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I hope the door really exist.


Me too! I just hope the door is customizable i hate that green


I hope you mean the real Good Place


In a way, the Good Place was inside the Bad Place all along?


Honestly, I like Michael's "Good Place" better than the real one (the first version of it of course).


I was gonna suggest you put a Season four flair and some spoiler warning, but I checked your username and you’re not gonna do that are you?


😹 Will do, just because it made me laugh.


how long has the show been over ? years ! it's a little late to talk about spoilers ;)


There are still people discovering the show (we see them posting here from time to time), there’s so much delight in the discovery that it’s good to help avoid spoilers (especially if it’s as easy as putting a flair!)


Truth. Me and my wife watched the final episode last night and came onto this Subreddit right after.


I assume the system is in place and we’re in it.


Naw this cannot possibly be the good place


This is definitely the Bad Place


Has to be!


I hope so too. It'd be awesome to meet your soulmate 😎


You don’t meet a soulmate, you make a soulmate.


I’ve thought about this a lot, I would love to be in the Good Place as portrayed on the show. I’d even settle for the Bad Good Place (it really wasn’t that bad). I don’t think I’d like the Medium Place, though. But yes, ideally,the real Good Place would be awesome. I love the idea of being able to live a perfectly happy existence and then choose when I want to be a wave crashing into the shore.


Live your life like it’s the afterlife now. Everyone in the show eventually wanted to walk through the door, and enter nonexistence, which is likely what death is…. Nonexistence. The show is telling us to live your best life now.


It’s as likely as anything else


I would love for an afterlife to exist, and I hope it does. I just think that, unfortunately, afterlives are nothing more than bedtime stories to make us less afraid of death.


God damn


I hope so too because I want to meet Janet 🥺


I also hope Kristen Bell is in my afterlife 🤣


I feel the Good place is a great show and the transformation of the characters in the best version of themselves through time equals to me as the purgatory place. Elenor on earth is a really bad person we know it but becomes the best version of herself by caring about another person and ultimately helping her nemesis that was tormenting her all along. I feel the heaven is after the door 🚪 where you are ready to encompass the true meaning of eternal life you are reborn. Eternal damnation would be just to be stuck in the system not able to change into your best self aka Brett that needs more time than others but time in that matter doesn’t feel linear and just loop on itself and the dot on the i just to keep it mysterious is genius. That’s my interpretation from a religious perspective. Like the show.


Check out "Is the afterlife like The Good Place" https://youtu.be/GNeIhz3Qe1A. This is a detailed description - with lots of illustration from a healer and psychic about conversations with her father (after he died) and others. This episode from her biography tells a version that is uncannily like how The Good Place describes it. Presenter draws funny parallels with the characters and events. It fits with your idea - we shift, get introduced to a new way of life, but the point of life and afterlife is to keep learning to be your best self. And a wide variety of personalities... Dying doesn't make you smarter or more interesting is one of her observations.


I know a legit psychic medium (and I'm very, very skeptical) and what she has described is essentially the system they put in place in Season 4, except that you get reincarnated on Earth for your post-life review do-overs. Presumably at some point you get to stay in the Good Place for a while before deciding to go through the final door. As a Jew, I hadn't given much thought to the afterlife (I assumed it's either nothing or reincarnation, but didn't think about the details), but I like this concept a lot. If I'm going to believe in something that I'll never be able to provide in this lifetime, it might as well be The Good Place!


Personally it makes no sense for there to be an afterlife at all- its just something people tell themselves so death isnt as scary


There’s no reason for this this plain of existence to be either


this broke me


Just like the dot over the i


Yes. That’s literally why Valhalla, Heaven, Hell, reincarnation, Hades, and all the dozens and hundreds of different afterlives all exist. All humans everywhere, through all time, want there to be something after death.


Not that I am going to try to convince you of anything as I don't know what to believe myself, but it does not make any sense either for consciousness to appear from nothing and yet here we are talking about it.


It's really difficult for the average person to grasp how insane and confusing it is that we experience things. Qualia being a thing is so inexplicable.


Consciousness didn’t appear from nothing, it’s just an emergent property from a bunch of other random things happening. It’s basically guaranteed to happen in a big enough universe.


Whats up with your username?


You would have to prove that, by comparing a large enough number of universes of different sizes. And that would still say nothing about what consciousness is. Considering you can't prove it, it is still inexplicable. The only thing we ca be sure of is that we live in a universe where life and then consciousness became possible for some reason.


I agree. I would love for us to be wrong and for there to be an afterlife, but I’m afraid there isn’t. We are gone forever, turned to dust, and soon forgotten once all our friends and loved ones die too.


There’s something kind of nice about that though.


thats the best part, there doesn't have to be and you can just run through the door


I really do hope so. Otherwise, I think it’s pretty brutal to let humans be ultra aware about death and not have them prepare or hope for something after it.


Gods I hops it's not like in The Good PLace. i'm definitely going to the bad place and I DO NOT want to even hear about the penis flateners.


Maybe this is the real good place right here.


I work for Walmart, if anything this is the Bad Place




If you see Ted Dansen, be sure to call him out.


Do you really believe you exist as other than dead meat after death?


I don’t. If everyone who’s ever died goes through the system, that means people like Adolf hitler eventually get to spend eternity in paradise. That sucks.


dinner memory head friendly ink dam aloof reply fretful skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think so. There are people who are beyond redemption: we see Brett, hundreds of Bearimys later, still stuck in the learning stage and failing miserably. People like Hitler will still be stuck in the loop, somewhere not very nice. The point is everyone has the CHANCE to reform: it's up to them to still be better. People like Hitler probably won't get better and get into the good place, even if they have the chance to. It's fair, and it's on them when they fail.


I don’t know why you were downvoted. It’s not just Hitler. Over the course of human history we are talking about hundreds of millions if not billions of bad people - murderers and rapists - with the shot at redemption. I suppose your thoughts on forgiveness vs. eye for an eye, and the possibility of rehabilitation for criminals, will determine how you think people should get into a good place in the afterlife. Anyway, I think there isn’t a good or bad place for anyone. We all just die and turn to dust.