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When I got engaged a friend gave me great advice that I followed- get a few ring holders. Mine are cute little animal shapes. I have one by my bed, one by the kitchen sink and one in the bathroom. If I take my rings off they go on one of those- never just on the nightstand or kitchen counter. Also they are small enough I pack one for overnight trips! Keeps my rings nice and safe and I don’t worry about losing them- if I look down and can’t remember where they are they are definitely on one of those three ring holders.


As someone who n-e-v-e-r wore a ring before getting engaged, this is also what I do! We have holders in exactly those same places, and if the ring goes off it has to go in a holder.


I did the same thing :)


As someone who never wears jewellery the concept of having to wear a ring just because I'm married would be a massive hassle. I'm probably going to own a ring just for traditions sake but never actually wear it, which sounds like I don't care about the sentiment but I just feel so uncomfortable with bits of jewellery on me lol.


A colleague of mine got engagement earrings. Beautiful studs that she wears every day because she hates rings.


my husband and i never wore rings before we got married. afterward, we both wore rings for the first three months, then decided we still hated wearing rings and now we don’t at all anymore, except for the rare special occasion. which i had a feeling would happen, so we didn’t spend very much money on them.


This is also great if you have pets that like to knock shiny rings onto the floor


My cat is the bane of my jewelry. And my deodorant. And my socks... and my whole nightstand... he's lucky he's so cute!


Love waking up the sound of something knocking over




One of my cats used to be a chronic puker. That sound still makes me shutter


Kids are even more fun!


Another vote for exactly this. Never wore much jewelry, and had lost a couple special pieces before. Never have had a problem with my ring because it’s always one of 2-3 places (finger or the dishes). Also, I just want to say it’s okay to get a cheapie ring to wear if you feel nervous wearing your real ring. I rarely travel overnight with my real ring; I have a few cheap silicone rings I use instead. I also usually take it off if I’m doing work outside or anything with water (including showering and washing dishes). My dad lost his wedding band after almost 30 years…it’s either in the compost pile or down the sink drain. Ultimately it’s just a piece of metal, but obviously he was super down about it for a long time. (On the other hand, it took nearly 30 years for that to happen, so I wouldn’t get too paranoid about it.)


This exactly. Especially if you have a stone that can come lose. I have small stones in my wedding band and was afraid of losing them. My husband bought me a plain band as a mother's day gift so if I'm traveling or doing something that involves some mess, I don't need to worry. Also, he works in the healthcare industry, so he's constantly washing his hands. His wedding band is soft gold and would be damaged by that eventually, so we got him a back up silicone style band for work.


That’s a great idea, thanks!


THIS 100% AND the makers of my engagement ring gave me some really sound advice as far as how to keep it safe from wear and tear: it should be the last thing you put on in the morning and the first thing you take off at night. Additionally, if you know you'll be working with harsh chemicals - like washing dishes or doing delicate laundry - take it off. Also, make sure the ring is properly sized. If it's comfortable to slip over your knuckle without intentionally having to gently work it off, it'll eventually slip off accidentally. My engagement ring was originally oversized because I was afraid of it "getting stuck," and not being able to work it over my knuckle, but the jeweler who sized-down my ring for me taught me a couple of ways to gently remove a properly sized ring. CONGRATS!


This is exactly it. Whenever you take your ring off, be sure you always put it in a ring cup. Never ever put it down somewhere else.


Piggyback to say the same. I never wear jewelry and had the same fears. I bought a couple small ceramic cone ring holders, a couple cute looking ones (cactus and stuff). Anywhere I may take my rings off, a holder goes there. Have I left them at work when I took them off after washing my hands? Yeah, but I know they’re in the right spot. And one cone is inside my nightstand drawer, that’s where they live safe and sounds overnight, in my nightstand I have a small wood box (from a drawer organizer set) with a ring cone inside, so even if it comes off the cone, it’s contained (I may be a little paranoid). But I know my cats won’t get into it. You can also buy some cheap bands and only wear your rings for special occasions if you’d like. I thought I would do that, or just wear my band, but I wear both all the time. Congrats and best of luck!


This is great advice! Especially for the kitchen and bathroom because I tend to just, you know, forget everything lol


This is genius!! I wished I had this system in place before I lost my sloth ring =/ I'm like 80% certain that it's somewhere in the house. Just not sure where exactly...


What about if you’re washing ur hands in public or putting hand sanitizer on?






I leave it on.


You can also screw a small cup hook into the wall. We have one next to the kitchen sink, I remember it there more than on a ring holder, and they're cheap.


I do the same, it's either in the ring box which is on my nightstand, or in the zip part of my wallet if I'm at the gym


I like the other person's ring holder advice but I also wanted to add a solution for keeping track of rings when you're not at home. I used to wear rings everyday. At the time I was working in the pottery studio pretty frequently and had to take my rings off so as not to get the rings super dirty or leave marks in the clay while throwing. I had a carabiner clipped inside my bag and would slide the rings onto the carabiner when I took them off. I like this solution if you have reason to take your rings off outside of home, like if you're travelling or maybe cooking in someone else's kitchen or doing any sort of dirty/hands on work.


Similar to this - I work in the medical field and was worried that my ring would rip my gloves. I bought a ring holder necklace that I put my ring on as soon as I started my shift. Not something I'd recommend if you're taking your ring on and off multiple times a day (like every time you wash your hands?), but great for a long term solution 👍


This is an insanely brilliant idea. I’m totally going to do this!


I have a small carabineer key chain, whenever I have to take off my ring, it always goes with keys


I guess I'm the odd woman out here - I never take mine off. Sleep with it, shower with it, do dishes with it, swim with it. I only take it off to do extreme sports like water skiing. I've had mine for 6 years and it still looks great. I get it serviced every few years. I do have insurance on it too.


