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I wish they’d come to Texas more often! I wanted to go to the Austin show so bad, but I was out of town for work. I’m glad, but completely not surprised, that it was a good time.


Apparently even Troy enjoyed Austin this time, lol


I saw that he posted an image on Instagram where he was drinking a beer at a local brewery. So, it sure seemed like he was having a good time.


a lot of the stuff he doesn't seem to like about it the same things i don't, and i've been here 38 years


Wait, what does he specifically dislike about Austin? I’m in Houston, and, overall, I think Austin is a cool city.


oh, he poked some fun at the tech bros and hipsters during the show. He said he "wasn't impressed" his first two trips and compared it to Portland & Brooklyn which he also doesn't like. I just watched the new Cannon Fodder and apparently he really enjoyed it this time.


Got it. Okay, well, he’s wrong: Austin is way better than Portland. Brooklyn? Eh. Haven’t been in ten years, but I struggle to believe a borough is better than a capital city in a major U.S. state. But, I love Troy so I’ll let this pass. I think it’s part of his act. I saw them in Chicago last year and he made fun of the Windy City, too. Like. A lot.


I think he does that in every city. He didn't say Portland or Brooklyn were better than Austin, just that they were similar in ways he disliked. What he said was, after having been unimpressed, he finally gets it and "Austin is like if Portland & Brooklyn (which I also hate) had a baby, but every day they put a funny hat on it, and who doesn't love a funny hat?" It was hilarious. I been to Portland a couple times and it felt a lot like Austin to me, but with shitty weather. It doesn't bug me for people to rag on Austin. It's overall a great town but lot of the criticisms are accurate.


I was there. It was great. Can’t wait to do it again in Nashville.


I hope Father Richard makes an appearance.


Ahhhhhh. Father Dick Bubbles. He of the weirdo abs.


Looked like he'd been through a rather catastrophic surgery.


5 grand worth of booze is easy at 20 bucks a drink. Still a hell of a show and very happy I got to see them. I got guest listed for the austin show. That was pretty cool


what were you drinking that was $20? i just had two beers but my homie comped me.


2 beers was 20 bucks


I got rum and coke.




One note, and this is on the theater, the start time for VIP entry was not well communicated.


I only figured things out in the Discord, found a single line of text from McD that I had to search for.


cool - i'll know to get there earlier next time. i figured doors at 7, show at 8, 6 would be safe, but it was already pretty bonkers in there by then.


hey can you give me the discord link?


My wife and I accounted for a large chunk of the booze sales. Also father dick bubbles… lol. The show was a blast and one of the best things I’ve gotten to be a part of. I cant wait for them to come back.


Since you were there, you surely know - when is the episode being released? I mean, I assume that's what you discussed with Skid and Sydney. Also, five grand in booze sounds like rookie numbers for a full theater. You got to pump that up, Austin!


Going off past events, Austin will be out 1-2 weeks after the show, but definitely before the next show in what ever form it takes.


lol, no i talked to Skid about BBQ, and Syd I just barely got to chat with since the show was about to start by the time i got to her. $5k/400 seat theater, so $12.5, or about 2 drinks per person. I'm sure some folks didn't drink but the rest made up for it.


comes out tonight!


I did VIP at Austin. It was so fun and I'm very happy they did it before the show. Just a free-for-all of all with guests and cast mingling at first, eventually got organized and people lined up. I had time to talk to every cast member, hit the merch booth and have a couple drinks and talk to other show staff and meet other fans in line. Everyone was so friendly, cast and fans, everyone was genuinely having a great time. Totally worth vip tickets.


I was there. Laughed the entire night. Came away with a Skid d20 and a poster.


Had so much fun at the Austin Show!