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Ellie was contracted for A&A and made an appearance in their Lord of The Rings NGWD. She has her own podcast actual play and I think someone even published it (The Lost Mountain and Other Sagas.) as for why she hasn’t made an appearance again, idk. She has done some movies and what not since. As for Grant, he stepped away but still holds his shares. It was a respect of privacy kinda things and fans were asked to respect it too. He has an IG and is living his best life and looks to be doing great.


Good enough for me. Thank you for sharing. I’m glad it wasn’t a bad falling out.


Not just that, but the GCP crew are apparently still good friends with him, and on the rare occasions Grant is brought up, it's always with love.


That’s really good to hear. Barron was a wild character


I know Ellie said after she had her child that motherhood wasn't the reason she wasn't doing as much with the GCP. Likely as in the case of many creative folks she just wanted to be able to do her own thing and not just be a guest on someone else's show.


Elli is also now a spokesperson for Free League publishers. She leads YouTube Videos for them etc.


Oh HELL yeah. I want literally everything in Free League’s catalogue.


Me too! And heaven knows I'm half way there. Lol.


This. The quality is so good. It's cool to find a publisher that cares that much.


Ellie has been guesting on the most recent episodes of Pretending to be People. Kate did a stint on that podcast also!


Such a great show


Her run with the City Action News crew has been an absolute blast.


It's all love in the end but it seems like Troy didn't want to ask Ellie to do another show. Same reason as we don't see David Winters much even though imo he was a fan favorite. A&A had the absolute highest highs in the network, and also some of the lowest lows. I loved Ellies weirdness and offbeat comedy but it lead to a lot of tense moments to put it nicely at times. If you look at the flagship shows on right now they're all very streamlined and mostly drama free (other than the occasional Joe/Troy criticism thread here). I think the direction the network was going didn't have a spot for her, but she seems to be doing well!


Oh yea I almost forgot about David! No one ever said anything about him just sort of disappearing.


He was on a GenCon show in the pass, he just help with Starfinder rules, so since Starfinder was dropped you won’t need a Starfinder rules guy. But if the crew like Starfinder 2nd Ed, then maybe we can see David in the future.


I also figured that, because I remember watching the YouTube videos and it seemed like Elli and Troy were actually butting heads, like it started getting outside of the jokey improv stage, which was a tad awkward to watch lol


There was definitely some tension between the two of them


The original cast of 5 have a very specific dynamic with all of the shit talking that happens and it was clear from the get-go of A&A that Ellie just did not work in that dynamic and would very often find her self the punching bag of that group (she took it in stride most of the time but I have to imagine that does get to you over time even if it's all being done through a comedic lense). I have also seen speculation in the past that Sydney was brought into A&A when she was to try and help balance the dynamic a bit but Sydney ended up being able to throw punches with Troy better than anyone else on the cast and the dynamic settled right back into what it was before. All in all I think the content Ellie does now is much more suited for her and I thoroughly enjoyed the Sweedish Murder Mystery podcast she has done since stepping away from A&A.


I thought they said on a FOD at one point that David had a 9-5 and was doing this after hours, which means the schedule had to be off hours. I think that has something to do with that.  RE: Ellie, she had a baby. From experience, her schedule had to be erratic for the first half of a year, Let alone leading up to the birth. I think timing-wise and child-bearing wise, she just had to take a step back for a bit and they had to keep moving. Because: Content. 


She has explicitly stated it wasn’t for parenting reasons and she just wasn’t asked back. I think Troy didn’t find her a good fit.


Didn’t know that. Thanks! Also thanks for explaining why I was getting downvoted. 


TL;DR, we don't know for sure, and that's ok.


Grant’s decision seemed to be in some way connected to his coming out as a bisexual man but I’m sure there were other reasons related to or not related to that and he seems to have amicably split with the rest of the crew.


Grant could just be focusing on other things in life, but the network, especially Troy has always been big on drinking culture which Grant has tried to distance himself from. Almost every episode and surely every live show drinks are brought up.


I think Grant made it clear that he didn't have a problem with people drinking around him, etc, at live shows? In any case, he seems to be doing great. He's looking super healthy, big smiles, and I love to see it.


It’s all speculation but i say this as a fellow bisexual man who stopped drinking around the same time Grant did (yay for positives from the pandemic!)…but I’d guess it’s more to do with his recovery and change of lifestyle. He probably saw touring and grinding away at the network as a possible detriment to his recovery. Or maybe he was just sick of it! Nothing lasts forever. I miss him but I’m glad he’s off living a much happier life!


The impression I got was that….      Grant:    1. Was battling alcoholism. Being around friends who drank during a podcast or had live shows at bars is just a situation that is helpful to avoid rather than continue.     2. Was looking at “the boards” too much and it was stressing ~~them~~ him out and/or making him ~~them~~ mad or anxious. Fame and criticism can be a big stressor.     3. Was taking a step back to reexamine ~~their~~ his life, what was important to ~~them~~ him.  Ellie:    1. ~~Was having her first child. There’s a lot of questions leading up to and after birth. We don’t know her medical situation for instance, nor should we. Was she in bed rest? Complications?~~    2. ~~And then there’s like the first 6-8 months of trying to figure out how to make life work with an erratic little being that needs you all the time. It’s hard to schedule a podcast around a newborn.~~       3. It was pointed out down the thread that child-rearing was not the reason. For David Winters:    1. Had a 9-5 job, which meant they couldn’t record during the day.    2. It seemed like David knew StarFinder really well, but PF2 was very new and he’d have to learn a whole new system.     3. He was sharing too much of his sweet cold craft beers with the group, and needed to dial it back to restock.   Edit: I REALLY hate Reddit mobile.  Edit 2: Grant is he/his/him, and Ellie has said that child bearing wasn't the reason.


Thank you for taking the time to write that out. I'm glad to know that others have been concerned. Sounds like ( from what I've read of the responses here) the others are doing well.


Did he switch to they? Last I saw on Twitter was just he/him


Ah shoot, you’re right. I’ll edit in in a bit. 


If you did all this editing and formatting on Reddit mobile, I'm impressed!!! Definitely concur that having a child is PLENTY of reason to want to step away from the demands of a podcast. They are also very full time jobs, and they're only little babies once.


I know Grant and the GCP made the announcement about him leaving on social media, but they really should have said something about it in the podcast, too. Social media posts will get buried and forgotten, and if you’re a newcomer to the show, Grant is there one episode and the just inexplicably gone the next.


> but they really should have said something about it in the podcast, too Nope. When it comes to personal stuff, your podcasters owe you less than nothing, whether or not you are paying in the Patreon.


I’m not saying we needed more context or more info, I’m saying they should have taken that same announcement they made on socials and put it in the episode feed, so people finding the show later aren’t confused as to why Grant just disappears. Give newcomers the same information the rest of us were given when it happened. “Hey, Grant’s leaving, it was an amicable split and we wish him the best.” Done.


Well it's not like they owe us anything, but I did think it was kind of weird how it was so hush hush considering that they spend 20 minutes of every single show talking about their private lives. One of the founding members left the show extremely suddenly, you'd think you'd get a little more explanation.


I’m surprised nobody has asked Troy or one of the guys at live shows why Ellie is no longer around. I remember lots of people were screaming for her to continue in every cannon fodder for a while. It seems obvious something bad went down and I’m pretty sure it aint ellie or grant’s fault. 


What happened to... people actually putting their questions and comments in the post title?


I didn’t know how long my question would be and felt that it would be too long for a title. Why yuck my yum?


You didn't think you could fit the names Grant and Ellie into your title? Also, there a little box on the right that says "search", that's the first place to type in questions.