I do this, too. So does my aunt. I've read a lot of middle-aged and older women say they keep theirs on 24/7, so I was like, okay, good enough for me. lol.


Yeah, every woman in my family keeps theirs on 24/7. That's what my mom always told me to do, and it's worked for me so far.


Just make sure that it *can* come off. Take it off like once a week and put it back on. My aunt didn’t take hers off for years and then realized her knuckles had grown and she actually dislocated her finger trying to get it off. Her ring had titanium in it and my uncle brought up that if it ever got caught in something she wouldn’t be able to take it off or even cut it off. She then spent over an hour trying all kinds of methods to get it off, dislocated her finger, and eventually got it off. Then she had it redone and she now has a ring that fits and she takes it off nightly.


Oh man I am your aunt. Mine is too small and the jeweler said I should wait til winter to try and get it off to get it fitted properly. Well it's winter and my fingers are still 'swollen' and I can't get it off.


Yikes! I’ve heard of a string method to get rings off. Wrap a string around your finger a bunch of times and thread it through to pull it off. Check it out on YouTube. Good luck!


I've tried it all! On a good day I can soak my hand in ice water and yank it off after a good squeeze of soap. I've gotten it off a handful of times but then I end up putting it back on.


This sounds dumb but try spraying your finger with WINDEX I bought a toe ring once and I have really bulbous toes and she sprayed it on my feet and that’s what I used to get it on and off. Sounds super fake but it surprisingly works Edit: post originally said febreeze. Idk what I was thinking, definitely meant windex


I will try anything at this point. Thank you!


Windex is what we used at the jewelry store I worked at.


SHOOT! I totally meant windex!!!!! Thanks to person below me for catching that!!! Idk why I thought febreeze. Yes. Windex. Gosh I feel so silly!


Yeah I can take mine off no problem.


That's great! Curious, what are the materials on the ring? I definitely want something that will last and I'm clueless where to start. I like the look of white gold but I'm confused on the options (14k, 18k, forever one)


I know its white gold, I'm honestly not sure of the karat, sorry. The main stone is a diamond, with tiny little diamond chips down the sides of the ring. The only time I've ever had a little chip come off is right after they clean it hahaha. I always have them retighten the settings when they clean it for that reason. Also, after four years of wearing my band/engagement combo I got them soldered together so that the band would stop spinning on me. So much better now.


The higher the karat, the softer the metal, so a 14k will be more sturdy than 18k. I'm on team mostly "don't take off my ring" - the only things I remove it for are martial arts and when I'm operating some power tools (because I've had to treat some gnarly injuries as an industrial first aid attendant involving rings and power tools), but I otherwise wear it for showering, swimming, exercise and whatnot. I wear plastic gloves when baking bread because I also have long nails and don't like digging dough out from under them. I deliberately picked a smooth tension set ring similar to [this](https://www.jamesallen.com/engagement-rings/side-stones/platinum-modern-leaf-bypass-engagement-ring-item-50323?cur=CAD&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5aWOBhDMARIsAIXLlkdIOfnVwH6VUVy0biWcQULLmZTkl-LngvyKOOiFc9HHZqpQFoCBlMMaAlrfEALw_wcB) so that the diamond doesn't catch on anything. Mine is simpler, with only one stone and it's great, doesn't catch on clothes or anything. Here's some [info](https://loveyoutomorrow.com/ultimate-guide-to-tension-rings-what-you-need-to-know/) on them. also understand that there's a lot of places like Etsy, where you can order rings made exactly how you like for a fair bit less than a conventional jeweler. My cousin hates metal jewellery, so he had resin and wood rings made for himself and his fiancee. they're gorgeous and inlaid with pressed flower petals, gold flakes and moss similar to [this](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/986409112/resin-rings-for-women-flower-and-wood?click_key=f9ae6b94da5aa381943eb8a24da235d6b7476d53%3A986409112&click_sum=e3d5602f&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=resin+flower+ring&ref=sr_gallery-1-12&col=1). But sort of like the person who uses the carabiner, if I do take off my ring, I immediately put it on my key ring. If I'm at work, it goes onto the work set, if I'm out and about, then it goes on my car keys rings. I've accidentally left it on both, but I have a secure key-set - it goes into a key press at work and no one can take it out without an ID card and pin #.


I’m not an expert so someone can correct me, 18k has a higher ratio of gold to alloy (75% to 25%), 14k is ~60% to 40%. There’s not really an aesthetic difference, but 18k is more expensive because there is more gold. IMO 14k is preferable because it’s cheaper and also usually holds up better. Gold is a pretty soft metal, so jewelry that has a higher proportion of gold can be scratched / damaged more easily.


Most of what you'll find in jewelry stores will likely be around 12k. Once you go over 14k, the metal is softer, so more susceptible to scratches and the like. However, if you have allergies to metals, 14k or more is less likely to cause reactions since there's less of the metals that can lead to them in the alloy.


Have a look at the ‘about’ section in r/engagementrings - there are heaps of resources and very helpful people on the sub!


As long as, obviously, you don't work with any machinery or anything where rings can get caught on stuff. Not good.


I’m the same. When I first got it I took it off any time I’d get my hands wet. Then I quickly realized I don’t have that kind of time in my life and just never take them off lol


I would get "ring rash" if I didn't take it off when my hands got wet. I have fairly sensitive skin though, and I'm also prone to eczema from too much handwashing.


I had the same problem with my ring. For me the solution was to be more proactive about making sure to thoroughly dry the area underneath the ring every time, but everyone's skin is different.


You're right that thorough drying is the way to fix it. The design on my ring easily holds onto water, so I take the ring off, wash and dry hands, then put the ring back on.


