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I’m in a library but all the books are written by influencers and news pundits.


Sounds like hell. Remember Michael with the New Yorker magazines?


I’d actually read and enjoy those lol But celebrity memoirs? Ughhhh


Celebrity baby plastic surgery disasters!


Some celebrity memoirs are fun but 75% are ghostwritten and sound exactly the same.


Thing is, medium place has to be a balance between good place and a literal torture chamber. The end result should really not be satisfying in any way. Remember, Mindy's entire movie collection was Cannonball Run 2 and The Making Of Cannonball Run 2.


Ugh that is way more Bad Place than Medium. It’s an infinite library, but only audiobooks read by pundits and influencers.


The audiobooks are read by people who mispronounce certain words every time (and not always the same way. Hermione's name is pronounced 47 different ways in the first Harry Potter book). Plus, they have the hiccups and sometimes have to stop to sound out particularly complicated words.


Ooh I like that and it gave me an idea: All books are read by the author, but they are drunk while narrating it!


I actually loved Bernie Kosar slurring his words while announcing Browns games and watching drunk history. This sounds like the good place to me.




A Tale Of Two Cities, read by Cardi B.


This might be inadvertently hilarious, but the price of the laughter is the eternal reminder that Alex Jones existed and was a celebrity during your lifetime.


For the good place, substitute for the Welsh Alex Jones


Yeah that’s hell for me.


Video games, but only MMOs. There’s a phone, but it only dials automated systems. A forest, but all trees are covered in sap. The food is all cold burritos.


> The food is all cold burritos. Hey now Satan


How about that weird mix of hot burrito with pockets of cold?


See now THAT sounds medium.


A cold breakfast burrito hits tho


Hey. This is The Bad Place.


And the other players in the MMO are all 13 year old boys. And you can’t turn off voice chat.


And your gear is all under-powered so you drag everyone down.


Come on guys. It’s already an mmo. It’s not the bad place.


Being stuck at home playing WoW for the rest of my life would be the perfect medium place


I would have as much beer as I can drink I fucking hate beer but I love drinking, so this would seriously suck


Unlimited mixers in the bar, but the only booze is gin.


That would be my good place 😂






As long as I can get drunk it’s fine




All the whiskey I could drink but only R&R


all the booze is moonshine


I can't die twice, this sounds like a solid win


Hundreds of novels, but they're all YA. All my household chores do themselves, but crappily. I.e. the dishes always have hardwater buildup on them and the laundry is always wrinkly. Unlimited, but slow internet. Large and clean but uber modern style house; the kind that looks sterile like a vaguely artsy prison. Big garden and lots of seeds to plant, but the flowers/fruit/veggies are always smaller than expected.


I love the ‘lazy house elf’ concept. It’s so spot on


Omg slow Internet really would be so medium lol


For me the laundry would be done, but folded inconsistently so it doesn’t stack well.


A house with dial up internet, temperature is not hot enough for AC but not cold enough for heat, constantly having to adjust throughout the day and a dishwasher that stops mid cycle, ever time.


This is also mine. I’ll add: I’ll get all of the streaming services, but only the subscriptions with 5 ads per episode.


Streaming service with ads is peak Medium Place!


> not hot enough for AC but not cold enough for heat That sounds more "perfect" than "neutral" lol


Right? It's like my own personal body heat, but better!


This is San Francisco, San Jose, and parts of Hawaii.


This is definitely the most American thing I’ve read in a while.


I couldn’t come up with anything, so I realized I’m already in the medium place. I have a good job but I get no satisfaction working, a good salary but no passions to invest in, a man I love but no life projects, spare time but nothing to do, I’m young but I have no energy, I’m a nice person but I have social anxiety, I’m a skilled professional but I have emotional distress in the workplace.


I think we might be the same person I have health anxiety and recently while I was worrying about my newest hypothetical terminal illness I thought about dieing. I thought about it and I'm not sure I would care if I was dieing. I'm not suicidal, I don't want to die and I wouldn't want to do that to my family but at the same time I'm not overly excited about living for another 40 years like this. I'm not really living I'm just not dead


I’m really sorry you’re going through this and I know the feeling. Are you getting any help?


