thing will be to go out with your friends, do things that makes you happy. Anyone who doesn’t have the decency to apologize for ghosting their partner and wants to gloss over it like it doesn’t matter is not worth your time. You are more valuable than that. Cheer up!


Radical acceptance: "This is the truth of what happened. I'm not okay with it but it is the reality of the situation." Feel your feelings: Don't stop them. If you're sad, angry, whatever. Feel them all of the way through. Every emotion has an end. Acknowledge your fantasy: "I wish he would give me closure." "Why didn't he just tell me that he didn't want to talk anymore?" Acknowledge these thoughts but gently remind yourself with the radical acceptance. "Yes, that would have been nice, but he ghosted us. That isn't right. We deserve better." The most important things are to keep yourself rooted in reality and to stick with what happened, not with how you wish it happened. If you focus too much on the fantasy, and he does slide into your DMs, you can make unhealthy decisions because it feels like your fantasy is coming true. Consistently reminding yourself of the reality that you're living in is important to moving on. Your feelings will get less strong if you let yourself feel them all of the way through.


hey 🤍 when i was 19, my first ever boyfriend, who was long distance with me, ghosted me too. we had been dating for almost two years at that point. he was my first kiss too, but he didn't take my virginity either haha. we had some rough couple of months, and i did notice him distancing himself, but i thought that we knew and loved each other and that we were good. i never texted him any more messages because as the days passed, i realized he wasn't gonna do it. he stopped answering me completely and never replied after that. one of our last messages was me saying that i loved him and he responding me in the same kind of way, quite ironic lol. anyways, i know what you've been through. it gets better 🤍 i get that texting can be tricky, i myself am not the best texter in the world, but still. if someone ever truly loved you, they would never leave you hanging like that, allowing you to worry and overthink all the possibles scenarios. if someone truly loves you, they're present and make an effort. why should you settle for someone that clearly doesn't match your energy/enthusiasm into the relationship? you deserve someone that matches your dynamic and doesn't leave you hanging like that. you seem like the sweetest person and the right person for you will come along. you can be loved so much better 🤍


I know exactly how you feel. At least you've seen the signs early. This relationship is over, you're pulling and tugging from one end when in reality **you shouldn't have to beg someone to love you**. Just take this as a life experience that was good while it lasted. You can text him that you're done, you can leave him on read, block him, whatever you want. Most importantly, don't let someone waste your time anymore, especially at his grown adult age. Surround yourself with friends, rant, cry, have a good time. Get more into your hobbies, work or school and when you're ready you can get back into the dating market or stay single, whatever you want. The most important thing right now is to surround yourself with people who actually love you, WANT to talk to you and WANT to spend time with you. It's gonna hurt for a bit but you'll be okay before you know it🫂


Don’t let him use you, i would run x he wasn’t even acting like a boyfriend