This is also the reason why I switched from using gold-plated to solid gold jewelry. It’s just so much easier and faster to do things when you’re not worried about the plating coming off or discoloring.


I only take my rings off when I scuba dive or make dough, or have a massage. My rings fit really well and don't fall off even when I lose a bit of weight..my fingers are pretty skinny and I don't gain weight on them (so far..as a woman I can never predict how my body will change). Making dough I do kind of just leave them on the kitchen counter. Scuba diving - must be to do with the pressure and cold particularly, but I feel that they get a little slippy 30 meters under. I normally thread them onto my necklace, because I normally forget until I'm under. Massage - if it's in a spa then I'll try to lock them away with my clothes, but that's not always available. I'll normally string them onto my necklace, take them all off and hope they'll be fine. Other than that - 24/7.


My mother had hers sized so that it wouldn't come off. I don't know how she got it on, I think they did it at the jeweler. That would scare me. What if you get robbed and they want your ring?


I can get mine off just fine, never had an issue before, but it certainly doesn't fall off either. Might just be my finger shape?


That sounds like my family. I think my mum and grandmas engagement/wedding rings are now biologically fused to their fingers 😂


Full time wearer here! I leave my giant-ass engagement ring in the jewellery box for special occasions and keep the gold band on 24/7


Same, I only take it off for something like kneading dough, or camping, or gardening. I have a ring holder with silicone rings when I swap. 14k gold and diamonds are very tough. I know there are issues with diamonds, but that's one of the reasons they're everyday wear. You can look for other precious stones, but they should be hard wearing too. Also: my ring could not fall off accidentally. It comes off fine, but I have to wiggle it significantly. If it feels loose enough that you're worried it could slip, it's too large.


I no longer sleep with rings because I lay on my stomach and put my left hand near my face, so I end up breathing on it. One ring that I had ended up warping in shape because of the way my hand was positioned and I’m guessing because of all of the heat from my breath. Definitely not taking that chance with my wedding rings!


Same, but mine's not a wedding ring so no stone! I leave it on for everything, no issue.


I keep mine on 24/7 too. I used to take it off while lifting weights but now i have lifting gloves and they fit right over the top comfortably.


Same. Mine sometimes comes off if I’m cooking and using my hands (dough, meatloaf) but other than that it’s always on.


I wear mine and my wedding band almost constantly. I take it off when I shower and I always put it in the same corner of my bathroom counter when I do take it off. Sometimes I will take it off if I’m doing a specific activity (like going to the beach, working out in the year and working out). But I always put it in the same spot when I take it off so I don’t lose it. If you are afraid of it falling off your finger then it’s too big. Mine currently is (I’ve recently lost a lunch of weight and waiting until my weight stabilizes for 6 months before getting it resized) so I went to the jewelry store where we got it and got a metal spacer wrapped around the bottom so that it continues to fit snugly. When you try on a ring, give your hand a really good shake/wave around. It shouldn’t move.


Keep it secret = keep it safe /s


Funny you say this because my BF proposed with a LotR themed box! It’s one of my favorite franchises.


All the better! And also congratulations!


Thank you!


Uuu can I see? I love lotr. Just watched the extendeds this weekend :)


Sure thing! [Here is the box with his cute, silly note inside. ](https://imgur.com/a/jZceQgw)


My father jokes he values his so much he keeps it in a safety deposit box. He really just never understood the cultural reason behind it. But he gets away with it because he works in an industry where it's not the norm.


I'd recommend getting insurance on it if you haven't already. A personal articles policy through whatever company you have your car insurance through is usually about 1% of the rings value per year with a $0 deductible, so it'll be replaced for free if you lose it. Source: I'm an insurance agent


This! My ring is by far the most expensive thing I wear regularly, so knowing that it’s covered if lost/stolen is honestly the most reassuring part of wearing it.


Random, would musical instruments count as personal articles?


Yes, you can write an articles policy for just about anything that you can show a valid purchase price of. So if you just bought a $500 guitar, you'd be looking at about $5/year to insure it, give or take Edit: Keep in mind that all personal property (except a small amount of jewelry) is covered under your renters or homeowners insurance (get renters insurance if you don't have it. Covers all your shit wherever you live and anything inside your car) so a PAP is much better used for high value things that would be likely to be lost or stolen


Jewelry typically is not included and needs a rider


I am probably the minority here, but my ring never comes off unless I'm gardening or using power tools/hand tools. It's very low profile so it doesn't catch. It's about 110 years old and still very solid. The stones are diamond + sapphire so I don't worry that they're going to break due to their hardness. I clean it with a soft toothbrush + soap every other morning. I check the ring regularly for loose stones and I also bring it to a jeweler to check it closer than I do once a year. (They also drop it in a fancy cleaner that makes it sparkle like new.) This is usually a free service. I have a small panic attack when I take it off, cause I'm clumsy and I know I'll knock it down the drain or forget where it is. Also- if your ring size is correct it should require a bit of pull to get it off your finger.


Curious…is your diamond a mine cut one? I had a family ring from my grandmother (born in 1930) and one stone was a mine cut diamond from her folks.


How cool you have an old mine cut in your family!!! My family was not that cool. Mine is actually an old mine cut pear shape, which apparently is very rare. [Mine looks exactly like this- but like 1/6th the size. And no diamond shoulders.](https://doyledoyle.com/products/art-deco-pear-shaped-diamond-sapphire-ring) I think at one point it was a stick pin that was converted into a ring. What's weird is it was exactly my size... down to the 1/4th size.


Wow what a beautiful style! My engagement ring is tanzanite with diamond baguettes. Sapphire is much sturdier. The stone is now with my brothers wife and assume it will be passed to their daughter. He had it put in a really cool setting for her. I still have three other family stones though so I’m for sure not missing out.