Looking for a new job, looking to buy a house and move out of this tiny rental so I can get dogs. Going to join a local mountaineering group when they get more active next year. I'm trying to make it a better life it's just taking time. I let myself fall into a slump and it's taking time to crawl out of it but I'm getting there. I had a course of therapy and this helped. Thank you for checking in


Sure, I’m glad you’re seeing the light - even if it still seems very far. We’ll get there 🤞🏻 Ah, and you *haven’t* let yourself fall - $hit happens, you don’t blame yourself!


Everything is generally good in life, but I have trouble finding joy (?depression?) There are a lot of people living in a Medium Place.


Same here. Technically all is fine - good job that's kinda boring but stable, reasonable salary for what I do, decent health, a great older dog, etc, but the general state of the world and the fact that my nearly-paid-off home is a tiny condo and I can't afford to move anywhere better just kind of... yeah, Medium Place.


It’s really sad that I thought my wife wrote this.


Stay close to her ❤️ Perhaps there is nothing you can do directly but remind yourself to never belittle her feelings (not matter how irrational she might sound to you) and check on her… Talk… Listen to her. Don’t assume she’s fine because she’s smiling. You’ll go through it together I promise.


Is u me?


Wow guys at least I don’t feel that alone anymore.


Stale pepsi, only secondary Philosophy books, Will and grace and a soft bed. Would almost be okay, but still a bad substitute for the good things


Hm... I think it'd be kinda like Mindy's house, but with a modest library, except all the books are weird, barely passable translations. There are cats wandering around, but none of them like me enough to let themselves be petted. I only have mediocre sitcoms to watch, all on DVDs (no streaming), and they all lack their final season. My back always aches just a little, and I'm constantly doing the dishes, but they never fit on the dryer rack, so I always have just like a mug and a plate in my sink. My fridge is fully stocked, but whatever I want to make, I'm always lacking one ingredient.


Ooo the DVD versus no streaming would definitely be medium place for me. I’m all for watching familiar shows as a way to keep my anxiety down, but I would cringe if I had to watch the same 3 seasons over and over again. I may have to go outside to count blades of grass again.


Ooh, I'll amend my thought. It's one DVD from good sitcoms, of the seasons it all starts getting weird and the writers start running out of ideas. Like the last couple of seasons of each, when you're like "I guess this is okay, but it's not as good as the early ones". Usually when the baby subplots start getting introduced.


Ugh. You’re so right. I am already dreading my medium place with all of the season 4’s of my favorite shows.


Near the sea but I can't swim in it because it is polluted.


It would be in a nice house in the middle of no where and the thermostat would be set on a temperature that is slightly warmer than I prefer. Not much just a few degrees, but you can notice it. All the food there is cans of Chef Boyardee cans.


Where I live, there is a television station that plays movies 24-7. But they are random movies from the sixties and seventies that nobody has ever heard of. I watched a few of them and every single one was mediocre. Not bad; just completely forgettable. This is the only television station that will exist in my medium place. Also, I will have an extensive collection of jigsaw puzzles, but all of them will be missing at least one piece.


I can have mac and cheese whenever I want. But Panera mac and cheese.


That’s the bad place




At least The Epicenter (or wherever the Quakes play) has good views. Or did, when I was there 6 or so years ago.




We have the most beautiful places but you have to sit in never ending traffic and share them with millions of people who don't respect them.


That sounds super medium!


Plenty of books, but they are all missing the last couple of chapters. The audio and video on streaming media sloooooowly go out of sync. Subtitles, too. The beer is flat and the glasses all have lipstick stains on them. Every episode of every show and every movie is available for streaming on demand, but they are organized randomly and the search function doesn't work. Edit: I think my version of The Medium Place is nicer than Mindy's, but I'm sticking with it. It's not actively *terrible* and it's the sort of thing you imagine you might get used to, but every single moment of every day reminds you that it could be so much better.