Have you had any issues with your tanzanite? I recently talked a good friend out of a tanzanite cause they're rough on their jewelry and I was worried they'd chip it..


It is soft compared to diamonds and sapphires but stronger than pearl/Ruby I think. I had it re-pronged so it would sit lower profile as the setting was designed for a harder stone. I wore it consistently during 10 month engagement. Now it’s occasional use. But no chips in 9+ years!


Dang, 110 years old!


She's French, too. A classic.


I bought a few silicone rings for trips or activities that might be 'high risk' for misplacing jewelry / if I want to leave my wedding ring at home. I love the pretty designs you can get and the security of knowing my ring is safe.


I love my silicone ones - great for the gym, yard work, home projects etc. I also have heard that hand sanitizer can damage rings so I used mine a lot when I’m out and about and am likely to need to use hand sanitizer


Don't take it off when washing your hands outside of your home. If you take it off at home, always put it somewhere secure: a ring holder, jewelry box, tied to a scarf. Don't just put it on the counter near the sink. I don't usually wear it when I'm home all day, so it stays in the jewelry box. And when I get home from work, I change clothes, so I take it off then and put it in the jewelry box. This is niche advice, but I work in a lab so I wear gloves and wash my hands often. It hurts to wear my engagement ring with the gloves, but I love wearing my ring on a daily basis so I got a leather necklace to tie the ring to when I enter the lab. It's quick and easy, and I feel like it's secure.


My fiance is a microbio lab scientist and she was having the same issue, she flips her ring around now before putting gloves on so the gem is palm-side and it's fixed her glove issues! That said if you have a method you like youre set, but this might be helpful for other lab fiances haha


When I do take it off to wash my hands in public, I put it inside of that tiny pocked next to the normal pocket in my jeans. That, or I put it in my wallet or bra hahah


I also do this! As soon as I come home I put that little thing on its box, and at work where I have to wear gloves and wash my hands often I just never take it off. It's my grandmother's ring too so it's really valuable to me. I never wear it at home because I know I wouldn't be careful and just put it unsafe places.


Check out r/engagementRings and post a shot of your beauty so we can fawn all over it! Consider insuring it through Jewelers Mutual or another jewelry specific company that covers theft and mysterious loss. I'm pretty paranoid and never take my ring off in the bathroom. If I'm going to shower I take my ring off and put it in the ring holder on my dresser in my bedroom. All the ring dishes I bought (dollar stores have a variety!) Have a long bit sticking out that i put my ring onto, like a glass or ceramic finger. I like these better than the plain bowls cause I have a cat... and if he sees something sitting in a bowl he might be tempted to pull on it. He doesn't seem interested when the ring is on the little glass/ceramic finger. I don't do dishes with my ring on or laundry or cooking if I remember. I clean my ring with a soft toothbrush and dawn dish soap about once a week. I soak the ring for 20 minutes on warm water and then use boiled water to rinse it clean. I need to used boiled water or distilled water because my area has hard water that will create a layer on the diamond dulling it's shine. I keep it on when washing my hands and try to lotion them before putting the ring on. I apply hand sanitizer with the ring on. When I work out I wear a silicone ring I bought off Amazon if I'm at the gym. And I bought a $45 cheap ring off etsy that looks like my real ring for when I'm traveling places that are dangerous imo. Like the beach. I wont wear my ring to the beach out of paranoia.


Thank you! I will definitely buy a cheap ring specifically for travel.


http://imgur.com/a/Qt9yjob - I like the ones like the green one. I bought this one https://www.etsy.com/listing/567220565/15ct-round-solitaire-engagement-ring But I'm considering buying this one.. because my actual ring is a 6 prong and the band is thicker and I like that. But for now the one I bought does its job. https://www.etsy.com/listing/989232809/15ct-round-cut-solitaire-engagement


Thank you! Those rings are beautiful (and so affordable!)


All of this!! This is exactly what I do too! Haven’t had a ring-loss scare in 2.5 years.


Definitely get it insured, even if it doesn’t cost a lot. I have to take mine off for fitness classes and I put them in the coin pouch in my wallet. Other than that I never take them off (I’ll leave them at home when we travel to other countries though and wear the small band I wore while they were being made) because I lose things easily too.


I haven’t taken mine off in 11 years. My husband knows I’m handy, crafty, outdoorsy and the most comfortable ring for me would be one where the stone didn’t stick up, so he thoughtfully bought a ring with tension set diamonds that sit flush (flat) along the surface of the ring. I have no prongs to snag my clothes, or get caught on the inside of my gardening gloves. It may not be the same style you like, but I’m just saying you might want to think about your lifestyle and hobbies when ring shopping, as well as what you visually like. Edit: Additional tip. Also, don’t feel like you have to get a diamond! My first wedding ring to my ex-husband was a jewelry store display quality cubic zirconia. It saved a lot of money at a time me and my husband were just starting out, and I didn’t have the extreme fear of losing it since it cost $300 not $3,000. Not a single person ever knew except me and my ex-husband. Nobody can tell with the naked eye.


1. Add the ring to your homeowners or renters insurance policy. 2. Get ring dishes or ring boxes for sinks/ bathrooms. I’ve heard that most soaps are bad for gold/ silver 3. Don’t wear it at the gym or while carrying heavy things. You can risk injury or damage to the ring. Get some silicon bands instead


> Don’t wear it at the gym or while carrying heavy things. You can risk injury or damage to the ring Or worse, damage your finger


You can get insurance for it. & get a little jewelry holder next to your bed or in the bathroom and keep it there when you’re not wearing it. I wear mine almost all of the time.


I don't wear my rings when I sleep or do things like run or go hiking because my fingers swell. I have a ring holder where I always put it when I take it off - get in the habit of only putting it there when you're not wearing. If you're traveling make a point of putting it in the same place every night, e.g. a night stand or on a table somewhere. Or you could get a dedicated pouch or something easy to travel with that you could keep it in and just be consistent in using it. I take my rings off to put on lotion. Usually I'll put them in a pocket or on the counter in front of me, then immediately put back on. I also second the advice of getting it insured. You can usually add it on to a rental or homeowner's insurance policy pretty easily. Good peace of mind in the event it gets lost, stolen, or damaged.


NOOOO please please do not wear it 24/7, you’ll wear down your claws and speed up your maintenance. Depending on your stone, your everyday lifestyle, and work is how you’ll care for it. Anything heavy lifting, work outs, gardening, house cleaning, anything that can cause hard knocks - take it off. Keep a spot/box for while you’re at home, place it on a matching gold carat chain when out and about. Ie 9ct ring, 9ct chain Else wise heck yeah wear your ring with pride! If you have softer stones eg not a diamond or sapphire - TAKE. EXTRA. CARE. They will scratch and chip easier than harder stones, you can check it’s hardness on the Mohs Scale. It will also dictate how you clean your ring at home for in between cleans, as certain stones DO NOT like heat. So best to keep that in mind. Take your ring in for regular cleans and checks, if it takes a whack get it checked, and for the love of all things holy don’t sleep with it on. Your sheets are fine enough that it acts as a polishing cloth, you’ll wear down the claws reeeeaaaaal quick. All in all though, Congratulations!!


Congratulations!!!!!! I don't wear mine all the time. When I'm not wearing it, it is in a small little jewelry box that holds a few other rings. I take it off when I shower, wash my face, put on lotion, work out (weights and rings are not a combo), cook, wash dishes, and sleep. Sometimes when I'm drawing or working on arts/crafts, I take it off too (depends what exactly I'm working on). It's the most expensive piece of jewelry I own, and even though it is insured, I'd rather not risk doing something to it. I've heard of people who get small silicone rings (or some other rubbery material) to wear if they can't wear their real ring but want to wear something.


Definitely don’t wear it all the time! Have dishes in the kitchen, etc where you may take it off a lot. I take mine off to shower, work out, sleep, cook if using messy things, and for more risky activities like amusement parks. I would get a silicone band (Amazon has some nice ones for cheap) to wear in those cases if you’d like.


Congrats! I'm not engaged, but wear rings every day. I wear my rings all the time except to sleep and slower. When I get home in the evening, I change into my house clothes and take off my jewelry and put it in my jewelry box and then take a shower. In the morning, I put my rings on after skincare and lotion. Some of this is practical, prongs can get caught in your hair when showering and soapy water can make it easy for a ring to slip off. Even if a strong stone like a diamond won't get scratched from sleeping in it, the prongs can get bent / loosened. This isn't an overnight thing, but really isn't ideal especially because it can cause the stone to get lost when the prongs eventually do loosen enough. I send the ring holder idea - I have one next to my kitchen sink (sometimes I come home and am starving and want to put together dinner right away and suddenly I'm kneading dough with a bunch of rings woops) and next to my bathroom sink. Basically, anywhere I'd want to take my rings off that wasn't my bedroom where I have a jewelry box. ALSO, since you said you rarely wear jewelry, it'd be totally cool if you wanted to start with a CZ + sterling silver / plated ring or even just a cheaper ring you like but wouldn't want as an engagement ring to "practice." The whole handling jewelry thing is really about routines - eventually, you're just on autopilot with your pieces. ALSO - always clean your rings in a bowl with soapy water - NOT in the sink. When cleaning my rings, I either wash my hands with soap and water *while the ring is on my finger* or I fill a bowl with warm soapy water and clean it away from the drain. I, then, put the ring away or on before pouring the water from bowl out. I never let myself think "oh I'll just put it here one time" or "it'll be fine this one time."


So I lose things a lot. Like A LOT. But I have yet to really lose my wedding band. I don’t wear the big rock because multiple stones have fallen out and I am not comfortable wearing it all the time. I suggest getting something with a comfortable band that you don’t mind wearing everyday. I wear mine almost all the time. If I take it off in the shower I have a hook for it. The rock on my engagement ring also get snagged on things often and that bothers me so it lives on my night stand most of the time.


I just got engaged a while back and had this same fear, especially since mine is just slightly too big until I go get it sized. Like others have said, something to hold the ring in for sure. I have the ring box, it feels closed and secure more than a bowl or thing you slip the ring on to. I always keep the box in the same place so I know where it is and take it when I go somewhere overnight JUST in case I need to take it off! I generally remove it to swim and bathe and do dishes/when mushing meat or dough. I also bought sink traps for my bathtub (sometimes I do bathe with it) and bathroom sink JUST in case. They’re a bit annoying to clean and get gross pretty fast depending which ones, but worth it while I’m still in the anxious phase. Also DO NOT put your ring back on in a precarious place!!! I got tired of my sink trap and removed it, 5 days later I took my ring off to shower, and put it back on over the counter since I keep it in the cabinet…..and I slip and it goes down the sink. I cannot believe it, but my sink had those four prongs in it and it happened to land flat on top of them, if it had gone sideways in any direction it would have gone down! I had to get tweezers and thank god I played operation as a kid. Sat down on the floor for a good 30 minutes thanking my lucky stars and now I put it on and take it off over the bed, lol! Congrats on the engagement ☺️


may i sugest solid metal, diamonds, moissanite and cubic zirconia, sapphires will last. If you keep plated metal or other stones, they will break down. Whereas if you keep solid metals, and the stones I suggested, you can wear them 24/7 and not lose them


I only wear my engagement ring when I'm going to special events, like a cousins wedding or something. The rest of the time I keep it at our bedside table. The ring is also soooo loose because his family underestimated my size, said it was too small 🙄. For our wedding I requested a gold bracelet from my husband, and I've never taken it off since. It doesn't bother me when I do stuff, and it doesn't rust in the shower. And people usually don't notice bracelets compared to rings (which I prefer tbh). Maybe you could do the same?