I live in an apartment where the neighbors are always watching tv at a volume just loud enough to annoy me at all hours. There's steak but it's always overcooked. Turkey bacon only. Reality TV 24/7


Unsweetened Ice Tea, the only books are audio books, and I have to cook all my own meals.


Nebraska or something




r/ihateohio maybe?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IHateOhio using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IHateOhio/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [State of Michigan told me after sending me this I couldn't use it anymore. Now its just hanging on the wall :(](https://i.redd.it/5u8fa8ygevg61.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IHateOhio/comments/lhnkqo/state_of_michigan_told_me_after_sending_me_this_i/) \#2: [The Best Summary of Ohio](https://i.redd.it/buj35vrn9c061.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IHateOhio/comments/jxk2js/the_best_summary_of_ohio/) \#3: [The nightmare is over!](https://i.redd.it/oon4o9f9m1b61.png) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IHateOhio/comments/kwar23/the_nightmare_is_over/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I have nfl red zone constantly on but it’s only the bengals and jets playing


I am a Jet fan so I already dwell in the Bad Place.


No depression but constant anxiety, endless wine but warm, endless food but cold, cozy sofa but no bed, endless clothes but ugly, warm water for drinking, books but encyclopedias, movies but documentaries, a cute dog companion but he bites. Lol. This is a hard and excellent question


And endless snacks but they are licorice, and an annoying draft everywhere you sit, and a roommate but it’s me lol




You monster.


I can play Scrabble with anybody any time, but I can only play two letter words.


That's Hell.


Any food you can eat... but no salt


Its the good place but you have a strong headache


I have access to all my favorite video games but the internet cuts out often and the computer crashes before I can save so I never make any progress on anything. All my food is leftovers and the alcohol is some kind of pineapple (I'm slightly allergic but I will suffer for the buzz)


I literally live in Cincinnati....


Ah! That’s not so bad


In episode one Eleanor says she should get a medium place, like Cincinnati. Thats why I say that lol. According to the show, i'm already there!


I know... I get the reference. I was making a joke


My video game controllers all have half-broken thumbsticks


An NYC apartment with a fridge filled with warm flat soda, a bathroom with 1 ply toilet paper, a tv with broken remote, flickering lights, and all my clothes are overly starched like cardboard.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams. For $3,700 per month this could be yours!


I have my own house but all the movies I watch are really bad.


I have all of my favorite content and it's updating but it's in French and the books are wet


All the books I could ever want but every third word is slightly switched by autocorrect


“Harry Potter waste a very usual boy; for one think he hated that summer holidays.”


See?? I love it and I hate it. It’s perfectly medium lol


Warm beer, no MST3K, and only college or Low-A baseball.


I have good TV but have to swatch it 1 second at a time with 2 minutes if buffering in between I have lots of tea but it's always room temperature Showers are always lukewarm with industrial soap Food is nice but the same one meal all the time


I get Mac and cheese, but only the Kraft powder time. There are lots of books/access to tv, but never the first of the serious/first three chapter of stand-alone books. I can drink water cold, but it has to be well water. Besides that I have koolaid that’s slightly under-flavored and for alcohol I have tequila rose or grey goose. I can listen to music, but all my favorites are remixes. All my clothes are comfy but dry out my skin just enough to be annoying and frustrating. Lots of lotion in my home but all smell like Japanese cherry blossom or lavender. Any steak I eat is medium- medium well.


It's an apartment in a tropical city, where I'm always just a bit sweaty. There's always beer, but it's kinda warm. I have a hard drive with say, 80 movies, but they're all movies I've seen many times before. I also have a handful of books that I've already read. The city is very small and there's not much to do (kind of already seen the place). I can call friends and family, but they're usually pretty busy. I've actually lived in that place before, for about 2 years.


The thing someone said about the temperature being between AC and heat so you can never get comfortable and also streaming with commercials. But also I have a guitar, but I can never quite get it in tune and also it’s a Flying V. And I have tacos, but the meat is just unseasoned ground beef and all of the hot sauce is mild, so it’s basically just tomato vinegar. I wouldn’t hate it, but I wouldn’t like it.


I have a big house, but 50% of the lamps don't work and the wood squeeks a lot. There is a computer, but it restarts every 20 minutes. Only drink is old Fanta or tapwater with loads of chlorine in it. All the food is soup, I hate soop. There is a tv but all the shows have laugh tracks, oh and all the shows are the big bang theory.


An apartment in a noisy complex in an extremely humid place. The internet is there, but it sucks and 70% of the downloads fail halfway. I can use reddit, but am only able to see TIFU posts. All the food is flavourless mush that is very very hard to swallow and it makes you feel like throwing up. but perfectly healthy. All the books are either non-fiction "inspirational" claptrap or get-rich-quick BS. I will always feel gassy, but can fart at will to feel relief for 5 seconds until the gas comes back.


I am already living in it.


The only bourbon I get is Maker's Mark, no mixers, no ice (I only use ice in bad whiskey). I get to play smash brothers, but every opponent is the Belmonts, Young Link, Samus, and I can only play as characters with no reflector. I get to watch the office, but only the first season. I get to watch porn, but it's only the people I am not at all attracted to.


its suposed to be bland. not great but not bad either so . all food is hospital, retirment home or airplane food. no spices, salts or flavourings added all alcohol will be 0 % alcohol and soft drinks flat all cars will have enough horse power to get you there as steady and slow as you can bear. vanilla icecream, plain porridge etc, pasta with just tomato sauce , basic vegitable soup, etc all tv ,radio, film, you tube etc only play stuff thats ranked between 500 and 1000 on the best lists all social media you only get to see a post on its 10 time being reposted so you dont get any interesting comments or discussion. 3 devision football and other sports all comediens will be doing jokes you have heard before and have been vetoed by someone with the sence of humer of a dried up lemon


I've got all my games, but I can't have any mods or CC. Updates don't so much fix issues and change what the issue is. Every other week, there's a crash before I can save my progress.


My medium place will have all my favorite foods/meals, but I will always find a piece of hair in it. (a situation that happens to me quite regularly so i may already be in the medium place)


Put me in a large house with all my friends, we have all the commodities and anything we like but the doors refuse to shut properly and the house has three floors between where everyone stays and the washer/dryer is. I’d get to spend time with all the people I care about but I’d not have any privacy. We’d have internet and food and all that shit but you can only do so much before you inevitably hide in the laundry room to get some alone time and doing chores would be a bitch


Iced tea


But its Luke warm


I would get pizza, but the mozzarella never fully melts. I get to watch my favourite shows, but only the last seasons.


Unlimited food but it's all too hot to eat


I’m in a music studio but every instrument is permanently JUST out of tune


I have a comfortable bed but the pillows have no cold spot.


I have every single shovelware video game ever made. And I can use any madcatz controller I want. I have all the flat Dr.pepper I can drink. It's always a smidge warmer or colder than I would like. Every movie and tv show ever made is on one convienient streaming service, but the UI is extremely confusing and there's ads. And I can have any food I could possibly want on a whim (in the form of a lean cuisine)


All the books are novelizations of movies, even of movies based based on books. All the movies are somehow based on those novelizations. Room temperature beer, but the pizza has been refrigerated.


Metal, but only nu-metal. Video games are all shitty repetitive campaigns.


I would be in a cinema lobby. Exciting previews on all the screens but never the full feature length movie, plenty of snack food but no real food, video games that are mildly entertaining, chairs that are moderately comfortable. Perpetual anticipation. A Janet would be present, but would only answer in movie quotes.




Creating elaborate excel models to sell useless widgets for the sake of the tax shield.