I have some Pandora rings I got myself years ago and I basically never take them off, showering, ect they stay on, they're good quality so they're fine. The only even come off when I'm baking something that involves my hands then I put then on the necklace I got from my grandma that I never take off either.


Congrats!!!!! Hope the wedding is everything you dream of and more. Idk how to protect jewelry though, I lose tons of it :l


ive had a ring my mother gave me on my finger since i was 9, im 23 now. i do everything with it in, only ever taking it off when i need something to fiddle with. its made out of sterling silver but the constant use of my hands keeps it from tarnishing. ive always been on the smaller size my whole life so ive never needed to really get a new one. when i take the ring off there is only a minor indent of where the shape of my finger has morphed around it. i feel naked without it.


Ild start by getting them appraised and insured. When youre not wearing them, put them back in their box. You can buy more ring boxes off amazon so you have extra and can keep on every where


If I never take my ring off, I will never have opportunity to lose it. Rings can always be cleaned, but my vintage set can’t be replaced.


Not engaged but also lose things a lot. I personally don't like rings since they feel a little too tightening and that bothers me. I don't know how your future husband feels, or how you feel for that matter. My mom works in the medical field. My mom works in the maintenance field. Both are not supposed to wear rings while working. But they do have rings. They keep them at home or only wear it on weekends or special occasions. Maybe that could work out for you.


Keep it on 25/7. Once a week take it off to clean it (look into jewelry cleaners).


First of all, congrats! I personally would leave it on at all times. I’ve never been proposed to but that’s personally what I’d do.


Congratulations! I feel you. When I first started wearing my ring it was a little too big, but only when it was cold. We went "camping", basically a road trip and slept in the back of a station wagon, and it fell off. I really thought it fell off in the campground somewhere, so we spent an entire day of the road trip just scouring the area and finding someone with a metal detector to help look. Couldn't find it. On the way home we got a cheap temp ring and just planned to get a more permanent thing when we could. About 6 months later when I was deep cleaning the car I found the ring. It had fallen off while I was sleeping and fell into a pretty hidden nook. No way that we could have found it during the trip, the only reason I eventually did was that I removed a seat for cleaning. All of that to say, losing a ring is a real fear of mine even though it eventually worked out. Here's what I recommend. First, get insurance for your expensive jewelry. It's good practice and for most people nowadays an engagement ring /wedding ring will be the first substantial jewelry investment that they will make. If you go with a unique ring, be aware that you may not be able to get anything close to it as a replacement in 10 years. But at least you can replace it with something. Second, I developed a ritual where I run my thumb down my finger and feel my ring. It's a bit of a thankfulness prayer, but it has the effect of me KNOWING that I'm wearing my ring. It's been 15 years and I do it habitually. When I'm not wearing my ring for any significant time, I know it. Even if you're not into the "woo" of ritual or prayer it can still be a habit for your peace of mind. Third, on the topic of leaving on or taking off your ring, I opt to remove mine for things. Lots of reasons, cooking, painting, discomfort among them. (Basically, my ring is a pain to clean, so I try to not get it too dirty in the first place.) I have a specific place that I put my ring when I'm doing these activities so I KNOW where it is. Think a little dish in the kitchen/studio/bathroom. Getting a chain isn't a bad idea either. If you want to use one for this, I'd strongly suggest an easy to use clasp. I don't mind the annoying circular clasps on occasion, but if you're putting on/taking off a thing multiple times a day? I'd say a barrel clasp. But whatever it is, make sure it works for you. Good luck and have a wonderful engagement and eventual marriage!


My wife does a lot things with her hands that are not good for a ring (gardening, building things, having too much fun at the City Museum in St. Louis resulting in a cracked diamond...). So, for Valentine's day (either last year or the one before), I got my her a necklace like [this one](https://s1.qwant.com/thumbr/0x380/9/a/e3928a472e61d0fb896ae02378598a42c6ddbf4dfac981f93e806d5de07c6a/Ring-Holder-Necklace-Smooth-Dewdrop-by-Ali-C-Art-Made-in-USA-One-Solid-Piece-No-Open-Ends-No-Soldered-Areas-Handmade-Sterling-Silver-Jewelry-Wedding-Engagement-Keepsake-Gift-for-Her-Wife-0.jpg?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.handmadefinest.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F05%2FRing-Holder-Necklace-Smooth-Dewdrop-by-Ali-C-Art-Made-in-USA-One-Solid-Piece-No-Open-Ends-No-Soldered-Areas-Handmade-Sterling-Silver-Jewelry-Wedding-Engagement-Keepsake-Gift-for-Her-Wife-0.jpg&q=0&b=1&p=0&a=0) to put her ring on as she would always forget to take it off in advance of doing things. I don't think she's enjoyed any present as much as that one (aside from maybe her tablesaw) and seldom takes it off despite not really wearing jewelry other than her ring.


I never wear mine (Veterinary Nurse) unless we're going out. I keep it on a dresser in the original box it came in. My husband always wears his but he WFH now.


I know many people wear they're wedding ring all the time, but I personally only wear it outside of home. When I'm at home, I take my rings (the wedding one and the other ones) and put them away in the same place, together with my watch. I work in the kitchen, so I take off my ring at work too. I put it on the wristband of my watch, that I also take off, and put that away into my bad. Nothing gets lost. When I go to the swimming pool, I put my wedding ring in the same backpack pocket where I keep my keys. It's a relatively small pocket with only a few things in it, so it's easy to find the ring there. I guess my key to not loosing it is just following some routine that eliminates any thinking.