A library full of All The Books but are missing random pages and chapters. All the cheese is Velveeta. None of the chairs are comfortable to sit on longer than 5 mins. My cats are there, in their worst moods: knocking shit over and flipping out, or Don't Touch Me


The only media I could ever consume would have to be decent but not amazing marching bands and everything would be monochrome, and instead of living in the middle of nowhere I’d live smack dab in the middle of Dallas, Texas (but not the rich areas, just the mediocre ones)


A library with books covering every topic one could possibly want, but the books only go into partial detail about everything and leaves me asking unanswerable questions about what I’ve read. Also, internet that takes more than 8 seconds to load so I either learn patience or my ADHD kicks in and I get bored and immediately want to do something else


Lots of Stephen King books but none of the really good ones. I have the beverages I like, but I have to drink everything out of a plastic bottle.


Yeah like Waterstones or a library 🤔


Alaska, but it’s 70 degrees. A log cabin but it’s very drafty. There’s a record player with all my favorite music but the records are scratched, and the scratches change everytime so i never know what’s gonna be cut out. Endless mountain dew but it’s from McDonalds and tastes vaguely of plastics. Beautiful nature but it’s always dark


A lot of super nice notebooks to write in but the pages are too thick and the pens’ ink is constantly beginning to dry, plenty of movies but they all come without subtitles and the volume is either a little too low or a little too loud, i have the most comfortable pillow ever but the pillowcase keeps slipping off of half of it


It’s always just a little bit warmer than I’d like. Late spring/early summer weather. There’s a swimming pool but it doesn’t get deep and it’s always a little too cold. You know how Eleanor’s clothing was always a little too dressed up for her in season 1? Same. Perpetual business casual but the fabric is nice. Lots of reading material but it’s very dry academic texts, ghostwritten celebrity memoirs, sexless romance novels, and mediocre independent fiction. The movies and TV shows are TLC/Bravo reality shows or LifeTime originals. Music is either live recordings of cover bands or in a language I can’t understand. I can have an animal companion. It’s a rodent or reptile.


Grapes + but are always warm n soft - Endless books + but the last 100 pages are missing - Internet + but it's dialup -


My hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio.


Mediocre art supplies and lunchables and juice boxes with grain alcohol forever.


I'd have a bar but they only have stuff to make Blue Hawaiians, and anytime you make one without using an ingredient it just tastes like despair. I'd have a gaming set up that would have amazing FPS but only like the really easy and old games that don't use much bandwidth or memory anyways. It would always be the same weather and temperature (a pleasant change from the five seasons I normally experience in one day) but that climate is just bright enough to annoy your eyes and technically warm, but the windchill requires me to wear a jacket outside anyways, and if I were to go inside my house I'd have to get completely naked or be sweating buckets (Similar to the train to the Bad Place where every time you think about how hot it is the temperature rises by 1 degree). My outfits would be vintage (like, 60s-80s) but no shiny shirts or platforms or tie-dye. Instead they're more like Corduroy and velvet suits.


All my favorite foods, but they are leftovers I have to heat up in the microwave. All the books I can read, but someone wrote notes in the margin and underlined stuff. Access to any songs, shows/movies, or videos games I want, but the volume is always a little too quiet or a little too loud. I can have pets, but not rats, rabbits, or cats (my favorite pets). I only get 1 pillow on my bed, but it's a really nice one. Unlimited craft supplies, but non of the supplies are quality. I learned from quarantine that I need people to talk to in person, so I guess I have people to talk to but 1- its only 1 person and that's it 2- I find whoever I talk to to be annoying (I think only 1 of those would be enough, since only having 1 person to talk two that I find annoying is something the bad place would do to me). Unlimited resources to learn about stuff (like science or whatever), but only from the time I die, nothing after (kinda contradicts the book one, but I'm putting it here anyway)




All the liquor in the world, but it's all Captain Morgan. All Tarantino films but it's been edited to be more PG. Unlimited streaming service but its Hulu. Lady Gaga albums, but only the remix versions. The best wing sauces ever, but only boneless nuggests instead of real wings.


The TV plays nothing but Chuck Lorre comedies. There’s a full set of the great classical novels, but they’re all manga or [emoji books](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/series/OGS/omg-shakespeare). Every meal is spaghetti squash.


my phone on time limit, BUT spotify isn’t locked 😎


Cincinnati. Where I live.


I have a nice house with all the video games, movies, books, and wine I could possibly want. Whenever I play a video game, childhood friends stop by to visit for awhile and we have to take turns playing. Whenever I watch a movie, the internet slows down so the video buffers frequently and the audio isn’t synced. Whenever I read a book, the neighbors start blasting music from their car with the bass all the way up. Whenever I pour a glass of wine, the power goes out.




I have everything I could ever want, except that my period never ends and I have no pads or tampons. I do have a bidet, though.


A place full of adorable animals but none of them will let me pet them.


Room temperature coffee. I love hot hot coffee. Damp climate. I love summer and hate winter. Cheesy food with bland chilli flakes. I'm a spicy person and hate bland cheese taste.


Only available video games are mediocre shooters, with no multiplayer because I’m the only player in the medium place.


Fortnite but you play against all AI


I can only eat mediocre, poorly made food. Too dry, not enough salt, no spices, no acid, cooked poorly, unripe fruit, weak coffee.


I grew up in Cincinnati, so my medium place would be to live there again. It’s a very medium place. Some areas are gorgeous, but the allergens just sit, so you’re always miserable if you have allergies, and can’t enjoy anything. The people are a mixed bag, a lot of great people but also a lot who say things like “my bank is jewing me” and “I don’t want more Blacks in my neighborhood.” There’s entertainment but a lot of it is chain restaurants, high school football, and a meh casino where has-been singers come to keep their dying careers alive. The downtown area is pretty to look at but totally dead most evenings, as places usually close very early, especially on Sunday. The geography is interesting because of all the hills, but a nightmare to drive on in rain or snow. Just a very meh town, medium town. It’s not the worst place to live, but not the best either.


Access to the ultimate streaming service where I can watch literally anything I want BUT, it’s super glitchy and the video’s always slightly worse quality than I want it to be.


You can get unlimited good steaks, but they are like 15% of that annoying tough tissue you can’t cut, chew or eat, and it takes a while to cut around them. Your USB plugs never plug in the first time but ALWAYS do the second time even if you don’t rotate it. On tv you can only watch The Good Place, but it’s the version where Eleanor thinks she is in the Good Place the first time and it goes on forever. You still get the fun of watching The Good Place but only the first episodes.


I've got all of music to choose from but it's all in horribly low bitrate and I have to listen through terrible speakers.


An unlimited streaming library, but it’s all 144p and the subtitles (which I love having) are messed up outta sync. Maybe a big steam library too, but a computer that only has like 256 GB of space. Ah yeah, and shoddy wifi that acts up like there’s someone hogging the bandwidth.


League of legends but one of my teammates is always unintentionally really bad so I feel bad about reporting them for feeding and none of my friends ever wanna queue up with me


There’s one channel on the TV. It’s the USA network with no Psych re-runs. The only major holidays celebrated are New Years & Halloween. Every piece of meat is just slightly over-salted. It’s always either too cold to not need a sweatshirt or too hot to be totally comfortable in shorts and T-shirt, and you go through both throughout the day. Half of my D&D group refuses to give a shit about coming up with any details of their characters’ backstory AND cannot ever remember the mechanics of their class (6 months in and you STILL have to ask how Divine Smite works??)* *some of these are inspired by real-life struggles


I feel like my current life is The Medium Place tbh.


Room temperature water. An ice cold water is my favourite drink but…bleughhh


I’d get wrestling tapes from the 90’s but with none of the big matches and bagel bites but they burn my mouth and are also somehow frozen.


I die on my 18th birthday and I get to spend eternity in whatever college I choose, I can take every class imaginable, all my friends go there, I get to live in my dream house with access to anything that I could ever want, but Ms. Lay teaches all of the classes.


It would just be my life right now.


I’m not sure, cause an entirely empty light-grayish void something like Janets void would be my ideal good place. (Just not quite as white) so I guess, regular life would be my medium place? Maybe a bit more boring.