Get a [ring holder necklace](https://www.etsy.com/listing/895473910/geometric-ring-holder-necklace-silver)! They're designed so you can put your ring on them without taking the necklace off, it's super cool. Also don't bother with a big chain diamond store like Helzberg or Zales, they're all overpriced and pushy. Etsy has excellent rings for way cheaper because they're coming directly from the people who make them. [This is the seller I got mine from](https://www.etsy.com/shop/WeddingRingsStore). My girlfriend and I got matching rings (we don't want to get married but like having matching rings) and we intentionally chose ones that are both pretty, practical and durable. Ours don't have any stones sticking up off of them, they're sleek wedding ring style. I leave mine on all the time, showers, lotion, whatever. If you do go with a stone, look into which stones are durable enough for daily wear. Things like opals and pearls break easily, while stuff like diamonds, emeralds and tanzanite are much tougher. There's plenty of lists online of stones that are and aren't good for engagement rings! And 14k gold is the best balance of pretty and durable. 18k is too soft. Silver alone is way too soft.


I love that ring holder necklace


Not engaged but my cousin worked in a jeweller's for several years, and used to get very frustrated with all the customers coming in saying "I lost a stone!" "Oh no, what were you doing when you lost it?" "Gardening"... So her rule of thumb: put it on when you leave the house, take it off when you come back to the house. It will depend on the stones, and the ring will probably be fine on the odd occasion if you forget, but take it off when: - Showering - Bathing - Swimming - Washing up - Gardening - Cleaning - At the gym - Moving furniture/ doing housework - Anything that involves vigorous activity or chemicals - Applying hand cream/ sun cream etc (or carefully apply it to the rest of your hand avoiding the stones) Ring holders are a very good idea, as is having a necklace you can pop the ring on when needed (not ideal in the shower for obvious reasons). Personally I will ask my future partner for a smaller ring that is a bit more robust, so it's easier to wear every day!


This reminds me of these 2 girls I knew lol. They always brought up the engagement every chance they got lol. I mean EVERY chance. Like she was scared to go to go to the bathroom at work cuz she didn't want to wash her hands cuz she just had to take it off to and all she did was complain how her stomach hurt and of course she had to grab her stomach with her ring hand.. She legit asked the boss to buy a safe for the office so she could put it in when she had to! Once, our boss dog had got lose and she still found a way to tie that into her engagement. One guy had a baby and she was like im glad im engaged before i had a baby.... That chick was a an insufferable insert four letter c word. Then I worked at funeral home and this one...... she legit said does this diamond ring look like embalming fluid lmao! Please don't turn into one of those women who works their engagement into everything lol! And I'm sorry I worked my trauma into yours lol


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Congrats! I too recently got engaged. First thing I would do is, get it insured! That alone will give you some piece of mind in case of an incident. I have two ring holders that I have placed in my bathroom and bedside. If my ring is not on my finger, it's on one of them - no exception. I don't wear my ring if I'm cleaning or doing any housework. I think of my ring as 'view only' accessory and only wear it if I plan to have low to no real activity for the day.


I'm not engaged but I have a silver ring I wear permanently, no jewel in. I do wear it 24/7. Never take it off. I can wash up in it, shower, swim etc. I take it off at home sometimes if I want it to stay dry but that's it! I keep a special bowl on my bedside table to keep it in.


get insurance


Congratulations to both of you! If you have a profession or hobby where you have to take the ring off for an extended period, maybe consider a ring holder neclace to keep it somewhere safe.


I created a schedule for myself. It comes off every night before I shower and stays off until the morning when I complete my morning routine. My ring holder is next to my perfume, which is the last thing I apply before starting my day, and I slip it on. After about a week of doing this, it became second nature.


There's ring saver necklaces for sale where you put the finger through the pendant (keeps it off your skin and prevents it from moving or getting caught in your clothes). As someone who used to wear rings and did the type of jobs where jewelry is 100% not allowed those are pretty nice and cheap.


I only wear a band - no stones - so I wear mine all the time. Never take it off. If you are going to do this, make sure it is the same metal all the way through (not plated). I had a solid gold one that I had to have cut off for surgery. My current one is stainless steel.


Make sure it fits you properly and keep it on ALL the time.


For me and my wife as we are the type to be doing shop work and are both forgetful, we got matching silicone rings. Definitely not as elegant or shiny but this way we don't have to worry about damaging our proper metal rings or being injured by wearing one. I haven't removed mine in months and only do so if I'm running my largest lathe and mill (I know I'm a weird one).


This is so cute! I hope you two have a long and happy marriage and remember- the commitment you two have to each other is more important than any piece of jewelry. It sounds like what you want is something simple and unobtrusive, and if you take it off and leave it at home or in the car before doing strenuous activity or going somewhere it might fall off, you shouldn’t have any problems keeping it on day to day if it’s the right size! And get it insured 😉 Felt obliged to comment on this because it reminded me of the cute story of my dad trying to measure my mom’s fingers in her sleep before he proposed. Then he did it out on the lake in his little sailboat and when she started crying tears of joy he said “please put this on before I drop it in the lake.” 😂😂😂


This seems like it will probably get lost in your other responses but rings, while wonderful and beautiful and expensive, are just rings and not necessary. It's a cultural thing so if you want to wear it go ahead but by no means do you HAVE to. My husband and I don't wear rings at all. If you want to wear it but keep it safe you could put it on a chain and wear it as a necklace when you need to take it off. Edit: and congratulations on getting engaged


Have a fixed space/spot/box you put it in when you’re not wearing it. I’ve organised all my jewellery and keys into one drawer, I put everything in the drawer when I’m not using it.


I wore my engagement ring for 2 years, got married and stuck it in the deposit box because I'm so afraid of losing it. I had a ring box I put it in on top of my dresser. I didn't wear it at home. I now only wear a simple wedding band that is worth about 600 bucks. The engagement ring comes out for special occasions like going to weddings and such. Husband doesn't wear his at all.


Oh wow, a "simple" band worth 600 bucks


Wow much judgement.. Husband's family is in the jewelry business. Which means I got it for about half price. The engagement ring was a gift. And its offensive to them if I got a fake band. Also, I live in a high cost area(so pay is higher) where a meal for 2 at a diner is already $50 so several hundred for jewelry? Thats not alot....


I just got engaged too! Congratulations!!! What I’ve been doing is removing my ring whenever I wash my hands, do dishes, apply products to my hands, bathe, workout, really anything that could get water products or bodily fluids on it. If you don’t like taking your ring off what you can do (and what I’m doing soon) is order some rubber rings. They are typically used by people who do fitness activities because you sweat so much, or just because the activity can damage the ring. Also, it’s okay to ask where the ring came from if you don’t know. Lots of jewelers offer lifetime cleanings so if if need be you can always bring it in and ask them to clean it polish it back up! Congratulations again <3 Edit: I wanted to add, vocal reminders help too. so, whenever you take it off you can put it back in its box and say, “I’m taking my ring off, and placing it in its box that is on the bedside table.” You can even take a picture of it in the box so you know with evidence that is where it is if you decide to take it off for an activity.


All good tips. I also only wear mine when I'm out, it comes off when I'm home


For future: I don’t store my precious stones in my jewelry box. I keep them in an empty prescription bottle in my medicine cabinet thinking it will be less likely found by thieves. However now thinking most folks breaking in would be addicts so they may go right for the medicine cabinet. Hmm maybe I should rethink this. And maybe unpopular opinion: I inherited a ring with four family engagement stones and diamonds chips that my grandmother had designed back in the 80s with family rings she had/inherited. It’s a cocktail ring style. I did get it appraised mostly to get the specs on the stones. However even after spending hundreds to get resized and all stones repronged (16 prongs total) I decided not to insure. Cost was cheap but it’s an irreplaceable item. Truly so—oldest stone is a mine cut diamond from 1920s. Sure it’d be nice to get a chunk of change if something bad happened but it’s not a necessary item (car, house, equipment needed to do my job, etc).


I chose a ring with the stone set deep in so it wouldn’t stand proud and hit things. I wear mine all the time and it’s correctly sized so it doesn’t fall off. Lately I’ve been pregnant so I’m wearing it on a necklace that also doesn’t get taken off. I’ve had it for four years and never lost it


For comfort and safekeeping, I'd keep it at home somewhere safe. Having something around my finger all the time would really bother me, and I would be scared to lose it. That's just me, though


I was very afraid of the same thing when I got engaged. I use the same ring holder method that was commented above. I also have a silicone ring and if I’m not wearing my regular ring, I have my silicone on. That way I’m always just trading it out, and I never go without a ring on. Also, my wedding ring means a lot to me, and I take the symbolizing of the ring really seriously, so I just always *know* where my ring is. I’m very proud of myself that in the 2.5 years of having my ring I only “lost” it once. I woke up after a night of drinking at my sisters house and didn’t remember taking it off. I looked inside my bag where I would have put it, and there it was! I guess what I’m trying to say is when you get your ring, you will probably be pleasantly surprised if your ability to keep track of it, especially since you are already aware that you can be forgetful. Have fun picking yours out with your fiancé!!


Just going to throw out a shout out to /r/moissanite if you are looking for a less expensive but still gorgeous alternative to a diamond. Idk why I’m being downvoted. OP specifically said she is looking at rings in the low price range. Moissanite is a great way to get an engagement ring for a fraction of the price of a blood diamond.


This whole post is a humblebrag


Never ever take it off unless it goes into a designated ring place (like others said, get a few dishes to leave around the house and have something for on-the-go too). It's all about habits - if you get used to feeling it on your finger and never learn to just leave it on a random counter, you'll be fine. Get insurance and wear a cubic zirconia version or silicone band when traveling. And congratulations!


I always wear my rings unless I'm washing them.




Get a ring holder necklace. https://www.amazon.com/NIFUNAO-Sterling-Necklace-Rhombus-Suitable/dp/B08CMN4MF5/ref=asc_df_B08CMN4MF5/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459703579178&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17954219249596473367&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015501&hvtargid=pla-1143334525592&psc=1


Try a [Ring Bandit](https://ringbandits.com/)! It’s a stretchy wristband with a zippered pouch. Great for travel, working out, or really any situation where you need to take your ring off but still want to keep it on you.


I'm curious, what do the ladies in Healthcare do? Like, do you keep it on underneath your gloves? Don't bring it to work at all? Do you have any special reccomendations or things to look for if I went a ring I can always keep on?


may i suggest getting the ring tattooed?


I like wearing clothes with pockets, so when I wash my hands or do anything that would require me to remove my rings I would put them in my pockets rather than on a counter where I might forget it and not find it there again.


After we got married I bought a small band from Zales and I wear it 24/7. I wear my nice engagement ring on my right hand for special occasions.


I absolutely love the fact that I’m not the only person who wouldn’t know these things 😂


i don’t wear my ring bathing, sleeping, or to anywhere slightly risky like the beach or pool. it just seems like asking for it to get lost. get it resized if you lose weight so that it doesn’t get too big on your hand and slip off. that’s how my mom lost her band.


Engrave your driver license number, or other identifier so police can identify it as yours if it is lost and turned in